/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: RequestCacheManager.cs Abstract: The class implements the app domain wide configuration for request cache aware clients Author: Alexei Vopilov 21-Dec-2002 Revision History: Jan 25 2004 - Changed the visibility of the class from public to internal, compressed unused logic. --*/ namespace System.Net.Cache { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Net.Configuration; using System.Configuration; /// Specifies app domain-wide default settings for request caching internal sealed class RequestCacheManager { private RequestCacheManager() {} private static volatile RequestCachingSectionInternal s_CacheConfigSettings; private static readonly RequestCacheBinding s_BypassCacheBinding = new RequestCacheBinding (null, null, new RequestCachePolicy(RequestCacheLevel.BypassCache)); private static volatile RequestCacheBinding s_DefaultGlobalBinding; private static volatile RequestCacheBinding s_DefaultHttpBinding; private static volatile RequestCacheBinding s_DefaultFtpBinding; // // ATN: the caller MUST use uri.Scheme as a parameter, otheriwse cannot do schme ref comparision // internal static RequestCacheBinding GetBinding(string internedScheme) { if (internedScheme == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("uriScheme"); if (s_CacheConfigSettings == null) LoadConfigSettings(); if(s_CacheConfigSettings.DisableAllCaching) return s_BypassCacheBinding; if (internedScheme.Length == 0) return s_DefaultGlobalBinding; if ((object)internedScheme == (object)Uri.UriSchemeHttp || (object)internedScheme == (object)Uri.UriSchemeHttps) return s_DefaultHttpBinding; if ((object)internedScheme == (object)Uri.UriSchemeFtp) return s_DefaultFtpBinding; return s_BypassCacheBinding; } internal static bool IsCachingEnabled { get { if (s_CacheConfigSettings == null) LoadConfigSettings(); return !s_CacheConfigSettings.DisableAllCaching; } } // internal static void SetBinding(string uriScheme, RequestCacheBinding binding) { if (uriScheme == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("uriScheme"); if (s_CacheConfigSettings == null) LoadConfigSettings(); if(s_CacheConfigSettings.DisableAllCaching) return; if (uriScheme.Length == 0) s_DefaultGlobalBinding = binding; else if (uriScheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp || uriScheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps) s_DefaultHttpBinding = binding; else if (uriScheme == Uri.UriSchemeFtp) s_DefaultFtpBinding = binding; } // private static void LoadConfigSettings() { // Any concurent access shall go here and block until we've grabbed the config settings lock (s_BypassCacheBinding) { if (s_CacheConfigSettings == null) { RequestCachingSectionInternal settings = RequestCachingSectionInternal.GetSection(); s_DefaultGlobalBinding = new RequestCacheBinding (settings.DefaultCache, settings.DefaultHttpValidator, settings.DefaultCachePolicy); s_DefaultHttpBinding = new RequestCacheBinding (settings.DefaultCache, settings.DefaultHttpValidator, settings.DefaultHttpCachePolicy); s_DefaultFtpBinding = new RequestCacheBinding (settings.DefaultCache, settings.DefaultFtpValidator, settings.DefaultFtpCachePolicy); s_CacheConfigSettings = settings; } } } } // // internal class RequestCacheBinding { private RequestCache m_RequestCache; private RequestCacheValidator m_CacheValidator; private RequestCachePolicy m_Policy; internal RequestCacheBinding (RequestCache requestCache, RequestCacheValidator cacheValidator, RequestCachePolicy policy) { m_RequestCache = requestCache; m_CacheValidator = cacheValidator; m_Policy = policy; } internal RequestCache Cache { get {return m_RequestCache;} } internal RequestCacheValidator Validator { get {return m_CacheValidator;} } internal RequestCachePolicy Policy { get {return m_Policy;} } } }