/* **************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A * copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If * you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to * dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. * * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. * * * ***************************************************************************/ // Enables instruction counting and displaying stats at process exit. // #define STATS using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Security; using Microsoft.Scripting.Runtime; using Microsoft.Scripting.Utils; namespace Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter { [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1815:OverrideEqualsAndOperatorEqualsOnValueTypes")] [DebuggerTypeProxy(typeof(InstructionArray.DebugView))] public struct InstructionArray { internal readonly int MaxStackDepth; internal readonly int MaxContinuationDepth; internal readonly Instruction[] Instructions; internal readonly object[] Objects; internal readonly RuntimeLabel[] Labels; // list of (instruction index, cookie) sorted by instruction index: internal readonly List> DebugCookies; internal InstructionArray(int maxStackDepth, int maxContinuationDepth, Instruction[] instructions, object[] objects, RuntimeLabel[] labels, List> debugCookies) { MaxStackDepth = maxStackDepth; MaxContinuationDepth = maxContinuationDepth; Instructions = instructions; DebugCookies = debugCookies; Objects = objects; Labels = labels; } internal int Length { get { return Instructions.Length; } } #region Debug View internal sealed class DebugView { private readonly InstructionArray _array; public DebugView(InstructionArray array) { _array = array; } [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.RootHidden)] public InstructionList.DebugView.InstructionView[]/*!*/ A0 { get { return InstructionList.DebugView.GetInstructionViews( _array.Instructions, _array.Objects, (index) => _array.Labels[index].Index, _array.DebugCookies ); } } } #endregion } [DebuggerTypeProxy(typeof(InstructionList.DebugView))] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1506:AvoidExcessiveClassCoupling")] public sealed class InstructionList { private readonly List _instructions = new List(); private List _objects; private int _currentStackDepth; private int _maxStackDepth; private int _currentContinuationsDepth; private int _maxContinuationDepth; private int _runtimeLabelCount; private List _labels; // list of (instruction index, cookie) sorted by instruction index: private List> _debugCookies = null; #region Debug View internal sealed class DebugView { private readonly InstructionList _list; public DebugView(InstructionList list) { _list = list; } [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.RootHidden)] public InstructionView[]/*!*/ A0 { get { return GetInstructionViews( _list._instructions, _list._objects, (index) => _list._labels[index].TargetIndex, _list._debugCookies ); } } internal static InstructionView[] GetInstructionViews(IList instructions, IList objects, Func labelIndexer, IList> debugCookies) { var result = new List(); int index = 0; int stackDepth = 0; int continuationsDepth = 0; var cookieEnumerator = (debugCookies != null ? debugCookies : new KeyValuePair[0]).GetEnumerator(); var hasCookie = cookieEnumerator.MoveNext(); for (int i = 0; i < instructions.Count; i++) { object cookie = null; while (hasCookie && cookieEnumerator.Current.Key == i) { cookie = cookieEnumerator.Current.Value; hasCookie = cookieEnumerator.MoveNext(); } int stackDiff = instructions[i].StackBalance; int contDiff = instructions[i].ContinuationsBalance; string name = instructions[i].ToDebugString(i, cookie, labelIndexer, objects); result.Add(new InstructionView(instructions[i], name, i, stackDepth, continuationsDepth)); index++; stackDepth += stackDiff; continuationsDepth += contDiff; } return result.ToArray(); } [DebuggerDisplay("{GetValue(),nq}", Name = "{GetName(),nq}", Type = "{GetDisplayType(), nq}")] internal struct InstructionView { private readonly int _index; private readonly int _stackDepth; private readonly int _continuationsDepth; private readonly string _name; private readonly Instruction _instruction; internal string GetName() { return _index.ToString() + (_continuationsDepth == 0 ? "" : " C(" + _continuationsDepth.ToString() + ")") + (_stackDepth == 0 ? "" : " S(" + _stackDepth.ToString() + ")"); } internal string GetValue() { return _name; } internal string GetDisplayType() { return _instruction.ContinuationsBalance.ToString() + "/" + _instruction.StackBalance.ToString(); } public InstructionView(Instruction instruction, string name, int index, int stackDepth, int continuationsDepth) { _instruction = instruction; _name = name; _index = index; _stackDepth = stackDepth; _continuationsDepth = continuationsDepth; } } } #endregion #region Core Emit Ops public void Emit(Instruction instruction) { _instructions.Add(instruction); UpdateStackDepth(instruction); } private void UpdateStackDepth(Instruction instruction) { Debug.Assert(instruction.ConsumedStack >= 0 && instruction.ProducedStack >= 0 && instruction.ConsumedContinuations >= 0 && instruction.ProducedContinuations >= 0); _currentStackDepth -= instruction.ConsumedStack; Debug.Assert(_currentStackDepth >= 0); _currentStackDepth += instruction.ProducedStack; if (_currentStackDepth > _maxStackDepth) { _maxStackDepth = _currentStackDepth; } _currentContinuationsDepth -= instruction.ConsumedContinuations; Debug.Assert(_currentContinuationsDepth >= 0); _currentContinuationsDepth += instruction.ProducedContinuations; if (_currentContinuationsDepth > _maxContinuationDepth) { _maxContinuationDepth = _currentContinuationsDepth; } } /// /// Attaches a cookie to the last emitted instruction. /// [Conditional("DEBUG")] public void SetDebugCookie(object cookie) { #if DEBUG if (_debugCookies == null) { _debugCookies = new List>(); } Debug.Assert(Count > 0); _debugCookies.Add(new KeyValuePair(Count - 1, cookie)); #endif } public int Count { get { return _instructions.Count; } } public int CurrentStackDepth { get { return _currentStackDepth; } } public int CurrentContinuationsDepth { get { return _currentContinuationsDepth; } } public int MaxStackDepth { get { return _maxStackDepth; } } internal Instruction GetInstruction(int index) { return _instructions[index]; } #if STATS private static Dictionary _executedInstructions = new Dictionary(); private static Dictionary> _instances = new Dictionary>(); static InstructionList() { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler((_, __) => { PerfTrack.DumpHistogram(_executedInstructions); Console.WriteLine("-- Total executed: {0}", _executedInstructions.Values.Aggregate(0, (sum, value) => sum + value)); Console.WriteLine("-----"); var referenced = new Dictionary(); int total = 0; foreach (var entry in _instances) { referenced[entry.Key] = entry.Value.Count; total += entry.Value.Count; } PerfTrack.DumpHistogram(referenced); Console.WriteLine("-- Total referenced: {0}", total); Console.WriteLine("-----"); }); } #endif public InstructionArray ToArray() { #if STATS lock (_executedInstructions) { _instructions.ForEach((instr) => { int value = 0; var name = instr.GetType().Name; _executedInstructions.TryGetValue(name, out value); _executedInstructions[name] = value + 1; Dictionary dict; if (!_instances.TryGetValue(name, out dict)) { _instances[name] = dict = new Dictionary(); } dict[instr] = true; }); } #endif return new InstructionArray( _maxStackDepth, _maxContinuationDepth, _instructions.ToArray(), (_objects != null) ? _objects.ToArray() : null, BuildRuntimeLabels(), _debugCookies ); } #endregion #region Stack Operations private const int PushIntMinCachedValue = -100; private const int PushIntMaxCachedValue = 100; private const int CachedObjectCount = 256; private static Instruction _null; private static Instruction _true; private static Instruction _false; private static Instruction[] _ints; private static Instruction[] _loadObjectCached; public void EmitLoad(object value) { EmitLoad(value, null); } public void EmitLoad(bool value) { if ((bool)value) { Emit(_true ?? (_true = new LoadObjectInstruction(value))); } else { Emit(_false ?? (_false = new LoadObjectInstruction(value))); } } public void EmitLoad(object value, Type type) { if (value == null) { Emit(_null ?? (_null = new LoadObjectInstruction(null))); return; } if (type == null || type.IsValueType()) { if (value is bool) { EmitLoad((bool)value); return; } if (value is int) { int i = (int)value; if (i >= PushIntMinCachedValue && i <= PushIntMaxCachedValue) { if (_ints == null) { _ints = new Instruction[PushIntMaxCachedValue - PushIntMinCachedValue + 1]; } i -= PushIntMinCachedValue; Emit(_ints[i] ?? (_ints[i] = new LoadObjectInstruction(value))); return; } } } if (_objects == null) { _objects = new List(); if (_loadObjectCached == null) { _loadObjectCached = new Instruction[CachedObjectCount]; } } if (_objects.Count < _loadObjectCached.Length) { uint index = (uint)_objects.Count; _objects.Add(value); Emit(_loadObjectCached[index] ?? (_loadObjectCached[index] = new LoadCachedObjectInstruction(index))); } else { Emit(new LoadObjectInstruction(value)); } } public void EmitDup() { Emit(DupInstruction.Instance); } public void EmitPop() { Emit(PopInstruction.Instance); } #endregion #region Locals internal void SwitchToBoxed(int index, int instructionIndex) { var instruction = _instructions[instructionIndex] as IBoxableInstruction; if (instruction != null) { var newInstruction = instruction.BoxIfIndexMatches(index); if (newInstruction != null) { _instructions[instructionIndex] = newInstruction; } } } private const int LocalInstrCacheSize = 64; private static Instruction[] _loadLocal; private static Instruction[] _loadLocalBoxed; private static Instruction[] _loadLocalFromClosure; private static Instruction[] _loadLocalFromClosureBoxed; private static Instruction[] _assignLocal; private static Instruction[] _storeLocal; private static Instruction[] _assignLocalBoxed; private static Instruction[] _storeLocalBoxed; private static Instruction[] _assignLocalToClosure; private static Instruction[] _initReference; private static Instruction[] _initImmutableRefBox; private static Instruction[] _parameterBox; private static Instruction[] _parameter; public void EmitLoadLocal(int index) { if (_loadLocal == null) { _loadLocal = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _loadLocal.Length) { Emit(_loadLocal[index] ?? (_loadLocal[index] = new LoadLocalInstruction(index))); } else { Emit(new LoadLocalInstruction(index)); } } public void EmitLoadLocalBoxed(int index) { Emit(LoadLocalBoxed(index)); } internal static Instruction LoadLocalBoxed(int index) { if (_loadLocalBoxed == null) { _loadLocalBoxed = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _loadLocalBoxed.Length) { return _loadLocalBoxed[index] ?? (_loadLocalBoxed[index] = new LoadLocalBoxedInstruction(index)); } else { return new LoadLocalBoxedInstruction(index); } } public void EmitLoadLocalFromClosure(int index) { if (_loadLocalFromClosure == null) { _loadLocalFromClosure = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _loadLocalFromClosure.Length) { Emit(_loadLocalFromClosure[index] ?? (_loadLocalFromClosure[index] = new LoadLocalFromClosureInstruction(index))); } else { Emit(new LoadLocalFromClosureInstruction(index)); } } public void EmitLoadLocalFromClosureBoxed(int index) { if (_loadLocalFromClosureBoxed == null) { _loadLocalFromClosureBoxed = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _loadLocalFromClosureBoxed.Length) { Emit(_loadLocalFromClosureBoxed[index] ?? (_loadLocalFromClosureBoxed[index] = new LoadLocalFromClosureBoxedInstruction(index))); } else { Emit(new LoadLocalFromClosureBoxedInstruction(index)); } } public void EmitAssignLocal(int index) { if (_assignLocal == null) { _assignLocal = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _assignLocal.Length) { Emit(_assignLocal[index] ?? (_assignLocal[index] = new AssignLocalInstruction(index))); } else { Emit(new AssignLocalInstruction(index)); } } public void EmitStoreLocal(int index) { if (_storeLocal == null) { _storeLocal = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _storeLocal.Length) { Emit(_storeLocal[index] ?? (_storeLocal[index] = new StoreLocalInstruction(index))); } else { Emit(new StoreLocalInstruction(index)); } } public void EmitAssignLocalBoxed(int index) { Emit(AssignLocalBoxed(index)); } internal static Instruction AssignLocalBoxed(int index) { if (_assignLocalBoxed == null) { _assignLocalBoxed = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _assignLocalBoxed.Length) { return _assignLocalBoxed[index] ?? (_assignLocalBoxed[index] = new AssignLocalBoxedInstruction(index)); } else { return new AssignLocalBoxedInstruction(index); } } public void EmitStoreLocalBoxed(int index) { Emit(StoreLocalBoxed(index)); } internal static Instruction StoreLocalBoxed(int index) { if (_storeLocalBoxed == null) { _storeLocalBoxed = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _storeLocalBoxed.Length) { return _storeLocalBoxed[index] ?? (_storeLocalBoxed[index] = new StoreLocalBoxedInstruction(index)); } else { return new StoreLocalBoxedInstruction(index); } } public void EmitAssignLocalToClosure(int index) { if (_assignLocalToClosure == null) { _assignLocalToClosure = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _assignLocalToClosure.Length) { Emit(_assignLocalToClosure[index] ?? (_assignLocalToClosure[index] = new AssignLocalToClosureInstruction(index))); } else { Emit(new AssignLocalToClosureInstruction(index)); } } public void EmitStoreLocalToClosure(int index) { EmitAssignLocalToClosure(index); EmitPop(); } public void EmitInitializeLocal(int index, Type type) { object value = ScriptingRuntimeHelpers.GetPrimitiveDefaultValue(type); if (value != null) { Emit(new InitializeLocalInstruction.ImmutableValue(index, value)); } else if (type.IsValueType()) { Emit(new InitializeLocalInstruction.MutableValue(index, type)); } else { Emit(InitReference(index)); } } internal void EmitInitializeParameter(int index) { Emit(Parameter(index)); } internal static Instruction Parameter(int index) { if (_parameter == null) { _parameter = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _parameter.Length) { return _parameter[index] ?? (_parameter[index] = new InitializeLocalInstruction.Parameter(index)); } return new InitializeLocalInstruction.Parameter(index); } internal static Instruction ParameterBox(int index) { if (_parameterBox == null) { _parameterBox = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _parameterBox.Length) { return _parameterBox[index] ?? (_parameterBox[index] = new InitializeLocalInstruction.ParameterBox(index)); } return new InitializeLocalInstruction.ParameterBox(index); } internal static Instruction InitReference(int index) { if (_initReference == null) { _initReference = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _initReference.Length) { return _initReference[index] ?? (_initReference[index] = new InitializeLocalInstruction.Reference(index)); } return new InitializeLocalInstruction.Reference(index); } internal static Instruction InitImmutableRefBox(int index) { if (_initImmutableRefBox == null) { _initImmutableRefBox = new Instruction[LocalInstrCacheSize]; } if (index < _initImmutableRefBox.Length) { return _initImmutableRefBox[index] ?? (_initImmutableRefBox[index] = new InitializeLocalInstruction.ImmutableBox(index, null)); } return new InitializeLocalInstruction.ImmutableBox(index, null); } public void EmitNewRuntimeVariables(int count) { Emit(new RuntimeVariablesInstruction(count)); } #endregion #region Array Operations public void EmitGetArrayItem(Type arrayType) { Type elementType = arrayType.GetElementType(); if (elementType.IsClass() || elementType.IsInterface()) { Emit(InstructionFactory.Factory.GetArrayItem()); } else { Emit(InstructionFactory.GetFactory(elementType).GetArrayItem()); } } public void EmitSetArrayItem(Type arrayType) { Type elementType = arrayType.GetElementType(); if (elementType.IsClass() || elementType.IsInterface()) { Emit(InstructionFactory.Factory.SetArrayItem()); } else { Emit(InstructionFactory.GetFactory(elementType).SetArrayItem()); } } public void EmitNewArray(Type elementType) { Emit(InstructionFactory.GetFactory(elementType).NewArray()); } public void EmitNewArrayBounds(Type elementType, int rank) { Emit(new NewArrayBoundsInstruction(elementType, rank)); } public void EmitNewArrayInit(Type elementType, int elementCount) { Emit(InstructionFactory.GetFactory(elementType).NewArrayInit(elementCount)); } #endregion #region Arithmetic Operations public void EmitAdd(Type type, bool @checked) { if (@checked) { Emit(AddOvfInstruction.Create(type)); } else { Emit(AddInstruction.Create(type)); } } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] public void EmitSub(Type type, bool @checked) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] public void EmitMul(Type type, bool @checked) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public void EmitDiv(Type type) { Emit(DivInstruction.Create(type)); } #endregion #region Comparisons public void EmitEqual(Type type) { Emit(EqualInstruction.Create(type)); } public void EmitNotEqual(Type type) { Emit(NotEqualInstruction.Create(type)); } public void EmitLessThan(Type type) { Emit(LessThanInstruction.Create(type)); } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] public void EmitLessThanOrEqual(Type type) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public void EmitGreaterThan(Type type) { Emit(GreaterThanInstruction.Create(type)); } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] public void EmitGreaterThanOrEqual(Type type) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } #endregion #region Conversions public void EmitNumericConvertChecked(TypeCode from, TypeCode to) { Emit(new NumericConvertInstruction.Checked(from, to)); } public void EmitNumericConvertUnchecked(TypeCode from, TypeCode to) { Emit(new NumericConvertInstruction.Unchecked(from, to)); } #endregion #region Boolean Operators public void EmitNot() { Emit(NotInstruction.Instance); } #endregion #region Types public void EmitDefaultValue(Type type) { Emit(InstructionFactory.GetFactory(type).DefaultValue()); } public void EmitNew(ConstructorInfo constructorInfo) { Emit(new NewInstruction(constructorInfo)); } internal void EmitCreateDelegate(LightDelegateCreator creator) { Emit(new CreateDelegateInstruction(creator)); } public void EmitTypeEquals() { Emit(TypeEqualsInstruction.Instance); } public void EmitTypeIs(Type type) { Emit(InstructionFactory.GetFactory(type).TypeIs()); } public void EmitTypeAs(Type type) { Emit(InstructionFactory.GetFactory(type).TypeAs()); } #endregion #region Fields and Methods private static readonly Dictionary _loadFields = new Dictionary(); public void EmitLoadField(FieldInfo field) { Emit(GetLoadField(field)); } private Instruction GetLoadField(FieldInfo field) { lock (_loadFields) { Instruction instruction; if (!_loadFields.TryGetValue(field, out instruction)) { if (field.IsStatic) { instruction = new LoadStaticFieldInstruction(field); } else { instruction = new LoadFieldInstruction(field); } _loadFields.Add(field, instruction); } return instruction; } } public void EmitStoreField(FieldInfo field) { if (field.IsStatic) { Emit(new StoreStaticFieldInstruction(field)); } else { Emit(new StoreFieldInstruction(field)); } } #endregion #region Dynamic public void EmitDynamic(Type type, CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(CreateDynamicInstruction(type, binder)); } #region Generated Dynamic InstructionList Factory // *** BEGIN GENERATED CODE *** // generated by function: gen_instructionlist_factory from: generate_dynamic_instructions.py public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } public void EmitDynamic(CallSiteBinder binder) { Emit(DynamicInstruction.Factory(binder)); } // *** END GENERATED CODE *** #endregion private static Dictionary> _factories = new Dictionary>(); /// Instruction can't be created due to insufficient privileges. internal static Instruction CreateDynamicInstruction(Type delegateType, CallSiteBinder binder) { Func factory; lock (_factories) { if (!_factories.TryGetValue(delegateType, out factory)) { if (delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke").ReturnType == typeof(void)) { // TODO: We should generally support void returning binders but the only // ones that exist are delete index/member who's perf isn't that critical. return new DynamicInstructionN(delegateType, CallSite.Create(delegateType, binder), true); } Type instructionType = DynamicInstructionN.GetDynamicInstructionType(delegateType); if (instructionType == null) { return new DynamicInstructionN(delegateType, CallSite.Create(delegateType, binder)); } factory = (Func)instructionType.GetMethod("Factory").CreateDelegate(typeof(Func)); _factories[delegateType] = factory; } } return factory(binder); } #endregion #region Control Flow private static readonly RuntimeLabel[] EmptyRuntimeLabels = new RuntimeLabel[] { new RuntimeLabel(Interpreter.RethrowOnReturn, 0, 0) }; private RuntimeLabel[] BuildRuntimeLabels() { if (_runtimeLabelCount == 0) { return EmptyRuntimeLabels; } var result = new RuntimeLabel[_runtimeLabelCount + 1]; foreach (BranchLabel label in _labels) { if (label.HasRuntimeLabel) { result[label.LabelIndex] = label.ToRuntimeLabel(); } } // "return and rethrow" label: result[result.Length - 1] = new RuntimeLabel(Interpreter.RethrowOnReturn, 0, 0); return result; } public BranchLabel MakeLabel() { if (_labels == null) { _labels = new List(); } var label = new BranchLabel(); _labels.Add(label); return label; } internal void FixupBranch(int branchIndex, int offset) { _instructions[branchIndex] = ((OffsetInstruction)_instructions[branchIndex]).Fixup(offset); } private int EnsureLabelIndex(BranchLabel label) { if (label.HasRuntimeLabel) { return label.LabelIndex; } label.LabelIndex = _runtimeLabelCount; _runtimeLabelCount++; return label.LabelIndex; } public int MarkRuntimeLabel() { BranchLabel handlerLabel = MakeLabel(); MarkLabel(handlerLabel); return EnsureLabelIndex(handlerLabel); } public void MarkLabel(BranchLabel label) { label.Mark(this); } public void EmitGoto(BranchLabel label, bool hasResult, bool hasValue) { Emit(GotoInstruction.Create(EnsureLabelIndex(label), hasResult, hasValue)); } private void EmitBranch(OffsetInstruction instruction, BranchLabel label) { Emit(instruction); label.AddBranch(this, Count - 1); } public void EmitBranch(BranchLabel label) { EmitBranch(new BranchInstruction(), label); } public void EmitBranch(BranchLabel label, bool hasResult, bool hasValue) { EmitBranch(new BranchInstruction(hasResult, hasValue), label); } public void EmitCoalescingBranch(BranchLabel leftNotNull) { EmitBranch(new CoalescingBranchInstruction(), leftNotNull); } public void EmitBranchTrue(BranchLabel elseLabel) { EmitBranch(new BranchTrueInstruction(), elseLabel); } public void EmitBranchFalse(BranchLabel elseLabel) { EmitBranch(new BranchFalseInstruction(), elseLabel); } public void EmitThrow() { Emit(ThrowInstruction.Throw); } public void EmitThrowVoid() { Emit(ThrowInstruction.VoidThrow); } public void EmitRethrow() { Emit(ThrowInstruction.Rethrow); } public void EmitRethrowVoid() { Emit(ThrowInstruction.VoidRethrow); } public void EmitEnterTryFinally(BranchLabel finallyStartLabel) { Emit(EnterTryFinallyInstruction.Create(EnsureLabelIndex(finallyStartLabel))); } public void EmitEnterFinally() { Emit(EnterFinallyInstruction.Instance); } public void EmitLeaveFinally() { Emit(LeaveFinallyInstruction.Instance); } public void EmitLeaveFault(bool hasValue) { Emit(hasValue ? LeaveFaultInstruction.NonVoid : LeaveFaultInstruction.Void); } public void EmitEnterExceptionHandlerNonVoid() { Emit(EnterExceptionHandlerInstruction.NonVoid); } public void EmitEnterExceptionHandlerVoid() { Emit(EnterExceptionHandlerInstruction.Void); } public void EmitLeaveExceptionHandler(bool hasValue, BranchLabel tryExpressionEndLabel) { Emit(LeaveExceptionHandlerInstruction.Create(EnsureLabelIndex(tryExpressionEndLabel), hasValue)); } public void EmitSwitch(Dictionary cases) { Emit(new SwitchInstruction(cases)); } #endregion } }