// // System.Reflection.BinderTests - Tests Type.DefaultBinder // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (c) 2004 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; namespace MonoTests.System.Reflection { enum MyEnum { Zero, One, Two } class SampleClass { public static void SampleMethod (object o) { } public Type this[decimal i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[object i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } } class SingleIndexer { public Type this [int i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } } class MultiIndexer { public Type this[byte i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[sbyte i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[short i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[ushort i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[int i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[uint i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[long i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[ulong i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[float i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[double i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[decimal i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[object i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } public Type this[Enum i] { get { return i.GetType (); } } } [TestFixture] public class BinderTest { Binder binder = Type.DefaultBinder; [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void SelectPropertyTestNull1 () { // The second argument is the one binder.SelectProperty (0, null, null, null, null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void SelectPropertyTestEmpty () { // The second argument is the one binder.SelectProperty (0, new PropertyInfo [] {}, null, null, null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (AmbiguousMatchException))] public void AmbiguousProperty1 () // Bug 58381 { Type type = typeof (MultiIndexer); PropertyInfo pi = type.GetProperty ("Item"); } [Test] public void SelectAndInvokeAllProperties1 () { Type type = typeof (MultiIndexer); PropertyInfo [] props = type.GetProperties (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); // These don't cause an AmbiguousMatchException Type [] types = { typeof (byte), typeof (short), typeof (int), typeof (long), typeof (MyEnum) }; /* MS matches short for sbyte!!! */ /* MS matches int for ushort!!! */ /* MS matches long for uint!!! */ /** These do weird things under MS if used together and then in separate arrays * Type [] types = { typeof (ulong), typeof (float), typeof (double), typeof (decimal), typeof (object) }; */ MultiIndexer obj = new MultiIndexer (); foreach (Type t in types) { PropertyInfo prop = null; try { prop = binder.SelectProperty (0, props, null, new Type [] {t}, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception ("Type: " + t, e); } Type gotten = (Type) prop.GetValue (obj, new object [] {Activator.CreateInstance (t)}); Assert.AreEqual (t, gotten); } } [Test] public void SelectAndInvokeAllProperties2 () { Type type = typeof (MultiIndexer); PropertyInfo [] props = type.GetProperties (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); Type [] types = { typeof (ushort), typeof (char) }; MultiIndexer obj = new MultiIndexer (); PropertyInfo prop1 = binder.SelectProperty (0, props, null, new Type [] {types [0]}, null); PropertyInfo prop2 = binder.SelectProperty (0, props, null, new Type [] {types [1]}, null); Assert.AreEqual (prop1, prop2); } [Test] public void Select1Match2 () { Type type = typeof (SingleIndexer); PropertyInfo [] props = type.GetProperties (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); PropertyInfo prop = binder.SelectProperty (0, props, null, new Type [0], null); Assert.IsNull (prop, "empty"); } [Test] public void Select1Match () { Type type = typeof (SingleIndexer); PropertyInfo [] props = type.GetProperties (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); PropertyInfo prop; prop = binder.SelectProperty (0, props, null, new Type [] { typeof (long) }, null); Assert.IsNull (prop, "long"); prop = binder.SelectProperty (0, props, null, new Type [] { typeof (int) }, null); Assert.IsNotNull (prop, "int"); prop = binder.SelectProperty (0, props, null, new Type [] { typeof (short) }, null); Assert.IsNotNull (prop, "short"); } [Test] public void ArgNullOnMethod () // see bug 58846. We throwed nullref here. { Type type = typeof (SampleClass); BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod; type.InvokeMember ("SampleMethod", flags, null, null, new object[] { null }); } [Test] public void ArgNullOnProperty () { Type type = typeof (SampleClass); PropertyInfo [] props = type.GetProperties (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); PropertyInfo prop = binder.SelectProperty (0, props, null, new Type [] {null}, null); Assert.IsNotNull (prop); } [Test] // bug #41691 public void BindToMethodNamedArgs () { Type t = typeof (Bug41691); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); sw.NewLine = "\n"; object[] argValues = new object [] {"Hello", "World", "Extra", sw}; string [] argNames = new string [] {"firstName", "lastName"}; t.InvokeMember ("PrintName", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, argValues, null, null, argNames); Assert.AreEqual ("Hello\nExtra\nWorld\n", sw.ToString ()); } public class Bug41691 { public static void PrintName (string lastName, string firstName, string extra, TextWriter output) { output.WriteLine (firstName); output.WriteLine (extra); output.WriteLine (lastName); } } [Test] // bug #42457 public void GetMethodAmbiguity () { object IntegerObject = 5; object IntArrayObject = new int[] {5, 2, 5}; object StringArrayObject = new string [] {"One", "Two"}; object [] IntParam = new object [] {IntegerObject}; object [] IntArrayParam = new object [] {IntArrayObject}; object [] StringArrayParam = new object [] {StringArrayObject}; object be = this; Type betype = this.GetType (); string name1 = "Bug42457Method"; string name2 = "Bug42457Method2"; MethodInfo mi_obj = betype.GetMethod (name1, Type.GetTypeArray (IntParam)); mi_obj.Invoke (be, IntParam); Assert.AreEqual (1, bug42457, "#1"); MethodInfo mi_arr = betype.GetMethod (name1, Type.GetTypeArray (IntArrayParam)); mi_arr.Invoke (be, IntArrayParam); Assert.AreEqual (2, bug42457, "#2"); MethodInfo mi_str = betype.GetMethod (name1, Type.GetTypeArray (StringArrayParam)); mi_str.Invoke (be, StringArrayParam); Assert.AreEqual (3, bug42457, "#3"); MethodInfo m2_obj = betype.GetMethod (name2, Type.GetTypeArray (IntParam)); m2_obj.Invoke (be, IntParam); Assert.AreEqual (1, bug42457_2, "#4"); MethodInfo m2_arr = betype.GetMethod (name2, Type.GetTypeArray (IntArrayParam)); m2_arr.Invoke (be, IntArrayParam); Assert.AreEqual (2, bug42457_2, "#5"); MethodInfo m2_str = betype.GetMethod (name2, Type.GetTypeArray(StringArrayParam)); m2_str.Invoke (be, StringArrayParam); Assert.AreEqual (3, bug42457_2, "#6"); } public void Bug42457Method (object thing) { bug42457 = 1; } public void Bug42457Method (Array thing) { bug42457 = 2; } public void Bug42457Method (string [] thing) { bug42457 = 3; } public void Bug42457Method2 (object thing) { bug42457_2 = 1; } public void Bug42457Method2 (Array thing) { bug42457_2 = 2; } public void Bug42457Method2 (string [] thing) { bug42457_2 = 3; } int bug42457, bug42457_2; [Test] // bug #77079 public void GetMethodAvoidAmbiguity2 () { Type tType = this.GetType (); Bug77079A a = new Bug77079C (); tType.InvokeMember ("Bug77079", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Instance, null, this, new object[] {a}); Assert.AreEqual (2, bug77079); } int bug77079; public void Bug77079 (Bug77079A a) { bug77079 = 1; } public void Bug77079 (Bug77079B a) { bug77079 = 2; } public class Bug77079A { } public class Bug77079B : Bug77079A { } public class Bug77079C : Bug77079B { } } }