// FileInfoTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for System.IO.FileInfo class // // Ville Palo (vi64pa@koti.soon.fi) // // (C) 2003 Ville Palo // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.IO; namespace MonoTests.System.IO { [TestFixture] public class FileInfoTest : Assertion { string TempFolder = Path.Combine (Path.GetTempPath (), "MonoTests.System.IO.Tests"); static readonly char DSC = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; [SetUp] protected void SetUp() { if (Directory.Exists (TempFolder)) Directory.Delete (TempFolder, true); Directory.CreateDirectory (TempFolder); } [TearDown] protected void TearDown() { if (Directory.Exists (TempFolder)) Directory.Delete (TempFolder, true); } [Test] public void Ctr () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.Ctr.Test"; DeleteFile (path); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#01", true, info.DirectoryName.EndsWith (".Tests")); AssertEquals ("test#02", false, info.Exists); AssertEquals ("test#03", ".Test", info.Extension); AssertEquals ("test#05", "FIT.Ctr.Test", info.Name); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] public void CtorArgumentNullException () { FileInfo info = new FileInfo (null); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void CtorArgumentException1 () { FileInfo info = new FileInfo (""); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void CtorArgumentException2 () { FileInfo info = new FileInfo (" "); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void CtorArgumentException3 () { string path = ""; foreach (char c in Path.InvalidPathChars) { path += c; } FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); } [Test] public void DirectoryTest () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.Directory.Test"; DeleteFile (path); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); DirectoryInfo dir = info.Directory; AssertEquals ("test#01", "MonoTests.System.IO.Tests", dir.Name); } [Test] public void Exists () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.Exists.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#01", false, info.Exists); File.Create (path).Close (); AssertEquals ("test#02", false, info.Exists); info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#03", true, info.Exists); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } #if NET_2_0 [Test, Category ("NotWorking")] public void IsReadOnly () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.IsReadOnly.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { FileStream stream = File.Create (path); stream.WriteByte (12); stream.Close (); FileInfo info1 = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#01", false, info1.IsReadOnly); FileInfo info2 = new FileInfo (path); info2.IsReadOnly = true; AssertEquals ("test#02", true, info1.IsReadOnly); FileInfo info3 = new FileInfo (path); info2.IsReadOnly = false; AssertEquals ("test#03", false, info1.IsReadOnly); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } #endif [Test] public void Length () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.Length.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { FileStream stream = File.Create (path); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#01", 0, info.Length); stream.WriteByte (12); stream.Flush (); AssertEquals ("test#02", 0, info.Length); info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#03", 1, info.Length); stream.Close (); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (FileNotFoundException))] public void LengthException () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.LengthException.Test"; DeleteFile (path); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); long l = info.Length; } [Test] public void AppendText () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.AppendText.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#01", false, info.Exists); StreamWriter writer = info.AppendText (); info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#02", true, info.Exists ); writer.Write ("aaa"); writer.Flush (); writer.Close (); AssertEquals ("test#03", 0, info.Length); info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#04", 3, info.Length); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] public void CopyTo () { string path1 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyTo.Source.Test"; string path2 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyTo.Dest.Test"; DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); try { File.Create (path1).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path1); AssertEquals ("test#01", true, info.Exists); FileInfo info2 = info.CopyTo (path2); info = new FileInfo (path1); AssertEquals ("test#02", true, info2.Exists); } finally { DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); } } [Test] public void CopyTo2 () { string path1 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyTo2.Source.Test"; string path2 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyTo2.Dest.Test"; DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); try { File.Create (path1).Close (); File.Create (path2).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path1); FileInfo info2 = info.CopyTo (path2, true); info = new FileInfo (path1); AssertEquals ("test#01", true, info.Exists); AssertEquals ("test#02", true, info2.Exists); } finally { DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (IOException))] public void CopyToIOException () { string path1 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyToException.Source.Test"; string path2 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyToException.Dest.Test"; try { DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); File.Create (path1).Close (); File.Create (path2).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path1); FileInfo info2 = info.CopyTo (path2); } finally { DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (IOException))] public void CopyToIOException2 () { string path1 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyToException.Source.Test"; string path2 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyToException.Dest.Test"; try { DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); File.Create (path1).Close (); File.Create (path2).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path1); FileInfo info2 = info.CopyTo (path2, false); } finally { DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void CopyToArgumentNullException () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyToArgumentNullException.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { File.Create (path).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.CopyTo (null, false); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void CopyToArgumentException1 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyToArgument1Exception.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { File.Create (path).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.CopyTo ("", false); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void CopyToArgumentException2 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyToArgument2Exception.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { File.Create (path).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.CopyTo (" ", false); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void CopyToArgumentException3 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyToArgument3Exception.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { File.Create (path).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.CopyTo (" ", false); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void CopyToArgumentException4 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CopyToArgument4Exception.Test"; string path2 = ""; DeleteFile (path); try { File.Create (path).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); foreach (char c in Path.InvalidPathChars) { path2 += c; } info.CopyTo (path2, false); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] public void Create () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.Create.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#01", false, info.Exists); FileStream stream = info.Create (); AssertEquals ("test#02", false, info.Exists); info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#03", true, info.Exists); AssertEquals ("test#04", true, stream.CanRead); AssertEquals ("test#05", true, stream.CanWrite); AssertEquals ("test#06", true, stream.CanSeek); stream.Close (); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] public void CreateText () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.CreateText.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#01", false, info.Exists); StreamWriter writer = info.CreateText (); writer.WriteLine ("test"); writer.Close (); info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#02", true, info.Exists); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UnauthorizedAccessException))] public void CreateTextUnauthorizedAccessException () { string path = TempFolder; FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#01", false, info.Exists); StreamWriter writer = info.CreateText (); } [Test] public void Delete () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.Delete.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#01", false, info.Exists); info.Create ().Close (); info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#02", true, info.Exists); info.Delete (); AssertEquals ("test#03", true, info.Exists); info = new FileInfo (path); AssertEquals ("test#04", false, info.Exists); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (UnauthorizedAccessException))] public void DeleteUnauthorizedAccessException () { string path = TempFolder; FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.Delete (); } [Test] public void MoveTo () { string path1 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.MoveTo.Source.Test"; string path2 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.MoveTo.Dest.Test"; DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); try { File.Create (path1).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path1); FileInfo info2 = new FileInfo (path2); AssertEquals ("test#01", false, info2.Exists); info.MoveTo (path2); info2 = new FileInfo (path2); AssertEquals ("test#02", true, info2.Exists); } finally { DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (IOException))] public void MoveToIOException () { string path1 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.MoveToIOException.Source.Test"; string path2 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.MoveToIOException.Dest.Test"; DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); try { File.Create (path1).Close (); File.Create (path2).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path1); info.MoveTo (path2); } finally { DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void MoveToArgumentNullException () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.MoveToArgumentNullException.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { File.Create (path).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.MoveTo (null); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void MoveToArgumentException () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.MoveToArgumentException.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { File.Create (path).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.MoveTo (" "); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } /// /// msdn says this should throw UnauthorizedAccessException, byt /// it throws IOException. /// [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (IOException))] public void MoveToUnauthorizedAccessException () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.UnauthorizedAccessException.Test"; DeleteFile (path); try { File.Create (path).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.MoveTo (TempFolder); } finally { DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (FileNotFoundException))] public void MoveToFileNotFoundException () { string path1 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.MoveToFileNotFoundException.Src"; string path2 = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.MoveToFileNotFoundException.Dst"; DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); try { FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path1); info.MoveTo (path2); } finally { DeleteFile (path1); DeleteFile (path2); } } [Test] public void Open () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.Open.Test"; DeleteFile (path); FileStream stream = null; try { FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); stream = info.Open (FileMode.CreateNew); AssertEquals ("test#01", true, stream.CanRead); AssertEquals ("test#02", true, stream.CanSeek); AssertEquals ("test#03", true, stream.CanWrite); stream.Close (); stream = info.Open (FileMode.Open); AssertEquals ("test#04", true, stream.CanRead); AssertEquals ("test#05", true, stream.CanSeek); AssertEquals ("test#06", true, stream.CanWrite); stream.Close (); stream = info.Open (FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); AssertEquals ("test#07", false, stream.CanRead); AssertEquals ("test#08", true, stream.CanSeek); AssertEquals ("test#09", true, stream.CanWrite); stream.Close (); stream = info.Open (FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite); AssertEquals ("test#10", true, stream.CanRead); AssertEquals ("test#11", true, stream.CanSeek); AssertEquals ("test#12", true, stream.CanWrite); stream.Close (); } finally { if (stream != null) stream.Close (); DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(FileNotFoundException))] public void OpenFileNotFoundException () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.OpenFileNotFoundException.Test"; DeleteFile (path); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.Open (FileMode.Open); } [Test] public void OpenRead () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.OpenRead.Test"; DeleteFile (path); FileStream stream = null; try { File.Create (path).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); stream = info.OpenRead (); AssertEquals ("test#01", true, stream.CanRead); AssertEquals ("test#02", true, stream.CanSeek); AssertEquals ("test#03", false, stream.CanWrite); stream.Close (); } finally { if (stream != null) stream.Close (); DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof (IOException))] public void OpenReadIOException () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.OpenReadIOException.Test"; DeleteFile (path); FileStream stream = null; try { stream = File.Create (path); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.OpenRead (); } finally { if (stream != null) stream.Close (); DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof (UnauthorizedAccessException))] public void OpenReadUnauthorizedAccessException () { string path = TempFolder; FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.OpenRead (); } [Test] public void OpenText () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.OpenText.Test"; DeleteFile (path); StreamReader reader = null; try { File.Create (path).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); reader = info.OpenText (); AssertEquals ("test#01", -1, reader.Peek ()); } finally { if (reader != null) reader.Close (); DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof (FileNotFoundException))] public void OpenTextFileNotFoundException () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.OpenTextFileNotFoundException.Test"; DeleteFile (path); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.OpenText (); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof (UnauthorizedAccessException))] public void OpenTextUnauthorizedAccessException () { string path = TempFolder; FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.OpenText (); } [Test] public void OpenWrite () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "FIT.OpenWrite.Test"; DeleteFile (path); FileStream stream = null; try { File.Create (path).Close (); FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); stream = info.OpenWrite (); AssertEquals ("test#01", false, stream.CanRead); AssertEquals ("test#02", true, stream.CanSeek); AssertEquals ("test#03", true, stream.CanWrite); } finally { if (stream != null) stream.Close (); DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof (UnauthorizedAccessException))] public void OpenWriteUnauthorizedAccessException () { string path = TempFolder; FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path); info.OpenWrite (); } private void DeleteFile (string path) { if (File.Exists (path)) File.Delete (path); } [Test] public void ToStringVariety () { AssertEquals ("foo", new FileInfo ("foo").ToString ()); AssertEquals ("c:/foo", new FileInfo ("c:/foo").ToString ()); AssertEquals ("/usr/local/foo", new FileInfo ("/usr/local/foo").ToString ()); AssertEquals ("c:\\foo", new FileInfo ("c:\\foo").ToString ()); AssertEquals ("/usr/local\\foo", new FileInfo ("/usr/local\\foo").ToString ()); AssertEquals ("foo/BAR/baz", new FileInfo ("foo/BAR/baz").ToString ()); AssertEquals ("c:/documents and settings", new FileInfo ("c:/documents and settings").ToString ()); AssertEquals ("c:/docUme~1", new FileInfo ("c:/docUme~1").ToString ()); } } }