// // System.IO.Directory // // Authors: // Ville Palo (vi64pa@kolumbus.fi) // // (C) 2003 Ville Palo // // TODO: Find out why ArgumentOutOfRange tests does not release directories properly // using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.IO { [TestFixture] public class DirectoryTest { string TempFolder = Path.Combine (Path.GetTempPath (), "MonoTests.System.IO.Tests"); static readonly char DSC = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; [SetUp] public void SetUp () { if (!Directory.Exists (TempFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory (TempFolder); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo ("en-US"); } [TearDown] public void TearDown () { if (Directory.Exists (TempFolder)) Directory.Delete (TempFolder, true); } [Test] public void CreateDirectory () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.1"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { DirectoryInfo info = Directory.CreateDirectory (path); Assert.IsTrue (info.Exists, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (".1", info.Extension, "#2"); Assert.IsTrue (info.FullName.EndsWith ("DirectoryTest.Test.1"), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("DirectoryTest.Test.1", info.Name, "#4"); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] public void CreateDirectoryNotSupportedException () { DeleteDirectory (":"); try { DirectoryInfo info = Directory.CreateDirectory (":"); Assert.Fail (); } catch (ArgumentException) { } DeleteDirectory (":"); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] public void CreateDirectoryArgumentNullException () { DirectoryInfo info = Directory.CreateDirectory (null as string); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void CreateDirectoryArgumentException1 () { DirectoryInfo info = Directory.CreateDirectory (""); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void CreateDirectoryArgumentException2 () { DirectoryInfo info = Directory.CreateDirectory (" "); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void CreateDirectoryArgumentException3 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { path += '\x00'; path += ".2"; DirectoryInfo info = Directory.CreateDirectory (path); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] public void CreateDirectoryAlreadyExists () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.Exists"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { DirectoryInfo info1 = Directory.CreateDirectory (path); DirectoryInfo info2 = Directory.CreateDirectory (path); Assert.IsTrue (info2.Exists, "#1"); Assert.IsTrue (info2.FullName.EndsWith ("DirectoryTest.Test.Exists"), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("DirectoryTest.Test.Exists", info2.Name, "#3"); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] public void CreateDirectoryAlreadyExistsAsFile () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.ExistsAsFile"; DeleteDirectory (path); DeleteFile (path); try { FileStream fstream = File.Create (path); fstream.Close(); DirectoryInfo dinfo = Directory.CreateDirectory (path); #if NET_2_0 Assert.Fail ("#1"); } catch (IOException ex) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof (IOException), ex.GetType (), "#2"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#3"); Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#4"); #else Assert.IsFalse (dinfo.Exists, "#2"); Assert.IsTrue (dinfo.FullName.EndsWith ("DirectoryTest.Test.ExistsAsFile"), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("DirectoryTest.Test.ExistsAsFile", dinfo.Name, "#4"); #endif } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); DeleteFile (path); } } [Test] public void Delete () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.Delete.1"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (path); Assert.IsTrue (Directory.Exists (path), "#1"); Directory.CreateDirectory (path + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.Delete.1.2"); Assert.IsTrue (Directory.Exists (path + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.Delete.1.2"), "#2"); Directory.Delete (path + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.Delete.1.2"); Assert.IsFalse (Directory.Exists (path + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.Delete.1.2"), "#3"); Assert.IsTrue (Directory.Exists (path), "#4"); Directory.Delete (path); Assert.IsFalse (Directory.Exists (path + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.Delete.1.2"), "#5"); Assert.IsFalse (Directory.Exists (path), "#6"); Directory.CreateDirectory (path); Directory.CreateDirectory (path + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.Delete.1.2"); Assert.IsTrue (Directory.Exists (path + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.Delete.1.2"), "#7"); Assert.IsTrue (Directory.Exists (path), "#8"); Directory.Delete (path, true); Assert.IsFalse (Directory.Exists (path + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.Delete.1.2"), "#9"); Assert.IsFalse (Directory.Exists (path), "#10"); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void DeleteArgumentException () { Directory.Delete (""); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void DeleteArgumentException2 () { Directory.Delete (" "); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void DeleteArgumentException3 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.4"; DeleteDirectory (path); path += Path.InvalidPathChars [0]; Directory.Delete (path); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] public void DeleteArgumentNullException () { Directory.Delete (null as string); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(DirectoryNotFoundException))] public void DeleteDirectoryNotFoundException () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.5"; DeleteDirectory (path); Directory.Delete (path); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(IOException))] public void DeleteArgumentException4 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.6"; DeleteDirectory (path); FileStream s = null; Directory.CreateDirectory (path); try { s = File.Create (path + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.6"); Directory.Delete (path); } finally { if (s != null) s.Close (); DeleteDirectory (path); }; } [Test] public void Exists () { Assert.IsFalse (Directory.Exists (null as string)); } [Test] [Category("NotDotNet")] public void ExistsAccessDenied () { // bug #78239 if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\') return; // this test does not work on Windows. string path = TempFolder + DSC + "ExistsAccessDenied"; Directory.CreateDirectory (path); Process.Start ("/bin/chmod", "000 " + path).WaitForExit (); try { Assert.IsFalse (Directory.Exists(path + DSC + "b")); } finally { Process.Start ("/bin/chmod", "755 " + path).WaitForExit (); Directory.Delete (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetCreationTimeException1 () { Directory.GetCreationTime (null as string); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetCreationTimeException2 () { Directory.GetCreationTime (""); } [Test] #if !NET_2_0 [ExpectedException(typeof(IOException))] #endif #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetCreationTimeException_NonExistingPath () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.GetCreationTime.1"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { DateTime time = Directory.GetCreationTime (path); #if NET_2_0 DateTime expectedTime = (new DateTime (1601, 1, 1)).ToLocalTime (); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Year, time.Year, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Month, time.Month, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Day, time.Day, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Hour, time.Hour, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Second, time.Second, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Millisecond, time.Millisecond, "#6"); #endif } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetCreationTimeException4 () { Directory.GetCreationTime (" "); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetCreationTimeException5 () { Directory.GetCreationTime (Path.InvalidPathChars [0].ToString ()); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetCreationTimeUtcException1 () { Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc (null as string); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetCreationTimeUtcException2 () { Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc (""); } [Test] #if !NET_2_0 [ExpectedException (typeof (IOException))] #endif #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetCreationTimeUtc_NonExistingPath () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.GetCreationTimeUtc.1"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { DateTime time = Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc (path); #if NET_2_0 Assert.AreEqual (1601, time.Year, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, time.Month, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (1, time.Day, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Hour, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Millisecond, "#6"); #endif } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetCreationTimeUtcException4 () { Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc (" "); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetCreationTimeUtcException5 () { Directory.GetCreationTime (Path.InvalidPathChars [0].ToString ()); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetLastAccessTime_Null () { Directory.GetLastAccessTime (null as string); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetLastAccessTimeException2 () { Directory.GetLastAccessTime (""); } [Test] #if !NET_2_0 [ExpectedException (typeof (IOException))] #endif #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetLastAccessTime_NonExistingPath () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.GetLastAccessTime.1"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { DateTime time = Directory.GetLastAccessTime (path); #if NET_2_0 DateTime expectedTime = (new DateTime (1601, 1, 1)).ToLocalTime (); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Year, time.Year, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Month, time.Month, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Day, time.Day, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Hour, time.Hour, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Second, time.Second, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Millisecond, time.Millisecond, "#6"); #endif } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetLastAccessTimeException4 () { Directory.GetLastAccessTime (" "); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetLastAccessTimeException5 () { Directory.GetLastAccessTime (Path.InvalidPathChars [0].ToString ()); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetLastAccessTimeUtc_Null () { Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc (null as string); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetLastAccessTimeUtcException2 () { Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc (""); } [Test] #if !NET_2_0 [ExpectedException (typeof (IOException))] #endif #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetLastAccessTimeUtc_NonExistingPath () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.GetLastAccessTimeUtc.1"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { DateTime time = Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc (path); #if NET_2_0 Assert.AreEqual (1601, time.Year, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, time.Month, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (1, time.Day, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Hour, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Millisecond, "#6"); #endif } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetLastAccessTimeUtcException4 () { Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc (" "); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void GetLastAccessTimeUtcException5 () { Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc (Path.InvalidPathChars [0].ToString ()); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] public void GetLastWriteTimeException1 () { Directory.GetLastWriteTime (null as string); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void GetLastWriteTimeException2 () { Directory.GetLastWriteTime (""); } [Test] #if !NET_2_0 [ExpectedException (typeof (IOException))] #endif public void GetLastWriteTime_NonExistingPath () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.GetLastWriteTime.1"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { DateTime time = Directory.GetLastWriteTime (path); #if NET_2_0 DateTime expectedTime = (new DateTime (1601, 1, 1)).ToLocalTime (); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Year, time.Year, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Month, time.Month, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Day, time.Day, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Hour, time.Hour, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Second, time.Second, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (expectedTime.Millisecond, time.Millisecond, "#6"); #endif } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void GetLastWriteTimeException4 () { Directory.GetLastWriteTime (" "); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void GetLastWriteTimeException5 () { Directory.GetLastWriteTime (Path.InvalidPathChars [0].ToString ()); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] public void GetLastWriteTimeUtcException1 () { Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (null as string); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void GetLastWriteTimeUtcException2 () { Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (""); } [Test] #if !NET_2_0 [ExpectedException (typeof (IOException))] #endif public void GetLastWriteTimeUtc_NonExistingPath () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.GetLastWriteTimeUtc.1"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { DateTime time = Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (path); #if NET_2_0 Assert.AreEqual (1601, time.Year, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, time.Month, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (1, time.Day, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Hour, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Millisecond, "#6"); #endif } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void GetLastWriteTimeUtcException4 () { Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (" "); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void GetLastWriteTimeUtcException5 () { Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (Path.InvalidPathChars[0].ToString ()); } [Test] public void Move () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.9"; string path2 = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.10"; DeleteDirectory (path); DeleteDirectory (path2); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (path); Directory.CreateDirectory (path + DSC + "dir"); Assert.IsTrue (Directory.Exists (path + DSC + "dir"), "#1"); Directory.Move (path, path2); Assert.IsFalse (Directory.Exists (path + DSC + "dir"), "#2"); Assert.IsTrue (Directory.Exists (path2 + DSC + "dir"), "#3"); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); DeleteDirectory (path2); if (Directory.Exists (path2 + DSC + "dir")) Directory.Delete (path2 + DSC + "dir", true); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(IOException))] public void MoveException1 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.8"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.Move (path, path); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void MoveException2 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.11"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.Move ("", path); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void MoveException3 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.12"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.Move (" ", path); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] [Ignore ("On IA64, causes nunit to abort due to bug #76388")] public void MoveException4 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.13"; path += Path.InvalidPathChars [0]; string path2 = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.13"; DeleteDirectory (path); DeleteDirectory (path2); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (path2); Directory.Move (path2, path); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); DeleteDirectory (path2); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(DirectoryNotFoundException))] public void MoveException5 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.14"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.Move (path, path + "Test.Test"); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); DeleteDirectory (path + "Test.Test"); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(IOException))] public void MoveException6 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.15"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (path); Directory.Move (path, path + DSC + "dir"); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); DeleteDirectory (path + DSC + "dir"); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(IOException))] public void MoveException7 () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.16"; string path2 = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.Test.17"; DeleteDirectory (path); DeleteDirectory (path2); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (path); Directory.CreateDirectory (path2); Directory.Move (path, path2); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); DeleteDirectory (path2); } } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void CreationTime () { // check for Unix platforms - see FAQ for more details // http://www.mono-project.com/FAQ:_Technical#How_to_detect_the_execution_platform_.3F int platform = (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if ((platform == 4) || (platform == 128)) Assert.Ignore ("Unix doesn't support CreationTime"); string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.CreationTime.1"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (path); Directory.SetCreationTime (path, new DateTime (2003, 6, 4, 6, 4, 0)); DateTime time = Directory.GetCreationTime (path); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#A2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#A3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#A4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#A5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#A6"); time = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime (Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc (path)); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#B1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#B2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#B3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#B4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#B5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#B6"); Directory.SetCreationTimeUtc (path, new DateTime (2003, 6, 4, 6, 4, 0)); time = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToUniversalTime (Directory.GetCreationTime (path)); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#C1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#C2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#C3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#C4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#C5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#C6"); time = Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc (path); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#D1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#D2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#D3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#D4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#D5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#D6"); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void LastAccessTime () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.AccessTime.1"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (path); Directory.SetLastAccessTime (path, new DateTime (2003, 6, 4, 6, 4, 0)); DateTime time = Directory.GetLastAccessTime (path); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#A2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#A3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#A4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#A5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#A6"); time = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime (Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc (path)); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#B1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#B2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#B3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#B4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#B5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#B6"); Directory.SetLastAccessTimeUtc (path, new DateTime (2003, 6, 4, 6, 4, 0)); time = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToUniversalTime (Directory.GetLastAccessTime (path)); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#C1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#C2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#C3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#C4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#C5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#C6"); time = Directory.GetLastAccessTimeUtc (path); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#D1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#D2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#D3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#D4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#D5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#D6"); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] public void LastWriteTime () { string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.WriteTime.1"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (path); Directory.SetLastWriteTime (path, new DateTime (2003, 6, 4, 6, 4, 0)); DateTime time = Directory.GetLastWriteTime (path); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#A2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#A3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#A4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#A5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#A6"); time = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime (Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (path)); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#B1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#B2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#B3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#B4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#B5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#B6"); Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc (path, new DateTime (2003, 6, 4, 6, 4, 0)); time = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToUniversalTime (Directory.GetLastWriteTime (path)); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#C1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#C2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#C3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#C4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#C5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#C6"); time = Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (path); Assert.AreEqual (2003, time.Year, "#D1"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Month, "#D2"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Day, "#D3"); Assert.AreEqual (6, time.Hour, "#D4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, time.Minute, "#D5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, time.Second, "#D6"); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] public void SetLastWriteTimeException1 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastWriteTime (null as string, time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void SetLastWriteTimeException2 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastWriteTime ("", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(FileNotFoundException))] public void SetLastWriteTimeException3 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.SetLastWriteTime.2"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.SetLastWriteTime (path, time); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void SetLastWriteTimeException4 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastWriteTime (" ", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void SetLastWriteTimeException5 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastWriteTime (Path.InvalidPathChars [0].ToString (), time); } // [Test] // [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] // public void SetLastWriteTimeException6 () // { // DateTime time = new DateTime (1003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); // string path = TempFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "DirectoryTest.SetLastWriteTime.1"; // // try { // if (!Directory.Exists (path)) // Directory.CreateDirectory (path); // // Directory.SetLastWriteTime (path, time); // } finally { // DeleteDirectory (path); // } // // } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] public void SetLastWriteTimeUtcException1 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc (null as string, time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void SetLastWriteTimeUtcException2 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc ("", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(FileNotFoundException))] public void SetLastWriteTimeUtcException3 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.SetLastWriteTimeUtc.2"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc (path, time); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void SetLastWriteTimeUtcException4 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc (" ", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void SetLastWriteTimeUtcException5 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc (Path.InvalidPathChars [0].ToString (), time); } // [Test] // [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] // public void SetLastWriteTimeUtcException6 () // { // DateTime time = new DateTime (1000, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); // string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.SetLastWriteTimeUtc.1"; // // if (!Directory.Exists (path)) // Directory.CreateDirectory (path); // try { // Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc (path, time); // } finally { // DeleteDirectory (path); // } // } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetLastAccessTimeException1 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastAccessTime (null as string, time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetLastAccessTimeException2 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastAccessTime ("", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(FileNotFoundException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetLastAccessTimeException3 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.SetLastAccessTime.2"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.SetLastAccessTime (path, time); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetLastAccessTimeException4 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastAccessTime (" ", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetLastAccessTimeException5 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastAccessTime (Path.InvalidPathChars [0].ToString (), time); } // [Test] // [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] // public void SetLastAccessTimeException6 () // { // DateTime time = new DateTime (1003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); // string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.SetLastAccessTime.1"; // // if (!Directory.Exists (path)) // Directory.CreateDirectory (path); // try { // Directory.SetLastAccessTime (path, time); // } finally { // DeleteDirectory (path); // } // // } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetLastAccessTimeUtcException1 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastAccessTimeUtc (null as string, time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetLastAccessTimeUtcException2 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastAccessTimeUtc ("", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(FileNotFoundException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetLastAccessTimeUtcException3 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.SetLastAccessTimeUtc.2"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.SetLastAccessTimeUtc (path, time); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetLastAccessTimeUtcException4 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastAccessTimeUtc (" ", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetLastAccessTimeUtcException5 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetLastAccessTimeUtc (Path.InvalidPathChars [0].ToString (), time); } // [Test] // [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] // public void SetLastAccessTimeUtcException6 () // { // DateTime time = new DateTime (1000, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); // string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.SetLastAccessTimeUtc.1"; // // if (!Directory.Exists (path)) // Directory.CreateDirectory (path); // try { // Directory.SetLastAccessTimeUtc (path, time); // } finally { // DeleteDirectory (path); // } // } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetCreationTimeException1 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetCreationTime (null as string, time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetCreationTimeException2 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetCreationTime ("", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(FileNotFoundException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetCreationTimeException3 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.SetCreationTime.2"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.SetCreationTime (path, time); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetCreationTimeException4 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetCreationTime (" ", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetCreationTimeException5 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetCreationTime (Path.InvalidPathChars [0].ToString (), time); } // [Test] // [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] // public void SetCreationTimeException6 () // { // DateTime time = new DateTime (1003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); // string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.SetCreationTime.1"; // // if (!Directory.Exists (path)) // Directory.CreateDirectory (path); // try { // Directory.SetCreationTime (path, time); // DeleteDirectory (path); // } finally { // DeleteDirectory (path); // } // // } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetCreationTimeUtcException1 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetCreationTimeUtc (null as string, time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetCreationTimeUtcException2 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetCreationTimeUtc ("", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(FileNotFoundException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetCreationTimeUtcException3 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.SetLastAccessTimeUtc.2"; DeleteDirectory (path); try { Directory.SetCreationTimeUtc (path, time); DeleteDirectory (path); } finally { DeleteDirectory (path); } } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetCreationTimeUtcException4 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetCreationTimeUtc (" ", time); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] #if TARGET_JVM [Category("NotWorking")] #endif public void SetCreationTimeUtcException5 () { DateTime time = new DateTime (2003, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); Directory.SetCreationTimeUtc (Path.InvalidPathChars [0].ToString (), time); } // [Test] // [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] // public void SetCreationTimeUtcException6 () // { // DateTime time = new DateTime (1000, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2); // string path = TempFolder + DSC + "DirectoryTest.SetLastAccessTimeUtc.1"; // // if (!Directory.Exists (path)) // Directory.CreateDirectory (path); // try { // Directory.SetCreationTimeUtc (path, time); // DeleteDirectory (path); // } finally { // DeleteDirectory (path); // } // } [Test] public void GetDirectories () { string path = TempFolder; string DirPath = TempFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ".GetDirectories"; DeleteDirectory (DirPath); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (DirPath); string [] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories (path); foreach (string directory in dirs) { if (directory == DirPath) return; } Assert.Fail ("Directory Not Found"); } finally { DeleteDirectory (DirPath); } } [Test] public void GetParentOfRootDirectory () { DirectoryInfo info; info = Directory.GetParent (Path.GetPathRoot (Path.GetTempPath ())); Assert.IsNull (info); } [Test] public void GetFiles () { string path = TempFolder; string DirPath = TempFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ".GetFiles"; if (File.Exists (DirPath)) File.Delete (DirPath); try { File.Create (DirPath).Close (); string [] files = Directory.GetFiles (TempFolder); foreach (string directory in files) { if (directory == DirPath) return; } Assert.Fail ("File Not Found"); } finally { if (File.Exists (DirPath)) File.Delete (DirPath); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void SetCurrentDirectoryNull () { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void SetCurrentDirectoryEmpty () { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (String.Empty); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void SetCurrentDirectoryWhitespace () { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (" "); } [Test] public void GetNoFiles () // Bug 58875. This throwed an exception on windows. { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo ("."); dir.GetFiles ("*.nonext"); } [Test] public void FilenameOnly () // bug 78209 { Directory.GetParent ("somefile"); } private void DeleteDirectory (string path) { if (Directory.Exists (path)) Directory.Delete (path, true); } private void DeleteFile (string path) { if (File.Exists (path)) File.Delete (path); } } }