// SortedListTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for the System.Collections.SortedList class // // Authors: // Jaak Simm // Duncan Mak (duncan@ximian.com) // // Thanks go to David Brandt (bucky@keystreams.com), // because this file is based on his ArrayListTest.cs // // (C) Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com // // main TODO: additional tests for functions affected by // fixedsize and read-only properties using System; using System.Collections; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Collections { [TestFixture] public class SortedListTest : Assertion { protected SortedList sl1; protected SortedList sl2; protected SortedList emptysl; protected const int icap=16; public void TestConstructor1() { SortedList temp1 = new SortedList(); AssertNotNull("sl.constructor-1: returns null", temp1); AssertEquals("sl.constructor-1: incorrect initial capacity", icap, temp1.Capacity); } [Test] public void TestConstructor2() { Comparer c = Comparer.Default; SortedList temp1 = new SortedList(c); AssertNotNull("sl.constructor-2: returns null", temp1); AssertEquals("sl.constructor-2: incorrect initial capacity", icap, temp1.Capacity); } [Test] public void TestConstructor3() { Hashtable d = new Hashtable(); d.Add("one", "Mircosoft"); d.Add("two", "will"); d.Add("three", "rule"); d.Add("four", "the world"); SortedList temp1 = new SortedList(d); AssertNotNull("sl.constructor-3: returns null", temp1); AssertEquals("sl.constructor-3: incorrect initial capacity", 4, temp1.Capacity); AssertEquals("sl.constructor-3: incorrect count", 4, temp1.Count); try { d=null; temp1 = new SortedList(d); Fail ("sl.constructor-3: does not throw ArgumentNullException"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) {} try { d = new Hashtable(); d.Add("one", "Mircosoft"); d.Add("two", "will"); d.Add("three", "rule"); d.Add("four", "the world"); d.Add(7987,"lkj"); temp1 = new SortedList(d); Fail ("sl.constructor-3: does not throw InvalidCastException"); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } catch (Exception e) { Fail ("Unexpected Exception throw: e=" + e); } } [Test] public void TestConstructor4() { SortedList temp1 = new SortedList(17); AssertNotNull("sl.constructor-4: returns null", temp1); AssertEquals("sl.constructor-4: incorrect initial capacity", temp1.Capacity, 17); try { temp1 = new SortedList(-6); Fail ("sl.constructor-4: does not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException, with negative values"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} try { temp1 = new SortedList(0); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { Fail ("sl.constructor-4: throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException with 0"); } } [Test] public void TestConstructor5() { Comparer c = Comparer.Default; SortedList temp1 = new SortedList(c,27); AssertNotNull("sl.constructor-5: returns null", temp1); AssertEquals("sl.constructor-5: incorrect initial capacity", temp1.Capacity, 27); try { temp1 = new SortedList(-12); Fail ("sl.constructor-5: does not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException, with negative values"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} } [Test] public void Constructor_Capacity () { SortedList sl = new SortedList (0); AssertEquals ("Capacity-Original", 0, sl.Capacity); sl.Capacity = 0; // doesn't reset to class default (16) AssertEquals ("Capacity-Resetted", 0, sl.Capacity); for (int i=1; i <= 16; i++) { sl = new SortedList (i); AssertEquals ("Capacity-Original" + i.ToString (), i, sl.Capacity); sl.Capacity = 0; // reset to class default (16) AssertEquals ("Capacity-Resetted" + i.ToString (), 16, sl.Capacity); } } [Test] public void TestIsSynchronized() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(); Assert("sl: should not be synchronized by default", !sl1.IsSynchronized); SortedList sl2 = SortedList.Synchronized(sl1); Assert("sl: synchronized wrapper not working", sl2.IsSynchronized); } [Test] public void TestCapacity() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(i); AssertEquals("Bad capacity of " + i, i, sl1.Capacity); } } [Test] public void TestCapacity2 () { SortedList list = new SortedList (); list.Capacity = 5; AssertEquals (5, list.Capacity); SortedList sync = SortedList.Synchronized (list); AssertEquals (5, sync.Capacity); list.Capacity = 20; AssertEquals (20, list.Capacity); AssertEquals (20, sync.Capacity); } [Test] public void TestCapacity3 () { int new_capacity = 5; SortedList list = new SortedList (1000); list.Capacity = new_capacity; #if NET_1_1 AssertEquals (new_capacity, list.Capacity); #else AssertEquals (16, list.Capacity); #endif } [Test] public void Capacity_BackTo0 () { SortedList list = new SortedList (42); AssertEquals ("42", 42, list.Capacity); list.Capacity = 0; AssertEquals ("0(16)", 16, list.Capacity); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OutOfMemoryException))] public void TestCapacity4 () { SortedList list = new SortedList (); list.Capacity = Int32.MaxValue; } [Test] public void TestCount() { { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(); AssertEquals("Bad initial count", 0, sl1.Count); for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { sl1.Add(""+i,""+i); AssertEquals("Bad count " + i, i, sl1.Count); } } } [Test] public void TestIsFixed() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(); Assert("should not be fixed by default", !sl1.IsFixedSize); } [Test] public void TestIsReadOnly() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(); Assert("should not be ReadOnly by default", !sl1.IsReadOnly); } [Test] public void TestItem() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(); string key = null; { try { object o = sl1[-1]; } catch (ArgumentNullException) { Fail ("sl.Item: throws ArgumentNullException with negative values"); } try { object o = sl1[key]; Fail ("sl.Item: does not throw ArgumentNullException with null key"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) {} } for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { sl1.Add("kala "+i,i); } for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { AssertEquals("sl.Item: item not fetched for " + i, i, sl1["kala "+i]); } } [Test] public void TestSyncRoot() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(); AssertEquals("sl.SyncRoot: does not function",false, sl1.SyncRoot == null); /* lock( sl1.SyncRoot ) { foreach ( Object item in sl1 ) { item="asdf"; Assert ("sl.SyncRoot: item not read-only",item.IsReadOnly); } } */ } [Test] public void TestValues() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(); ICollection ic1 = sl1.Values; for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { sl1.Add("kala "+i,i); AssertEquals("sl.Values: .Values has different count",ic1.Count,sl1.Count); } } // TODO: Add with IComparer [Test] public void TestAdd() { // seems SortedList cannot be set fixedsize or readonly SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(); string key = null; { try { sl1.Add(key,"kala"); Fail ("sl.Add: does not throw ArgumentNullException with null key"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) {} } { for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { sl1.Add("kala "+i,i); AssertEquals("sl.Add: incorrect count",i,sl1.Count); AssertEquals("sl.Add: incorrect value",i,sl1["kala "+i]); } } { try { sl1.Add("kala",10); sl1.Add("kala",11); Fail ("sl.Add: does not throw ArgumentException when adding existing key"); } catch (ArgumentException) {} } } [Test] public void TestClear() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(10); sl1.Add("kala", 'c'); sl1.Add("kala2", 'd'); AssertEquals("sl.Clear: capacity is incorrect", 10, sl1.Capacity); AssertEquals("sl.Clear: should have one element", 2, sl1.Count); sl1.Clear(); AssertEquals("sl.Clear: is not cleared", 0, sl1.Count); AssertEquals("sl.Clear: capacity is altered", 16, sl1.Capacity); } [Test] public void Clear_Capacity () { // strangely Clear change the default capacity (while Capacity doesn't) for (int i=0; i <= 16; i++) { SortedList sl = new SortedList (i); AssertEquals ("Capacity-Original" + i.ToString (), i, sl.Capacity); sl.Clear (); // reset to class default (16) AssertEquals ("Capacity-Resetted" + i.ToString (), 16, sl.Capacity); } } [Test] public void Clear_Capacity_Reset () { SortedList sl = new SortedList (0); AssertEquals ("0", 0, sl.Capacity); sl.Clear (); // reset to class default (16) AssertEquals ("Clear", 16, sl.Capacity); sl.Capacity = 0; AssertEquals ("Capacity", 16, sl.Capacity); // note: we didn't return to 0 - so Clear cahnge the default capacity } [Test] public void TestClone() { { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(10); for (int i = 0; i <= 50; i++) {sl1.Add("kala "+i,i);} SortedList sl2 = (SortedList)sl1.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i <= 50; i++) { AssertEquals("sl.Clone: copying failed @"+i, sl1["kala "+i], sl2["kala "+i]); } } { char[] d10 = {'a', 'b'}; char[] d11 = {'a', 'c'}; char[] d12 = {'b', 'c'}; //char[][] d1 = {d10, d11, d12}; SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(); sl1.Add("d1",d10); sl1.Add("d2",d11); sl1.Add("d3",d12); SortedList sl2 = (SortedList)sl1.Clone(); AssertEquals("sl.Clone: Array not matching", sl1["d1"], sl2["d1"]); AssertEquals("sl.Clone: Array not matching", sl1["d2"], sl2["d2"]); AssertEquals("sl.Clone: Array not matching", sl1["d3"], sl2["d3"]); ((char[])sl1["d1"])[0] = 'z'; AssertEquals("s1.Clone: shallow copy", sl1["d1"], sl2["d1"]); } } [Test] public void TestContains() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(55); for (int i = 0; i <= 50; i++) {sl1.Add("kala "+i,i);} try { if (sl1.Contains(null)){} Fail ("sl.Contains: does not throw ArgumentNullException with null key"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) {} Assert("sl.Contains: can't find existing key", sl1.Contains("kala 17")); Assert("sl.Contains: finds non-existing key", !sl1.Contains("ohoo")); } [Test] public void TestContainsKey() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(55); for (int i = 0; i <= 50; i++) {sl1.Add("kala "+i,i);} try { if (sl1.ContainsKey(null)){} Fail ("sl.ContainsKey: does not throw ArgumentNullException with null key"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) {} Assert("sl.ContainsKey: can't find existing key", sl1.ContainsKey("kala 17")); Assert("sl.ContainsKey: finds non-existing key", !sl1.ContainsKey("ohoo")); } [Test] public void TestContainsValue() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(55); sl1.Add(0, "zero"); sl1.Add(1, "one"); sl1.Add(2, "two"); sl1.Add(3, "three"); sl1.Add(4, "four"); Assert("sl.ContainsValue: can't find existing value", sl1.ContainsValue("zero")); Assert("sl.ContainsValue: finds non-existing value", !sl1.ContainsValue("ohoo")); Assert("sl.ContainsValue: finds non-existing value", !sl1.ContainsValue(null)); } [Test] public void TestCopyTo() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(); for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {sl1.Add("kala "+i,i);} { try { sl1.CopyTo(null, 2); Fail("sl.CopyTo: does not throw ArgumentNullException when target null"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) {} } { try { Char[,] c2 = new Char[2,2]; sl1.CopyTo(c2, 2); Fail("sl.CopyTo: does not throw ArgumentException when target is multiarray"); } catch (ArgumentException) {} } { try { Char[] c1 = new Char[2]; sl1.CopyTo(c1, -2); Fail("sl.CopyTo: does not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException when index is negative"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} } { try { Char[] c1 = new Char[2]; sl1.CopyTo(c1, 3); Fail("sl.CopyTo: does not throw ArgumentException when index is too large"); } catch (ArgumentException) {} } { try { Char[] c1 = new Char[2]; sl1.CopyTo(c1, 1); Fail("sl.CopyTo: does not throw ArgumentException when SortedList too big for the array"); } catch (ArgumentException) {} } { try { Char[] c2 = new Char[15]; sl1.CopyTo(c2, 0); Fail("sl.CopyTo: does not throw InvalidCastException when incompatible data types"); } catch (InvalidCastException) {} } // CopyTo function does not work well with SortedList // even example at MSDN gave InvalidCastException // thus, it is NOT tested here /* sl1.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {sl1.Add(i,""+i);} Char[] copy = new Char[15]; Array.Clear(copy,0,copy.Length); copy.SetValue( "The", 0 ); copy.SetValue( "quick", 1 ); copy.SetValue( "brown", 2 ); copy.SetValue( "fox", 3 ); copy.SetValue( "jumped", 4 ); copy.SetValue( "over", 5 ); copy.SetValue( "the", 6 ); copy.SetValue( "lazy", 7 ); copy.SetValue( "dog", 8 ); sl1.CopyTo(copy,1); AssertEquals("sl.CopyTo: incorrect copy(1).","The", copy.GetValue(0)); AssertEquals("sl.CopyTo: incorrect copy(1).","quick", copy.GetValue(1)); for (int i=2; i<8; i++) AssertEquals("sl.CopyTo: incorrect copy(2).",sl1["kala "+(i-2)], copy.GetValue(i)); AssertEquals("sl.CopyTo: incorrect copy(3).","dog", copy.GetValue(8)); */ } public SortedList DefaultSL() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(); sl1.Add( 1.0, "The" ); sl1.Add( 1.1, "quick" ); sl1.Add( 34.0, "brown" ); sl1.Add( -100.75, "fox" ); sl1.Add( 1.4, "jumped" ); sl1.Add( 1.5, "over" ); sl1.Add( 1.6, "the" ); sl1.Add( 1.7, "lazy" ); sl1.Add( 1.8, "dog" ); return sl1; } public IList DefaultValues() { IList il = new ArrayList(); il.Add( "fox" ); il.Add( "The" ); il.Add( "quick" ); il.Add( "jumped" ); il.Add( "over" ); il.Add( "the" ); il.Add( "lazy" ); il.Add( "dog" ); il.Add( "brown" ); return il; } [Test] public void TestGetByIndex() { SortedList sl1 = DefaultSL(); AssertEquals("cl.GetByIndex: failed(1)",sl1.GetByIndex(4),"over"); AssertEquals("cl.GetByIndex: failed(2)",sl1.GetByIndex(8),"brown"); try { sl1.GetByIndex(-1); Fail("sl.GetByIndex: does not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException with negative index"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} try { sl1.GetByIndex(100); Fail("sl.GetByIndex: does not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException with too large index"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} } [Test] public void GetEnumerator () { SortedList sl1 = DefaultSL(); IDictionaryEnumerator e = sl1.GetEnumerator(); AssertNotNull("sl.GetEnumerator: does not return enumerator", e); AssertEquals("sl.GetEnumerator: enumerator not working(1)",e.MoveNext(),true); AssertNotNull("sl.GetEnumerator: enumerator not working(2)",e.Current); Assert ("ICloneable", (e is ICloneable)); Assert ("IDictionaryEnumerator", (e is ICloneable)); Assert ("IEnumerator", (e is ICloneable)); } [Test] public void TestGetKey() { SortedList sl1 = DefaultSL(); AssertEquals("sl.GetKey: failed(1)",sl1.GetKey(4),1.5); AssertEquals("sl.GetKey: failed(2)",sl1.GetKey(8),34.0); try { sl1.GetKey(-1); Fail("sl.GetKey: does not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException with negative index"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} try { sl1.GetKey(100); Fail("sl.GetKey: does not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException with too large index"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} } [Test] public void TestGetKeyList() { SortedList sl1 = DefaultSL(); IList keys = sl1.GetKeyList(); AssertNotNull("sl.GetKeyList: does not return keylist", keys); Assert("sl.GetKeyList: keylist is not readonly", keys.IsReadOnly); AssertEquals("sl.GetKeyList: incorrect keylist size",keys.Count,9); AssertEquals("sl.GetKeyList: incorrect key(1)",keys[3],1.4); sl1.Add(33.9,"ehhe"); AssertEquals("sl.GetKeyList: incorrect keylist size",keys.Count,10); AssertEquals("sl.GetKeyList: incorrect key(2)",keys[8],33.9); } [Test] public void TestGetValueList() { SortedList sl1 = DefaultSL(); IList originalvals = DefaultValues(); IList vals = sl1.GetValueList(); AssertNotNull("sl.GetValueList: does not return valuelist", vals); Assert("sl.GetValueList: valuelist is not readonly", vals.IsReadOnly); AssertEquals("sl.GetValueList: incorrect valuelist size",vals.Count,sl1.Count); for (int i=0; i=0; i--) sl1.Add(100+i,i); try { sl1.SetByIndex(-1,77); Fail("sl.SetByIndex: ArgumentOutOfRangeException not caught, when key is out of range"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} try { sl1.SetByIndex(100,88); Fail("sl.SetByIndex: ArgumentOutOfRangeException not caught, when key is out of range"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} for(int i=5; i<25; i++) sl1.SetByIndex(i,-1); for(int i=0; i<5; i++) AssertEquals("sl.SetByIndex: set failed(1)",sl1[100+i],i); for(int i=5; i<25; i++) AssertEquals("sl.SetByIndex: set failed(2)",sl1[100+i],-1); for(int i=25; i<50; i++) AssertEquals("sl.SetByIndex: set failed(3)",sl1[100+i],i); } [Test] public void TestTrimToSize() { SortedList sl1 = new SortedList(24); sl1.TrimToSize(); AssertEquals("sl.TrimToSize: incorrect capacity after trimming empty list",icap,sl1.Capacity); for (int i = 72; i>=0; i--) sl1.Add(100+i,i); sl1.TrimToSize(); AssertEquals("sl.TrimToSize: incorrect capacity after trimming a list",73,sl1.Capacity); } } }