// ArrayListTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for the System.Collections.ArrayList class // // David Brandt (bucky@keystreams.com) // // (C) Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com // using System; using System.Collections; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Collections { /// ArrayList test. public class ArrayListTest : TestCase { public ArrayListTest() : base ("MonoTests.System.ArrayListTest testsuite") {} public ArrayListTest(string name) : base(name) {} protected override void SetUp() { } protected override void TearDown() { } public static ITest Suite { get { return new TestSuite(typeof(ArrayListTest)); } } public void TestCtor() { { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); AssertNotNull("no basic ArrayList", al1); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(null); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("null icollection error not thrown", errorThrown); } { // what can I say? I like chars. [--DB] char[] coll = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(coll); AssertNotNull("no icollection ArrayList", al1); for (int i = 0; i < coll.Length; i++) { AssertEquals(i + " not ctor'ed properly.", coll[i], al1[i]); } } // TODO - multi-dim ICollection ctor? { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(-1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("negative capacity error not thrown", errorThrown); } } public void TestCapacity() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(i); AssertEquals("Bad capacity of " + i, i, al1.Capacity); } { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); AssertEquals("Bad default capacity", 16, al1.Capacity); } } public void TestCount() { { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); AssertEquals("Bad initial count", 0, al1.Count); for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { al1.Add(i); AssertEquals("Bad count " + i, i, al1.Count); } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { char[] coll = new Char[i]; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(coll); AssertEquals("Bad count for " + i, i, al1.Count); } } public void TestIsFixed() { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); Assert("should not be fixed by default", !al1.IsFixedSize); ArrayList al2 = ArrayList.FixedSize(al1); Assert("fixed-size wrapper not working", al2.IsFixedSize); } public void TestIsReadOnly() { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); Assert("should not be ReadOnly by default", !al1.IsReadOnly); ArrayList al2 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(al1); Assert("read-only wrapper not working", al2.IsReadOnly); } public void TestIsSynchronized() { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); Assert("should not be synchronized by default", !al1.IsSynchronized); ArrayList al2 = ArrayList.Synchronized(al1); Assert("synchronized wrapper not working", al2.IsSynchronized); } public void TestItem() { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); { bool errorThrown = false; try { object o = al1[-1]; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("negative item error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { object o = al1[1]; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("past-end item error not thrown", errorThrown); } for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { al1.Add(i); } for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { AssertEquals("item not fetched for " + i, i, al1[i]); } } public void TestAdapter() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.Adapter(null); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("null adapter error not thrown", errorThrown); } { char[] list = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}; ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.Adapter(list); AssertNotNull("Couldn't get an adapter", al1); for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { AssertEquals("adapter not adapting", list[i], al1[i]); } list[0] = 'z'; for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { AssertEquals("adapter not adapting", list[i], al1[i]); } } // TODO - test other adapter types? } public void TestAdd() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.FixedSize(new ArrayList()); al1.Add("Hi!"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("add to fixed size error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList()); al1.Add("Hi!"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("add to read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { al1.Add(i); AssertEquals("add failed " + i, i, al1.Count); AssertEquals("add failed " + i, i, al1[i-1]); } } } public void TestAddRange() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.FixedSize(new ArrayList()); String[] s1 = {"Hi!"}; al1.AddRange(s1); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("add to fixed size error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList()); String[] s1 = {"Hi!"}; al1.AddRange(s1); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("add to read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); al1.AddRange(null); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("add to read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { ArrayList a1 = new ArrayList(); AssertEquals("ArrayList should start empty", 0, a1.Count); char[] coll = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; a1.AddRange(coll); AssertEquals("ArrayList has wrong elements", 3, a1.Count); a1.AddRange(coll); AssertEquals("ArrayList has wrong elements", 6, a1.Count); } } public void TestBinarySearch() { //{ //bool errorThrown = false; //try { // ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); // String[] s1 = {"This", "is", "a", "test"}; // al1.AddRange(s1); // al1.BinarySearch(42); //} catch (ArgumentException) { // errorThrown = true; //} //Assert("search-for-wrong-type error not thrown", // errorThrown); //} { char[] bad = {'d', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'c', 'a'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(bad); AssertEquals("shouldn't find elem in badly-sorted array", -1, al1.BinarySearch('c')); } { char[] bad = {'a', 'd', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'c', 'a'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(bad); AssertEquals("shouldn't find elem in badly-sorted array", -2, al1.BinarySearch('c')); } { char[] arr = {'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(arr); Assert("couldn't find elem", al1.BinarySearch('c') >= 3); Assert("couldn't find elem", al1.BinarySearch('c') < 6); } { char[] arr = {'a', 'b', 'b', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'e', 'e'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(arr); AssertEquals("couldn't find next-higher elem", -4, al1.BinarySearch('c')); } { char[] arr = {'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(arr); AssertEquals("couldn't find end", -9, al1.BinarySearch('e')); } } // TODO - BinarySearch with IComparer public void TestClear() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.FixedSize(new ArrayList()); al1.Clear(); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("add to fixed size error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList()); al1.Clear(); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("add to read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); al1.Add('c'); AssertEquals("should have one element", 1, al1.Count); al1.Clear(); AssertEquals("should be empty", 0, al1.Count); } { int[] i1 = {1,2,3,4}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(i1); AssertEquals("should have elements", i1.Length, al1.Count); al1.Clear(); AssertEquals("should be empty again", 0, al1.Count); } } public void TestClone() { { char[] c1 = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c1); ArrayList al2 = (ArrayList)al1.Clone(); AssertEquals("ArrayList match", al1[0], al2[0]); AssertEquals("ArrayList match", al1[1], al2[1]); AssertEquals("ArrayList match", al1[2], al2[2]); } { char[] d10 = {'a', 'b'}; char[] d11 = {'a', 'c'}; char[] d12 = {'b', 'c'}; char[][] d1 = {d10, d11, d12}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(d1); ArrayList al2 = (ArrayList)al1.Clone(); AssertEquals("Array match", al1[0], al2[0]); AssertEquals("Array match", al1[1], al2[1]); AssertEquals("Array match", al1[2], al2[2]); ((char[])al1[0])[0] = 'z'; AssertEquals("shallow copy", al1[0], al2[0]); } } public void TestContains() { char[] c1 = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c1); Assert("never find a null", !al1.Contains(null)); Assert("can't find value", al1.Contains('b')); Assert("shouldn't find value", !al1.Contains('?')); } public void TestCopyTo() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { Char[] c1 = new Char[2]; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c1); al1.CopyTo(null, 2); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { Char[] c1 = new Char[2]; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c1); Char[,] c2 = new Char[2,2]; al1.CopyTo(c2, 2); } catch (ArgumentException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { Char[,] c1 = new Char[2,2]; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c1); Char[] c2 = new Char[2]; al1.CopyTo(c2, 2); } catch (RankException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { Char[] c1 = new Char[2]; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c1); Char[] c2 = new Char[2]; al1.CopyTo(c2, -1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { Char[] c1 = new Char[2]; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c1); Char[] c2 = new Char[2]; al1.CopyTo(c2, 3); } catch (ArgumentException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { Char[] c1 = new Char[2]; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c1); Char[] c2 = new Char[2]; al1.CopyTo(c2, 1); } catch (ArgumentException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { String[] c1 = new String[2]; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c1); Char[] c2 = new Char[2]; al1.CopyTo(c2, 0); } catch (InvalidCastException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("error not thrown", errorThrown); } Char[] orig = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}; ArrayList al = new ArrayList(orig); Char[] copy = new Char[10]; Array.Clear(copy, 0, copy.Length); al.CopyTo(copy, 3); AssertEquals("Wrong CopyTo 0", (char)0, copy[0]); AssertEquals("Wrong CopyTo 1", (char)0, copy[1]); AssertEquals("Wrong CopyTo 2", (char)0, copy[2]); AssertEquals("Wrong CopyTo 3", orig[0], copy[3]); AssertEquals("Wrong CopyTo 4", orig[1], copy[4]); AssertEquals("Wrong CopyTo 5", orig[2], copy[5]); AssertEquals("Wrong CopyTo 6", orig[3], copy[6]); AssertEquals("Wrong CopyTo 7", (char)0, copy[7]); AssertEquals("Wrong CopyTo 8", (char)0, copy[8]); AssertEquals("Wrong CopyTo 9", (char)0, copy[9]); } public void TestFixedSize() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.FixedSize(null); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("null arg error not thrown", errorThrown); } { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); AssertEquals("arrays start un-fixed.", false, al1.IsFixedSize); ArrayList al2 = ArrayList.FixedSize(al1); AssertEquals("should be fixed.", true, al2.IsFixedSize); } } public void TestGetEnumerator() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); IEnumerator en = a.GetEnumerator(-1,1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("negative index error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); IEnumerator en = a.GetEnumerator(1,-1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("negative index error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); IEnumerator en = a.GetEnumerator(1,1); } catch (ArgumentException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("out-of-range index error not thrown", errorThrown); } { String[] s1 = {"this", "is", "a", "test"}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(s1); IEnumerator en = al1.GetEnumerator(); AssertNotNull("No enumerator", en); for (int i = 0; i < s1.Length; i++) { en.MoveNext(); AssertEquals("Not enumerating", al1[i], en.Current); } } { String[] s1 = {"this", "is", "a", "test"}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(s1); IEnumerator en = al1.GetEnumerator(1,2); AssertNotNull("No enumerator", en); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { en.MoveNext(); AssertEquals("Not enumerating", al1[i+1], en.Current); } } } public void TestGetRange() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); ArrayList b = a.GetRange(-1,1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("negative index error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); ArrayList b = a.GetRange(1,-1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("negative index error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); ArrayList b = a.GetRange(1,1); } catch (ArgumentException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("out-of-range index error not thrown", errorThrown); } { char[] chars = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(chars); ArrayList b = a.GetRange(1, 3); AssertEquals("GetRange returned wrong size ArrayList", 3, b.Count); for (int i = 0; i < b.Count; i++) { AssertEquals("range didn't work", chars[i+1], b[i]); } a[2] = '?'; // should screw up ArrayList b. bool errorThrown = false; try { int i = b.Count; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { errorThrown = true; } AssertEquals("Munging 'a' should mess up 'b'", true, errorThrown); } } public void TestIndexOf() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1); int i = a.IndexOf('a', -1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("negative indexof error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1); int i = a.IndexOf('a', 2); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("past-end indexof error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1); int i = a.IndexOf('a', 0, -1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("negative indexof error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1); int i = a.IndexOf('a', 0, 2); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("past-end indexof error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(2); int i = a.IndexOf('a', 1, 2); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("past-end indexof error not thrown", errorThrown); } { char[] c = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(c); AssertEquals("never find null", -1, a.IndexOf(null)); AssertEquals("never find null", -1, a.IndexOf(null, 0)); AssertEquals("never find null", -1, a.IndexOf(null, 0, 5)); AssertEquals("can't find elem", 2, a.IndexOf('c')); AssertEquals("can't find elem", 2, a.IndexOf('c', 2)); AssertEquals("can't find elem", 2, a.IndexOf('c', 2, 2)); AssertEquals("shouldn't find elem", -1, a.IndexOf('c', 3, 2)); AssertEquals("shouldn't find", -1, a.IndexOf('?')); AssertEquals("shouldn't find", -1, a.IndexOf(3)); } } public void TestInsert() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.FixedSize(new ArrayList()); al1.Insert(0, "Hi!"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("insert to fixed size error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList()); al1.Insert(0, "Hi!"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("insert to read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.Insert(-1, "Hi!"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("insert to read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.Insert(4, "Hi!"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("insert to read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); AssertEquals("arraylist starts empty", 0, al1.Count); al1.Insert(0, 'a'); al1.Insert(1, 'b'); al1.Insert(0, 'c'); AssertEquals("arraylist needs stuff", 3, al1.Count); AssertEquals("arraylist got stuff", 'c', al1[0]); AssertEquals("arraylist got stuff", 'a', al1[1]); AssertEquals("arraylist got stuff", 'b', al1[2]); } } public void TestInsertRange() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.FixedSize(new ArrayList()); string[] s = {"Hi!"}; al1.InsertRange(0, s); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("insert to fixed size error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList()); string[] s = {"Hi!"}; al1.InsertRange(0, s); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("insert to read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); string[] s = {"Hi!"}; al1.InsertRange(-1, s); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("negative index insert error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); string[] s = {"Hi!"}; al1.InsertRange(4, s); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("out-of-range insert error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.InsertRange(0, null); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("null insert error not thrown", errorThrown); } { char[] c = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(c); a.InsertRange(1, c); AssertEquals("bad insert", 'a', a[0]); AssertEquals("bad insert", 'a', a[1]); AssertEquals("bad insert", 'b', a[2]); AssertEquals("bad insert", 'c', a[3]); AssertEquals("bad insert", 'b', a[4]); AssertEquals("bad insert", 'c', a[5]); } } public void TestLastIndexOf() { //{ //bool errorThrown = false; //try { //ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1); //int i = a.LastIndexOf('a', -1); //} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { //errorThrown = true; //} //Assert("first negative lastindexof error not thrown", //errorThrown); //} { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1); int i = a.LastIndexOf('a', 2); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("past-end lastindexof error not thrown", errorThrown); } //{ //bool errorThrown = false; //try { //ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1); //int i = a.LastIndexOf('a', 0, -1); //} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { //errorThrown = true; //} //Assert("second negative lastindexof error not thrown", //errorThrown); //} //{ //bool errorThrown = false; //try { //ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1); //int i = a.LastIndexOf('a', 0, 2); //} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { //errorThrown = true; //} //Assert("past-end lastindexof error not thrown", //errorThrown); //} //{ //bool errorThrown = false; //try { //ArrayList a = new ArrayList(2); //int i = a.LastIndexOf('a', 0, 2); //} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { //errorThrown = true; //} //Assert("past-end lastindexof error not thrown", //errorThrown); //} { char[] c = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(c); AssertEquals("never find null", -1, a.LastIndexOf(null)); AssertEquals("never find null", -1, a.LastIndexOf(null, 4)); AssertEquals("never find null", -1, a.LastIndexOf(null, 4, 5)); AssertEquals("can't find elem", 2, a.LastIndexOf('c')); AssertEquals("can't find elem", 2, a.LastIndexOf('c', 4)); AssertEquals("can't find elem", 2, a.LastIndexOf('c', 3, 2)); AssertEquals("shouldn't find elem", -1, a.LastIndexOf('c', 4, 2)); AssertEquals("shouldn't find", -1, a.LastIndexOf('?')); AssertEquals("shouldn't find", -1, a.LastIndexOf(1)); } } public void TestReadOnly() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(null); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("null arg error not thrown", errorThrown); } { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); AssertEquals("arrays start writeable.", false, al1.IsReadOnly); ArrayList al2 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(al1); AssertEquals("should be readonly.", true, al2.IsReadOnly); } } public void TestRemove() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.FixedSize(new ArrayList(3)); al1.Remove(1); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("remove fixed size error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList(3)); al1.Remove(1); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("remove read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { char[] c = {'a','b','c'}; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(c); a.Remove(1); a.Remove('?'); AssertEquals("should be unchanged", c.Length, a.Count); a.Remove('a'); AssertEquals("should be changed", 2, a.Count); AssertEquals("should have shifted", 'b', a[0]); AssertEquals("should have shifted", 'c', a[1]); } } public void TestRemoveAt() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.FixedSize(new ArrayList(3)); al1.RemoveAt(1); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("remove from fixed size error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList(3)); al1.RemoveAt(1); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("remove from read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.RemoveAt(-1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("remove at negative index error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.RemoveAt(4); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("remove at out-of-range index error not thrown", errorThrown); } { char[] c = {'a','b','c'}; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(c); a.RemoveAt(0); AssertEquals("should be changed", 2, a.Count); AssertEquals("should have shifted", 'b', a[0]); AssertEquals("should have shifted", 'c', a[1]); } } public void TestRemoveRange() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.FixedSize(new ArrayList(3)); al1.RemoveRange(0, 1); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("removerange from fixed size error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList(3)); al1.RemoveRange(0, 1); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("removerange from read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.RemoveRange(-1, 1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("removerange at negative index error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.RemoveRange(0, -1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("removerange at negative index error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.RemoveRange(2, 3); } catch (ArgumentException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("removerange at bad range error not thrown", errorThrown); } { char[] c = {'a','b','c'}; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(c); a.RemoveRange(1,2); AssertEquals("should be changed", 1, a.Count); AssertEquals("should have shifted", 'a', a[0]); } } public void TestRepeat() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.Repeat('c', -1); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("repeat negative copies error not thrown", errorThrown); } { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.Repeat("huh?", 0); AssertEquals("should be nothing in array", 0, al1.Count); } { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.Repeat("huh?", 3); AssertEquals("should be something in array", 3, al1.Count); AssertEquals("array elem doesn't check", "huh?", al1[0]); AssertEquals("array elem doesn't check", "huh?", al1[1]); AssertEquals("array elem doesn't check", "huh?", al1[2]); } } public void TestReverse() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList()); al1.Reverse(); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("reverse on read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { char[] c = new Char[2]; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c); al1.Reverse(0, 3); } catch (ArgumentException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { char[] c = new Char[2]; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c); al1.Reverse(3, 0); } catch (ArgumentException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("error not thrown", errorThrown); } { char[] c = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c); al1.Reverse(2,1); for (int i = 0; i < al1.Count; i++) { AssertEquals("Should be no change yet", c[i], al1[i]); } al1.Reverse(); for (int i = 0; i < al1.Count; i++) { AssertEquals("Should be reversed", c[i], al1[4-i]); } al1.Reverse(); for (int i = 0; i < al1.Count; i++) { AssertEquals("Should be back to normal", c[i], al1[i]); } al1.Reverse(1,3); AssertEquals("Should be back to normal", c[0], al1[0]); AssertEquals("Should be back to normal", c[3], al1[1]); AssertEquals("Should be back to normal", c[2], al1[2]); AssertEquals("Should be back to normal", c[1], al1[3]); AssertEquals("Should be back to normal", c[4], al1[4]); } } public void TestSetRange() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { char[] c = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList(3)); al1.SetRange(0, c); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("setrange on read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.SetRange(0, null); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { errorThrown = true; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("setrange with null error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { char[] c = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.SetRange(-1, c); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("setrange with negative index error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { char[] c = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.SetRange(2, c); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("setrange with too much error not thrown", errorThrown); } { char[] c = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.Repeat('?', 3); Assert("no match yet", c[0] != (char)al1[0]); Assert("no match yet", c[1] != (char)al1[1]); Assert("no match yet", c[2] != (char)al1[2]); al1.SetRange(0, c); AssertEquals("should match", c[0], al1[0]); AssertEquals("should match", c[1], al1[1]); AssertEquals("should match", c[2], al1[2]); } } public void TestSort() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList()); al1.Sort(); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("sort on read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { char[] starter = {'d', 'b', 'f', 'e', 'a', 'c'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(starter); al1.Sort(); AssertEquals("Should be sorted", 'a', al1[0]); AssertEquals("Should be sorted", 'b', al1[1]); AssertEquals("Should be sorted", 'c', al1[2]); AssertEquals("Should be sorted", 'd', al1[3]); AssertEquals("Should be sorted", 'e', al1[4]); AssertEquals("Should be sorted", 'f', al1[5]); } } // TODO - Sort with IComparers // TODO - Synchronize public void TestToArray() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(3); al1.ToArray(null); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("toarray with null error not thrown", errorThrown); } { bool errorThrown = false; try { char[] c = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; string s = "huh?"; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c); al1.ToArray(s.GetType()); } catch (InvalidCastException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("toarray with bad type error not thrown", errorThrown); } { char[] c1 = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}; ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(c1); object[] o2 = al1.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < c1.Length; i++) { AssertEquals("should be copy", c1[i], o2[i]); } Array c2 = al1.ToArray(c1[0].GetType()); for (int i = 0; i < c1.Length; i++) { AssertEquals("should be copy", c1[i], c2.GetValue(i)); } } } public void TestTrimToSize() { { bool errorThrown = false; try { ArrayList al1 = ArrayList.ReadOnly(new ArrayList()); al1.TrimToSize(); } catch (NotSupportedException) { errorThrown = true; } Assert("trim read only error not thrown", errorThrown); } { ArrayList al1 = new ArrayList(); int capacity = al1.Capacity; while (al1.Capacity <= capacity) { al1.Add('?'); } al1.RemoveAt(0); AssertEquals("size not good", capacity, al1.Count); Assert("capacity not good", al1.Capacity > capacity); al1.TrimToSize(); AssertEquals("no capacity match", capacity, al1.Capacity); al1.Clear(); al1.TrimToSize(); AssertEquals("no default capacity", capacity, al1.Capacity); } } } }