// Int32Test.cs - NUnit Test Cases for the System.Int32 struct // // Mario Martinez (mariom925@home.om) // // (C) Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Threading; using System.Globalization; namespace MonoTests.System { public class Int32Test : TestCase { private const Int32 MyInt32_1 = -42; private const Int32 MyInt32_2 = -2147483648; private const Int32 MyInt32_3 = 2147483647; private const string MyString1 = "-42"; private const string MyString2 = "-2147483648"; private const string MyString3 = "2147483647"; private string[] Formats1 = {"c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "n", "p", "x" }; private string[] Formats2 = {"c5", "d5", "e5", "f5", "g5", "n5", "p5", "x5" }; private string[] Results1 = {null, "-2147483648", "-2.147484e+009", "-2147483648.00", "-2147483648", "-2,147,483,648.00", "-214,748,364,800.00 %", "80000000"}; private string[] Results2 = {null, "2147483647", "2.14748e+009", "2147483647.00000", "2.1475e+09", "2,147,483,647.00000", "214,748,364,700.00000 %", "7fffffff"}; private string[] ResultsNfi1 = {"("+NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.CurrencySymbol+"2,147,483,648.00)", "-2147483648", "-2.147484e+009", "-2147483648.00", "-2147483648", "-2,147,483,648.00", "-214,748,364,800.00 %", "80000000"}; private string[] ResultsNfi2 = {NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.CurrencySymbol+"2,147,483,647.00000", "2147483647", "2.14748e+009", "2147483647.00000", "2.1475e+09", "2,147,483,647.00000", "214,748,364,700.00000 %", "7fffffff"}; private NumberFormatInfo Nfi = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo; public Int32Test() : base ("MonoTests.System.Int32Test testcase") {} public Int32Test(string name) : base(name) {} private CultureInfo old_culture; protected override void SetUp() { old_culture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; // Set culture to en-US and don't let the user override. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo ("en-US", false); // We can't initialize this until we set the culture. Results1 [0] = "("+NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.CurrencySymbol+"2,147,483,648.00)"; Results2 [0] = NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.CurrencySymbol+"2,147,483,647.00000"; } protected override void TearDown() { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = old_culture; } public static ITest Suite { get { return new TestSuite(typeof(Int32Test)); } } public void TestMinMax() { AssertEquals("#A01", Int32.MinValue, MyInt32_2); AssertEquals("#A02", Int32.MaxValue, MyInt32_3); } public void TestCompareTo() { Assert("MyInt32_3.CompareTo(MyInt32_2) > 0", MyInt32_3.CompareTo(MyInt32_2) > 0); Assert("MyInt32_2.CompareTo(MyInt32_2) == 0", MyInt32_2.CompareTo(MyInt32_2) == 0); Assert("MyInt32_1.CompareTo((Int32)(-42)) == 0", MyInt32_1.CompareTo((Int32)(-42)) == 0); Assert("MyInt32_2.CompareTo(MyInt32_3) < 0", MyInt32_2.CompareTo(MyInt32_3) < 0); try { MyInt32_2.CompareTo((Int16)100); Fail("Should raise a System.ArgumentException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert("typeof(ArgumentException) == e.GetType()", typeof(ArgumentException) == e.GetType()); } } public void TestEquals() { Assert ("#B01", MyInt32_1.Equals (MyInt32_1)); Assert ("#B02", MyInt32_1.Equals ((Int32)(-42))); Assert ("#B03", MyInt32_1.Equals ((SByte)(-42)) == false); Assert ("#B04", MyInt32_1.Equals (MyInt32_2) == false); } public void TestGetHashCode() { try { MyInt32_1.GetHashCode(); MyInt32_2.GetHashCode(); MyInt32_3.GetHashCode(); } catch { Fail("GetHashCode should not raise an exception here"); } } public void TestParse() { //test Parse(string s) AssertEquals ("#C01", MyInt32_1, Int32.Parse (MyString1)); AssertEquals ("#C02", MyInt32_2, Int32.Parse (MyString2)); AssertEquals ("#C03", MyInt32_3, Int32.Parse (MyString3)); AssertEquals ("#C04", 1, Int32.Parse ("1")); AssertEquals ("#C05", 1, Int32.Parse (" 1")); AssertEquals ("#C06", 1, Int32.Parse (" 1")); AssertEquals ("#C07", 1, Int32.Parse ("1 ")); AssertEquals ("#C08", 1, Int32.Parse ("+1")); AssertEquals ("#C09", -1, Int32.Parse ("-1")); AssertEquals ("#C10", -1, Int32.Parse (" -1")); AssertEquals ("#C11", -1, Int32.Parse (" -1 ")); AssertEquals ("#C12", -1, Int32.Parse (" -1 ")); try { Int32.Parse(null); Fail ("#C13: Should raise a System.ArgumentNullException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert ("#C14", typeof (ArgumentNullException) == e.GetType()); } try { Int32.Parse("not-a-number"); Fail ("#C15: Should raise a System.FormatException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert ("#C16", typeof (FormatException) == e.GetType()); } try { double OverInt = (double)Int32.MaxValue + 1; Int32.Parse(OverInt.ToString()); Fail ("#C17: Should raise a System.OverflowException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert ("#C18", typeof (OverflowException) == e.GetType()); } //test Parse(string s, NumberStyles style) AssertEquals ("#C19", 42, Int32.Parse (" $42 ", NumberStyles.Currency)); try { Int32.Parse("$42", NumberStyles.Integer); Fail ("#C20: Should raise a System.FormatException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert ("#C21", typeof (FormatException) == e.GetType()); } //test Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider) AssertEquals ("#C22", -42, Int32.Parse (" -42 ", Nfi)); try { Int32.Parse("%42", Nfi); Fail ("#C23: Should raise a System.FormatException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert ("#C24", typeof (FormatException) == e.GetType()); } //test Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider) AssertEquals ("#C25", 16, Int32.Parse (" 10 ", NumberStyles.HexNumber, Nfi)); try { Int32.Parse("$42", NumberStyles.Integer, Nfi); Fail ("#C26: Should raise a System.FormatException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert("#C27", typeof (FormatException) == e.GetType()); } try { Int32.Parse (" - 1 "); Fail ("#C28: Should raise FormatException"); } catch (Exception e){ Assert ("#C29", typeof (FormatException) == e.GetType ()); } try { Int32.Parse (" - "); Fail ("#C30: Should raise FormatException"); } catch (Exception e){ Assert ("#C31", typeof (FormatException) == e.GetType ()); } } public void TestToString() { //test ToString() AssertEquals ("#D01", MyString1, MyInt32_1.ToString ()); AssertEquals ("#D02", MyString2, MyInt32_2.ToString ()); AssertEquals ("#D03", MyString3, MyInt32_3.ToString ()); //test ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider); for (int i=0; i < Formats1.Length; i++) { AssertEquals ("#D04(" + i + "," + Formats1 [i] + ")", ResultsNfi1 [i], MyInt32_2.ToString (Formats1 [i], Nfi)); AssertEquals ("#D05(" + i + "," + Formats2 [i] + ")", ResultsNfi2 [i], MyInt32_3.ToString (Formats2 [i], Nfi)); } //test ToString(string format) for (int i=0; i < Formats1.Length; i++) { AssertEquals ("#D06(" + i + ")", Results1 [i], MyInt32_2.ToString(Formats1[i])); AssertEquals ("#D07(" + i + ")", Results2 [i], MyInt32_3.ToString(Formats2[i])); } try { MyInt32_1.ToString("z"); Fail ("#D08: Should raise a System.FormatException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert ("#D09", typeof (FormatException) == e.GetType()); } } public void TestCustomToString() { // FIXME: Not yet implemented. #if NOTYET // culture sensitive? int i = 123; AssertEquals ("Custom format string 00000", "00123", i.ToString ("00000")); AssertEquals ("Custom format string ####", "123", i.ToString ("####")); #endif } } }