// CharTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for the System.Char struct // // David Brandt (bucky@keystreams.com) // // (C) Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Globalization; namespace MonoTests.System { public class CharTest : TestCase { public CharTest() : base ("MonoTests.System.CharTest testsuite") {} public CharTest(string name) : base(name) {} protected override void SetUp() { } protected override void TearDown() { } public static ITest Suite { get { return new TestSuite(typeof(CharTest)); } } public void TestCompareTo() { Char c1 = 'a'; Char c2 = 'b'; Char c3 = 'b'; Assert("Less than", c1.CompareTo(c2) == -1); Assert("Greater than", c2.CompareTo(c1) == 1); Assert("Equal 1", c2.CompareTo(c3) == 0); Assert("Equal 2", c1.CompareTo(c1) == 0); } public void TestEquals() { Char c1 = 'a'; Char c2 = 'b'; Char c3 = 'b'; Assert("Same", c1.Equals(c1)); Assert("Same value", c2.Equals(c3)); Assert("Not same", !c1.Equals(c2)); } public void TestGetHashValue() { Char c1 = ' '; AssertEquals("deterministic hash code ", c1.GetHashCode(), c1.GetHashCode()); // TODO - the spec doesn't say what algorithm is used to get hash codes. So far, just a weak test for determinism and mostly-uniqueness. } public void TestGetNumericValue() { Char c1 = ' '; Char c2 = '3'; AssertEquals("code 1", -1.0, Char.GetNumericValue(c1), 0.1); AssertEquals("code 2", 3.0, Char.GetNumericValue(c2), 0.1); string s1 = " 3 "; AssertEquals("space not number", -1.0, Char.GetNumericValue(s1, 0), 0.1); AssertEquals("space not number", 3.0, Char.GetNumericValue(s1, 1), 0.1); AssertEquals("space not number", -1.0, Char.GetNumericValue(s1, 2), 0.1); } public void TestGetUnicodeCategory() { { char Pe1 = ']'; char Pe2 = '}'; char Pe3 = ')'; AssertEquals("Close Punctuation", UnicodeCategory.ClosePunctuation, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(Pe1)); AssertEquals("Close Punctuation", UnicodeCategory.ClosePunctuation, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(Pe2)); AssertEquals("Close Punctuation", UnicodeCategory.ClosePunctuation, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(Pe3)); } // TODO - ConnectorPunctuation { char c1 = (char)0; // 0000-001F, 007F-009F char c2 = (char)0x001F; char c3 = (char)0x007F; char c4 = (char)0x00F; AssertEquals("Control", UnicodeCategory.Control, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c1)); AssertEquals("Control", UnicodeCategory.Control, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c2)); AssertEquals("Control", UnicodeCategory.Control, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c3)); AssertEquals("Control", UnicodeCategory.Control, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c4)); } { // TODO - more currencies? char c1 = '$'; AssertEquals("Currency", UnicodeCategory.CurrencySymbol, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c1)); } { char c1 = '-'; AssertEquals("Dash Punctuation", UnicodeCategory.DashPunctuation, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c1)); } { char c1 = '2'; char c2 = '7'; AssertEquals("Decimal Digit", UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c1)); AssertEquals("Decimal Digit", UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c2)); } // TODO - EnclosingMark // TODO - FinalQuotePunctuation // TODO - Format // TODO - InitialQuotePunctuation // TODO - LetterNumber // TODO - LineSeparator (not '\n', that's a control char) { char c1 = 'a'; char c2 = 'z'; AssertEquals("LowercaseLetter", UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c1)); AssertEquals("LowercaseLetter", UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c2)); } { char c1 = '+'; char c2 = '='; AssertEquals("MathSymbol", UnicodeCategory.MathSymbol, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c1)); AssertEquals("MathSymbol", UnicodeCategory.MathSymbol, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c2)); } // TODO - ModifierSymbol // TODO - NonSpacingMark // TODO - OpenPunctuation { char c1 = '['; char c2 = '{'; char c3 = '('; AssertEquals("OpenPunctuation", UnicodeCategory.OpenPunctuation, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c1)); AssertEquals("OpenPunctuation", UnicodeCategory.OpenPunctuation, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c2)); AssertEquals("OpenPunctuation", UnicodeCategory.OpenPunctuation, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c3)); } // TODO - OtherLetter // TODO - OtherNotAssigned // TODO - OtherNumber { char c1 = '/'; AssertEquals("OtherPunctuation", UnicodeCategory.OtherPunctuation, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c1)); } // TODO - OtherSymbol // TODO - ParagraphSeparator // TODO - PrivateUse { char c1 = ' '; AssertEquals("SpaceSeparator", UnicodeCategory.SpaceSeparator, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c1)); } // TODO - SpacingCombiningMark { char c1 = (char)0xD800; // D800-DBFF char c2 = (char)0xDBFF; // D800-DBFF char c3 = (char)0xDC01; // DC00-DEFF char c4 = (char)0xDEFF; // DC00-DEFF AssertEquals("High Surrogate", UnicodeCategory.Surrogate, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c1)); AssertEquals("High Surrogate", UnicodeCategory.Surrogate, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c2)); AssertEquals("Low Surrogate", UnicodeCategory.Surrogate, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c3)); AssertEquals("Low Surrogate", UnicodeCategory.Surrogate, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c4)); } // TODO - TitlecaseLetter // TODO - UppercaseLetter { char c1 = 'A'; char c2 = 'Z'; AssertEquals("UppercaseLetter", UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c1)); AssertEquals("UppercaseLetter", UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter, Char.GetUnicodeCategory(c2)); } } public void TestIsControl() { // control is 0000-001F, 007F-009F char c1 = (char)0; char c2 = (char)0x001F; char c3 = (char)0x007F; char c4 = (char)0x009F; Assert("Not control", !Char.IsControl(' ')); Assert("control", Char.IsControl(c1)); Assert("control", Char.IsControl(c2)); Assert("control", Char.IsControl(c3)); Assert("control", Char.IsControl(c4)); string s1 = " " + c1 + c2 + c3 + c4; Assert("Not control", !Char.IsControl(s1, 0)); Assert("control", Char.IsControl(s1, 1)); Assert("control", Char.IsControl(s1, 2)); Assert("control", Char.IsControl(s1, 3)); Assert("control", Char.IsControl(s1, 4)); } public void TestIsDigit() { char c1 = '0'; char c2 = '9'; Assert("Not digit", !Char.IsDigit(' ')); Assert("digit", Char.IsDigit(c1)); Assert("digit", Char.IsDigit(c2)); string s1 = " " + c1 + c2; Assert("Not digit", !Char.IsDigit(s1, 0)); Assert("digit", Char.IsDigit(s1, 1)); Assert("digit", Char.IsDigit(s1, 2)); } public void TestIsLetter() { char c1 = 'a'; char c2 = 'z'; char c3 = 'A'; char c4 = 'Z'; Assert("Not letter", !Char.IsLetter(' ')); Assert("letter", Char.IsLetter(c1)); Assert("letter", Char.IsLetter(c2)); Assert("letter", Char.IsLetter(c3)); Assert("letter", Char.IsLetter(c4)); string s1 = " " + c1 + c2 + c3 + c4; Assert("Not letter", !Char.IsLetter(s1, 0)); Assert("letter", Char.IsLetter(s1, 1)); Assert("letter", Char.IsLetter(s1, 2)); Assert("letter", Char.IsLetter(s1, 3)); Assert("letter", Char.IsLetter(s1, 4)); } public void TestIsLetterOrDigit() { char c1 = 'a'; char c2 = 'z'; char c3 = 'A'; char c4 = 'Z'; char c5 = '0'; char c6 = '9'; Assert("Not letterordigit", !Char.IsLetterOrDigit(' ')); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c1)); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c2)); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c3)); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c4)); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c5)); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c6)); string s1 = " " + c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 + c5 + c6; Assert("Not letterordigit", !Char.IsLetterOrDigit(s1, 0)); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(s1, 1)); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(s1, 2)); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(s1, 3)); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(s1, 4)); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(s1, 5)); Assert("letterordigit", Char.IsLetterOrDigit(s1, 6)); } public void TestIsLower() { char c1 = 'a'; char c2 = 'z'; Assert("Not lower", !Char.IsLower(' ')); Assert("lower", Char.IsLower(c1)); Assert("lower", Char.IsLower(c2)); string s1 = " " + c1 + c2; Assert("Not lower", !Char.IsLower(s1, 0)); Assert("lower", Char.IsLower(s1, 1)); Assert("lower", Char.IsLower(s1, 2)); } public void TestIsNumber() { char c1 = '0'; char c2 = '9'; // TODO - IsNumber of less obvious characters Assert("Not number", !Char.IsNumber(' ')); Assert("number", Char.IsNumber(c1)); Assert("number", Char.IsNumber(c2)); string s1 = " " + c1 + c2; Assert("Not number", !Char.IsNumber(s1, 0)); Assert("number", Char.IsNumber(s1, 1)); Assert("number", Char.IsNumber(s1, 2)); } public void TestIsPunctuation() { char c1 = '.'; char c2 = '?'; Assert("Not punctuation", !Char.IsPunctuation(' ')); Assert("punctuation", Char.IsPunctuation(c1)); Assert("punctuation", Char.IsPunctuation(c2)); string s1 = " " + c1 + c2; Assert("Not punctuation", !Char.IsPunctuation(s1, 0)); Assert("punctuation", Char.IsPunctuation(s1, 1)); Assert("punctuation", Char.IsPunctuation(s1, 2)); } public void TestIsSeparator() { char c1 = ' '; Assert("Not separator", !Char.IsSeparator('.')); Assert("separator1", Char.IsSeparator(c1)); string s1 = "." + c1; Assert("Not separator", !Char.IsSeparator(s1, 0)); Assert("separator1-2", Char.IsSeparator(s1, 1)); } public void TestIsSurrogate() { // high surrogate - D800-DBFF // low surrogate - DC00-DEFF char c1 = (char)0xD800; char c2 = (char)0xDBFF; char c3 = (char)0xDC00; char c4 = (char)0xDEFF; Assert("Not surrogate", !Char.IsSurrogate(' ')); Assert("surrogate1", Char.IsSurrogate(c1)); Assert("surrogate2", Char.IsSurrogate(c2)); Assert("surrogate3", Char.IsSurrogate(c3)); Assert("surrogate4", Char.IsSurrogate(c4)); string s1 = " " + c1 + c2 + c3 + c4; Assert("Not surrogate", !Char.IsSurrogate(s1, 0)); Assert("surrogate1-2", Char.IsSurrogate(s1, 1)); Assert("surrogate2-2", Char.IsSurrogate(s1, 2)); Assert("surrogate3-2", Char.IsSurrogate(s1, 3)); Assert("surrogate4-2", Char.IsSurrogate(s1, 4)); } public void TestIsSymbol() { char c1 = '+'; char c2 = '='; Assert("Not symbol", !Char.IsSymbol(' ')); Assert("symbol", Char.IsSymbol(c1)); Assert("symbol", Char.IsSymbol(c2)); string s1 = " " + c1 + c2; Assert("Not symbol", !Char.IsSymbol(s1, 0)); Assert("symbol", Char.IsSymbol(s1, 1)); Assert("symbol", Char.IsSymbol(s1, 2)); } public void TestIsUpper() { char c1 = 'A'; char c2 = 'Z'; Assert("Not upper", !Char.IsUpper('a')); Assert("upper", Char.IsUpper(c1)); Assert("upper", Char.IsUpper(c2)); string s1 = "a" + c1 + c2; Assert("Not upper", !Char.IsUpper(s1, 0)); Assert("upper", Char.IsUpper(s1, 1)); Assert("upper", Char.IsUpper(s1, 2)); } public void TestIsWhiteSpace() { char c1 = ' '; char c2 = '\n'; char c3 = '\t'; Assert("Not whitespace", !Char.IsWhiteSpace('.')); Assert("whitespace1", Char.IsWhiteSpace(c1)); Assert("whitespace2", Char.IsWhiteSpace(c2)); Assert("whitespace3", Char.IsWhiteSpace(c3)); string s1 = "." + c1 + c2 + c3; Assert("Not whitespace", !Char.IsWhiteSpace(s1, 0)); Assert("whitespace1-2", Char.IsWhiteSpace(s1, 1)); Assert("whitespace2-2", Char.IsWhiteSpace(s1, 2)); Assert("whitespace3-2", Char.IsWhiteSpace(s1, 3)); } public void TestParse() { char c1 = 'a'; string s1 = "a"; Assert(c1.Equals(Char.Parse(s1))); } public void TestToLower() { char a1 = 'a'; char a2 = 'A'; char a3 = 'z'; char a4 = 'Z'; char a5 = ' '; char a6 = '+'; char b1 = 'a'; char b2 = 'a'; char b3 = 'z'; char b4 = 'z'; char b5 = ' '; char b6 = '+'; AssertEquals("char lowered", b1, Char.ToLower(a1)); AssertEquals("char lowered", b2, Char.ToLower(a2)); AssertEquals("char lowered", b3, Char.ToLower(a3)); AssertEquals("char lowered", b4, Char.ToLower(a4)); AssertEquals("char lowered", b5, Char.ToLower(a5)); AssertEquals("char lowered", b6, Char.ToLower(a6)); } public void TestToUpper() { char a1 = 'a'; char a2 = 'A'; char a3 = 'z'; char a4 = 'Z'; char a5 = ' '; char a6 = '+'; char b1 = 'A'; char b2 = 'A'; char b3 = 'Z'; char b4 = 'Z'; char b5 = ' '; char b6 = '+'; AssertEquals("char uppered", b1, Char.ToUpper(a1)); AssertEquals("char uppered", b2, Char.ToUpper(a2)); AssertEquals("char uppered", b3, Char.ToUpper(a3)); AssertEquals("char uppered", b4, Char.ToUpper(a4)); AssertEquals("char uppered", b5, Char.ToUpper(a5)); AssertEquals("char uppered", b6, Char.ToUpper(a6)); } public void TestToString() { char c1 = 'a'; string s1 = "a"; Assert(s1.Equals(c1.ToString())); } public void TestGetTypeCode() { char c1 = 'a'; Assert(c1.GetTypeCode().Equals(TypeCode.Char)); } } }