// // ActivatorTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for System.Activator // // Authors: // Nick Drochak // Gert Driesen // Sebastien Pouliot // // Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using NUnit.Framework; // The class in this namespace is used by the main test class namespace MonoTests.System.ActivatorTestInternal { // We need a COM class to test the Activator class [ComVisible (true)] public class COMTest : MarshalByRefObject { private int id; public bool constructorFlag = false; public COMTest () { id = 0; } public COMTest (int id) { this.id = id; } // This property is visible [ComVisible (true)] public int Id { get { return id; } set { id = value; } } } [ComVisible (false)] public class NonCOMTest : COMTest { } } namespace MonoTests.System { using MonoTests.System.ActivatorTestInternal; [TestFixture] public class ActivatorTest { private string corlibLocation = typeof (string).Assembly.Location; private string testLocation = typeof (ActivatorTest).Assembly.Location; [Test] public void CreateInstance_Type() { COMTest objCOMTest = (COMTest) Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (COMTest)); Assert.AreEqual ("MonoTests.System.ActivatorTestInternal.COMTest", (objCOMTest.GetType ()).ToString (), "#A02"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void CreateInstance_TypeNull () { Activator.CreateInstance ((Type)null); } [Test] public void CreateInstance_StringString () { ObjectHandle objHandle = Activator.CreateInstance (null, "MonoTests.System.ActivatorTestInternal.COMTest"); COMTest objCOMTest = (COMTest)objHandle.Unwrap (); objCOMTest.Id = 2; Assert.AreEqual (2, objCOMTest.Id, "#A03"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void CreateInstance_StringNull () { Activator.CreateInstance ((string)null, null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (TypeLoadException))] public void CreateInstance_StringTypeNameDoesNotExists () { Activator.CreateInstance ((string)null, "MonoTests.System.ActivatorTestInternal.DoesntExistsCOMTest"); } [Test] public void CreateInstance_TypeBool () { COMTest objCOMTest = (COMTest)Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (COMTest), false); Assert.AreEqual ("MonoTests.System.ActivatorTestInternal.COMTest", objCOMTest.GetType ().ToString (), "#A04"); } [Test] public void CreateInstance_TypeObjectArray () { object[] objArray = new object[1] { 7 }; COMTest objCOMTest = (COMTest)Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (COMTest), objArray); Assert.AreEqual (7, objCOMTest.Id, "#A05"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (MissingMethodException))] public void CreateInstance_TypeBuilder () { Type tb = typeof (TypeBuilder); // no public ctor - but why is it documented as NotSupportedException ? ConstructorInfo[] ctors = tb.GetConstructors (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); Activator.CreateInstance (tb, new object [ctors [0].GetParameters ().Length]); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (NotSupportedException))] public void CreateInstance_TypedReference () { Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (TypedReference), null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (NotSupportedException))] public void CreateInstance_ArgIterator () { Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (ArgIterator), null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (NotSupportedException))] public void CreateInstance_Void () { Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (void), null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (NotSupportedException))] public void CreateInstance_RuntimeArgumentHandle () { Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (RuntimeArgumentHandle), null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (NotSupportedException))] public void CreateInstance_NotMarshalByReferenceWithActivationAttributes () { Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (object), null, new object[1] { null }); } // TODO: Implemente the test methods for all the overriden functions using activationAttribute [Test] #if NET_2_0 [ExpectedException(typeof(MissingMethodException))] #else [ExpectedException(typeof(MemberAccessException))] #endif public void CreateInstanceAbstract1 () { Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (Type)); } [Test] #if NET_2_0 [ExpectedException(typeof(MissingMethodException))] #else [ExpectedException(typeof(MemberAccessException))] #endif public void CreateInstanceAbstract2 () { Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (Type), true); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(MissingMethodException))] public void CreateInstanceAbstract3 () { Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (Type), null, null); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(MissingMethodException))] public void CreateInstanceAbstract4() { Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (Type), BindingFlags.CreateInstance | (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance), null, null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, null); } [Test] #if NET_2_0 [ExpectedException (typeof (MissingMethodException))] #else [ExpectedException (typeof (MemberAccessException))] #endif public void CreateInstanceAbstract5 () { Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (Type), BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, null); } #if NET_2_0 [Test] public void CreateInstance_Nullable () { Assert.AreEqual (5, Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (Nullable), new object [] { 5 })); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (int), Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (Nullable), new object [] { 5 }).GetType ()); Assert.AreEqual (0, Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (Nullable), new object [] { null })); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (int), Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (Nullable), new object [] { null }).GetType ()); Assert.AreEqual (null, Activator.CreateInstance (typeof (Nullable))); } #endif [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void GetObject_TypeNull () { Activator.GetObject (null, "tcp://localhost:1234/COMTestUri"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void GetObject_UrlNull () { Activator.GetObject (typeof (COMTest), null); } /* This test is now executed in System.Runtime.Remoting unit tests [Test] public void GetObject () { // This will provide a COMTest object on tcp://localhost:1234/COMTestUri COMTest objCOMTest = new COMTest (8); TcpChannel chnServer = new TcpChannel (1234); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (chnServer); RemotingServices.SetObjectUriForMarshal (objCOMTest, "COMTestUri"); RemotingServices.Marshal (objCOMTest); // This will get the remoting object object objRem = Activator.GetObject (typeof (COMTest), "tcp://localhost:1234/COMTestUri"); Assert.IsNotNull (objRem, "#A07"); COMTest remCOMTest = (COMTest) objRem; Assert.AreEqual (8, remCOMTest.Id, "#A08"); ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel(chnServer); } */ // TODO: Implemente the test methods for all the overriden function using activationAttribute [Test] public void CreateInstanceFrom () { ObjectHandle objHandle = Activator.CreateInstanceFrom (testLocation, "MonoTests.System.ActivatorTestInternal.COMTest"); Assert.IsNotNull (objHandle, "#A09"); objHandle.Unwrap (); // TODO: Implement the test methods for all the overriden function using activationAttribute } // note: this only ensure that the ECMA key support unification (more test required, outside corlib, for other keys, like MS final). private const string CorlibPermissionPattern = "System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermission, mscorlib, Version={0}, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"; private const string SystemPermissionPattern = "System.Net.DnsPermission, System, Version={0}, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"; private const string fx10version = "1.0.3300.0"; private const string fx11version = "1.0.5000.0"; private const string fx20version = ""; private static object[] psNone = new object [1] { PermissionState.None }; private void Unification (string fullname) { Type t = Type.GetType (fullname); IPermission p = (IPermission)Activator.CreateInstance (t, psNone); string currentVersion = typeof (string).Assembly.GetName ().Version.ToString (); Assert.IsTrue ((p.ToString ().IndexOf (currentVersion) > 0), currentVersion); } [Test] public void Unification_FromFx10 () { Unification (String.Format (CorlibPermissionPattern, fx10version)); Unification (String.Format (SystemPermissionPattern, fx10version)); } [Test] public void Unification_FromFx11 () { Unification (String.Format (CorlibPermissionPattern, fx11version)); Unification (String.Format (SystemPermissionPattern, fx11version)); } [Test] public void Unification_FromFx20 () { Unification (String.Format (CorlibPermissionPattern, fx20version)); Unification (String.Format (SystemPermissionPattern, fx20version)); } [Test] public void Unification_FromFx99_Corlib () { Unification (String.Format (CorlibPermissionPattern, "9.99.999.9999")); #if ONLY_1_1 Unification (String.Format (SystemPermissionPattern, "9.99.999.9999")); #endif } #if NET_2_0 [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] public void Unification_FromFx99_System () { Assert.IsNull (Type.GetType (String.Format (SystemPermissionPattern, "9.99.999.9999"))); } #endif } }