// // System.Security.Cryptography SHA256Managed Class implementation // // Author: // Matthew S. Ford (Matthew.S.Ford@Rose-Hulman.Edu) // // (C) 2001 // using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace System.Security.Cryptography { /// /// C# implementation of the SHA1 cryptographic hash function. /// LAMESPEC?: Basically the same thing as SHA1Managed except for how its implemented. /// public class SHA256Managed : SHA256 { private const int BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES = 64; private const int HASH_SIZE_BYTES = 32; private const int HASH_SIZE_BITS = 256; [CLSCompliant(false)] protected uint[] _H; [CLSCompliant(false)] private uint[] K; [CLSCompliant(false)] protected uint count; private byte[] _ProcessingBuffer; // Used to start data when passed less than a block worth. private int _ProcessingBufferCount; // Counts how much data we have stored that still needs processed. /// /// Creates a new SHA256Managed class. /// public SHA256Managed () { _H = new uint[8]; HashSizeValue = HASH_SIZE_BITS; _ProcessingBuffer = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES]; K = new uint[64]; K[0] = 0x428A2F98; K[1] = 0x71374491; K[2] = 0xB5C0FBCF; K[3] = 0xE9B5DBA5; K[4] = 0x3956C25B; K[5] = 0x59F111F1; K[6] = 0x923F82A4; K[7] = 0xAB1C5ED5; K[8] = 0xD807AA98; K[9] = 0x12835B01; K[10] = 0x243185BE; K[11] = 0x550C7DC3; K[12] = 0x72BE5D74; K[13] = 0x80DEB1FE; K[14] = 0x9BDC06A7; K[15] = 0xC19BF174; K[16] = 0xE49B69C1; K[17] = 0xEFBE4786; K[18] = 0x0FC19DC6; K[19] = 0x240CA1CC; K[20] = 0x2DE92C6F; K[21] = 0x4A7484AA; K[22] = 0x5CB0A9DC; K[23] = 0x76F988DA; K[24] = 0x983E5152; K[25] = 0xA831C66D; K[26] = 0xB00327C8; K[27] = 0xBF597FC7; K[28] = 0xC6E00BF3; K[29] = 0xD5A79147; K[30] = 0x06CA6351; K[31] = 0x14292967; K[32] = 0x27B70A85; K[33] = 0x2E1B2138; K[34] = 0x4D2C6DFC; K[35] = 0x53380D13; K[36] = 0x650A7354; K[37] = 0x766A0ABB; K[38] = 0x81C2C92E; K[39] = 0x92722C85; K[40] = 0xA2BFE8A1; K[41] = 0xA81A664B; K[42] = 0xC24B8B70; K[43] = 0xC76C51A3; K[44] = 0xD192E819; K[45] = 0xD6990624; K[46] = 0xF40E3585; K[47] = 0x106AA070; K[48] = 0x19A4C116; K[49] = 0x1E376C08; K[50] = 0x2748774C; K[51] = 0x34B0BCB5; K[52] = 0x391C0CB3; K[53] = 0x4ED8AA4A; K[54] = 0x5B9CCA4F; K[55] = 0x682E6FF3; K[56] = 0x748F82EE; K[57] = 0x78A5636F; K[58] = 0x84C87814; K[59] = 0x8CC70208; K[60] = 0x90BEFFFA; K[61] = 0xA4506CEB; K[62] = 0xBEF9A3F7; K[63] = 0xC67178F2; Initialize(); } /// /// Internal function handling a subset of the algorithm. /// private uint Ch (uint u, uint v, uint w) { return (u&v) ^ (~u&w); } /// /// Internal function handling a subset of the algorithm. /// private uint Maj (uint u, uint v, uint w) { return (u&v) ^ (u&w) ^ (v&w); } /// /// Internal function handling a subset of the algorithm. /// private uint Ro0 (uint x) { return ((x >> 7) | (x << 25)) ^ ((x >> 18) | (x << 14)) ^ (x >> 3); } /// /// Internal function handling a subset of the algorithm. /// private uint Ro1 (uint x) { return ((x >> 17) | (x << 15)) ^ ((x >> 19) | (x << 13)) ^ (x >> 10); } /// /// Internal function handling a subset of the algorithm. /// private uint Sig0 (uint x) { return ((x >> 2) | (x << 30)) ^ ((x >> 13) | (x << 19)) ^ ((x >> 22) | (x << 10)); } /// /// Internal function handling a subset of the algorithm. /// private uint Sig1 (uint x) { return ((x >> 6) | (x << 26)) ^ ((x >> 11) | (x << 21)) ^ ((x >> 25) | (x << 7)); } /// /// Drives the hashing function. /// /// Byte array containing the data to hash. /// Where in the input buffer to start. /// Size in bytes of the data in the buffer to hash. protected override void HashCore (byte[] rgb, int start, int size) { int i; State = 1; if (_ProcessingBufferCount != 0) { if (size < (BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - _ProcessingBufferCount)) { System.Buffer.BlockCopy (rgb, start, _ProcessingBuffer, _ProcessingBufferCount, size); _ProcessingBufferCount += size; return; } else { i = (BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - _ProcessingBufferCount); System.Buffer.BlockCopy (rgb, start, _ProcessingBuffer, _ProcessingBufferCount, i); ProcessBlock (_ProcessingBuffer, 0); _ProcessingBufferCount = 0; start += i; size -= i; } } for (i=0; i /// This finalizes the hash. Takes the data from the chaining variables and returns it. /// protected override byte[] HashFinal () { byte[] hash = new byte[32]; int i, j; ProcessFinalBlock(_ProcessingBuffer, 0, _ProcessingBufferCount); for (i=0; i<8; i++) { for (j=0; j<4; j++) { hash[i*4+j] = (byte)(_H[i] >> (24-j*8)); } } State = 0; return hash; } /// /// Resets the class after use. Called automatically after hashing is done. /// public override void Initialize () { count = 0; _ProcessingBufferCount = 0; _H[0] = 0x6A09E667; _H[1] = 0xBB67AE85; _H[2] = 0x3C6EF372; _H[3] = 0xA54FF53A; _H[4] = 0x510E527F; _H[5] = 0x9B05688C; _H[6] = 0x1F83D9AB; _H[7] = 0x5BE0CD19; } /// /// This is the meat of the hash function. It is what processes each block one at a time. /// /// Byte array to process data from. /// Where in the byte array to start processing. public void ProcessBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset) { uint a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h; uint t1, t2; int i; uint[] buff; count += BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES; buff = new uint[64]; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { buff[i] = ((uint)(inputBuffer[inputOffset+4*i]) << 24) | ((uint)(inputBuffer[inputOffset+4*i+1]) << 16) | ((uint)(inputBuffer[inputOffset+4*i+2]) << 8) | ((uint)(inputBuffer[inputOffset+4*i+3])); } for (i=16; i<64; i++) { buff[i] = Ro1(buff[i-2]) + buff[i-7] + Ro0(buff[i-15]) + buff[i-16]; } a = _H[0]; b = _H[1]; c = _H[2]; d = _H[3]; e = _H[4]; f = _H[5]; g = _H[6]; h = _H[7]; for (i=0; i<64; i++) { t1 = h + Sig1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + K[i] + buff[i]; t2 = Sig0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); h = g; g = f; f = e; e = d + t1; d = c; c = b; b = a; a = t1 + t2; } _H[0] += a; _H[1] += b; _H[2] += c; _H[3] += d; _H[4] += e; _H[5] += f; _H[6] += g; _H[7] += h; } /// /// Pads and then processes the final block. /// Non-standard. /// /// Buffer to grab data from. /// Position in buffer in bytes to get data from. /// How much data in bytes in the buffer to use. public void ProcessFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount) { byte[] fooBuffer; int paddingSize; int i; uint size; paddingSize = (int)(56 - (inputCount + count) % BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES); if (paddingSize < 1) paddingSize += BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES; fooBuffer = new byte[inputCount+paddingSize+8]; for (i=0; i> 24); fooBuffer[inputCount+paddingSize+5] = (byte)((size) >> 16); fooBuffer[inputCount+paddingSize+6] = (byte)((size) >> 8); fooBuffer[inputCount+paddingSize+7] = (byte)((size) >> 0); ProcessBlock(fooBuffer, 0); if (inputCount+paddingSize+8 == 128) { ProcessBlock(fooBuffer, 64); } } } }