// // RSACryptoServiceProvider.cs: Handles an RSA implementation. // // Authors: // Sebastien Pouliot // Ben Maurer (bmaurer@users.sf.net) // // (C) 2002, 2003 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com) // Portions (C) 2003 Ben Maurer // Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Mono.Security.Cryptography; namespace System.Security.Cryptography { public partial class RSACryptoServiceProvider { private const int PROV_RSA_FULL = 1; // from WinCrypt.h private const int AT_KEYEXCHANGE = 1; private const int AT_SIGNATURE = 2; private KeyPairPersistence store; private bool persistKey; private bool persisted; private bool privateKeyExportable = true; private bool m_disposed; private RSAManaged rsa; public RSACryptoServiceProvider () : this (1024) { // Here it's not clear if we need to generate a keypair // (note: MS implementation generates a keypair in this case). // However we: // (a) often use this constructor to import an existing keypair. // (b) take a LOT of time to generate the RSA keypair // So we'll generate the keypair only when (and if) it's being // used (or exported). This should save us a lot of time (at // least in the unit tests). } public RSACryptoServiceProvider (CspParameters parameters) : this (1024, parameters) { // no keypair generation done at this stage } public RSACryptoServiceProvider (int dwKeySize) { // Here it's clear that we need to generate a new keypair Common (dwKeySize, false); // no keypair generation done at this stage } public RSACryptoServiceProvider (int dwKeySize, CspParameters parameters) { bool has_parameters = parameters != null; Common (dwKeySize, has_parameters); if (has_parameters) Common (parameters); // no keypair generation done at this stage } void Common (int dwKeySize, bool parameters) { // Microsoft RSA CSP can do between 384 and 16384 bits keypair LegalKeySizesValue = new KeySizes [1]; LegalKeySizesValue [0] = new KeySizes (384, 16384, 8); base.KeySize = dwKeySize; rsa = new RSAManaged (KeySize); rsa.KeyGenerated += new RSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler (OnKeyGenerated); persistKey = parameters; if (parameters) return; // no need to load - it cannot exists var p = new CspParameters (PROV_RSA_FULL); if (UseMachineKeyStore) p.Flags |= CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore; store = new KeyPairPersistence (p); } void Common (CspParameters p) { store = new KeyPairPersistence (p); bool exists = store.Load (); bool required = (p.Flags & CspProviderFlags.UseExistingKey) != 0; privateKeyExportable = (p.Flags & CspProviderFlags.UseNonExportableKey) == 0; if (required && !exists) throw new CryptographicException ("Keyset does not exist"); if (store.KeyValue != null) { persisted = true; FromXmlString (store.KeyValue); } } ~RSACryptoServiceProvider () { // Zeroize private key Dispose (false); } public override string KeyExchangeAlgorithm { get { return "RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx"; } } public override int KeySize { get { if (rsa == null) return KeySizeValue; else return rsa.KeySize; } } public bool PersistKeyInCsp { get { return persistKey; } set { persistKey = value; if (persistKey) OnKeyGenerated (rsa, null); } } [ComVisible (false)] public bool PublicOnly { get { return rsa.PublicOnly; } } public byte[] Decrypt (byte[] rgb, bool fOAEP) { if (rgb == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("rgb"); // size check -- must be at most the modulus size if (rgb.Length > (KeySize / 8)) throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Padding_DecDataTooBig", KeySize / 8)); if (m_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException ("rsa"); // choose between OAEP or PKCS#1 v.1.5 padding AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter def = null; if (fOAEP) def = new RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter (rsa); else def = new RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter (rsa); return def.DecryptKeyExchange (rgb); } // NOTE: Unlike MS we need this method // LAMESPEC: Not available from MS .NET framework but MS don't tell // why! DON'T USE IT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! You should // only encrypt/decrypt session (secret) key using asymmetric keys. // Using this method to decrypt data IS dangerous (and very slow). public override byte[] DecryptValue (byte[] rgb) { if (!rsa.IsCrtPossible) throw new CryptographicException ("Incomplete private key - missing CRT."); return rsa.DecryptValue (rgb); } public byte[] Encrypt (byte[] rgb, bool fOAEP) { // choose between OAEP or PKCS#1 v.1.5 padding AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter fmt = null; if (fOAEP) fmt = new RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter (rsa); else fmt = new RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter (rsa); return fmt.CreateKeyExchange (rgb); } // NOTE: Unlike MS we need this method // LAMESPEC: Not available from MS .NET framework but MS don't tell // why! DON'T USE IT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! You should // only encrypt/decrypt session (secret) key using asymmetric keys. // Using this method to encrypt data IS dangerous (and very slow). public override byte[] EncryptValue (byte[] rgb) { return rsa.EncryptValue (rgb); } public override RSAParameters ExportParameters (bool includePrivateParameters) { if ((includePrivateParameters) && (!privateKeyExportable)) throw new CryptographicException ("cannot export private key"); var rsaParams = rsa.ExportParameters (includePrivateParameters); if (includePrivateParameters) { // we want an ArgumentNullException is only the D is missing, but a // CryptographicException if other parameters (CRT) are missings if (rsaParams.D == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException ("Missing D parameter for the private key."); } else if ((rsaParams.P == null) || (rsaParams.Q == null) || (rsaParams.DP == null) || (rsaParams.DQ == null) || (rsaParams.InverseQ == null)) { // note: we can import a private key, using FromXmlString, // without the CRT parameters but we export it using ToXmlString! throw new CryptographicException ("Missing some CRT parameters for the private key."); } } return rsaParams; } public override void ImportParameters (RSAParameters parameters) { rsa.ImportParameters (parameters); } private HashAlgorithm GetHash (object halg) { if (halg == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("halg"); HashAlgorithm hash = null; if (halg is String) hash = GetHashFromString ((string) halg); else if (halg is HashAlgorithm) hash = (HashAlgorithm) halg; else if (halg is Type) hash = (HashAlgorithm) Activator.CreateInstance ((Type)halg); else throw new ArgumentException ("halg"); if (hash == null) throw new ArgumentException ( "Could not find provider for halg='" + halg + "'.", "halg"); return hash; } private HashAlgorithm GetHashFromString (string name) { HashAlgorithm hash = HashAlgorithm.Create (name); if (hash != null) return hash; try { return HashAlgorithm.Create (GetHashNameFromOID (name)); } catch (CryptographicException e) { throw new ArgumentException (e.Message, "halg", e); } } // NOTE: this method can work with ANY configured (OID in machine.config) // HashAlgorithm descendant public byte[] SignData (byte[] buffer, object halg) { if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer"); return SignData (buffer, 0, buffer.Length, halg); } // NOTE: this method can work with ANY configured (OID in machine.config) // HashAlgorithm descendant public byte[] SignData (Stream inputStream, object halg) { HashAlgorithm hash = GetHash (halg); byte[] toBeSigned = hash.ComputeHash (inputStream); return PKCS1.Sign_v15 (this, hash, toBeSigned); } // NOTE: this method can work with ANY configured (OID in machine.config) // HashAlgorithm descendant public byte[] SignData (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, object halg) { HashAlgorithm hash = GetHash (halg); byte[] toBeSigned = hash.ComputeHash (buffer, offset, count); return PKCS1.Sign_v15 (this, hash, toBeSigned); } private string GetHashNameFromOID (string oid) { switch (oid) { case "": return "SHA1"; case "1.2.840.113549.2.5": return "MD5"; case "2.16.840.": return "SHA256"; case "2.16.840.": return "SHA384"; case "2.16.840.": return "SHA512"; default: throw new CryptographicException (oid + " is an unsupported hash algorithm for RSA signing"); } } public byte[] SignHash (byte[] rgbHash, string str) { if (rgbHash == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("rgbHash"); // Fx 2.0 defaults to the SHA-1 string hashName = (str == null) ? "SHA1" : GetHashNameFromOID (str); HashAlgorithm hash = HashAlgorithm.Create (hashName); return PKCS1.Sign_v15 (this, hash, rgbHash); } byte[] SignHash(byte[] rgbHash, int calgHash) { return PKCS1.Sign_v15 (this, InternalHashToHashAlgorithm (calgHash), rgbHash); } static HashAlgorithm InternalHashToHashAlgorithm (int calgHash) { switch (calgHash) { case Constants.CALG_MD5: return MD5.Create (); case Constants.CALG_SHA1: return SHA1.Create (); case Constants.CALG_SHA_256: return SHA256.Create (); case Constants.CALG_SHA_384: return SHA384.Create (); case Constants.CALG_SHA_512: return SHA512.Create (); } throw new NotImplementedException (calgHash.ToString ()); } // NOTE: this method can work with ANY configured (OID in machine.config) // HashAlgorithm descendant public bool VerifyData (byte[] buffer, object halg, byte[] signature) { if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer"); if (signature == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("signature"); HashAlgorithm hash = GetHash (halg); byte[] toBeVerified = hash.ComputeHash (buffer); return PKCS1.Verify_v15 (this, hash, toBeVerified, signature); } public bool VerifyHash (byte[] rgbHash, string str, byte[] rgbSignature) { if (rgbHash == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("rgbHash"); if (rgbSignature == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("rgbSignature"); // Fx 2.0 defaults to the SHA-1 string hashName = (str == null) ? "SHA1" : GetHashNameFromOID (str); HashAlgorithm hash = HashAlgorithm.Create (hashName); return PKCS1.Verify_v15 (this, hash, rgbHash, rgbSignature); } bool VerifyHash(byte[] rgbHash, int calgHash, byte[] rgbSignature) { return PKCS1.Verify_v15 (this, InternalHashToHashAlgorithm (calgHash), rgbHash, rgbSignature); } protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (!m_disposed) { // the key is persisted and we do not want it persisted if ((persisted) && (!persistKey)) { store.Remove (); // delete the container } if (rsa != null) rsa.Clear (); // call base class // no need as they all are abstract before us m_disposed = true; } } // private stuff private void OnKeyGenerated (object sender, EventArgs e) { // the key isn't persisted and we want it persisted if ((persistKey) && (!persisted)) { // save the current keypair store.KeyValue = this.ToXmlString (!rsa.PublicOnly); store.Save (); persisted = true; } } // ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm [ComVisible (false)] public CspKeyContainerInfo CspKeyContainerInfo { get { return new CspKeyContainerInfo(store.Parameters); } } [ComVisible (false)] public byte[] ExportCspBlob (bool includePrivateParameters) { byte[] blob = null; if (includePrivateParameters) blob = CryptoConvert.ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob (this); else blob = CryptoConvert.ToCapiPublicKeyBlob (this); // ALGID (bytes 4-7) - default is KEYX // 00 24 00 00 (for CALG_RSA_SIGN) // 00 A4 00 00 (for CALG_RSA_KEYX) blob [5] = (byte) (((store != null) && (store.Parameters.KeyNumber == AT_SIGNATURE)) ? 0x24 : 0xA4); return blob; } [ComVisible (false)] public void ImportCspBlob (byte[] keyBlob) { if (keyBlob == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("keyBlob"); RSA rsa = CryptoConvert.FromCapiKeyBlob (keyBlob); if (rsa is RSACryptoServiceProvider) { // default (if no change are present in machine.config) RSAParameters rsap = rsa.ExportParameters (!(rsa as RSACryptoServiceProvider).PublicOnly); ImportParameters (rsap); } else { // we can't know from RSA if the private key is available try { // so we try it... RSAParameters rsap = rsa.ExportParameters (true); ImportParameters (rsap); } catch { // and fall back RSAParameters rsap = rsa.ExportParameters (false); ImportParameters (rsap); } } var p = new CspParameters (PROV_RSA_FULL); p.KeyNumber = keyBlob [5] == 0x24 ? AT_SIGNATURE : AT_KEYEXCHANGE; if (UseMachineKeyStore) p.Flags |= CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore; store = new KeyPairPersistence (p); } } }