// // System.Security.Cryptography CryptoStream.cs // // Authors: // Thomas Neidhart (tome@sbox.tugraz.at) // Sebastien Pouliot (sebastien@ximian.com) // // Portions (C) 2002, 2003 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com) // Copyright (C) 2004-2005, 2007 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace System.Security.Cryptography { #if NET_2_0 [ComVisible (true)] #endif public class CryptoStream : Stream { private Stream _stream; private ICryptoTransform _transform; private CryptoStreamMode _mode; private byte[] _currentBlock; private bool _disposed; private bool _flushedFinalBlock; private int _partialCount; private bool _endOfStream; private byte[] _waitingBlock; private int _waitingCount; private byte[] _transformedBlock; private int _transformedPos; private int _transformedCount; private byte[] _workingBlock; private int _workingCount; public CryptoStream (Stream stream, ICryptoTransform transform, CryptoStreamMode mode) { if ((mode == CryptoStreamMode.Read) && (!stream.CanRead)) { throw new ArgumentException ( Locale.GetText ("Can't read on stream")); } if ((mode == CryptoStreamMode.Write) && (!stream.CanWrite)) { throw new ArgumentException ( Locale.GetText ("Can't write on stream")); } _stream = stream; _transform = transform; _mode = mode; _disposed = false; if (transform != null) { _workingBlock = new byte [transform.InputBlockSize]; if (mode == CryptoStreamMode.Read) _currentBlock = new byte [transform.InputBlockSize]; else if (mode == CryptoStreamMode.Write) _currentBlock = new byte [transform.OutputBlockSize]; } } ~CryptoStream () { Dispose (false); } public override bool CanRead { get { return (_mode == CryptoStreamMode.Read); } } public override bool CanSeek { get { return false; } } public override bool CanWrite { get { return (_mode == CryptoStreamMode.Write); } } public override long Length { get { throw new NotSupportedException ("Length"); } } public override long Position { get { throw new NotSupportedException ("Position"); } set { throw new NotSupportedException ("Position"); } } public void Clear () { Dispose (true); GC.SuppressFinalize (this); // not called in Stream.Dispose } // LAMESPEC: A CryptoStream can be close in read mode public override void Close () { // only flush in write mode (bugzilla 46143) if ((!_flushedFinalBlock) && (_mode == CryptoStreamMode.Write)) FlushFinalBlock (); if (_stream != null) _stream.Close (); } public override int Read ([In,Out] byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if (_mode != CryptoStreamMode.Read) { throw new NotSupportedException ( Locale.GetText ("not in Read mode")); } if (offset < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset", Locale.GetText ("negative")); } if (count < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("count", Locale.GetText ("negative")); } // yes - buffer.Length will throw a NullReferenceException if buffer is null // but by doing so we match MS implementation // re-ordered to avoid integer overflow if (offset > buffer.Length - count) { throw new ArgumentException ("(offset+count)", Locale.GetText ("buffer overflow")); } // for some strange reason ObjectDisposedException isn't throw if (_workingBlock == null) { #if NET_2_0 return 0; #else // instead we get a ArgumentNullException (probably from an internal method) throw new ArgumentNullException (Locale.GetText ("CryptoStream was disposed.")); #endif } int result = 0; if ((count == 0) || ((_transformedPos == _transformedCount) && (_endOfStream))) return result; if (_waitingBlock == null) { _transformedBlock = new byte [_transform.OutputBlockSize << 2]; _transformedPos = 0; _transformedCount = 0; _waitingBlock = new byte [_transform.InputBlockSize]; _waitingCount = _stream.Read (_waitingBlock, 0, _waitingBlock.Length); } while (count > 0) { // transformed but not yet returned int length = (_transformedCount - _transformedPos); // need more data - at least one full block must be available if we haven't reach the end of the stream if (length < _transform.InputBlockSize) { int transformed = 0; // load a new block _workingCount = _stream.Read (_workingBlock, 0, _transform.InputBlockSize); _endOfStream = (_workingCount < _transform.InputBlockSize); if (!_endOfStream) { // transform the waiting block transformed = _transform.TransformBlock (_waitingBlock, 0, _waitingBlock.Length, _transformedBlock, _transformedCount); // transfer temporary to waiting Buffer.BlockCopy (_workingBlock, 0, _waitingBlock, 0, _workingCount); _waitingCount = _workingCount; } else { if (_workingCount > 0) { // transform the waiting block transformed = _transform.TransformBlock (_waitingBlock, 0, _waitingBlock.Length, _transformedBlock, _transformedCount); // transfer temporary to waiting Buffer.BlockCopy (_workingBlock, 0, _waitingBlock, 0, _workingCount); _waitingCount = _workingCount; length += transformed; _transformedCount += transformed; } if (!_flushedFinalBlock) { byte[] input = _transform.TransformFinalBlock (_waitingBlock, 0, _waitingCount); transformed = input.Length; Buffer.BlockCopy (input, 0, _transformedBlock, _transformedCount, input.Length); // zeroize this last block Array.Clear (input, 0, input.Length); _flushedFinalBlock = true; } } length += transformed; _transformedCount += transformed; } // compaction if (_transformedPos > _transform.InputBlockSize) { Buffer.BlockCopy (_transformedBlock, _transformedPos, _transformedBlock, 0, length); _transformedCount -= _transformedPos; _transformedPos = 0; } length = ((count < length) ? count : length); if (length > 0) { Buffer.BlockCopy (_transformedBlock, _transformedPos, buffer, offset, length); _transformedPos += length; result += length; offset += length; count -= length; } // there may not be enough data in the stream for a // complete block if (((length != _transform.InputBlockSize) && (_waitingCount != _transform.InputBlockSize)) || (_endOfStream)) { count = 0; // no more data can be read } } return result; } public override void Write (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if (_mode != CryptoStreamMode.Write) { throw new NotSupportedException ( Locale.GetText ("not in Write mode")); } if (offset < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset", Locale.GetText ("negative")); } if (count < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("count", Locale.GetText ("negative")); } // re-ordered to avoid integer overflow if (offset > buffer.Length - count) { throw new ArgumentException ("(offset+count)", Locale.GetText ("buffer overflow")); } if (_stream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("inner stream was diposed"); int buffer_length = count; // partial block (in progress) if ((_partialCount > 0) && (_partialCount != _transform.InputBlockSize)) { int remainder = _transform.InputBlockSize - _partialCount; remainder = ((count < remainder) ? count : remainder); Buffer.BlockCopy (buffer, offset, _workingBlock, _partialCount, remainder); _partialCount += remainder; offset += remainder; count -= remainder; } int bufferPos = offset; while (count > 0) { if (_partialCount == _transform.InputBlockSize) { // use partial block to avoid (re)allocation int len = _transform.TransformBlock (_workingBlock, 0, _partialCount, _currentBlock, 0); _stream.Write (_currentBlock, 0, len); // reset _partialCount = 0; } if (_transform.CanTransformMultipleBlocks) { // get the biggest multiple of InputBlockSize in count (without mul or div) int size = (count & ~(_transform.OutputBlockSize - 1)); int rem = (count & (_transform.OutputBlockSize - 1)); // avoid reallocating memory at each call (reuse same buffer whenever possible) if (_workingBlock.Length < size) { Array.Clear (_workingBlock, 0, _workingBlock.Length); _workingBlock = new byte [size]; } if (size > 0) { int len = _transform.TransformBlock (buffer, offset, size, _workingBlock, 0); _stream.Write (_workingBlock, 0, len); } if (rem > 0) Buffer.BlockCopy (buffer, buffer_length - rem, _workingBlock, 0, rem); _partialCount = rem; count = 0; // the last block, if any, is in _workingBlock } else { int len = Math.Min (_transform.InputBlockSize - _partialCount, count); Buffer.BlockCopy (buffer, bufferPos, _workingBlock, _partialCount, len); bufferPos += len; _partialCount += len; count -= len; // here block may be full, but we wont TransformBlock it until next iteration // so that the last block will be called in FlushFinalBlock using TransformFinalBlock } } } public override void Flush () { if (_stream != null) _stream.Flush (); } public void FlushFinalBlock () { if (_flushedFinalBlock) throw new NotSupportedException (Locale.GetText ("This method cannot be called twice.")); #if NET_2_0 if (_disposed) throw new NotSupportedException (Locale.GetText ("CryptoStream was disposed.")); if (_mode != CryptoStreamMode.Write) return; #else if (_mode != CryptoStreamMode.Write) throw new NotSupportedException (Locale.GetText ("cannot flush a non-writeable CryptoStream")); #endif _flushedFinalBlock = true; byte[] finalBuffer = _transform.TransformFinalBlock (_workingBlock, 0, _partialCount); if (_stream != null) { _stream.Write (finalBuffer, 0, finalBuffer.Length); if (_stream is CryptoStream) { // for cascading crypto streams (_stream as CryptoStream).FlushFinalBlock (); } _stream.Flush (); } // zeroize Array.Clear (finalBuffer, 0, finalBuffer.Length); } public override long Seek (long offset, SeekOrigin origin) { throw new NotSupportedException ("Seek"); } // LAMESPEC: Exception NotSupportedException not documented public override void SetLength (long value) { throw new NotSupportedException ("SetLength"); } #if NET_2_0 protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) #else protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing) #endif { if (!_disposed) { _disposed = true; // always cleared for security reason if (_workingBlock != null) Array.Clear (_workingBlock, 0, _workingBlock.Length); if (_currentBlock != null) Array.Clear (_currentBlock, 0, _currentBlock.Length); if (disposing) { _stream = null; _workingBlock = null; _currentBlock = null; } } } } }