// // System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.cs // // Author: Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@ideary.com) // // (C) 2003 Lluis Sanchez Gual // // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; namespace System.Runtime.Serialization { public class ObjectManager { // All objects are chained in the same order as they have been registered ObjectRecord _objectRecordChain = null; ObjectRecord _lastObjectRecord = null; ArrayList _deserializedRecords = new ArrayList(); Hashtable _objectRecords = new Hashtable(); bool _finalFixup = false; ISurrogateSelector _selector; StreamingContext _context; int _registeredObjectsCount = 0; public ObjectManager(ISurrogateSelector selector, StreamingContext context) { _selector = selector; _context = context; } public virtual void DoFixups() { _finalFixup = true; try { if (_registeredObjectsCount < _objectRecords.Count) throw new SerializationException ("There are some fixups that refer to objects that have not been registered"); ObjectRecord last = _lastObjectRecord; bool firstCicle = true; // Solve al pending fixups of all objects ObjectRecord record = _objectRecordChain; while (record != null) { bool ready = !(record.IsUnsolvedObjectReference && firstCicle); if (ready) ready = record.DoFixups (true, this, true); if (ready) ready = record.LoadData(this, _selector, _context); ObjectRecord next; if (ready) { if (record.OriginalObject is IDeserializationCallback) _deserializedRecords.Add (record); next = record.Next; } else { // There must be an unresolved IObjectReference instance. // Chain the record at the end so it is solved later if ((record.ObjectInstance is IObjectReference) && !firstCicle) { if (record.Status == ObjectRecordStatus.ReferenceSolvingDelayed) throw new SerializationException ("The object with ID " + record.ObjectID + " could not be resolved"); else record.Status = ObjectRecordStatus.ReferenceSolvingDelayed; } if (record != _lastObjectRecord) { next = record.Next; record.Next = null; _lastObjectRecord.Next = record; _lastObjectRecord = record; } else next = record; } if (record == last) firstCicle = false; record = next; } } finally { _finalFixup = false; } } internal ObjectRecord GetObjectRecord (long objectID) { ObjectRecord rec = (ObjectRecord)_objectRecords[objectID]; if (rec == null) { if (_finalFixup) throw new SerializationException ("The object with Id " + objectID + " has not been registered"); rec = new ObjectRecord(); rec.ObjectID = objectID; _objectRecords[objectID] = rec; } if (!rec.IsRegistered && _finalFixup) throw new SerializationException ("The object with Id " + objectID + " has not been registered"); return rec; } public virtual object GetObject (long objectID) { if (objectID <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("objectID","The objectID parameter is less than or equal to zero"); ObjectRecord rec = (ObjectRecord)_objectRecords[objectID]; if (rec == null || !rec.IsRegistered) return null; else return rec.ObjectInstance; } public virtual void RaiseDeserializationEvent () { for (int i = _deserializedRecords.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) { ObjectRecord record = (ObjectRecord) _deserializedRecords [i]; IDeserializationCallback obj = record.OriginalObject as IDeserializationCallback; if (obj != null) obj.OnDeserialization (this); } } private void AddFixup (BaseFixupRecord record) { record.ObjectToBeFixed.ChainFixup (record, true); record.ObjectRequired.ChainFixup (record, false); } public virtual void RecordArrayElementFixup (long arrayToBeFixed, int index, long objectRequired) { if (arrayToBeFixed <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("arrayToBeFixed","The arrayToBeFixed parameter is less than or equal to zero"); if (objectRequired <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("objectRequired","The objectRequired parameter is less than or equal to zero"); ArrayFixupRecord record = new ArrayFixupRecord(GetObjectRecord(arrayToBeFixed), index, GetObjectRecord(objectRequired)); AddFixup (record); } public virtual void RecordArrayElementFixup (long arrayToBeFixed, int[] indices, long objectRequired) { if (arrayToBeFixed <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("arrayToBeFixed","The arrayToBeFixed parameter is less than or equal to zero"); if (objectRequired <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("objectRequired","The objectRequired parameter is less than or equal to zero"); if (indices == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("indices"); MultiArrayFixupRecord record = new MultiArrayFixupRecord (GetObjectRecord(arrayToBeFixed), indices, GetObjectRecord(objectRequired)); AddFixup (record); } public virtual void RecordDelayedFixup (long objectToBeFixed, string memberName, long objectRequired) { if (objectToBeFixed <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("objectToBeFixed","The objectToBeFixed parameter is less than or equal to zero"); if (objectRequired <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("objectRequired","The objectRequired parameter is less than or equal to zero"); if (memberName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("memberName"); DelayedFixupRecord record = new DelayedFixupRecord (GetObjectRecord(objectToBeFixed), memberName, GetObjectRecord(objectRequired)); AddFixup (record); } public virtual void RecordFixup (long objectToBeFixed, MemberInfo member, long objectRequired) { if (objectToBeFixed <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("objectToBeFixed","The objectToBeFixed parameter is less than or equal to zero"); if (objectRequired <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("objectRequired","The objectRequired parameter is less than or equal to zero"); if (member == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("member"); FixupRecord record = new FixupRecord (GetObjectRecord(objectToBeFixed), member, GetObjectRecord(objectRequired)); AddFixup (record); } private void RegisterObjectInternal (object obj, ObjectRecord record) { if (obj == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("obj"); if (record.IsRegistered) { if (record.OriginalObject != obj) throw new SerializationException ("An object with Id " + record.ObjectID + " has already been registered"); else return; } record.ObjectInstance = obj; record.OriginalObject = obj; if (obj is IObjectReference) record.Status = ObjectRecordStatus.ReferenceUnsolved; else record.Status = ObjectRecordStatus.ReferenceSolved; record.DoFixups (true, this, false); record.DoFixups (false, this, false); _registeredObjectsCount++; // Adds the object to the chain of registered objects. This chain // is needed to be able to to perform the final fixups in the right order if (_objectRecordChain == null) { _objectRecordChain = record; _lastObjectRecord = record; } else { _lastObjectRecord.Next = record; _lastObjectRecord = record; } } public virtual void RegisterObject (object obj, long objectID) { if (obj == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("obj", "The obj parameter is null."); if (objectID <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("objectID","The objectID parameter is less than or equal to zero"); RegisterObjectInternal (obj, GetObjectRecord (objectID)); } public void RegisterObject (object obj, long objectID, SerializationInfo info) { if (obj == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("obj", "The obj parameter is null."); if (objectID <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("objectID","The objectID parameter is less than or equal to zero"); ObjectRecord record = GetObjectRecord (objectID); record.Info = info; RegisterObjectInternal (obj, record); } public void RegisterObject (object obj, long objectID, SerializationInfo info, long idOfContainingObj, MemberInfo member) { RegisterObject (obj, objectID, info, idOfContainingObj, member, null); } public void RegisterObject( object obj, long objectID, SerializationInfo info, long idOfContainingObj, MemberInfo member, int[] arrayIndex) { if (obj == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("obj", "The obj parameter is null."); if (objectID <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("objectID","The objectID parameter is less than or equal to zero"); ObjectRecord record = GetObjectRecord (objectID); record.Info = info; record.IdOfContainingObj = idOfContainingObj; record.Member = member; record.ArrayIndex = arrayIndex; RegisterObjectInternal (obj, record); } } // Fixup types. There is a fixup class for each fixup type. // BaseFixupRecord // Base class for all fixups internal abstract class BaseFixupRecord { public BaseFixupRecord(ObjectRecord objectToBeFixed, ObjectRecord objectRequired) { ObjectToBeFixed = objectToBeFixed; ObjectRequired = objectRequired; } public bool DoFixup (ObjectManager manager, bool strict) { if (ObjectToBeFixed.IsRegistered && ObjectRequired.IsInstanceReady) { FixupImpl (manager); return true; } else if (strict) { if (!ObjectToBeFixed.IsRegistered) throw new SerializationException ("An object with ID " + ObjectToBeFixed.ObjectID + " was included in a fixup, but it has not been registered"); else if (!ObjectRequired.IsRegistered) throw new SerializationException ("An object with ID " + ObjectRequired.ObjectID + " was included in a fixup, but it has not been registered"); else return false; } else return false; } protected abstract void FixupImpl (ObjectManager manager); internal protected ObjectRecord ObjectToBeFixed; internal protected ObjectRecord ObjectRequired; public BaseFixupRecord NextSameContainer; public BaseFixupRecord NextSameRequired; } // ArrayFixupRecord // Fixup for assigning a value to one position of an array internal class ArrayFixupRecord : BaseFixupRecord { int _index; public ArrayFixupRecord (ObjectRecord objectToBeFixed, int index, ObjectRecord objectRequired): base (objectToBeFixed, objectRequired) { _index = index; } protected override void FixupImpl (ObjectManager manager) { Array array = (Array)ObjectToBeFixed.ObjectInstance; array.SetValue (ObjectRequired.ObjectInstance, _index); } } // MultiArrayFixupRecord // Fixup for assigning a value to several positions of an array internal class MultiArrayFixupRecord : BaseFixupRecord { int[] _indices; public MultiArrayFixupRecord (ObjectRecord objectToBeFixed, int[] indices, ObjectRecord objectRequired): base (objectToBeFixed, objectRequired) { _indices = indices; } protected override void FixupImpl (ObjectManager manager) { ObjectToBeFixed.SetArrayValue (manager, ObjectRequired.ObjectInstance, _indices); } } // FixupRecord // Fixup for assigning a value to a member of an object internal class FixupRecord: BaseFixupRecord { public MemberInfo _member; public FixupRecord (ObjectRecord objectToBeFixed, MemberInfo member, ObjectRecord objectRequired): base (objectToBeFixed, objectRequired) { _member = member; } protected override void FixupImpl (ObjectManager manager) { ObjectToBeFixed.SetMemberValue (manager, _member, ObjectRequired.ObjectInstance); } } // DelayedFixupRecord // Fixup for assigning a value to a SerializationInfo of an object internal class DelayedFixupRecord: BaseFixupRecord { public string _memberName; public DelayedFixupRecord (ObjectRecord objectToBeFixed, string memberName, ObjectRecord objectRequired): base (objectToBeFixed, objectRequired) { _memberName = memberName; } protected override void FixupImpl (ObjectManager manager) { ObjectToBeFixed.SetMemberValue (manager, _memberName, ObjectRequired.ObjectInstance); } } // Object Record internal enum ObjectRecordStatus: byte { Unregistered, ReferenceUnsolved, ReferenceSolvingDelayed, ReferenceSolved } internal class ObjectRecord { public ObjectRecordStatus Status = ObjectRecordStatus.Unregistered; public object OriginalObject; public object ObjectInstance; public long ObjectID; public SerializationInfo Info; public long IdOfContainingObj; public MemberInfo Member; public int[] ArrayIndex; public BaseFixupRecord FixupChainAsContainer; public BaseFixupRecord FixupChainAsRequired; public ObjectRecord Next; public void SetMemberValue (ObjectManager manager, MemberInfo member, object value) { if (member is FieldInfo) ((FieldInfo)member).SetValue (ObjectInstance, value); else if (member is PropertyInfo) ((PropertyInfo)member).SetValue (ObjectInstance, value, null); else throw new SerializationException ("Cannot perform fixup"); if (Member != null) { ObjectRecord containerRecord = manager.GetObjectRecord (IdOfContainingObj); if (containerRecord.IsRegistered) containerRecord.SetMemberValue (manager, Member, ObjectInstance); } else if (ArrayIndex != null) { ObjectRecord containerRecord = manager.GetObjectRecord (IdOfContainingObj); if (containerRecord.IsRegistered) containerRecord.SetArrayValue (manager, ObjectInstance, ArrayIndex); } } public void SetArrayValue (ObjectManager manager, object value, int[] indices) { ((Array)ObjectInstance).SetValue (value, indices); } public void SetMemberValue (ObjectManager manager, string memberName, object value) { if (Info == null) throw new SerializationException ("Cannot perform fixup"); Info.AddValue (memberName, value, value.GetType()); } public bool IsInstanceReady { // Returns true if this object is ready to be assigned to a parent object. get { if (!IsRegistered) return false; if (IsUnsolvedObjectReference) return false; // Embedded value objects cannot be assigned to their containers until fully completed if (Member != null && (HasPendingFixups || Info != null)) return false; return true; } } public bool IsUnsolvedObjectReference { get { return Status != ObjectRecordStatus.ReferenceSolved; } } public bool IsRegistered { get { return Status != ObjectRecordStatus.Unregistered; } } public bool DoFixups (bool asContainer, ObjectManager manager, bool strict) { BaseFixupRecord prevFixup = null; BaseFixupRecord fixup = asContainer ? FixupChainAsContainer : FixupChainAsRequired; bool allFixed = true; while (fixup != null) { if (fixup.DoFixup (manager, strict)) { UnchainFixup (fixup, prevFixup, asContainer); if (asContainer) fixup.ObjectRequired.RemoveFixup (fixup, false); else fixup.ObjectToBeFixed.RemoveFixup (fixup, true); } else { prevFixup = fixup; allFixed = false; } fixup = asContainer ? fixup.NextSameContainer : fixup.NextSameRequired; } return allFixed; } public void RemoveFixup (BaseFixupRecord fixupToRemove, bool asContainer) { BaseFixupRecord prevFixup = null; BaseFixupRecord fixup = asContainer ? FixupChainAsContainer : FixupChainAsRequired; while (fixup != null) { if (fixup == fixupToRemove) { UnchainFixup (fixup, prevFixup, asContainer); return; } prevFixup = fixup; fixup = asContainer ? fixup.NextSameContainer : fixup.NextSameRequired; } } private void UnchainFixup (BaseFixupRecord fixup, BaseFixupRecord prevFixup, bool asContainer) { if (prevFixup == null) { if (asContainer) FixupChainAsContainer = fixup.NextSameContainer; else FixupChainAsRequired = fixup.NextSameRequired; } else { if (asContainer) prevFixup.NextSameContainer = fixup.NextSameContainer; else prevFixup.NextSameRequired = fixup.NextSameRequired; } } public void ChainFixup (BaseFixupRecord fixup, bool asContainer) { if (asContainer) { fixup.NextSameContainer = FixupChainAsContainer; FixupChainAsContainer = fixup; } else { fixup.NextSameRequired = FixupChainAsRequired; FixupChainAsRequired = fixup; } } public bool LoadData (ObjectManager manager, ISurrogateSelector selector, StreamingContext context) { if (Info != null) { ISurrogateSelector foundSelector = null; ISerializationSurrogate surrogate = null; if (selector != null) surrogate = selector.GetSurrogate (ObjectInstance.GetType(), context, out foundSelector); if (surrogate != null) { surrogate.SetObjectData (ObjectInstance, Info, context, foundSelector); } else if (ObjectInstance is ISerializable) { object[] pars = new object[] {Info, context}; ConstructorInfo con = ObjectInstance.GetType().GetConstructor (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[] { typeof (SerializationInfo), typeof (StreamingContext) }, null ); if (con == null) throw new SerializationException ("The constructor to deserialize an object of type " + ObjectInstance.GetType().FullName + " was not found."); con.Invoke (ObjectInstance, pars); } else { throw new SerializationException ("No surrogate selector was found for type " + ObjectInstance.GetType().FullName); } Info = null; } if (ObjectInstance is IObjectReference && Status != ObjectRecordStatus.ReferenceSolved) { try { ObjectInstance = ((IObjectReference)ObjectInstance).GetRealObject(context); Status = ObjectRecordStatus.ReferenceSolved; } catch (NullReferenceException) { // Give a second chance return false; } } if (Member != null) { // If this object is a value object embedded in another object, the parent // object must be updated ObjectRecord containerRecord = manager.GetObjectRecord (IdOfContainingObj); containerRecord.SetMemberValue (manager, Member, ObjectInstance); } else if (ArrayIndex != null) { ObjectRecord containerRecord = manager.GetObjectRecord (IdOfContainingObj); containerRecord.SetArrayValue (manager, ObjectInstance, ArrayIndex); } return true; } public bool HasPendingFixups { get { return FixupChainAsContainer != null; } } } }