// // System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CADMessages.cs // // Author: // Patrik Torstensson // // (C) Patrik Torstensson // using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies; namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging { internal class CADArgHolder { public int index; public CADArgHolder (int i) { index = i; } } internal class CADObjRef { ObjRef objref; public int SourceDomain; public CADObjRef (ObjRef o, int sourceDomain) { objref = o; SourceDomain = sourceDomain; } public string TypeName { get { return objref.TypeInfo.TypeName; } } public string URI { get { return objref.URI; } } } internal class CADMessageBase { protected object [] _args; protected byte [] _serializedArgs = null; protected int _propertyCount = 0; protected CADArgHolder _callContext; // Helper to marshal properties internal static int MarshalProperties (IDictionary dict, ref ArrayList args) { IDictionary serDict = dict; int count = 0; MethodDictionary msgDict = dict as MethodDictionary; if (null != msgDict) { if (msgDict.HasInternalProperties) { serDict = msgDict.InternalProperties; if (null != serDict) { foreach (DictionaryEntry e in serDict) { if (null == args) args = new ArrayList(); args.Add(e); count++; } } } } else { if (null != dict) { foreach (DictionaryEntry e in serDict) { if (null == args) args = new ArrayList(); args.Add(e); count++; } } } return count; } internal static void UnmarshalProperties (IDictionary dict, int count, ArrayList args) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { DictionaryEntry e = (DictionaryEntry) args [i]; dict [e.Key] = e.Value; } } // We can ignore marshalling for string and primitive types private static bool IsPossibleToIgnoreMarshal (object obj) { Type objType = obj.GetType(); if (objType.IsPrimitive || objType == typeof(void)) return true; if (objType.IsArray && objType.GetElementType().IsPrimitive && ((Array)obj).Rank == 1) return true; if (obj is string || obj is DateTime || obj is TimeSpan) return true; return false; } // Checks an argument if it's possible to pass without marshalling and // if not it will be added to arguments to be serialized protected object MarshalArgument (object arg, ref ArrayList args) { if (null == arg) return null; if (IsPossibleToIgnoreMarshal (arg)) return arg; MarshalByRefObject mbr = arg as MarshalByRefObject; if (null != mbr) { if (RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy(mbr)) { // We don't deal with this case yet } else { ObjRef objRef = RemotingServices.Marshal(mbr); return new CADObjRef(objRef, System.Threading.Thread.GetDomainID()); } } if (null == args) args = new ArrayList(); args.Add (arg); // return position that the arg exists in the serialized list return new CADArgHolder(args.Count - 1); } protected object UnmarshalArgument (object arg, ArrayList args) { if (arg == null) return null; // Check if argument is an holder (then we know that it's a serialized argument) CADArgHolder holder = arg as CADArgHolder; if (null != holder) { return args [holder.index]; } CADObjRef objref = arg as CADObjRef; if (null != objref) { string typeName = new string (objref.TypeName.ToCharArray()); string uri = new string (objref.URI.ToCharArray()); int domid = objref.SourceDomain; ChannelInfo cinfo = new ChannelInfo (new CrossAppDomainData (domid)); ObjRef localRef = new ObjRef (typeName, uri, cinfo); return RemotingServices.Unmarshal (localRef); } if (arg is Array) { Array argb = (Array)arg; Array argn; // We can't use Array.CreateInstance (arg.GetType().GetElementType()) because // GetElementType() returns a type from the source domain. switch (Type.GetTypeCode (arg.GetType().GetElementType())) { case TypeCode.Boolean: argn = new bool [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.Byte: argn = new Byte [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.Char: argn = new Char [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.Decimal: argn = new Decimal [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.Double: argn = new Double [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.Int16: argn = new Int16 [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.Int32: argn = new Int32 [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.Int64: argn = new Int64 [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.SByte: argn = new SByte [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.Single: argn = new Single [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.UInt16: argn = new UInt16 [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.UInt32: argn = new UInt32 [argb.Length]; break; case TypeCode.UInt64: argn = new UInt64 [argb.Length]; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException (); } argb.CopyTo (argn, 0); return argn; } switch (Type.GetTypeCode (arg.GetType())) { case TypeCode.Boolean: return (bool)arg; case TypeCode.Byte: return (byte)arg; case TypeCode.Char: return (char)arg; case TypeCode.Decimal: return (decimal)arg; case TypeCode.Double: return (double)arg; case TypeCode.Int16: return (Int16)arg; case TypeCode.Int32: return (Int32)arg; case TypeCode.Int64: return (Int64)arg; case TypeCode.SByte: return (SByte)arg; case TypeCode.Single: return (Single)arg; case TypeCode.UInt16: return (UInt16)arg; case TypeCode.UInt32: return (UInt32)arg; case TypeCode.UInt64: return (UInt64)arg; case TypeCode.String: return new String (((string)arg).ToCharArray()); case TypeCode.DateTime: return new DateTime (((DateTime)arg).Ticks); default: if (arg is TimeSpan) return new TimeSpan (((TimeSpan)arg).Ticks); break; } throw new NotSupportedException ("Parameter of type " + arg.GetType () + " cannot be unmarshalled"); } internal object [] MarshalArguments (object [] arguments, ref ArrayList args) { object [] marshalledArgs = new object [arguments.Length]; int total = arguments.Length; for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) marshalledArgs [i] = MarshalArgument (arguments [i], ref args); return marshalledArgs; } internal object [] UnmarshalArguments (object [] arguments, ArrayList args) { object [] unmarshalledArgs = new object [arguments.Length]; int total = arguments.Length; for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) unmarshalledArgs [i] = UnmarshalArgument (arguments [i], args); return unmarshalledArgs; } } // Used when passing a IMethodCallMessage between appdomains internal class CADMethodCallMessage : CADMessageBase { string _uri; string _methodName; string _typeName; CADArgHolder _methodSignature; internal string TypeName { get { return _typeName; } } internal string Uri { get { return _uri; } } internal string MethodName { get { return _methodName; } } static internal CADMethodCallMessage Create (IMessage callMsg) { IMethodCallMessage msg = callMsg as IMethodCallMessage; if (null == msg) return null; return new CADMethodCallMessage (msg); } // todo internal CADMethodCallMessage (IMethodCallMessage callMsg) { _methodName = callMsg.MethodName; _typeName = callMsg.TypeName; _uri = callMsg.Uri; ArrayList serializeList = null; _propertyCount = MarshalProperties (callMsg.Properties, ref serializeList); _args = MarshalArguments ( callMsg.Args, ref serializeList); // check if we need to save method signature if (RemotingServices.IsMethodOverloaded (callMsg)) { if (null == serializeList) serializeList = new ArrayList(); _methodSignature = new CADArgHolder (serializeList.Count); serializeList.Add(callMsg.MethodSignature); } // todo: save callcontext if (null != serializeList) { MemoryStream stm = CADSerializer.SerializeObject (serializeList.ToArray()); _serializedArgs = stm.GetBuffer(); } } internal ArrayList GetArguments () { ArrayList ret = null; if (null != _serializedArgs) { object[] oret = (object[]) CADSerializer.DeserializeObject (new MemoryStream (_serializedArgs)); ret = new ArrayList (oret); _serializedArgs = null; } return ret; } internal object [] GetArgs (ArrayList args) { return UnmarshalArguments (_args, args); } internal object [] GetMethodSignature (ArrayList args) { if (null == _methodSignature) return null; return (object []) args [_methodSignature.index]; } internal int PropertiesCount { get { return _propertyCount; } } } // Used when passing a IMethodReturnMessage between appdomains internal class CADMethodReturnMessage : CADMessageBase { object _returnValue; CADArgHolder _exception = null; static internal CADMethodReturnMessage Create (IMessage callMsg) { IMethodReturnMessage msg = callMsg as IMethodReturnMessage; if (null == msg) return null; return new CADMethodReturnMessage (msg); } internal CADMethodReturnMessage(IMethodReturnMessage retMsg) { ArrayList serializeList = null; _propertyCount = MarshalProperties (retMsg.Properties, ref serializeList); _returnValue = MarshalArgument ( retMsg.ReturnValue, ref serializeList); _args = MarshalArguments ( retMsg.Args, ref serializeList); if (null != retMsg.Exception) { if (null == serializeList) serializeList = new ArrayList(); _exception = new CADArgHolder (serializeList.Count); serializeList.Add(retMsg.Exception); } // todo: save callcontext if (null != serializeList) { MemoryStream stm = CADSerializer.SerializeObject (serializeList.ToArray()); _serializedArgs = stm.GetBuffer(); } } internal ArrayList GetArguments () { ArrayList ret = null; if (null != _serializedArgs) { object[] oret = (object[]) CADSerializer.DeserializeObject (new MemoryStream (_serializedArgs)); ret = new ArrayList (oret); _serializedArgs = null; } return ret; } internal object [] GetArgs (ArrayList args) { return UnmarshalArguments (_args, args); } internal object GetReturnValue (ArrayList args) { return UnmarshalArgument (_returnValue, args); } internal Exception GetException(ArrayList args) { if (null == _exception) return null; return (Exception) args [_exception.index]; } internal int PropertiesCount { get { return _propertyCount; } } } }