// // System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode // // Author: // Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com) // using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; namespace System.Reflection.Emit { public struct OpCode { string name; internal byte op1; internal byte op2; byte size; byte type; byte flowCtrl; byte pop; byte push; byte operandType; internal OpCode (string name, int size, OpCodeType opcodeType, OperandType operandType, StackBehaviour pop, StackBehaviour push, FlowControl flowCtrl, byte op1, byte op2) { this.name = name; this.size = (byte)size; this.type = (byte)opcodeType; this.operandType = (byte)operandType; this.pop = (byte)pop; this.push = (byte)push; this.flowCtrl = (byte)flowCtrl; this.op1 = op1; this.op2 = op2; } public override int GetHashCode () { return Value; } public override bool Equals (Object obj) { if (obj == null || !(obj is OpCode)) return false; OpCode v = (OpCode)obj; return v.op1 == op1 && v.op2 == op2; } /// /// public string Name { get { return name; } } /// /// public int Size { get { return size; } } /// /// public OpCodeType OpCodeType { get { return (OpCodeType)type; } } /// /// public OperandType OperandType { get { return (OperandType)operandType; } } /// /// public FlowControl FlowControl { get { return (FlowControl)flowCtrl; } } /// /// public StackBehaviour StackBehaviourPop { get { return (StackBehaviour)pop; } } /// /// public StackBehaviour StackBehaviourPush { get { return (StackBehaviour)push; } } /// /// public short Value { get { if (size == 1) { return op2; } else { // two byte instruction - combine // give the same values as the mscorlib impl // this makes the Value property useless return (short) ((op1 << 2) | op2); } } } public override string ToString() { return Name; } } // OpCode } // System.Reflection.Emit