// // System.Reflection.Emit/DynamicMethod.cs // // Author: // Paolo Molaro (lupus@ximian.com) // Zoltan Varga (vargaz@freemail.hu) // // (C) 2003 Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com // #if NET_1_2 using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace System.Reflection.Emit { public sealed class DynamicMethod : MethodInfo { #region Sync with reflection.h private RuntimeMethodHandle mhandle; private string name; private Type returnType; private Type[] parameters; private MethodAttributes attributes; private CallingConventions callingConvention; private Module module; private bool skipVisibility; private bool init_locals = true; private ILGenerator ilgen; private int nrefs; private object[] refs; #endregion private Delegate deleg; private MonoMethod method; private ParameterBuilder[] pinfo; public DynamicMethod (string name, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Module m) : this (name, returnType, parameterTypes, m, false) { } public DynamicMethod (string name, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type owner) : this (name, returnType, parameterTypes, owner, false) { } public DynamicMethod (string name, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Module m, bool skipVisibility) : this (name, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, CallingConventions.Standard, returnType, parameterTypes, m, skipVisibility) { } public DynamicMethod (string name, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type owner, bool skipVisibility) : this (name, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, CallingConventions.Standard, returnType, parameterTypes, owner, skipVisibility) { } public DynamicMethod (string name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type owner, bool skipVisibility) : this (name, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, parameterTypes, owner.Module, skipVisibility) { } public DynamicMethod (string name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Module m, bool skipVisibility) { if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("name"); if (name == String.Empty) throw new ArgumentException ("Name can't be empty", "name"); if (returnType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("returnType"); if (m == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("m"); if (returnType.IsByRef) throw new ArgumentException ("Return type can't be a byref type", "returnType"); if (parameterTypes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.Length; ++i) if (parameterTypes [i] == null) throw new ArgumentException ("Parameter " + i + " is null", "parameterTypes"); } this.name = name; this.attributes = attributes | MethodAttributes.Static; this.callingConvention = callingConvention; this.returnType = returnType; this.parameters = parameterTypes; this.module = m; this.skipVisibility = skipVisibility; } [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] private extern void create_dynamic_method (DynamicMethod m); private void CreateDynMethod () { if (mhandle.Value == IntPtr.Zero) create_dynamic_method (this); } public Delegate CreateDelegate (Type delegateType) { if (delegateType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("delegateType"); if (deleg != null) return deleg; CreateDynMethod (); deleg = Delegate.CreateDelegate (delegateType, this); return deleg; } [MonoTODO] public ParameterBuilder DefineParameter (int position, ParameterAttributes attributes, string strParamName) { // // Extension: Mono allows position == 0 for the return attribute // if ((position < 0) || (position > parameters.Length)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("position"); RejectIfCreated (); throw new NotImplementedException (); } public override MethodInfo GetBaseDefinition () { return this; } [MonoTODO] public override object[] GetCustomAttributes (bool inherit) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] public override object[] GetCustomAttributes (Type attributeType, bool inherit) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public ILGenerator GetILGenerator () { return GetILGenerator (64); } public ILGenerator GetILGenerator (int size) { if (((GetMethodImplementationFlags () & MethodImplAttributes.CodeTypeMask) != MethodImplAttributes.IL) || ((GetMethodImplementationFlags () & MethodImplAttributes.ManagedMask) != MethodImplAttributes.Managed)) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Method body should not exist."); if (ilgen != null) return ilgen; ilgen = new ILGenerator (Module, new DynamicMethodTokenGenerator (this), size); return ilgen; } public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags () { return MethodImplAttributes.IL | MethodImplAttributes.Managed; } public override ParameterInfo[] GetParameters () { if (parameters == null) return new ParameterInfo [0]; ParameterInfo[] retval = new ParameterInfo [parameters.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { retval [i] = new ParameterInfo (pinfo == null ? null : pinfo [i + 1], parameters [i], this, i + 1); } return retval; } public override object Invoke (object obj, object[] parameters) { CreateDynMethod (); if (method == null) method = new MonoMethod (mhandle); return method.Invoke (obj, parameters); } public override object Invoke (object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) { CreateDynMethod (); if (method == null) method = new MonoMethod (mhandle); return method.Invoke (obj, parameters); } [MonoTODO] public override bool IsDefined (Type attributeType, bool inherit) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public override string ToString () { string parms = ""; ParameterInfo[] p = GetParameters (); for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; ++i) { if (i > 0) parms = parms + ", "; parms = parms + p [i].ParameterType.Name; } return ReturnType.Name+" "+Name+"("+parms+")"; } public override MethodAttributes Attributes { get { return attributes; } } public override CallingConventions CallingConvention { get { return callingConvention; } } public override Type DeclaringType { get { return null; } } public bool InitLocals { get { return init_locals; } set { init_locals = value; } } public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle { get { return mhandle; } } public Module Module { get { return module; } } public override string Name { get { return name; } } public override Type ReflectedType { get { return null; } } [MonoTODO] public ParameterInfo ReturnParameter { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public override Type ReturnType { get { return returnType; } } [MonoTODO] public override ICustomAttributeProvider ReturnTypeCustomAttributes { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } private void RejectIfCreated () { if (mhandle.Value != IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Type definition of the method is complete."); } private Exception NotSupported () { return new NotSupportedException ("The invoked member is not supported on a dynamic method."); } public override Type[] GetGenericArguments () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } internal int AddRef (object reference) { if (refs == null) refs = new object [4]; if (nrefs >= refs.Length) { object [] new_refs = new object [refs.Length * 2]; System.Array.Copy (refs, new_refs, refs.Length); refs = new_refs; } refs [nrefs] = reference; nrefs ++; return nrefs; } } internal class DynamicMethodTokenGenerator : TokenGenerator { private DynamicMethod m; public DynamicMethodTokenGenerator (DynamicMethod m) { this.m = m; } public int GetToken (string str) { return m.AddRef (str); } public int GetToken (MemberInfo member) { return m.AddRef (member); } public int GetToken (SignatureHelper helper) { return m.AddRef (helper); } } } #endif