// // System.IO.StringReader // // Author: Marcin Szczepanski (marcins@zipworld.com.au) // using System; namespace System.IO { public class StringReader : TextReader { protected string source; protected char[] sourceChars; protected int nextChar; protected int sourceLength; public StringReader( string s ) { this.source = s; nextChar = 0; sourceLength = s.Length; sourceChars = s.ToCharArray(); } public override void Close() { Dispose( true ); } protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) { return; } public override int Peek() { if( nextChar > sourceLength ) { return -1; } else { return (int)source[ nextChar ]; } } public override int Read() { if( nextChar > sourceLength ) { return -1; } else { return (int)source[ nextChar++ ]; } } // The method will read up to count characters from the StringReader // into the buffer character array starting at position index. Returns // the actual number of characters read, or zero if the end of the string // has been reached and no characters are read. public override int Read( out char[] buffer, int index, int count ) { int charsToRead; if( nextChar + count > sourceLength ) { charsToRead = sourceLength - nextChar; } else { charsToRead = count; } buffer = new char [charsToRead]; Array.Copy(sourceChars, nextChar, buffer, index, charsToRead ); nextChar += count; return charsToRead; } public override string ReadLine() { // Reads until next \r or \n or \r\n, otherwise return null // LAMESPEC: // The Beta 2 SDK help says that the ReadLine method returns // "The next line from the input stream [...] A line is defined as a sequence of // characters followed by a carriage return (\r), a line feed (\n), or a carriage // return immediately followed by a line feed (\r\n). [...] // The returned value is a null reference if the end of the input stream has been reached." // // HOWEVER, the MS implementation returns the rest of the string if no \r and/or \n is found // in the string int nextCR = source.IndexOf( '\r', nextChar ); int nextLF = source.IndexOf( '\n', nextChar ); if( nextCR == -1 && nextLF == -1 ) { return ReadToEnd(); } if( nextChar > sourceLength ) return null; int readTo; if( nextCR == -1 ) { readTo = nextLF; } else { readTo = nextCR; } string nextLine = source.Substring( nextChar, readTo - nextChar ); if( nextLF == nextCR + 1 ) { nextChar = readTo + 2; } else { nextChar = readTo + 1; } return nextLine; } public override string ReadToEnd() { string toEnd = source.Substring( nextChar, sourceLength - nextChar ); nextChar = sourceLength; return toEnd; } } }