//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // System.IO.Path.cs // // Copyright (C) 2001 Moonlight Enterprises, All Rights Reserved // // Author: Jim Richardson, develop@wtfo-guru.com // Dan Lewis (dihlewis@yahoo.co.uk) // Created: Saturday, August 11, 2001 // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using System; namespace System.IO { public sealed class Path { public static readonly char AltDirectorySeparatorChar; public static readonly char DirectorySeparatorChar; public static readonly char[] InvalidPathChars; public static readonly char PathSeparator; internal static readonly string DirectorySeparatorStr; public static readonly char VolumeSeparatorChar; private static readonly char[] PathSeparatorChars; private Path () {} // class methods public static string ChangeExtension (string path, string extension) { if (path == null) { return null; } int iExt = findExtension (path); if (extension != null) { if (extension [0] != '.') extension = "." + extension; } else extension = ""; if (iExt < 0) { return path + extension; } else if (iExt > 0) { string temp = path.Substring (0, iExt); return temp + extension; } return extension; } [MonoTODO] public static string Combine (string path1, string path2) { if (path1 == null || path2 == null) { return null; } CheckArgument.Empty (path2); // TODO: Check for invalid DirectoryInfo characters // although I don't think it is necesary for linux // TODO: Verify functionality further after NUnit tests written // since the documentation was rather sketchy if (IsPathRooted (path2)) { if (path1.Equals (string.Empty)) { return path2; } throw new ArgumentException ("Rooted path"); } string dirSep = new string (DirectorySeparatorChar, 1); string altSep = new string (AltDirectorySeparatorChar, 1); bool b1 = path1.EndsWith (dirSep) || path1.EndsWith (dirSep); bool b2 = path2.StartsWith (dirSep) || path2.StartsWith (altSep); if (b1 && b2) { throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid combination"); } if (!b1 && !b2) { return path1 + dirSep + path2; } return path1 + path2; } public static string GetDirectoryName (string path) { if (path != null) { CheckArgument.Empty (path); CheckArgument.WhitespaceOnly (path); CheckArgument.PathChars (path); if (path.Length > 2) { int nLast = path.LastIndexOfAny (PathSeparatorChars); if (nLast > 0) return path.Substring (0, nLast); else return String.Empty; } } return path; } public static string GetExtension (string path) { if (path == null) { return string.Empty; } CheckArgument.Empty (path); CheckArgument.WhitespaceOnly (path); int iExt = findExtension (path); if (iExt > -1) { // okay it has an extension return path.Substring (iExt); } return string.Empty; } public static string GetFileName (string path) { if (path == null) { return string.Empty; } CheckArgument.Empty (path); CheckArgument.WhitespaceOnly (path); int nLast = path.LastIndexOfAny (PathSeparatorChars); if (nLast > 0) { return path.Substring (nLast + 1); } return nLast == 0 ? null : path; } public static string GetFileNameWithoutExtension (string path) { return ChangeExtension (GetFileName (path), null); } public static string GetFullPath (string path) { if (path == null) throw (new ArgumentNullException ( "path", "You must specify a path when calling System.IO.Path.GetFullPath")); if (path.StartsWith (new string (DirectorySeparatorChar, 1)) || path.StartsWith (new string (AltDirectorySeparatorChar, 1))) return path; return Directory.GetCurrentDirectory () + new string (DirectorySeparatorChar, 1) + path; } public static string GetPathRoot (string path) { if (path != null || (path.StartsWith (new string (DirectorySeparatorChar, 1)) || path.StartsWith (new string (AltDirectorySeparatorChar, 1)))) { return path.Substring (0, 1); } return null; } public static string GetTempFileName () { string path; Random rnd; int num; rnd = new Random (); num = rnd.Next (); path = GetTempPath() + DirectorySeparatorChar + "tmp" + num.ToString("x"); while (File.Exists(path) || Directory.Exists(path)) { num = rnd.Next (); path = GetTempPath() + DirectorySeparatorChar + "tmp" + num.ToString("x"); } FileStream f = File.Create(path); f.Close(); return path; } /// /// Returns the path of the current systems temp directory /// [MonoTODO] public static string GetTempPath () { // TODO: This might vary with distribution and there // might be an api to provide it. Research is needed return "/tmp"; } public static bool HasExtension (string path) { CheckArgument.Null (path); CheckArgument.Empty (path); CheckArgument.WhitespaceOnly (path); return findExtension (path) > -1; } public static bool IsPathRooted (string path) { return path.StartsWith (new string (VolumeSeparatorChar,1)); } // private class methods private static int findExtension (string path) { // method should return the index of the path extension // start or -1 if no valid extension if (path != null){ int iLastDot = path.LastIndexOf ("."); int iLastSep = path.LastIndexOfAny ( PathSeparatorChars ); if (iLastDot > iLastSep) return iLastDot; } return -1; } static Path () { VolumeSeparatorChar = MonoIO.VolumeSeparatorChar; DirectorySeparatorChar = MonoIO.DirectorySeparatorChar; AltDirectorySeparatorChar = MonoIO.AltDirectorySeparatorChar; PathSeparator = MonoIO.PathSeparator; InvalidPathChars = MonoIO.InvalidPathChars; // internal fields DirectorySeparatorStr = DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString (); PathSeparatorChars = new char [] { DirectorySeparatorChar, AltDirectorySeparatorChar, VolumeSeparatorChar }; } } }