// // System.Guid.cs // // Authors: // Duco Fijma (duco@lorentz.xs4all.nl) // Sebastien Pouliot (sebastien@ximian.com) // // (C) 2002 Duco Fijma // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell (http://www.novell.com) // // References // 1. UUIDs and GUIDs (DRAFT), Section 3.4 // http://www.ics.uci.edu/~ejw/authoring/uuid-guid/draft-leach-uuids-guids-01.txt // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; namespace System { [Serializable] [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct Guid : IFormattable, IComparable { private int _a; //_timeLow; private short _b; //_timeMid; private short _c; //_timeHighAndVersion; private byte _d; //_clockSeqHiAndReserved; private byte _e; //_clockSeqLow; private byte _f; //_node0; private byte _g; //_node1; private byte _h; //_node2; private byte _i; //_node3; private byte _j; //_node4; private byte _k; //_node5; internal class GuidParser { private string _src; private int _length; private int _cur; public GuidParser (string src) { _src = src; Reset (); } private void Reset () { _cur = 0; _length = _src.Length; } private bool AtEnd () { return _cur >= _length; } private void ThrowFormatException () { throw new FormatException (Locale.GetText ("Invalid format for Guid.Guid(string).")); } private ulong ParseHex(int length, bool strictLength) { ulong res = 0; int i; bool end = false; for (i=0; (!end) && i= 'a' && c <= 'f') { res = res * 16 + c - 'a' + 10; _cur++; } else { if (strictLength || i==0) { ThrowFormatException (); } else { end = true; } } } } return res; } private bool ParseOptChar (char c) { if (!AtEnd() && _src[_cur] == c) { _cur++; return true; } else { return false; } } private void ParseChar (char c) { bool b = ParseOptChar (c); if (!b) { ThrowFormatException (); } } private Guid ParseGuid1 () { bool openBrace; bool groups = true; char endChar = '}'; int a; short b; short c; byte[] d = new byte[8]; int i; openBrace = ParseOptChar ('{'); if (!openBrace) { openBrace = ParseOptChar ('('); if (openBrace) endChar = ')'; } a = (int) ParseHex(8, true); if (openBrace) ParseChar('-'); else groups = ParseOptChar('-'); b = (short) ParseHex(4, true); if (groups) ParseChar('-'); c = (short) ParseHex(4, true); if (groups) ParseChar('-'); for (i=0; i<8; ++i) { d[i] = (byte) ParseHex(2, true); if (i == 1 && groups) { ParseChar('-'); } } if (openBrace && !ParseOptChar(endChar)) { ThrowFormatException (); } return new Guid(a, b, c, d); } private void ParseHexPrefix () { ParseChar ('0'); ParseChar ('x'); } private Guid ParseGuid2 () { int a; short b; short c; byte[] d = new byte [8]; int i; ParseChar ('{'); ParseHexPrefix (); a = (int) ParseHex (8, false); ParseChar (','); ParseHexPrefix (); b = (short) ParseHex (4, false); ParseChar (','); ParseHexPrefix (); c = (short) ParseHex (4, false); ParseChar (','); ParseChar ('{'); for (i=0; i<8; ++i) { ParseHexPrefix (); d[i] = (byte) ParseHex (2, false); if (i != 7) { ParseChar (','); } } ParseChar ('}'); ParseChar ('}'); return new Guid (a,b,c,d); } public Guid Parse () { Guid g; try { g = ParseGuid1 (); } catch (FormatException) { Reset (); g = ParseGuid2 (); } if (!AtEnd () ) { ThrowFormatException (); } return g; } } private static void CheckNull (object o) { if (o == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException (Locale.GetText ("Value cannot be null.")); } } private static void CheckLength (byte[] o, int l) { if (o . Length != l) { throw new ArgumentException (String.Format (Locale.GetText ("Array should be exactly {0} bytes long."), l)); } } private static void CheckArray (byte[] o, int l) { CheckNull (o); CheckLength (o, l); } public Guid (byte[] b) { CheckArray (b, 16); _a = System.BitConverter.ToInt32 (b, 0); _b = System.BitConverter.ToInt16 (b, 4); _c = System.BitConverter.ToInt16 (b, 6); _d = b [8]; _e = b [9]; _f = b [10]; _g = b [11]; _h = b [12]; _i = b [13]; _j = b [14]; _k = b [15]; } public Guid (string g) { CheckNull (g); GuidParser p = new GuidParser (g); Guid guid = p.Parse(); this = guid; } public Guid (int a, short b, short c, byte[] d) { CheckArray (d, 8); _a = (int) a; _b = (short) b; _c = (short) c; _d = d [0]; _e = d [1]; _f = d [2]; _g = d [3]; _h = d [4]; _i = d [5]; _j = d [6]; _k = d [7]; } public Guid (int a, short b, short c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h, byte i, byte j, byte k) { _a = a; _b = b; _c = c; _d = d; _e = e; _f = f; _g = g; _h = h; _i = i; _j = j; _k = k; } [CLSCompliant (false)] public Guid (uint a, ushort b, ushort c, byte d, byte e, byte f, byte g, byte h, byte i, byte j, byte k) : this((int) a, (short) b, (short) c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) { } public static readonly Guid Empty = new Guid (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); private static int Compare (int x, int y) { if (x < y) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } public int CompareTo (object value) { if (value == null) return 1; if (!(value is Guid)) { throw new ArgumentException (Locale.GetText ( "Argument of System.Guid.CompareTo should be a Guid.")); } Guid v = (Guid) value; if (_a != v._a) { return Compare (_a, v._a); } else if (_b != v._b) { return Compare (_b, v._b); } else if (_c != v._c) { return Compare (_c, v._c); } else if (_d != v._d) { return Compare (_d, v._d); } else if (_e != v._e) { return Compare (_e, v._e); } else if (_f != v._f) { return Compare (_f, v._f); } else if (_g != v._g) { return Compare (_g, v._g); } else if (_h != v._h) { return Compare (_h, v._h); } else if (_i != v._i) { return Compare (_i, v._i); } else if (_j != v._j) { return Compare (_j, v._j); } else if (_k != v._k) { return Compare (_k, v._k); } return 0; } public override bool Equals (object o) { try { return CompareTo (o) == 0; } catch (ArgumentException) { return false; } } public override int GetHashCode () { int res; res = (int) _a; res = res ^ ((int) _b << 16 | _c); res = res ^ ((int) _d << 24); res = res ^ ((int) _e << 16); res = res ^ ((int) _f << 8); res = res ^ ((int) _g); res = res ^ ((int) _h << 24); res = res ^ ((int) _i << 16); res = res ^ ((int) _j << 8); res = res ^ ((int) _k); return res; } private static char ToHex (int b) { return (char)((b<0xA)?('0' + b):('a' + b - 0xA)); } private static object _rngAccess = new object (); private static RandomNumberGenerator _rng; private static RandomNumberGenerator _fastRng; // generated as per section 3.4 of the specification public static Guid NewGuid () { byte[] b = new byte [16]; // thread-safe access to the prng lock (_rngAccess) { if (_rng == null) _rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create (); _rng.GetBytes (b); } Guid res = new Guid (b); // Mask in Variant 1-0 in Bit[7..6] res._d = (byte) ((res._d & 0x3fu) | 0x80u); // Mask in Version 4 (random based Guid) in Bits[15..13] res._c = (short) ((res._c & 0x0fffu) | 0x4000u); return res; } // used in ModuleBuilder so mcs doesn't need to invoke // CryptoConfig for simple assemblies. internal static byte[] FastNewGuidArray () { byte[] guid = new byte [16]; // thread-safe access to the prng lock (_rngAccess) { // if known, use preferred RNG if (_rng != null) _fastRng = _rng; // else use hardcoded default RNG (bypassing CryptoConfig) if (_fastRng == null) _fastRng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider (); _fastRng.GetBytes (guid); } // Mask in Variant 1-0 in Bit[7..6] guid [8] = (byte) ((guid [8] & 0x3f) | 0x80); // Mask in Version 4 (random based Guid) in Bits[15..13] guid [7] = (byte) ((guid [7] & 0x0f) | 0x40); return guid; } public byte[] ToByteArray () { byte[] res = new byte[16]; byte[] tmp; int d = 0; int s; tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(_a); for (s=0; s<4; ++s) { res[d++] = tmp[s]; } tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(_b); for (s=0; s<2; ++s) { res[d++] = tmp[s]; } tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(_c); for (s=0; s<2; ++s) { res[d++] = tmp[s]; } res[8] = _d; res[9] = _e; res[10] = _f; res[11] = _g; res[12] = _h; res[13] = _i; res[14] = _j; res[15] = _k; return res; } private string BaseToString (bool h, bool p, bool b) { StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder (40); if (p) { res.Append ('('); } else if (b) { res.Append ('{'); } res.Append (_a.ToString ("x8")); if (h) { res.Append ('-'); } res.Append (_b.ToString ("x4")); if (h) { res.Append ('-'); } res.Append (_c.ToString ("x4")); if (h) { res.Append ('-'); } char[] vals1 = { ToHex((_d >> 4) & 0xf), ToHex(_d & 0xf), ToHex((_e >> 4) & 0xf), ToHex(_e & 0xf) }; res.Append (vals1); if (h) { res.Append ('-'); } char[] vals2 = { ToHex((_f >> 4) & 0xf), ToHex(_f & 0xf), ToHex((_g >> 4) & 0xf), ToHex(_g & 0xf), ToHex((_h >> 4) & 0xf), ToHex(_h & 0xf), ToHex((_i >> 4) & 0xf), ToHex(_i & 0xf), ToHex((_j >> 4) & 0xf), ToHex(_j & 0xf), ToHex((_k >> 4) & 0xf), ToHex(_k & 0xf) }; res.Append (vals2); if (p) { res.Append (')'); } else if (b) { res.Append ('}'); } return res.ToString (); } public override string ToString () { return BaseToString (true, false, false); } public string ToString (string format) { bool h = true; bool p = false; bool b = false; if (format != null) { string f = format.ToLowerInvariant(); if (f == "b") { b = true; } else if (f == "p") { p = true; } else if (f == "n") { h = false; } else if (f != "d" && f != "") { throw new FormatException (Locale.GetText ( "Argument to Guid.ToString(string format) should be \"b\", \"B\", \"d\", \"D\", \"n\", \"N\", \"p\" or \"P\"")); } } return BaseToString (h, p, b); } public string ToString (string format, IFormatProvider provider) { return ToString (format); } public static bool operator == (Guid a, Guid b) { return a.Equals(b); } public static bool operator != (Guid a, Guid b) { return !( a.Equals (b) ); } } }