// // Mono.Security.Cryptography.CryptoTools // Shared class for common cryptographic functionalities // // Authors: // Sebastien Pouliot (spouliot@motus.com) // // (C) 2002, 2003 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com) // using System; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace Mono.Security.Cryptography { public class KeyBuilder { static private RandomNumberGenerator rng; static KeyBuilder () { rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create (); } static public byte[] Key (int size) { byte[] key = new byte [size]; rng.GetBytes (key); return key; } static public byte[] IV (int size) { byte[] iv = new byte [size]; rng.GetBytes (iv); return iv; } } // Process an array as a sequence of blocks public class BlockProcessor { private ICryptoTransform transform; private byte[] block; private int blockSize; // in bytes (not in bits) private int blockCount; public BlockProcessor (ICryptoTransform transform) : this (transform, transform.InputBlockSize) {} // some Transforms (like HashAlgorithm descendant) return 1 for // block size (which isn't their real internal block size) public BlockProcessor (ICryptoTransform transform, int blockSize) { this.transform = transform; this.blockSize = blockSize; block = new byte [blockSize]; } ~BlockProcessor () { // zeroize our block (so we don't retain any information) Array.Clear (block, 0, blockSize); } public void Initialize () { Array.Clear (block, 0, blockSize); blockCount = 0; } public void Core (byte[] rgb) { Core (rgb, 0, rgb.Length); } public void Core (byte[] rgb, int ib, int cb) { // 1. fill the rest of the "block" int n = System.Math.Min (blockSize - blockCount, cb); Array.Copy (rgb, ib, block, blockCount, n); blockCount += n; // 2. if block is full then transform it if (blockCount == blockSize) { transform.TransformBlock (block, 0, blockSize, block, 0); // 3. transform any other full block in specified buffer int b = (int) ((cb - n) / blockSize); for (int i=0; i < b; i++) { transform.TransformBlock (rgb, n, blockSize, block, 0); n += blockSize; } // 4. if data is still present fill the "block" with the remainder blockCount = cb - n; if (blockCount > 0) Array.Copy (rgb, n, block, 0, blockCount); } } public byte[] Final () { return transform.TransformFinalBlock (block, 0, blockCount); } } }