// // It is not used to provide our collation tailoring sources, but generates // easy-to-read summary of LDML tailorings for ASCII-based developers (us). // // The actual tailoring source is mono-tailoring-source.txt. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml; using Commons.Xml.Relaxng; namespace Mono.Globalization.Unicode { class Mapping { public readonly int Level; public readonly string Value; public Mapping (int level, string value) { Level = level; Value = value; } } public class TailoringComparer : IComparer { public static TailoringComparer Instance = new TailoringComparer (); public int Compare (object o1, object o2) { Tailoring t1 = (Tailoring) o1; Tailoring t2 = (Tailoring) o2; return String.CompareOrdinal (t1.TargetString, t2.TargetString); } } class Tailoring { public readonly int Before; string targetString; ArrayList tailored = new ArrayList (); public Tailoring (string value, int before) { targetString = value; Before = before; } public string TargetString { get { return targetString; } } public IList Tailored { get { return tailored; } } // public void Contraction (int level, string value, string additional) { targetString += additional; tailored.Add (new Mapping (level, value)); } //

public void Add (int level, string value) { tailored.Add (new Mapping (level, value)); } // public void AddRange (int level, string value) { foreach (char c in value) tailored.Add (new Mapping (level, new string (c, 1))); } public void Serialize (TextWriter w) { w.Write (" // Target: '{0}' {{", TargetString); foreach (char c in TargetString) w.Write ("{0:X04},", (int) c); w.WriteLine ("}} {0}", TargetString.Length > 1 ? "!" : ""); if (Before != 0) w.WriteLine (" // Before: {0}", Before); foreach (Mapping m in tailored) { w.Write (" // {0}:'{1}' {{", m.Level, m.Value); foreach (char c in m.Value) w.Write ("{0:X04},", (int) c); w.WriteLine ("}"); } } } public class TailoringStoreComparer : IComparer { public static TailoringStoreComparer Instance = new TailoringStoreComparer (); public int Compare (object o1, object o2) { TailoringStore t1 = (TailoringStore) o1; TailoringStore t2 = (TailoringStore) o2; return t1.Culture.LCID - t2.Culture.LCID; } } class TailoringStore { CultureInfo culture; ArrayList tailorings = new ArrayList (); string alias; bool frenchSort; public TailoringStore (string name) { culture = new CultureInfo (name); } public CultureInfo Culture { get { return culture; } } public bool FrenchSort { get { return frenchSort; } set { frenchSort = value; } } public string Alias { get { return alias; } set { alias = value; } } public void Add (Tailoring t) { tailorings.Add (t); } public int Count { get { return tailorings.Count; } } public void Serialize (TextWriter w) { w.WriteLine ("// Culture: {0} ({1})", culture.LCID, culture.Name); if (FrenchSort) w.WriteLine ("// FrenchSort."); if (Alias != null) w.WriteLine ("// Alias: {0}", Alias); tailorings.Sort (TailoringComparer.Instance); foreach (Tailoring t in tailorings) t.Serialize (w); } } class CultureSpecificLdmlReader { ArrayList ignoredFiles = new ArrayList (); ArrayList tailorings = new ArrayList (); public static void Main (string [] args) { new CultureSpecificLdmlReader ().Run (args); } void Run (string [] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine ("specify arguments: path_to_ldml_files config_file"); return; } string dirname = args [0]; string configFileName = args [1]; string config = null; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (configFileName)) { config = sr.ReadToEnd (); } foreach (string configLine in config.Split ('\n')) { int idx = configLine.IndexOf ('#'); string line = idx < 0 ? configLine : configLine.Substring (0, idx); if (line.StartsWith ("ignore: ")) ignoredFiles.Add (line.Substring (8).Trim ()); } XmlTextReader rng = new XmlTextReader ("ldml-limited.rng"); RelaxngPattern p = RelaxngPattern.Read (rng); rng.Close (); foreach (FileInfo fi in new DirectoryInfo (dirname).GetFiles ("*.xml")) { if (ignoredFiles.Contains (fi.Name)) continue; // skip XmlTextReader inst = null; try { inst = new XmlTextReader (fi.FullName); inst.XmlResolver = null; RelaxngValidatingReader rvr = new RelaxngValidatingReader (inst, p); rvr.ReportDetails = true; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.XmlResolver = null; doc.Load (rvr); TailoringStore ts = ProcessLdml (doc); if (ts != null) tailorings.Add (ts); } finally { if (inst != null) inst.Close (); } } tailorings.Sort (TailoringStoreComparer.Instance); Serialize (Console.Out); } void Serialize (TextWriter output) { output.WriteLine ("static char [] tailorings = new char [] {"); foreach (TailoringStore ts in tailorings) ts.Serialize (output); output.WriteLine ("};"); int [] tailoringIndex = new int [0x80]; int [] tailoringCount = new int [0x80]; bool [] frenchSort = new bool [0x80]; int current = 0; foreach (TailoringStore ts in tailorings) { int lcid = ts.Culture.LCID; tailoringIndex [lcid] = current; tailoringCount [lcid] = ts.Count; frenchSort [lcid] = ts.FrenchSort; current += ts.Count; } // process alias foreach (TailoringStore ts in tailorings) { if (ts.Alias == null) continue; int lcid = ts.Culture.LCID; int target = new CultureInfo (ts.Alias).LCID; tailoringIndex [lcid] = tailoringIndex [target]; tailoringCount [lcid] = tailoringCount [target]; frenchSort [lcid] = frenchSort [target]; } output.WriteLine (@" /*typedef*/ struct TailoringInfo { public TailoringInfo (ushort lcid, uint idx, ushort count, bool french) { Lcid = lcid; TailoringIndex = idx; TailoringCount = count; FrenchSort = french; } public readonly ushort Lcid; /*guint32*/ public readonly uint TailoringIndex; /*guint16*/ public readonly ushort TailoringCount; /*gboolean*/ public readonly bool FrenchSort; }/* TailoringInfo;*/"); output.WriteLine ("static TailoringInfo [] tailoringIndexes = new TailoringInfo [] {"); for (int i = 0; i < tailoringIndex.Length; i++) output.WriteLine ("new TailoringInfo ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}), ", i, tailoringIndex [i], tailoringCount [i], frenchSort [i]); output.WriteLine ("};"); output.Flush (); } TailoringStore ProcessLdml (XmlDocument doc) { XmlElement langElem = doc.SelectSingleNode ( "/ldml/identity/language") as XmlElement; string lang = langElem.GetAttribute ("type"); XmlElement terr = doc.SelectSingleNode ( "/ldml/identity/territory") as XmlElement; string lcid = lang + (terr != null ? "-" + terr.GetAttribute ("type") : null); TailoringStore ts = null; try { ts = new TailoringStore (lcid); } catch (ArgumentException) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("WARNING: culture " + lcid + " is not supported in the runtime."); return null; } // Console.Error.WriteLine ("Processing " + lcid); XmlNode vn = doc.SelectSingleNode ("/ldml/collations/alias/@source"); if (vn != null) { ts.Alias = vn.Value; return ts; } XmlElement collation = doc.SelectSingleNode ("/ldml/collations/collation[@type='standard']") as XmlElement; XmlElement settings = collation.SelectSingleNode ("settings") as XmlElement; if (settings != null) ts.FrenchSort = settings.GetAttribute ("backwards") == "on"; Tailoring t = null; int before = 0; string contraction = null; foreach (XmlNode n in collation.SelectNodes ("rules/*")) { XmlElement el = n as XmlElement; if (el == null) continue; switch (el.LocalName) { case "reset": switch (el.GetAttribute ("before")) { case "primary": before = 1; break; case "secondary": before = 2; break; } switch (el.FirstChild.LocalName) { case "last_primary_ignorable": case "last_secondary_ignorable": Console.Error.WriteLine ("WARNING: {0} is not supported for now.", el.FirstChild.LocalName); continue; } XmlElement cpElem = el.SelectSingleNode ("cp") as XmlElement; string v = ""; if (cpElem != null) v = new string ((char) (int.Parse ( cpElem.GetAttribute ("hex"), NumberStyles.HexNumber)), 1); else v = el.FirstChild.Value; t = new Tailoring (v, before); before = 0; contraction = null; ts.Add (t); break; case "p": case "pc": t.Add (1, el.InnerText); break; case "s": case "sc": t.Add (2, el.InnerText); break; case "t": case "tc": t.Add (3, el.InnerText); break; case "q": case "qc": t.Add (4, el.InnerText); break; case "i": case "ic": t.Add (5, el.InnerText); break; case "x": int contLevel = 0; switch (el.FirstChild.LocalName) { case "s": contLevel = 2; break; case "t": contLevel = 3; break; default: throw new Exception ("Not expected first child of 'x': " + el.Name); } if (contraction != null && el.LastChild.InnerText != contraction) throw new Exception ("When there are sequential 'x' elements for single tailoring, those 'extend' text must be identical."); bool exists = contraction != null; contraction = el.LastChild.InnerText; t.Contraction (contLevel, el.FirstChild.InnerText, exists ? "" : contraction); break; default: throw new Exception ("Support this element: " + el.Name); } } return ts; } } }