// // // CollationbElementTableCodeGenerator.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // Copyright 2005 Novell, Inc // // It supports creation of CollationElementTable.cs // using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; namespace Mono.Globalization.Unicode { internal class CollationElementTableCodeGenerator { private int lineCount = 0; int keyCount = 1; // 0 indicates that there is no matching entry int [] collElem = new int [CollationElementTableUtil.Indexer.TotalCount]; SortKeyValue [] keyValues = new SortKeyValue [32768]; public static void Main () { new CollationElementTableCodeGenerator ().Run (); } public void Run () { try { Parse (); Serialize (); } catch (Exception) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Internal error at line " + lineCount); throw; } /* int lastQ = -1; for (int x = 1; x < CollationElementTableUtil.Indexer.TotalCount; x++) { int i = CollationElementTableUtil.Indexer.GetIndexForCodePoint (x); int q = keyValues [collElem [i]].Quarternary; // if (i != q && q != 0) // Console.Error.WriteLine ("differs : {0} -> {1}", i, q); if (q != 0) { if (lastQ >= q) Console.Error.WriteLine ("latter was smaller at {2} : {0} / {1}", lastQ, q, i); lastQ = q; } } */ } private void Serialize () { Console.WriteLine ("static readonly int [] collElem = new int [] {"); DumpArray (collElem, CollationElementTableUtil.Indexer.TotalCount, true); Console.WriteLine ("};"); Console.WriteLine ("static readonly SortKeyValue [] keyValues = new SortKeyValue [] {"); for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { SortKeyValue s = keyValues [i]; Console.WriteLine (" new SortKeyValue ({0}, 0x{1:X04}, 0x{2:X04}, 0x{3:X04}, 0x{4:X04}),", s.Alt ? "true" : "false", s.Primary, s.Secondary, s.Thirtiary, s.Quarternary); } Console.WriteLine ("};"); } private void DumpArray (int [] array, int count, bool getCP) { if (array.Length < count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("count"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (array [i] == 0) Console.Write ("0, "); else Console.Write ("0x{0:X}, ", array [i]); if (i % 16 == 15) { int l = getCP ? CollationElementTableUtil.Indexer.ToCodePoint (i) : i; Console.WriteLine ("// {0:X04}-{1:X04}", l - 15, l); } } } private void Parse () { ushort [] v = new ushort [4]; TextReader reader = Console.In; while (reader.Peek () != -1) { string line = reader.ReadLine (); lineCount++; if (line.StartsWith ("@")) continue; // @version, @variable etc. int idx = line.IndexOf ('#'); if (idx >= 0) line = line.Substring (0, idx); if (line.Length == 0) continue; int cp = int.Parse (line.Substring (0, 5), NumberStyles.HexNumber); int collElemIdx = CollationElementTableUtil.Indexer.ToIndex (cp); if (collElemIdx < 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("WARNING: handle character {0:x} in collation element table.", cp); continue; } line = line.Substring (line.IndexOf (';') + 1).Trim (); // count entries in a line int entryPerLine = 0; for (int e = 0; (e = line.IndexOf ('[', e) + 1) > 0;) entryPerLine++; int start = 0; for (int e = 0; e < entryPerLine; e++) { start = line.IndexOf ('[', start) + 1; string s = line.Substring (start, line.IndexOf (']', start) - start); bool alt = false; if (s [0] == '*') alt = true; string [] vslist = s.Substring (1).Split ('.'); bool skip = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (vslist [i].Length > 4) skip = true; else v [i] = ushort.Parse (vslist [i], NumberStyles.HexNumber); } if (skip) { // Console.Error.WriteLine ("WARNING: skipped entry {0:X}", cp); continue; } idx = keyCount; if (entryPerLine == 1) { // idx = 0 means "no matching entry", so here we start from 1 for (idx = 1; idx < keyCount; idx++) { SortKeyValue k = keyValues [idx]; if (k.Alt == alt && k.Primary == v [0] && k.Secondary == v [1] && k.Thirtiary == v [2] && k.Quarternary == v [3]) break; } } if (idx == keyCount) AddEntry (alt, v); } if (entryPerLine == 1) collElem [collElemIdx] = idx; else collElem [collElemIdx] = (short) (keyCount - entryPerLine) + (short) (entryPerLine << 16); } reader.Close (); } private void AddEntry (bool alt, ushort [] v) { if (keyCount == keyValues.Length) { SortKeyValue [] tmp = new SortKeyValue [keyCount * 2]; Array.Copy (keyValues, tmp, keyCount); keyValues = tmp; } keyValues [keyCount] = new SortKeyValue (alt, v [0], (byte) v [1], (byte) v [2], v [3]); keyCount++; } } }