This directory contains support for Unicode normalization and collation. ** generated files There are several files to be autogenerated: - MSCompatUnicodeTableGenerated.cs : support for collation, but for standalone testing purpose. - Normalization.cs : support for String.Normalize() - CollationElementTable.cs : used in code generators which generate above two sources. - ../collation.core.bin, ../collation.tailoring.bin, ../collation.cjkCHS.bin, ../collation.cjkCHT.bin, ../collation.cjkJA.bin, ../collation.cjkKO.bin, ../collation.cjkKOlv2.bin : collation table binary resoueces. To generate those files, run "make" in this directory. It requires internet access for the first time to download dependency files from the web. Atsushi Eno