using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using NUtil = Mono.Globalization.Unicode.NormalizationTableUtil; namespace Mono.Globalization.Unicode { internal enum NormalizationCheck { Yes, No, Maybe } internal unsafe class Normalization { public const int NoNfd = 1; public const int NoNfkd = 2; public const int NoNfc = 4; public const int MaybeNfc = 8; public const int NoNfkc = 16; public const int MaybeNfkc = 32; public const int FullCompositionExclusion = 64; public const int IsUnsafe = 128; // public const int ExpandOnNfd = 256; // public const int ExpandOnNfc = 512; // public const int ExpandOnNfkd = 1024; // public const int ExpandOnNfkc = 2048; static uint PropValue (int cp) { return props [NUtil.PropIdx (cp)]; } static int CharMapIdx (int cp) { return charMapIndex [NUtil.MapIdx (cp)]; } static int GetNormalizedStringLength (int ch) { int start = charMapIndex [NUtil.MapIdx (ch)]; int i = start; while (mappedChars [i] != 0) i++; return i - start; } static byte GetCombiningClass (int c) { return combiningClass [NUtil.Combining.ToIndex (c)]; } static int GetPrimaryCompositeFromMapIndex (int src) { return mapIdxToComposite [NUtil.Composite.ToIndex (src)]; } static int GetPrimaryCompositeHelperIndex (int cp) { return helperIndex [NUtil.Helper.ToIndex (cp)]; } static int GetPrimaryCompositeCharIndex (object chars, int start) { string s = chars as string; StringBuilder sb = chars as StringBuilder; char startCh = s != null ? s [start] : sb [start]; int charsLength = sb != null ? sb.Length : s.Length; int idx = GetPrimaryCompositeHelperIndex ((int) startCh); if (idx == 0) return 0; while (mappedChars [idx] == startCh) { int prevCB = 0; int combiningClass = 0; for (int i = 1, j = 1; ; i++, j++) { prevCB = combiningClass; if (mappedChars [idx + i] == 0) // matched return idx; if (start + i >= charsLength) return 0; // didn't match // handle blocked characters here. char curCh; bool match = false; do { curCh = s != null ? s [start + j] : sb [start + j]; combiningClass = GetCombiningClass (curCh); if (mappedChars [idx + i] == curCh) { match = true; break; } if (combiningClass < prevCB) // blocked. Give up this map entry. break; if (++j + start >= charsLength || combiningClass == 0) break; } while (true); if (match) continue; // check next character in the current map entry string. if (prevCB < combiningClass) { j--; if (mappedChars [idx + i] == curCh) continue; //if (mappedChars [idx + i] > curCh) // return 0; // no match } // otherwise move idx to next item while (mappedChars [i] != 0) i++; idx += i + 1; break; } } // reached to end of entries return 0; } private static string Compose (string source, int checkType) { StringBuilder sb = null; Decompose (source, ref sb, checkType); if (sb == null) sb = Combine (source, 0, checkType); else Combine (sb, 0, checkType); return sb != null ? sb.ToString () : source; } private static StringBuilder Combine (string source, int start, int checkType) { for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++) { if (QuickCheck (source [i], checkType) == NormalizationCheck.Yes) continue; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (source.Length + source.Length / 10); sb.Append (source); Combine (sb, i, checkType); return sb; } return null; } /* private static bool CanBePrimaryComposite (int i) { if (i >= 0x3400 && i <= 0x9FBB) return GetPrimaryCompositeHelperIndex (i) != 0; return (PropValue (i) & IsUnsafe) != 0; } */ private static void Combine (StringBuilder sb, int start, int checkType) { for (int i = start; i < sb.Length; i++) { if (QuickCheck (sb [i], checkType) == NormalizationCheck.Yes) continue; int cur = i; // FIXME: It should check "blocked" too for (;i > 0; i--) // this loop does not check sb[0], but regardless of the condition below it should not go under 0. if (GetCombiningClass ((int) sb [i]) == 0) break; int idx = 0; // index to mappedChars for (; i < cur; i++) { idx = GetPrimaryCompositeMapIndex (sb, (int) sb [i], i); if (idx > 0) break; } if (idx == 0) { i = cur; continue; } int prim = GetPrimaryCompositeFromMapIndex (idx); int len = GetNormalizedStringLength (prim); if (prim == 0 || len == 0) throw new SystemException ("Internal error: should not happen. Input: " + sb); int removed = 0; sb.Insert (i++, (char) prim); // always single character // handle blocked characters here. while (removed < len) { if (sb [i] == mappedChars [idx + removed]) { sb.Remove (i, 1); removed++; // otherwise, skip it. } else i++; } i = cur - 1; } } static int GetPrimaryCompositeMapIndex (object o, int cur, int bufferPos) { if ((PropValue (cur) & FullCompositionExclusion) != 0) return 0; if (GetCombiningClass (cur) != 0) return 0; // not a starter return GetPrimaryCompositeCharIndex (o, bufferPos); } static string Decompose (string source, int checkType) { StringBuilder sb = null; Decompose (source, ref sb, checkType); return sb != null ? sb.ToString () : source; } static void Decompose (string source, ref StringBuilder sb, int checkType) { int [] buf = null; int start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++) if (QuickCheck (source [i], checkType) == NormalizationCheck.No) DecomposeChar (ref sb, ref buf, source, i, ref start); if (sb != null) sb.Append (source, start, source.Length - start); ReorderCanonical (source, ref sb, 1); } static void ReorderCanonical (string src, ref StringBuilder sb, int start) { if (sb == null) { // check only with src. for (int i = 1; i < src.Length; i++) { int level = GetCombiningClass (src [i]); if (level == 0) continue; if (GetCombiningClass (src [i - 1]) > level) { sb = new StringBuilder (src.Length); sb.Append (src, 0, src.Length); ReorderCanonical (src, ref sb, i); return; } } return; } // check only with sb for (int i = start; i < sb.Length; i++) { int level = GetCombiningClass (sb [i]); if (level == 0) continue; if (GetCombiningClass (sb [i - 1]) > level) { char c = sb [i - 1]; sb [i - 1] = sb [i]; sb [i] = c; i--; // apply recursively } } } static void DecomposeChar (ref StringBuilder sb, ref int [] buf, string s, int i, ref int start) { if (sb == null) sb = new StringBuilder (s.Length + 100); sb.Append (s, start, i - start); if (buf == null) buf = new int [19]; GetCanonical (s [i], buf, 0); for (int x = 0; ; x++) { if (buf [x] == 0) break; if (buf [x] < char.MaxValue) sb.Append ((char) buf [x]); else { // surrogate sb.Append ((char) (buf [x] >> 10 + 0xD800)); sb.Append ((char) ((buf [x] & 0x0FFF) + 0xDC00)); } } start = i + 1; } public static NormalizationCheck QuickCheck (char c, int type) { uint v; switch (type) { default: // NFC v = PropValue ((int) c); return (v & NoNfc) == 0 ? (v & MaybeNfc) == 0 ? NormalizationCheck.Yes : NormalizationCheck.Maybe : NormalizationCheck.No; case 1: // NFD if ('\uAC00' <= c && c <= '\uD7A3') return NormalizationCheck.No; return (PropValue ((int) c) & NoNfd) != 0 ? NormalizationCheck.No : NormalizationCheck.Yes; case 2: // NFKC v = PropValue ((int) c); return (v & NoNfkc) != 0 ? NormalizationCheck.No : (v & MaybeNfkc) != 0 ? NormalizationCheck.Maybe : NormalizationCheck.Yes; case 3: // NFKD if ('\uAC00' <= c && c <= '\uD7A3') return NormalizationCheck.No; return (PropValue ((int) c) & NoNfkd) != 0 ? NormalizationCheck.No : NormalizationCheck.Yes; } } /* for now we don't use FC_NFKC closure public static bool IsMultiForm (char c) { return (PropValue ((int) c) & 0xF0000000) != 0; } public static char SingleForm (char c) { uint v = PropValue ((int) c); int idx = (int) ((v & 0x7FFF0000) >> 16); return (char) singleNorm [idx]; } public static void MultiForm (char c, char [] buf, int index) { // FIXME: handle surrogate uint v = PropValue ((int) c); int midx = (int) ((v & 0x7FFF0000) >> 16); buf [index] = (char) multiNorm [midx]; buf [index + 1] = (char) multiNorm [midx + 1]; buf [index + 2] = (char) multiNorm [midx + 2]; buf [index + 3] = (char) multiNorm [midx + 3]; if (buf [index + 3] != 0) buf [index + 4] = (char) 0; // zero termination } */ const int HangulSBase = 0xAC00, HangulLBase = 0x1100, HangulVBase = 0x1161, HangulTBase = 0x11A7, HangulLCount = 19, HangulVCount = 21, HangulTCount = 28, HangulNCount = HangulVCount * HangulTCount, // 588 HangulSCount = HangulLCount * HangulNCount; // 11172 private static bool GetCanonicalHangul (int s, int [] buf, int bufIdx) { int idx = s - HangulSBase; if (idx < 0 || idx >= HangulSCount) { return false; } int L = HangulLBase + idx / HangulNCount; int V = HangulVBase + (idx % HangulNCount) / HangulTCount; int T = HangulTBase + idx % HangulTCount; buf [bufIdx++] = L; buf [bufIdx++] = V; if (T != HangulTBase) { buf [bufIdx++] = T; } buf [bufIdx] = (char) 0; return true; } public static void GetCanonical (int c, int [] buf, int bufIdx) { if (!GetCanonicalHangul (c, buf, bufIdx)) { for (int i = CharMapIdx (c); mappedChars [i] != 0; i++) buf [bufIdx++] = mappedChars [i]; buf [bufIdx] = (char) 0; } } public static bool IsNormalized (string source, int type) { int prevCC = -1; for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++) { int cc = GetCombiningClass (source [i]); if (cc != 0 && cc < prevCC) return false; prevCC = cc; switch (QuickCheck (source [i], type)) { case NormalizationCheck.Yes: break; case NormalizationCheck.No: return false; case NormalizationCheck.Maybe: // for those forms with composition, it cannot be checked here switch (type) { case 0: // NFC case 2: // NFKC return source == Normalize (source, type); } // go on... // partly copied from Combine() int cur = i; for (;i > 0; i--) // this loop does not check sb[0], but regardless of the condition below it should not go under 0. if (GetCombiningClass ((int) source [i]) == 0) break; //i++; // Now i is the "starter" for (; i < cur; i++) { if (GetPrimaryCompositeCharIndex (source, i) != 0) return false; } break; } } return true; } public static string Normalize (string source, int type) { switch (type) { default: case 2: return Compose (source, type); case 1: case 3: return Decompose (source, type); } } static byte* props; static int* mappedChars; static short* charMapIndex; static short* helperIndex; static ushort* mapIdxToComposite; static byte* combiningClass; #if GENERATE_TABLE public static readonly bool IsReady = true; // always static Normalization () { fixed (byte* tmp = propsArr) { props = tmp; } fixed (int* tmp = mappedCharsArr) { mappedChars = tmp; } fixed (short* tmp = charMapIndexArr) { charMapIndex = tmp; } fixed (short* tmp = helperIndexArr) { helperIndex = tmp; } fixed (ushort* tmp = mapIdxToCompositeArr) { mapIdxToComposite = tmp; } fixed (byte* tmp = combiningClassArr) { combiningClass = tmp; } } #else static object forLock = new object (); public static readonly bool isReady; public static bool IsReady { get { return isReady; } } [MethodImpl (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] static extern void load_normalization_resource ( out IntPtr props, out IntPtr mappedChars, out IntPtr charMapIndex, out IntPtr helperIndex, out IntPtr mapIdxToComposite, out IntPtr combiningClass); static Normalization () { IntPtr p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6; lock (forLock) { load_normalization_resource (out p1, out p2, out p3, out p4, out p5, out p6); props = (byte*) p1; mappedChars = (int*) p2; charMapIndex = (short*) p3; helperIndex = (short*) p4; mapIdxToComposite = (ushort*) p5; combiningClass = (byte*) p6; } isReady = true; } } } #endif // // autogenerated code or icall to fill array runs here //