// // Microsoft.Win32/Win32RegistryApi.cs: wrapper for win32 registry API // // Authos: // Erik LeBel (eriklebel@yahoo.ca) // Jackson Harper (jackson@ximian.com) // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnome.org) // // Copyright (C) Erik LeBel 2004 // (C) 2004, 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // // Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if !NET_2_1 using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; namespace Microsoft.Win32 { /// /// Function stubs, constants and helper functions for /// the Win32 registry manipulation utilities. /// internal class Win32RegistryApi : IRegistryApi { // bit masks for registry key open access permissions const int OpenRegKeyRead = 0x00020019; const int OpenRegKeyWrite = 0x00020006; // FIXME must be a way to determin this dynamically? const int Int32ByteSize = 4; const int Int64ByteSize = 8; // FIXME this is hard coded on Mono, can it be determined dynamically? readonly int NativeBytesPerCharacter = Marshal.SystemDefaultCharSize; const int RegOptionsNonVolatile = 0x00000000; const int RegOptionsVolatile = 0x00000001; [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegCreateKeyEx")] static extern int RegCreateKeyEx (IntPtr keyBase, string keyName, int reserved, IntPtr lpClass, int options, int access, IntPtr securityAttrs, out IntPtr keyHandle, out int disposition); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegCloseKey")] static extern int RegCloseKey (IntPtr keyHandle); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] static extern int RegConnectRegistry (string machineName, IntPtr hKey, out IntPtr keyHandle); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegFlushKey")] private static extern int RegFlushKey (IntPtr keyHandle); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegOpenKeyEx")] private static extern int RegOpenKeyEx (IntPtr keyBase, string keyName, IntPtr reserved, int access, out IntPtr keyHandle); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegDeleteKey")] private static extern int RegDeleteKey (IntPtr keyHandle, string valueName); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegDeleteValue")] private static extern int RegDeleteValue (IntPtr keyHandle, string valueName); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegEnumKey")] private static extern int RegEnumKey (IntPtr keyBase, int index, StringBuilder nameBuffer, int bufferLength); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegEnumValue")] private static extern int RegEnumValue (IntPtr keyBase, int index, StringBuilder nameBuffer, ref int nameLength, IntPtr reserved, ref RegistryValueKind type, IntPtr data, IntPtr dataLength); // [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegSetValueEx")] // private static extern int RegSetValueEx (IntPtr keyBase, // string valueName, IntPtr reserved, RegistryValueKind type, // StringBuilder data, int rawDataLength); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegSetValueEx")] private static extern int RegSetValueEx (IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, RegistryValueKind type, string data, int rawDataLength); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegSetValueEx")] private static extern int RegSetValueEx (IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, RegistryValueKind type, byte[] rawData, int rawDataLength); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegSetValueEx")] private static extern int RegSetValueEx (IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, RegistryValueKind type, ref int data, int rawDataLength); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegSetValueEx")] private static extern int RegSetValueEx (IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, RegistryValueKind type, ref long data, int rawDataLength); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegQueryValueEx")] private static extern int RegQueryValueEx (IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, ref RegistryValueKind type, IntPtr zero, ref int dataSize); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegQueryValueEx")] private static extern int RegQueryValueEx (IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, ref RegistryValueKind type, [Out] byte[] data, ref int dataSize); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegQueryValueEx")] private static extern int RegQueryValueEx (IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, ref RegistryValueKind type, ref int data, ref int dataSize); [DllImport ("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint="RegQueryValueEx")] private static extern int RegQueryValueEx (IntPtr keyBase, string valueName, IntPtr reserved, ref RegistryValueKind type, ref long data, ref int dataSize); // Returns our handle from the RegistryKey public IntPtr GetHandle (RegistryKey key) { return (IntPtr) key.InternalHandle; } static bool IsHandleValid (RegistryKey key) { return key.InternalHandle != null; } public RegistryValueKind GetValueKind (RegistryKey rkey, string name) { RegistryValueKind type = 0; int size = 0; IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); int result = RegQueryValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, ref type, IntPtr.Zero, ref size); if (result == Win32ResultCode.FileNotFound || result == Win32ResultCode.MarkedForDeletion) return RegistryValueKind.Unknown; return type; } /// /// Acctually read a registry value. Requires knowledge of the /// value's type and size. /// public object GetValue (RegistryKey rkey, string name, object defaultValue, RegistryValueOptions options) { RegistryValueKind type = 0; int size = 0; object obj = null; IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); int result = RegQueryValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, ref type, IntPtr.Zero, ref size); if (result == Win32ResultCode.FileNotFound || result == Win32ResultCode.MarkedForDeletion) { return defaultValue; } if (result != Win32ResultCode.MoreData && result != Win32ResultCode.Success ) { GenerateException (result); } if (type == RegistryValueKind.String) { byte[] data; result = GetBinaryValue (rkey, name, type, out data, size); obj = RegistryKey.DecodeString (data); } else if (type == RegistryValueKind.ExpandString) { byte [] data; result = GetBinaryValue (rkey, name, type, out data, size); obj = RegistryKey.DecodeString (data); if ((options & RegistryValueOptions.DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames) == 0) obj = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables ((string) obj); } else if (type == RegistryValueKind.DWord) { int data = 0; result = RegQueryValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, ref type, ref data, ref size); obj = data; } else if (type == RegistryValueKind.QWord) { long data = 0; result = RegQueryValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, ref type, ref data, ref size); obj = data; } else if (type == RegistryValueKind.Binary) { byte[] data; result = GetBinaryValue (rkey, name, type, out data, size); obj = data; } else if (type == RegistryValueKind.MultiString) { obj = null; byte[] data; result = GetBinaryValue (rkey, name, type, out data, size); if (result == Win32ResultCode.Success) obj = RegistryKey.DecodeString (data).Split ('\0'); } else { // should never get here throw new SystemException (); } // check result codes again: if (result != Win32ResultCode.Success) { GenerateException (result); } return obj; } // // This version has to do extra checking, make sure that the requested // valueKind matches the type of the value being stored // public void SetValue (RegistryKey rkey, string name, object value, RegistryValueKind valueKind) { Type type = value.GetType (); int result; IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); if (valueKind == RegistryValueKind.QWord && type == typeof (long)) { long rawValue = (long)value; result = RegSetValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, RegistryValueKind.QWord, ref rawValue, Int64ByteSize); } else if (valueKind == RegistryValueKind.DWord && type == typeof (int)) { int rawValue = (int)value; result = RegSetValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, RegistryValueKind.DWord, ref rawValue, Int32ByteSize); } else if (valueKind == RegistryValueKind.Binary && type == typeof (byte[])) { byte[] rawValue = (byte[]) value; result = RegSetValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, RegistryValueKind.Binary, rawValue, rawValue.Length); } else if (valueKind == RegistryValueKind.MultiString && type == typeof (string[])) { string[] vals = (string[]) value; StringBuilder fullStringValue = new StringBuilder (); foreach (string v in vals) { fullStringValue.Append (v); fullStringValue.Append ('\0'); } fullStringValue.Append ('\0'); byte[] rawValue = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes (fullStringValue.ToString ()); result = RegSetValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, RegistryValueKind.MultiString, rawValue, rawValue.Length); } else if ((valueKind == RegistryValueKind.String || valueKind == RegistryValueKind.ExpandString) && type == typeof (string)){ string rawValue = String.Format ("{0}{1}", value, '\0'); result = RegSetValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, valueKind, rawValue, rawValue.Length * NativeBytesPerCharacter); } else if (type.IsArray) { throw new ArgumentException ("Only string and byte arrays can written as registry values"); } else { throw new ArgumentException ("Type does not match the valueKind"); } // handle the result codes if (result != Win32ResultCode.Success) { GenerateException (result); } } public void SetValue (RegistryKey rkey, string name, object value) { Type type = value.GetType (); int result; IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); if (type == typeof (int)) { int rawValue = (int)value; result = RegSetValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, RegistryValueKind.DWord, ref rawValue, Int32ByteSize); } else if (type == typeof (byte[])) { byte[] rawValue = (byte[]) value; result = RegSetValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, RegistryValueKind.Binary, rawValue, rawValue.Length); } else if (type == typeof (string[])) { string[] vals = (string[]) value; StringBuilder fullStringValue = new StringBuilder (); foreach (string v in vals) { fullStringValue.Append (v); fullStringValue.Append ('\0'); } fullStringValue.Append ('\0'); byte[] rawValue = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes (fullStringValue.ToString ()); result = RegSetValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, RegistryValueKind.MultiString, rawValue, rawValue.Length); } else if (type.IsArray) { throw new ArgumentException ("Only string and byte arrays can written as registry values"); } else { string rawValue = String.Format ("{0}{1}", value, '\0'); result = RegSetValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, RegistryValueKind.String, rawValue, rawValue.Length * NativeBytesPerCharacter); } if (result == Win32ResultCode.MarkedForDeletion) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); // handle the result codes if (result != Win32ResultCode.Success) { GenerateException (result); } } /// /// Get a binary value. /// private int GetBinaryValue (RegistryKey rkey, string name, RegistryValueKind type, out byte[] data, int size) { byte[] internalData = new byte [size]; IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); int result = RegQueryValueEx (handle, name, IntPtr.Zero, ref type, internalData, ref size); data = internalData; return result; } // Arbitrary max size for key/values names that can be fetched. // .NET framework SDK docs say that the max name length that can // be used is 255 characters, we'll allow for a bit more. const int BufferMaxLength = 1024; public int SubKeyCount (RegistryKey rkey) { int index; StringBuilder stringBuffer = new StringBuilder (BufferMaxLength); IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); for (index = 0; true; index ++) { int result = RegEnumKey (handle, index, stringBuffer, stringBuffer.Capacity); if (result == Win32ResultCode.MarkedForDeletion) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); if (result == Win32ResultCode.Success) continue; if (result == Win32ResultCode.NoMoreEntries) break; // something is wrong!! GenerateException (result); } return index; } public int ValueCount (RegistryKey rkey) { int index, result, bufferCapacity; RegistryValueKind type; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder (BufferMaxLength); IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); for (index = 0; true; index ++) { type = 0; bufferCapacity = buffer.Capacity; result = RegEnumValue (handle, index, buffer, ref bufferCapacity, IntPtr.Zero, ref type, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); if (result == Win32ResultCode.MarkedForDeletion) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); if (result == Win32ResultCode.Success || result == Win32ResultCode.MoreData) continue; if (result == Win32ResultCode.NoMoreEntries) break; // something is wrong GenerateException (result); } return index; } public RegistryKey OpenRemoteBaseKey (RegistryHive hKey, string machineName) { IntPtr handle = new IntPtr ((int) hKey); IntPtr keyHandle; int result = RegConnectRegistry (machineName, handle, out keyHandle); if (result != Win32ResultCode.Success) GenerateException (result); return new RegistryKey (hKey, keyHandle, true); } public RegistryKey OpenSubKey (RegistryKey rkey, string keyName, bool writable) { int access = OpenRegKeyRead; if (writable) access |= OpenRegKeyWrite; IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); IntPtr subKeyHandle; int result = RegOpenKeyEx (handle, keyName, IntPtr.Zero, access, out subKeyHandle); if (result == Win32ResultCode.FileNotFound || result == Win32ResultCode.MarkedForDeletion) return null; if (result != Win32ResultCode.Success) GenerateException (result); return new RegistryKey (subKeyHandle, CombineName (rkey, keyName), writable); } public void Flush (RegistryKey rkey) { if (!IsHandleValid (rkey)) return; IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); RegFlushKey (handle); } public void Close (RegistryKey rkey) { if (!IsHandleValid (rkey)) return; #if NET_4_0 SafeRegistryHandle safe_handle = rkey.Handle; if (safe_handle != null) { // closes the unmanaged pointer for us. safe_handle.Close (); return; } #endif IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); RegCloseKey (handle); } #if NET_4_0 public RegistryKey FromHandle (SafeRegistryHandle handle) { // At this point we can't tell whether the key is writable // or not (nor the name), so we let the error check code handle it later, as // .Net seems to do. return new RegistryKey (handle.DangerousGetHandle (), String.Empty, true); } #endif public RegistryKey CreateSubKey (RegistryKey rkey, string keyName) { IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); IntPtr subKeyHandle; int disposition; int result = RegCreateKeyEx (handle , keyName, 0, IntPtr.Zero, RegOptionsNonVolatile, OpenRegKeyRead | OpenRegKeyWrite, IntPtr.Zero, out subKeyHandle, out disposition); if (result == Win32ResultCode.MarkedForDeletion) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); if (result != Win32ResultCode.Success) { GenerateException (result); } return new RegistryKey (subKeyHandle, CombineName (rkey, keyName), true); } #if NET_4_0 public RegistryKey CreateSubKey (RegistryKey rkey, string keyName, RegistryOptions options) { IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); IntPtr subKeyHandle; int disposition; int result = RegCreateKeyEx (handle , keyName, 0, IntPtr.Zero, options == RegistryOptions.Volatile ? RegOptionsVolatile : RegOptionsNonVolatile, OpenRegKeyRead | OpenRegKeyWrite, IntPtr.Zero, out subKeyHandle, out disposition); if (result == Win32ResultCode.MarkedForDeletion) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); if (result != Win32ResultCode.Success) GenerateException (result); return new RegistryKey (subKeyHandle, CombineName (rkey, keyName), true); } #endif public void DeleteKey (RegistryKey rkey, string keyName, bool shouldThrowWhenKeyMissing) { IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); int result = RegDeleteKey (handle, keyName); if (result == Win32ResultCode.FileNotFound) { if (shouldThrowWhenKeyMissing) throw new ArgumentException ("key " + keyName); return; } if (result != Win32ResultCode.Success) GenerateException (result); } public void DeleteValue (RegistryKey rkey, string value, bool shouldThrowWhenKeyMissing) { IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); int result = RegDeleteValue (handle, value); if (result == Win32ResultCode.MarkedForDeletion) return; if (result == Win32ResultCode.FileNotFound){ if (shouldThrowWhenKeyMissing) throw new ArgumentException ("value " + value); return; } if (result != Win32ResultCode.Success) GenerateException (result); } public string [] GetSubKeyNames (RegistryKey rkey) { IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder (BufferMaxLength); var keys = new List (); for (int index = 0; true; index ++) { int result = RegEnumKey (handle, index, buffer, buffer.Capacity); if (result == Win32ResultCode.Success) { keys.Add (buffer.ToString ()); buffer.Length = 0; continue; } if (result == Win32ResultCode.NoMoreEntries) break; // should not be here! GenerateException (result); } return keys.ToArray (); } public string [] GetValueNames (RegistryKey rkey) { IntPtr handle = GetHandle (rkey); var values = new List (); for (int index = 0; true; index ++) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder (BufferMaxLength); int bufferCapacity = buffer.Capacity; RegistryValueKind type = 0; int result = RegEnumValue (handle, index, buffer, ref bufferCapacity, IntPtr.Zero, ref type, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); if (result == Win32ResultCode.Success || result == Win32ResultCode.MoreData) { values.Add (buffer.ToString ()); continue; } if (result == Win32ResultCode.NoMoreEntries) break; if (result == Win32ResultCode.MarkedForDeletion) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); GenerateException (result); } return values.ToArray (); } /// /// convert a win32 error code into an appropriate exception. /// private void GenerateException (int errorCode) { switch (errorCode) { case Win32ResultCode.FileNotFound: case Win32ResultCode.InvalidParameter: throw new ArgumentException (); case Win32ResultCode.AccessDenied: throw new SecurityException (); case Win32ResultCode.NetworkPathNotFound: throw new IOException ("The network path was not found."); case Win32ResultCode.InvalidHandle: throw new IOException ("Invalid handle."); default: // unidentified system exception throw new SystemException (); } } public string ToString (RegistryKey rkey) { return rkey.Name; } /// /// utility: Combine the sub key name to the current name to produce a /// fully qualified sub key name. /// internal static string CombineName (RegistryKey rkey, string localName) { return String.Concat (rkey.Name, "\\", localName); } } } #endif // NET_2_1