// useful grep // grep -h "#if" /svn/mono/external/rx/Rx/NET/Source/System.Reactive.*/*.cs /svn/mono/external/rx/Rx/NET/Source/System.Reactive.*/*/*.cs /svn/mono/external/rx/Rx/NET/Source/System.Reactive.*/*/*/*.cs | sort | uniq using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Xml.XPath; var template_android = File.ReadAllText ("project_template_android.txt"); var template_ios = File.ReadAllText ("project_template_ios.txt"); var guids_android = new string [] { // Ix "5F7F40B6-19D3-48C7-8E15-AE1F976F60E1", "065F2411-7610-4AD6-9513-A1EFFCE576C0", "C4037060-1692-4423-B29E-76F3A74A72A5", // Rx "4fa878dc-6e88-43c4-b37b-8c1151cec56f", "fef62c23-10cd-4def-a5ae-54a8b309e970", "d263c126-9d3c-4299-a0c1-f25c703d07c9", "ec704077-ea31-4852-ad24-6732244174c0", "9360e845-d79d-4288-9100-63a80fad2bf0", "00dc3654-e373-4e3f-80fe-109f795adf1f", "e662282b-4341-4f86-aaaa-a942335b47fb", "a153a379-670c-42c2-9018-fc0d933a4f7f", "b29d45a6-0b8c-49c5-82a2-457e4d3cbc33", "3a3b5e76-029f-46b0-9ccf-fefe06eb61e7", "328e4291-92f0-49de-a0fd-fbc714a47f53", "cb2ab716-bfcb-43bc-a03b-a3bda427746c", "73c5260f-8972-4e7c-822b-1a3a0358fa0b" }; var guids_ios = new string [] { // Ix "AD6FCBE9-0F6A-4F27-8147-17AB1C8799A2", "220AD2F1-FEE9-4514-8F36-6BE37F0AAD7F", "4779C7FF-6969-4715-9389-DF6C43655D6F", // Rx "6f2675f5-fcc7-4a28-9dc3-657b4613dcc5", "a67f34b5-75c1-4319-a93e-93df87e728a4", "79a43ceb-1a18-49ea-aac4-b72b9c90bf5a", "0a977063-0796-4cd4-84b8-aedb2d648b26", "b41cb61a-dca0-4539-8f99-7b3499e18e6d", "24f995bd-7075-489c-b7a5-7fde08c304b6", "894021ec-14fb-430a-8572-bea9569ae435", "92857c8e-0e83-4d02-a831-8af3fed43336", "912e14a2-7bdf-4600-8d55-e8c4f33a2063", "0f6c2933-8d0c-41e6-9f77-e8714ab8c4ab", "1a476d81-f91a-448f-8790-f55498e013d2", "47d85a91-e8e2-4088-bf5a-68a161754d48", "45377009-1425-47fc-985e-05f98022f9e3" }; var asses = new string [] { "System.Interactive", "System.Interactive.Async", "System.Interactive.Providers", "System.Reactive.Interfaces", "System.Reactive.Core", "System.Reactive.PlatformServices", "System.Reactive.Linq", "System.Reactive.Debugger", // maybe needed for testing assembly. "System.Reactive.Experimental", // needed for testing assembly. "System.Reactive.Providers", "System.Reactive.Runtime.Remoting", "System.Reactive.Windows.Forms", "System.Reactive.Windows.Threading", "System.Reactive.Observable.Aliases", "Microsoft.Reactive.Testing", "Tests.System.Reactive", }; var excluded_android_asses = new string [] { "System.Reactive.Windows.Forms", "System.Reactive.Windows.Threading", }; var excluded_ios_asses = new string [] { "System.Reactive.Providers", "System.Reactive.Windows.Forms", "System.Reactive.Windows.Threading", } var blacklist = new string [] { // WPF Dispatcher.Invoke() is not implemented. "DispatcherSchedulerTest.cs", // This is not limited to Dispatcher, but many of them are relevant to it, or Winforms (we filter it out by not defining HAS_WINFORMS) "ObservableConcurrencyTest.cs", }; int guid_idx = 0; foreach (var ass in asses) { var ix = ass.Contains ("Interactive"); var dstAndroid = ix ? "../../external/rx/Ix/NET/Ix_Xamarin/android" : "../../external/rx/Rx/NET/Source/Rx_Xamarin/android"; var dstIOS = ix ? "../../external/rx/Ix/NET/Ix_Xamarin/iOS" : "../../external/rx/Rx/NET/Source/Rx_Xamarin/iOS"; var monoass = ass == "Microsoft.Reactive.Testing" ? "Mono.Reactive.Testing" : ass; var basePath = ix ? "../../external/rx/Ix/NET" : "../../external/rx/Rx/NET/Source"; var csproj = Path.Combine (basePath, ass, ass + ".csproj"); var pathPrefix = ass == "Tests.System.Reactive" ? "../" : ""; var category = ix ? "Ix_Xamarin" : "Rx_Xamarin"; var category2 = ix ? "ix" : "rx"; var android_dir = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (csproj, "..", "..", category, "android", category2, monoass)); var ios_dir = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (csproj, "..", "..", category, "iOS", category2, monoass)); var android_proj = Path.Combine (android_dir, "android_" + monoass + ".csproj"); var ios_proj = Path.Combine (ios_dir, "ios_" + monoass + ".csproj"); if (!Directory.Exists (android_dir)) Directory.CreateDirectory (android_dir); if (!Directory.Exists (ios_dir)) Directory.CreateDirectory (ios_dir); // tests are built under Mono.Reactive.Testing directory. var sources = monoass == "Tests.System.Reactive" ? Path.Combine ("Mono.Reactive.Testing", "Mono.Reactive.Testing_test.dll.sources") : Path.Combine (monoass, monoass + ".dll.sources"); var assdir = Path.Combine (monoass, "Assembly"); var assinfo = Path.Combine (monoass, "Assembly", "AssemblyInfo.cs"); var projectRefs = ""; if (monoass != "Tests.System.Reactive") { if (!Directory.Exists (assdir)) Directory.CreateDirectory (assdir); using (var tw = File.CreateText (assinfo)) { //tw.WriteLine ("[assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion (\"2.1.30214.0\")]"); //tw.WriteLine ("[assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersion (\"2.1.30214.0\")]"); } } var sourcesXml = ""; var projectRefsXml = ""; var resourcesXml = ""; var doc = XDocument.Load (csproj); var rootNS = doc.XPathSelectElement ("//*[local-name()='RootNamespace']").Value; var guid = doc.XPathSelectElement ("//*[local-name()='ProjectGuid']").Value; foreach (var e in doc.XPathSelectElements ("//*[local-name()='ProjectReference']")) projectRefsXml += e; Console.WriteLine ("Writing " + sources + " ..."); using (var tw = File.CreateText (sources)) { if (monoass != "Tests.System.Reactive") tw.WriteLine ("Assembly/AssemblyInfo.cs"); foreach (var path in doc.XPathSelectElements ("//*[local-name()='Compile']") .Select (el => el.Attribute ("Include").Value) .Select (s => s.Replace ("\\", "/"))) { if (!blacklist.Any (b => path.Contains (b))) { var p = Path.Combine (ass, path); var p2 = Path.Combine ("..", basePath, ass, path); tw.WriteLine (Path.Combine (pathPrefix, p2)); sourcesXml += " \n " + path.Replace ('/', '\\') + "\n \n"; } } } Console.WriteLine ("Writing more_build_args..."); var argsPath = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (sources), "more_build_args"); using (var tw = File.CreateText (argsPath)) { if (ass.StartsWith ("System")) { tw.WriteLine ("-d:SIGNED"); tw.WriteLine ("-delaysign"); tw.WriteLine ("-keyfile:../reactive.pub"); } foreach (var path in doc.XPathSelectElements ("//*[local-name()='EmbeddedResource']")) { var res = path.Attribute ("Include").Value; var resx = Path.Combine (basePath, ass, res); var resFileName = res.Replace ("resx", "resources"); var resxDest = Path.Combine (monoass, res); var resPath = Path.Combine (monoass, resFileName); if (File.Exists (resxDest)) File.Delete (resxDest); File.Copy (resx, resxDest); //Process.Start ("resgen", String.Format ("{0} {1}", resx, resPath)); tw.WriteLine ("-resource:{0},{1}.{2}", resFileName, rootNS, resFileName); var p = Path.Combine ("..", basePath, ass, res); resourcesXml += " \n " + res + "\n \n"; } } foreach (var f in new string [] { android_proj, ios_proj}) { string prj_guid; string template, prj_prefix, nunitProjRef, nunitRef; var androidNUnit = "{6A005891-A3D6-4398-A729-F645397D573A}Android.NUnitLite"; if (f == android_proj) { prj_guid = guids_android [guid_idx].ToUpper (); template = template_android; prj_prefix ="android_"; nunitProjRef = ass.Contains ("Test") ? androidNUnit : ""; nunitRef = ""; } else { prj_guid = guids_ios [guid_idx].ToUpper (); template = template_ios; prj_prefix ="ios_"; nunitProjRef = ""; nunitRef = ass.Contains ("Test") ? "" : ""; } using (var tw = File.CreateText (f)) { tw.Write (template .Replace ("PROJECT_GUID_GOES_HERE", '{' + prj_guid + '}') .Replace ("ASSEMBLY_NAME_GOES_HERE", monoass) .Replace ("OPTIONAL_ANDROID_NUNITLITE", nunitProjRef) .Replace ("OPTIONAL_MONOTOUCH_NUNITLITE", nunitRef) .Replace ("PROJECT_REFERENCES_GO_HERE", projectRefsXml .Replace (" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\"", "") .Replace ("Microsoft.Reactive.Testing", "Mono.Reactive.Testing") .Replace ("System", prj_prefix + "System") .Replace ("Mono", prj_prefix + "Mono") .Replace ("Include=\"..\\" + prj_prefix, "Include=\"..\\")) .Replace ("RESOURCES_GO_HERE", resourcesXml.Replace ('\\', f == ios_proj ? '/' : '\\')) // whoa, BACKSLASH doesn't work only on android on MD/mac...! .Replace ("SOURCES_GO_HERE", sourcesXml.Replace ('\\', f == ios_proj ? '/' : '\\'))); // whoa, BACKSLASH doesn't work only on android on MD/mac...! } } guid_idx++; }