// // Authors: // Atsushi Enomoto // // Copyright 2007 Novell (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Xml.Linq { [TestFixture] public class XElementTest { [Test] // xml declaration is skipped. public void LoadWithXmldecl () { string xml = ""; XElement.Load (new StringReader (xml)); } [Test] public void Load1 () { string xml = ""; XElement el = XElement.Load (new StringReader (xml)); XElement first = el.FirstNode as XElement; Assert.IsNotNull (first, "#1"); Assert.IsTrue (el.LastNode is XElement, "#2"); Assert.IsNull (el.NextNode, "#3"); Assert.IsNull (el.PreviousNode, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (1, new List (el.Nodes ()).Count, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (el, first.Parent, "#6"); Assert.AreEqual (first, el.LastNode, "#7"); Assert.AreEqual ("root", el.Name.ToString (), "#8"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", first.Name.ToString (), "#9"); Assert.IsFalse (el.Attributes ().GetEnumerator ().MoveNext (), "#10"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void LoadInvalid () { string xml = "text"; XmlReaderSettings s = new XmlReaderSettings (); s.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment; XElement.Load (XmlReader.Create (new StringReader (xml), s)); } [Test] public void PrecedingWhitespaces () { string xml = " "; XmlReaderSettings s = new XmlReaderSettings (); s.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment; XElement.Load (XmlReader.Create (new StringReader (xml), s)); } [Test] public void PrecedingWhitespaces2 () { string xml = " "; XmlReaderSettings s = new XmlReaderSettings (); s.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment; XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create (new StringReader (xml), s); r.Read (); // at whitespace XElement.Load (r); } [Test] public void Load2 () { string xml = "foo"; XElement el = XElement.Load (new StringReader (xml)); XText first = el.FirstNode as XText; Assert.IsNotNull (first, "#1"); Assert.IsTrue (el.LastNode is XText, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (1, new List (el.Nodes ()).Count, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (el, first.Parent, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (first, el.LastNode, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", first.Value, "#6"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void AddDocumentTypeToElement () { XElement el = new XElement (XName.Get ("foo")); el.Add (new XDocumentType ("foo", null, null, null)); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] [Category ("NotDotNet")] public void AddXDeclarationToElement () { XElement el = new XElement (XName.Get ("foo")); // LAMESPEC: in .NET, XDeclaration is not treated as // invalid, and converted to a string without error. el.Add (new XDeclaration ("1.0", null, null)); } [Test] public void SetAttribute () { XElement el = new XElement (XName.Get ("foo")); el.SetAttributeValue (XName.Get ("a1"), "v1"); XAttribute a = el.FirstAttribute; Assert.IsNotNull (a, "#1-1"); Assert.AreEqual (el, a.Parent, "#1-2"); Assert.IsNotNull (el.LastAttribute, "#1-3"); Assert.AreEqual (a, el.LastAttribute, "#1-4"); Assert.AreEqual ("a1", a.Name.LocalName, "#1-5"); Assert.AreEqual ("v1", a.Value, "#1-6"); Assert.IsNull (a.PreviousAttribute, "#1-7"); Assert.IsNull (a.NextAttribute, "#1-8"); el.SetAttributeValue (XName.Get ("a2"), "v2"); Assert.IsFalse (el.FirstAttribute == el.LastAttribute, "#2-1"); Assert.AreEqual ("a2", el.LastAttribute.Name.LocalName, "#2-2"); el.SetAttributeValue (XName.Get ("a1"), "v3"); XAttribute b = el.FirstAttribute; Assert.IsNotNull (b, "#2-3"); Assert.IsNotNull (el.LastAttribute, "#2-4"); Assert.AreEqual ("a1", b.Name.LocalName, "#2-5"); Assert.AreEqual ("v3", b.Value, "#2-6"); Assert.AreEqual (a, b, "#2-7"); XAttribute c = el.LastAttribute; Assert.AreEqual (a, c.PreviousAttribute, "#2-8"); a.Remove (); Assert.IsNull (a.Parent, "#3-1"); Assert.IsNull (a.PreviousAttribute, "#3-2"); Assert.IsNull (a.NextAttribute, "#3-3"); Assert.IsNull (c.PreviousAttribute, "#3-4"); Assert.IsNull (c.NextAttribute, "#3-5"); el.RemoveAttributes (); Assert.IsFalse (el.HasAttributes, "#4-1"); Assert.IsNull (b.Parent, "#4-2"); Assert.IsNull (c.Parent, "#4-3"); Assert.IsNull (el.FirstAttribute, "#4-4"); Assert.IsNull (el.LastAttribute, "#4-5"); } [Test] public void AddAfterSelf () { XElement el = XElement.Parse (""); el.FirstNode.AddAfterSelf ("text"); XText t = el.FirstNode.NextNode as XText; Assert.IsNotNull (t, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("text", t.Value, "#2"); XElement bar = t.NextNode as XElement; Assert.IsNotNull (bar, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("bar", bar.Name.LocalName, "#4"); } [Test] public void AddAfterSelfList () { XElement el = XElement.Parse (""); el.FirstNode.AddAfterSelf (new XText [] { new XText ("t1"), new XText ("t2"), new XText ("t3")}); XText t = el.FirstNode.NextNode as XText; Assert.IsNotNull (t, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("t1", t.Value, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("t2", ((XText) t.NextNode).Value, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("t3", ((XText) t.NextNode.NextNode).Value, "#4"); XElement bar = t.NextNode.NextNode.NextNode as XElement; Assert.IsNotNull (bar, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual ("bar", bar.Name.LocalName, "#6"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void AddAfterSelfAttribute () { var el = new XElement ("root", new XElement ("child")); var el2 = el.FirstNode as XElement; el2.AddAfterSelf (new XAttribute ("foo", "bar")); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void AddAfterSelfXDocument () { var el = new XElement ("root", new XElement ("child")); var el2 = el.FirstNode as XElement; el2.AddAfterSelf (new XDocument ()); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] [Category ("NotDotNet")] [Category ("NotWorking")] // LAMESPEC: there is no reason to not reject XDeclaration while it rejects XDocument. public void AddAfterSelfXDeclaration () { var el = new XElement ("root", new XElement ("child")); var el2 = el.FirstNode as XElement; el2.AddAfterSelf (new XDeclaration ("1.0", null, null)); } [Test] public void AddAfterSelfCollection () { var el = new XElement ("root", new XElement ("child")); el.FirstNode.AddAfterSelf (new List (new XElement [] {new XElement ("foo"), new XElement ("bar")})); Assert.AreEqual ("", el.ToString (SaveOptions.DisableFormatting), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("bar", (el.LastNode as XElement).Name.LocalName, "#2"); } [Test] public void AddAfterSelfJoinsStringAfterText () { var el = XElement.Parse ("text1"); el.LastNode.AddAfterSelf ("text2"); el.LastNode.AddAfterSelf (new XText ("text3")); IEnumerator e = el.Nodes ().GetEnumerator (); Assert.IsTrue (e.MoveNext (), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("text1text2", e.Current.ToString (), "#2"); Assert.IsTrue (e.MoveNext (), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("text3", e.Current.ToString (), "#4"); Assert.IsFalse (e.MoveNext (), "#5"); } [Test] public void AddBeforeSelf () { XElement el = XElement.Parse (""); el.FirstNode.AddBeforeSelf ("text"); XText t = el.FirstNode as XText; Assert.IsNotNull (t, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("text", t.Value, "#2"); XElement foo = t.NextNode as XElement; Assert.IsNotNull (foo, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", foo.Name.LocalName, "#4"); } [Test] public void AddBeforeSelfList () { XElement el = XElement.Parse (""); el.FirstNode.AddBeforeSelf (new XText [] { new XText ("t1"), new XText ("t2"), new XText ("t3")}); XText t = el.FirstNode as XText; Assert.IsNotNull (t, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("t1", t.Value, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("t2", ((XText) t.NextNode).Value, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("t3", ((XText) t.NextNode.NextNode).Value, "#4"); XElement foo = t.NextNode.NextNode.NextNode as XElement; Assert.IsNotNull (foo, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", foo.Name.LocalName, "#6"); } [Test] public void AddBeforeSelfList2 () { XElement el = XElement.Parse (""); el.FirstNode.AddBeforeSelf ("t1", "t2", "t3"); XText t = el.FirstNode as XText; Assert.IsNotNull (t, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("t1t2t3", t.Value, "#2"); XElement foo = t.NextNode as XElement; Assert.IsNotNull (foo, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", foo.Name.LocalName, "#4"); } [Test] public void AddJoinsStringAfterText () { var el = XElement.Parse ("text1"); el.Add ("text2"); el.Add (new XText ("text3")); IEnumerator e = el.Nodes ().GetEnumerator (); Assert.IsTrue (e.MoveNext (), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("text1text2", e.Current.ToString (), "#2"); Assert.IsTrue (e.MoveNext (), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("text3", e.Current.ToString (), "#4"); Assert.IsFalse (e.MoveNext (), "#5"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void AddDuplicateAttribute () { var el = new XElement ("foo", new XAttribute ("bar", "baz")); el.Add (new XAttribute ("bar", "baz")); } [Test] public void ReplaceWith () { XElement el = XElement.Parse (""); XNode fc = el.FirstNode; fc.ReplaceWith ("test"); XText t = el.FirstNode as XText; Assert.IsNotNull (t, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("test", t.Value, "#2"); } [Test] public void ReplaceAll () { XElement el = XElement.Parse (""); el.ReplaceAll ("test"); XText t = el.FirstNode as XText; Assert.IsNotNull (t, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("test", t.Value, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (1, new List (el.Nodes ()).Count, "#3"); } [Test] public void ReplaceAllList () { XElement el = XElement.Parse (""); el.ReplaceAll ( new XText ("test1"), new XText ("test2"), new XText ("test3")); XText t = el.FirstNode as XText; Assert.IsNotNull (t, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("test1", t.Value, "#2"); t = el.LastNode as XText; Assert.IsNotNull (t, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("test3", t.Value, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (3, new List (el.Nodes ()).Count, "#5"); } [Test] public void ReplaceAttributes () { XElement el = XElement.Parse (""); Assert.IsTrue (el.Attributes ().GetEnumerator ().MoveNext (), "#0"); el.ReplaceAttributes ("test"); Assert.IsTrue (el.FirstNode is XElement, "#1"); Assert.IsTrue (el.LastNode is XText, "#2"); Assert.IsFalse (el.Attributes ().GetEnumerator ().MoveNext (), "#3"); } [Test] public void GetDefaultNamespace () { XElement el = XElement.Parse (""); XNamespace ns1 = XNamespace.Get ("urn:foo"); Assert.AreEqual (ns1, el.GetDefaultNamespace (), "#1"); XElement foo = (XElement) el.FirstNode; Assert.AreEqual (ns1, foo.GetDefaultNamespace (), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (ns1, ((XElement) foo.FirstNode).GetDefaultNamespace (), "#3"); XElement bar = (XElement) foo.NextNode; Assert.AreEqual (ns1, bar.GetDefaultNamespace (), "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (ns1, ((XElement) bar.FirstNode).GetDefaultNamespace (), "#5"); XElement baz = (XElement) bar.NextNode; Assert.AreEqual (XNamespace.Get (String.Empty), baz.GetDefaultNamespace (), "#6"); Assert.AreEqual (XNamespace.Get (String.Empty), ((XElement) baz.FirstNode).GetDefaultNamespace (), "#7"); } [Test] public void GetPrefixNamespace () { XElement el = XElement.Parse (""); XNamespace ns1 = XNamespace.Get ("urn:foo"); XNamespace ns2 = XNamespace.Get ("urn:bar"); Assert.AreEqual (ns1, el.GetNamespaceOfPrefix ("x"), "#1-1"); Assert.AreEqual ("x", el.GetPrefixOfNamespace (ns1), "#1-2"); XElement foo = (XElement) el.FirstNode; Assert.AreEqual (ns1, foo.GetNamespaceOfPrefix ("x"), "#2-1"); Assert.AreEqual ("x", foo.GetPrefixOfNamespace (ns1), "#2-2"); Assert.AreEqual (ns1, ((XElement) foo.FirstNode).GetNamespaceOfPrefix ("x"), "#3-1"); Assert.AreEqual ("x", ((XElement) foo.FirstNode).GetPrefixOfNamespace (ns1), "#3-2"); XElement bar = (XElement) foo.NextNode; Assert.AreEqual (ns2, bar.GetNamespaceOfPrefix ("x"), "#4-1"); Assert.AreEqual ("x", bar.GetPrefixOfNamespace (ns2), "#4-2"); Assert.AreEqual (null, bar.GetPrefixOfNamespace (ns1), "#4-3"); Assert.AreEqual (ns2, ((XElement) bar.FirstNode).GetNamespaceOfPrefix ("x"), "#5-1"); Assert.AreEqual ("x", ((XElement) bar.FirstNode).GetPrefixOfNamespace (ns2), "#5-2"); Assert.AreEqual (null, ((XElement) bar.FirstNode).GetPrefixOfNamespace (ns1), "#5-3"); } #pragma warning disable 219 [Test] public void CastNulls () { const XElement a = null; Assert.AreEqual (null, (bool?) a, "bool?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (DateTime?) a, "DateTime?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (DateTimeOffset?) a, "DateTimeOffset?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (decimal?) a, "decimal?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (double?) a, "double?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (float?) a, "float?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (Guid?) a, "Guid?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (int?) a, "int?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (long?) a, "long?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (uint?) a, "uint?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (ulong?) a, "ulong?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (TimeSpan?) a, "TimeSpan?"); Assert.AreEqual (null, (string) a, "string"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) a; }, "bool"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) a; }, "DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) a; }, "DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) a; }, "decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { double z = (double) a; }, "double"); AssertThrows (() => { float z = (float) a; }, "float"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) a; }, "Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) a; }, "int"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) a; }, "long"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) a; }, "uint"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) a; }, "ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) a; }, "TimeSpan"); } /// /// Provides functionality similar to Assert.Throws that is available on newer versions of NUnit. /// private static T AssertThrows (Action code, string message, params object[] args) where T : Exception { Exception actual = null; try { code (); } catch (Exception exception) { actual = exception; } Assert.That (actual, new NUnit.Framework.Constraints.ExactTypeConstraint (typeof (T)), message, args); return (T) actual; } [Test] public void CastEmpties () { XElement a = new XElement ("a"); // Verify expected "cloning" and "empty" behaviour as prerequisites Assert.IsTrue (a.IsEmpty, "#1-1"); Assert.IsTrue (new XElement (a).IsEmpty, "#1-2"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, a.Value, "#2-1"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, new XElement (a).Value, "#2-2"); Assert.AreNotSame (a, new XElement (a), "#3-1"); Assert.AreEqual (a.ToString (), new XElement (a).ToString (), "#3-2"); Assert.AreEqual ("", a.ToString (), "#3-3"); Assert.AreEqual (a.ToString (), new XElement ("a", null).ToString (), "#3-4"); // Execute the primary assertions of this test AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (a); }, "bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (a); }, "DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (a); }, "DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal? z = (decimal?) new XElement (a); }, "decimal?"); AssertThrows (() => { double? z = (double?) new XElement (a); }, "double?"); AssertThrows (() => { float? z = (float?) new XElement (a); }, "float?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (a); }, "Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { int? z = (int?) new XElement (a); }, "int?"); AssertThrows (() => { long? z = (long?) new XElement (a); }, "long?"); AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement (a); }, "uint?"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement (a); }, "ulong?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (a); }, "TimeSpan?"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, (string) new XElement (a), "string"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (a); }, "bool"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (a); }, "DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (a); }, "DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) new XElement (a); }, "decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { double z = (double) new XElement (a); }, "double"); AssertThrows (() => { float z = (float) new XElement (a); }, "float"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (a); }, "Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) new XElement (a); }, "int"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) new XElement (a); }, "long"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement (a); }, "uint"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement (a); }, "ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (a); }, "TimeSpan"); } [Test] public void CastBlanks () { XElement a = new XElement ("a", String.Empty); XElement b = new XElement ("b", new XCData (string.Empty)); // Verify expected "cloning" and "blank" behaviour as prerequisites Assert.IsFalse (a.IsEmpty, "#1-1a"); Assert.IsFalse (b.IsEmpty, "#1-1b"); Assert.IsFalse (new XElement (a).IsEmpty, "#1-2a"); Assert.IsFalse (new XElement (b).IsEmpty, "#1-2b"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, a.Value, "#2-1a"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, b.Value, "#2-1b"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, new XElement (a).Value, "#2-2a"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, new XElement (b).Value, "#2-2b"); Assert.AreNotSame (a, new XElement (a), "#3-1a"); Assert.AreNotSame (b, new XElement (b), "#3-1b"); Assert.AreEqual (a.ToString (), new XElement (a).ToString (), "#3-2a"); Assert.AreEqual (b.ToString (), new XElement (b).ToString (), "#3-2b"); Assert.AreEqual ("", a.ToString (), "#3-3a"); Assert.AreEqual ("", b.ToString (), "#3-3b"); Assert.AreEqual (a.ToString (), new XElement ("a", "").ToString (), "#3-4a"); Assert.AreEqual (b.ToString (), new XElement ("b", new XCData ("")).ToString (), "#3-4b"); // Execute the primary assertions of this test AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (a); }, "a:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (b); }, "b:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal? z = (decimal?) new XElement (a); }, "a:decimal?"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal? z = (decimal?) new XElement (b); }, "b:decimal?"); AssertThrows (() => { double? z = (double?) new XElement (a); }, "a:double?"); AssertThrows (() => { double? z = (double?) new XElement (b); }, "b:double?"); AssertThrows (() => { float? z = (float?) new XElement (a); }, "a:float?"); AssertThrows (() => { float? z = (float?) new XElement (b); }, "b:float?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (a); }, "a:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (b); }, "b:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { int? z = (int?) new XElement (a); }, "a:int?"); AssertThrows (() => { int? z = (int?) new XElement (b); }, "b:int?"); AssertThrows (() => { long? z = (long?) new XElement (a); }, "a:long?"); AssertThrows (() => { long? z = (long?) new XElement (b); }, "b:long?"); AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement (a); }, "a:uint?"); AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement (b); }, "b:uint?"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement (a); }, "a:ulong?"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement (b); }, "b:ulong?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (a); }, "a:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (b); }, "b:TimeSpan?"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, (string) new XElement (a), "a:string"); Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, (string) new XElement (b), "b:string"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (a); }, "a:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (b); }, "b:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) new XElement (a); }, "a:decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) new XElement (b); }, "b:decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { double z = (double) new XElement (a); }, "a:double"); AssertThrows (() => { double z = (double) new XElement (b); }, "b:double"); AssertThrows (() => { float z = (float) new XElement (a); }, "a:float"); AssertThrows (() => { float z = (float) new XElement (b); }, "b:float"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (a); }, "a:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (b); }, "b:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) new XElement (a); }, "a:int"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) new XElement (b); }, "b:int"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) new XElement (a); }, "a:long"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) new XElement (b); }, "b:long"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement (a); }, "a:uint"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement (b); }, "b:uint"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement (a); }, "a:ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement (b); }, "b:ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (a); }, "a:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (b); }, "b:TimeSpan"); } [Test] public void CastSpaces () { XElement a = new XElement ("a", " "); XElement b = new XElement ("b", new XCData (" ")); // Verify expected "cloning" and "space" behaviour as prerequisites Assert.IsFalse (a.IsEmpty, "#1-1a"); Assert.IsFalse (b.IsEmpty, "#1-1b"); Assert.IsFalse (new XElement (a).IsEmpty, "#1-2a"); Assert.IsFalse (new XElement (b).IsEmpty, "#1-2b"); Assert.AreEqual (" ", a.Value, "#2-1a"); Assert.AreEqual (" ", b.Value, "#2-1b"); Assert.AreEqual (" ", new XElement (a).Value, "#2-2a"); Assert.AreEqual (" ", new XElement (b).Value, "#2-2b"); Assert.AreNotSame (a, new XElement (a), "#3-1a"); Assert.AreNotSame (b, new XElement (b), "#3-1b"); Assert.AreEqual (a.ToString (), new XElement (a).ToString (), "#3-2a"); Assert.AreEqual (b.ToString (), new XElement (b).ToString (), "#3-2b"); Assert.AreEqual (" ", a.ToString (), "#3-3a"); Assert.AreEqual ("", b.ToString (), "#3-3b"); Assert.AreEqual (a.ToString (), new XElement ("a", ' ').ToString (), "#3-4"); // Execute the primary assertions of this test AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (a); }, "a:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (b); }, "b:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal? z = (decimal?) new XElement (a); }, "a:decimal?"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal? z = (decimal?) new XElement (b); }, "b:decimal?"); AssertThrows (() => { double? z = (double?) new XElement (a); }, "a:double?"); AssertThrows (() => { double? z = (double?) new XElement (b); }, "b:double?"); AssertThrows (() => { float? z = (float?) new XElement (a); }, "a:float?"); AssertThrows (() => { float? z = (float?) new XElement (b); }, "b:float?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (a); }, "a:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (b); }, "b:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { int? z = (int?) new XElement (a); }, "a:int?"); AssertThrows (() => { int? z = (int?) new XElement (b); }, "b:int?"); AssertThrows (() => { long? z = (long?) new XElement (a); }, "a:long?"); AssertThrows (() => { long? z = (long?) new XElement (b); }, "b:long?"); AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement (a); }, "a:uint?"); AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement (b); }, "b:uint?"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement (a); }, "a:ulong?"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement (b); }, "b:ulong?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (a); }, "a:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (b); }, "b:TimeSpan?"); Assert.AreEqual (" ", (string) new XElement (a), "a:string"); Assert.AreEqual (" ", (string) new XElement (b), "b:string"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (a); }, "a:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (b); }, "b:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) new XElement (a); }, "a:decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) new XElement (b); }, "b:decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { double z = (double) new XElement (a); }, "a:double"); AssertThrows (() => { double z = (double) new XElement (b); }, "b:double"); AssertThrows (() => { float z = (float) new XElement (a); }, "a:float"); AssertThrows (() => { float z = (float) new XElement (b); }, "b:float"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (a); }, "a:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (b); }, "b:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) new XElement (a); }, "a:int"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) new XElement (b); }, "b:int"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) new XElement (a); }, "a:long"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) new XElement (b); }, "b:long"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement (a); }, "a:uint"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement (b); }, "b:uint"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement (a); }, "a:ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement (b); }, "b:ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (a); }, "a:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (b); }, "b:TimeSpan"); } [Test] public void CastNumbers () { XElement a = new XElement ("a", "7"); XElement b = new XElement ("b", new XCData (" 42 ")); XElement c = new XElement ("c", " \r\n 13 \t "); XElement d = new XElement ("d", -101); XElement o = new XElement ("o", "0"); XElement l = new XElement ("l", "1"); XElement I = new XElement ("I", "INF"); XElement i = new XElement ("i", " Infinity "); XElement M = new XElement ("M", " -INF "); XElement m = new XElement ("m", "-Infinity"); XElement n = new XElement ("n", "\t NaN "); // Verify expected "cloning" and basic conversion behaviour as prerequisites Assert.IsFalse (a.IsEmpty, "#1-1"); Assert.IsFalse (new XElement (b).IsEmpty, "#1-2"); Assert.AreEqual (" \r\n 13 \t ", c.Value, "#2-1"); Assert.AreEqual ("-101", new XElement (d).Value, "#2-2"); Assert.AreNotSame (o, new XElement (o), "#3-1"); Assert.AreEqual (l.ToString (), new XElement (l).ToString (), "#3-2"); Assert.AreEqual ("7", a.ToString (), "#3-3a"); Assert.AreEqual ("", b.ToString (), "#3-3b"); Assert.AreEqual (" \r\n 13 \t ", c.ToString (), "#3-3c"); Assert.AreEqual ("-101", d.ToString (), "#3-3d"); Assert.AreEqual ("0", new XElement ("o", 0.0).ToString (), "#3-3o"); Assert.AreEqual ("1", new XElement ("l", 1.0f).ToString (), "#3-3l"); Assert.AreEqual ("NaN", new XElement ("n", double.NaN).ToString (), "#3-3n"); Assert.AreEqual (a.ToString (), new XElement ("a", '7').ToString (), "#3-4a"); Assert.AreEqual (d.ToString (), new XElement ("d", "-101").ToString (), "#3-4d"); Assert.AreEqual (o.ToString (), new XElement ("o", 0L).ToString (), "#3-4o"); Assert.AreEqual (l.ToString (), new XElement ("l", 1m).ToString (), "#3-4l"); // Execute the primary assertions of this test AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (a); }, "a:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (b); }, "b:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (c); }, "c:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (d); }, "d:bool?"); Assert.IsNotNull ((bool?) new XElement (o), "o:bool?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (false, ((bool?) new XElement (o)).Value, "o:bool?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((bool?) new XElement (l), "l:bool?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (true, ((bool?) new XElement (l)).Value, "l:bool?:value"); AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (I); }, "I:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (i); }, "i:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (M); }, "M:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (m); }, "m:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { bool? z = (bool?) new XElement (n); }, "n:bool?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (c); }, "c:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (d); }, "d:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (o); }, "o:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (l); }, "l:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (I); }, "I:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (i); }, "i:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (M); }, "M:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (m); }, "m:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime? z = (DateTime?) new XElement (n); }, "n:DateTime?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (c); }, "c:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (d); }, "d:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (o); }, "o:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (l); }, "l:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (I); }, "I:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (i); }, "i:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (M); }, "M:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (m); }, "m:DateTimeOffset?"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? z = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (n); }, "n:DateTimeOffset?"); Assert.IsNotNull ((decimal?) new XElement (a), "a:decimal?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (7m, ((decimal?) new XElement (a)).Value, "a:decimal?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((decimal?) new XElement (b), "b:decimal?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (42m, ((decimal?) new XElement (b)).Value, "b:decimal?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((decimal?) new XElement (c), "c:decimal?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (13m, ((decimal?) new XElement (c)).Value, "c:decimal?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((decimal?) new XElement (d), "d:decimal?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (-101m, ((decimal?) new XElement (d)).Value, "d:decimal?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((decimal?) new XElement (o), "o:decimal?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (0m, ((decimal?) new XElement (o)).Value, "o:decimal?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((decimal?) new XElement (l), "l:decimal?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (1m, ((decimal?) new XElement (l)).Value, "l:decimal?:value"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal? z = (decimal?) new XElement (I); }, "I:decimal?"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal? z = (decimal?) new XElement (i); }, "i:decimal?"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal? z = (decimal?) new XElement (M); }, "M:decimal?"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal? z = (decimal?) new XElement (m); }, "m:decimal?"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal? z = (decimal?) new XElement (n); }, "n:decimal?"); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (a), "a:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (7d, ((double?) new XElement (a)).Value, "a:double?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (b), "b:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (42d, ((double?) new XElement (b)).Value, "b:double?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (c), "c:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (13d, ((double?) new XElement (c)).Value, "c:double?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (d), "d:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (-101d, ((double?) new XElement (d)).Value, "d:double?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (o), "o:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (0d, ((double?) new XElement (o)).Value, "o:double?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (l), "l:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (1d, ((double?) new XElement (l)).Value, "l:double?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (I), "I:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (double.PositiveInfinity, ((double?) new XElement (I)).Value, "I:double?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (i), "i:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (double.PositiveInfinity, ((double?) new XElement (i)).Value, "i:double?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (M), "M:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NegativeInfinity, ((double?) new XElement (M)).Value, "M:double?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (m), "m:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NegativeInfinity, ((double?) new XElement (m)).Value, "m:double?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (n), "n:double?:null"); Assert.IsNaN (((double?) new XElement (n)).Value, "n:double?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (a), "a:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (7f, ((float?) new XElement (a)).Value, "a:float?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (b), "b:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (42f, ((float?) new XElement (b)).Value, "b:float?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (c), "c:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (13f, ((float?) new XElement (c)).Value, "c:float?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (d), "d:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (-101f, ((float?) new XElement (d)).Value, "d:float?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (o), "o:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (0f, ((float?) new XElement (o)).Value, "o:float?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (l), "l:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (1f, ((float?) new XElement (l)).Value, "l:float?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (I), "I:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (float.PositiveInfinity, ((float?) new XElement (I)).Value, "I:float?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (i), "i:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (float.PositiveInfinity, ((float?) new XElement (i)).Value, "i:float?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (M), "M:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NegativeInfinity, ((float?) new XElement (M)).Value, "M:float?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (m), "m:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NegativeInfinity, ((float?) new XElement (m)).Value, "m:float?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (n), "n:float?:null"); Assert.IsNaN (((float?) new XElement (n)).Value, "n:float?:value"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (a); }, "a:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (b); }, "b:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (c); }, "c:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (d); }, "d:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (o); }, "o:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (l); }, "l:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (I); }, "I:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (i); }, "i:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (M); }, "M:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (m); }, "m:Guid?"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid? z = (Guid?) new XElement (n); }, "n:Guid?"); Assert.IsNotNull ((int?) new XElement (a), "a:int?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (7, ((int?) new XElement (a)).Value, "a:int?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((int?) new XElement (b), "b:int?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (42, ((int?) new XElement (b)).Value, "b:int?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((int?) new XElement (c), "c:int?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (13, ((int?) new XElement (c)).Value, "c:int?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((int?) new XElement (d), "d:int?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (-101, ((int?) new XElement (d)).Value, "d:int?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((int?) new XElement (o), "o:int?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (0, ((int?) new XElement (o)).Value, "o:int?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((int?) new XElement (l), "l:int?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (1, ((int?) new XElement (l)).Value, "l:int?:value"); AssertThrows (() => { int? z = (int?) new XElement (I); }, "I:int?"); AssertThrows (() => { int? z = (int?) new XElement (i); }, "i:int?"); AssertThrows (() => { int? z = (int?) new XElement (M); }, "M:int?"); AssertThrows (() => { int? z = (int?) new XElement (m); }, "m:int?"); AssertThrows (() => { int? z = (int?) new XElement (n); }, "n:int?"); Assert.IsNotNull ((long?) new XElement (a), "a:long?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (7L, ((long?) new XElement (a)).Value, "a:long?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((long?) new XElement (b), "b:long?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (42L, ((long?) new XElement (b)).Value, "b:long?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((long?) new XElement (c), "c:long?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (13L, ((long?) new XElement (c)).Value, "c:long?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((long?) new XElement (d), "d:long?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (-101L, ((long?) new XElement (d)).Value, "d:long?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((long?) new XElement (o), "o:long?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (0L, ((long?) new XElement (o)).Value, "o:long?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((long?) new XElement (l), "l:long?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (1L, ((long?) new XElement (l)).Value, "l:long?:value"); AssertThrows (() => { long? z = (long?) new XElement (I); }, "I:long?"); AssertThrows (() => { long? z = (long?) new XElement (i); }, "i:long?"); AssertThrows (() => { long? z = (long?) new XElement (M); }, "M:long?"); AssertThrows (() => { long? z = (long?) new XElement (m); }, "m:long?"); AssertThrows (() => { long? z = (long?) new XElement (n); }, "n:long?"); Assert.IsNotNull ((uint?) new XElement (a), "a:uint?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (7u, ((uint?) new XElement (a)).Value, "a:uint?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((uint?) new XElement (b), "b:uint?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (42u, ((uint?) new XElement (b)).Value, "b:uint?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((uint?) new XElement (c), "c:uint?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (13u, ((uint?) new XElement (c)).Value, "c:uint?:value"); // LAMESPEC: see XmlConvertTests.ToUInt32(). //AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement (d); }, "d:uint?"); Assert.IsNotNull ((uint?) new XElement (o), "o:uint?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (0u, ((uint?) new XElement (o)).Value, "o:uint?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((uint?) new XElement (l), "l:uint?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (1u, ((uint?) new XElement (l)).Value, "l:uint?:value"); AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement (I); }, "I:uint?"); AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement (i); }, "i:uint?"); AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement (M); }, "M:uint?"); AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement (m); }, "m:uint?"); AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement (n); }, "n:uint?"); Assert.IsNotNull ((ulong?) new XElement (a), "a:ulong?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (7UL, ((ulong?) new XElement (a)).Value, "a:ulong?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((ulong?) new XElement (b), "b:ulong?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (42UL, ((ulong?) new XElement (b)).Value, "b:ulong?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((ulong?) new XElement (c), "c:ulong?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (13UL, ((ulong?) new XElement (c)).Value, "c:ulong?:value"); // LAMESPEC: see XmlConvertTests.ToUInt64(). //AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement (d); }, "d:ulong?"); Assert.IsNotNull ((ulong?) new XElement (o), "o:ulong?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (0UL, ((ulong?) new XElement (o)).Value, "o:ulong?:value"); Assert.IsNotNull ((ulong?) new XElement (l), "l:ulong?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (1UL, ((ulong?) new XElement (l)).Value, "l:ulong?:value"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement (I); }, "I:ulong?"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement (i); }, "i:ulong?"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement (M); }, "M:ulong?"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement (m); }, "m:ulong?"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement (n); }, "n:ulong?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (a); }, "a:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (b); }, "b:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (c); }, "c:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (d); }, "d:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (o); }, "o:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (l); }, "l:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (I); }, "I:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (i); }, "i:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (M); }, "M:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (m); }, "m:TimeSpan?"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan? z = (TimeSpan?) new XElement (n); }, "n:TimeSpan?"); Assert.AreEqual ("7", (string) new XElement (a), "a:string"); Assert.AreEqual (" 42 ", (string) new XElement (b), "b:string"); Assert.AreEqual (" \r\n 13 \t ", (string) new XElement (c), "c:string"); Assert.AreEqual ("-101", (string) new XElement (d), "d:string"); Assert.AreEqual ("0", (string) new XElement (o), "o:string"); Assert.AreEqual ("1", (string) new XElement (l), "l:string"); Assert.AreEqual ("INF", (string) new XElement (I), "I:string"); Assert.AreEqual (" Infinity ", (string) new XElement (i), "i:string"); Assert.AreEqual (" -INF ", (string) new XElement (M), "M:string"); Assert.AreEqual ("-Infinity", (string) new XElement (m), "m:string"); Assert.AreEqual ("\t NaN ", (string) new XElement (n), "n:string"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (a); }, "a:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (b); }, "b:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (c); }, "c:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (d); }, "d:bool"); Assert.AreEqual (false, (bool) new XElement (o), "o:bool"); Assert.AreEqual (true, (bool) new XElement (l), "l:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (I); }, "I:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (i); }, "i:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (M); }, "M:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (m); }, "m:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { bool z = (bool) new XElement (n); }, "n:bool"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (c); }, "c:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (d); }, "d:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (o); }, "o:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (l); }, "l:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (I); }, "I:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (i); }, "i:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (M); }, "M:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (m); }, "m:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTime z = (DateTime) new XElement (n); }, "n:DateTime"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (a); }, "a:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (b); }, "b:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (c); }, "c:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (d); }, "d:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (o); }, "o:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (l); }, "l:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (I); }, "I:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (i); }, "i:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (M); }, "M:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (m); }, "m:DateTimeOffset"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset z = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (n); }, "n:DateTimeOffset"); Assert.AreEqual (7m, (decimal) new XElement (a), "a:decimal"); Assert.AreEqual (42m, (decimal) new XElement (b), "b:decimal"); Assert.AreEqual (13m, (decimal) new XElement (c), "c:decimal"); Assert.AreEqual (-101m, (decimal) new XElement (d), "d:decimal"); Assert.AreEqual (0m, (decimal) new XElement (o), "o:decimal"); Assert.AreEqual (1m, (decimal) new XElement (l), "l:decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) new XElement (I); }, "I:decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) new XElement (i); }, "i:decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) new XElement (M); }, "M:decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) new XElement (m); }, "m:decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) new XElement (n); }, "n:decimal"); Assert.AreEqual (7d, (double) new XElement (a), "a:double"); Assert.AreEqual (42d, (double) new XElement (b), "b:double"); Assert.AreEqual (13d, (double) new XElement (c), "c:double"); Assert.AreEqual (-101d, (double) new XElement (d), "d:double"); Assert.AreEqual (0d, (double) new XElement (o), "o:double"); Assert.AreEqual (1d, (double) new XElement (l), "l:double"); Assert.AreEqual (double.PositiveInfinity, (double) new XElement (I), "I:double"); Assert.AreEqual (double.PositiveInfinity, (double) new XElement (i), "i:double"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NegativeInfinity, (double) new XElement (M), "M:double"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NegativeInfinity, (double) new XElement (m), "m:double"); Assert.IsNaN (((double) new XElement (n)), "n:double"); Assert.AreEqual (7f, (float) new XElement (a), "a:float"); Assert.AreEqual (42f, (float) new XElement (b), "b:float"); Assert.AreEqual (13f, (float) new XElement (c), "c:float"); Assert.AreEqual (-101f, (float) new XElement (d), "d:float"); Assert.AreEqual (0f, (float) new XElement (o), "o:float"); Assert.AreEqual (1f, (float) new XElement (l), "l:float"); Assert.AreEqual (float.PositiveInfinity, (float) new XElement (I), "I:float"); Assert.AreEqual (float.PositiveInfinity, (float) new XElement (i), "i:float"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NegativeInfinity, (float) new XElement (M), "M:float"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NegativeInfinity, (float) new XElement (m), "m:float"); Assert.IsNaN (((float) new XElement (n)), "n:float"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (a); }, "a:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (b); }, "b:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (c); }, "c:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (d); }, "d:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (o); }, "o:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (l); }, "l:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (I); }, "I:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (i); }, "i:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (M); }, "M:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (m); }, "m:Guid"); AssertThrows (() => { Guid z = (Guid) new XElement (n); }, "n:Guid"); Assert.AreEqual (7, (int) new XElement (a), "a:int"); Assert.AreEqual (42, (int) new XElement (b), "b:int"); Assert.AreEqual (13, (int) new XElement (c), "c:int"); Assert.AreEqual (-101, (int) new XElement (d), "d:int"); Assert.AreEqual (0, (int) new XElement (o), "o:int"); Assert.AreEqual (1, (int) new XElement (l), "l:int"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) new XElement (I); }, "I:int"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) new XElement (i); }, "i:int"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) new XElement (M); }, "M:int"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) new XElement (m); }, "m:int"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) new XElement (n); }, "n:int"); Assert.AreEqual (7L, (long) new XElement (a), "a:long"); Assert.AreEqual (42L, (long) new XElement (b), "b:long"); Assert.AreEqual (13L, (long) new XElement (c), "c:long"); Assert.AreEqual (-101L, (long) new XElement (d), "d:long"); Assert.AreEqual (0L, (long) new XElement (o), "o:long"); Assert.AreEqual (1L, (long) new XElement (l), "l:long"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) new XElement (I); }, "I:long"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) new XElement (i); }, "i:long"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) new XElement (M); }, "M:long"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) new XElement (m); }, "m:long"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) new XElement (n); }, "n:long"); Assert.AreEqual (7u, (uint) new XElement (a), "a:uint"); Assert.AreEqual (42u, (uint) new XElement (b), "b:uint"); Assert.AreEqual (13u, (uint) new XElement (c), "c:uint"); // LAMESPEC: see XmlConvertTests.ToUInt32(). //AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement (d); }, "d:uint"); Assert.AreEqual (0u, (uint) new XElement (o), "o:uint"); Assert.AreEqual (1u, (uint) new XElement (l), "l:uint"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement (I); }, "I:uint"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement (i); }, "i:uint"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement (M); }, "M:uint"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement (m); }, "m:uint"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement (n); }, "n:uint"); Assert.AreEqual (7UL, (ulong) new XElement (a), "a:ulong"); Assert.AreEqual (42UL, (ulong) new XElement (b), "b:ulong"); Assert.AreEqual (13UL, (ulong) new XElement (c), "c:ulong"); // LAMESPEC: see XmlConvertTests.ToUInt64(). //AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement (d); }, "d:ulong"); Assert.AreEqual (0UL, (ulong) new XElement (o), "o:ulong"); Assert.AreEqual (1UL, (ulong) new XElement (l), "l:ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement (I); }, "I:ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement (i); }, "i:ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement (M); }, "M:ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement (m); }, "m:ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement (n); }, "n:ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (a); }, "a:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (b); }, "b:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (c); }, "c:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (d); }, "d:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (o); }, "o:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (l); }, "l:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (I); }, "I:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (i); }, "i:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (M); }, "M:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (m); }, "m:TimeSpan"); AssertThrows (() => { TimeSpan z = (TimeSpan) new XElement (n); }, "n:TimeSpan"); // Perform some round-trip tests with numbers XElement x; const decimal @decimal = -41051609414188012238960097189m; const double @double = 8.5506609919892972E+307d; const float @float = -1.70151961E+37f; const int @int = -1051251773; const long @long = 4596767133891939716L; const uint @uint = 4106628142u; const ulong @ulong = 10713797297298255927UL; x = new XElement ("x", @decimal); Assert.IsNotNull ((decimal?) new XElement (x), "x:decimal?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (@decimal, ((decimal?) new XElement (x)).Value, "x:decimal?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (@decimal, (decimal) new XElement (x), "x:decimal"); x = new XElement ("x", @double); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (x), "x:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (@double, ((double?) new XElement (x)).Value, "x:double?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (@double, (double) new XElement (x), "x:double"); x = new XElement ("x", @float); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (x), "x:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (@float, ((float?) new XElement (x)).Value, "x:float?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (@float, (float) new XElement (x), "x:float"); x = new XElement ("x", @int); Assert.IsNotNull ((int?) new XElement (x), "x:int?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (@int, ((int?) new XElement (x)).Value, "x:int?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (@int, (int) new XElement (x), "x:int"); x = new XElement ("x", @long); Assert.IsNotNull ((long?) new XElement (x), "x:long?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (@long, ((long?) new XElement (x)).Value, "x:long?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (@long, (long) new XElement (x), "x:long"); x = new XElement ("x", @uint); Assert.IsNotNull ((uint?) new XElement (x), "x:uint?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (@uint, ((uint?) new XElement (x)).Value, "x:uint?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (@uint, (uint) new XElement (x), "x:uint"); x = new XElement ("x", @ulong); Assert.IsNotNull ((ulong?) new XElement (x), "x:ulong?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (@ulong, ((ulong?) new XElement (x)).Value, "x:ulong?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (@ulong, (ulong) new XElement (x), "x:ulong"); x = new XElement ("x", double.NaN); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (x), "NaN:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NaN, ((double?) new XElement (x)).Value, "NaN:double?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NaN, (double) new XElement (x), "NaN:double"); x = new XElement ("x", float.NaN); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (x), "NaN:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NaN, ((float?) new XElement (x)).Value, "NaN:float?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NaN, (float) new XElement (x), "NaN:float"); x = new XElement ("x", double.PositiveInfinity); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (x), "+Inf:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (double.PositiveInfinity, ((double?) new XElement (x)).Value, "+Inf:double?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (double.PositiveInfinity, (double) new XElement (x), "+Inf:double"); x = new XElement ("x", float.PositiveInfinity); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (x), "+Inf:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (float.PositiveInfinity, ((float?) new XElement (x)).Value, "+Inf:float?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (float.PositiveInfinity, (float) new XElement (x), "+Inf:float"); x = new XElement ("x", double.NegativeInfinity); Assert.IsNotNull ((double?) new XElement (x), "-Inf:double?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NegativeInfinity, ((double?) new XElement (x)).Value, "-Inf:double?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NegativeInfinity, (double) new XElement (x), "-Inf:double"); x = new XElement ("x", float.NegativeInfinity); Assert.IsNotNull ((float?) new XElement (x), "-Inf:float?:null"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NegativeInfinity, ((float?) new XElement (x)).Value, "-Inf:float?:value"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NegativeInfinity, (float) new XElement (x), "-Inf:float"); // Perform overflow tests with numbers AssertThrows (() => { decimal z = (decimal) new XElement ("z", "91051609414188012238960097189"); }, "z:decimal"); AssertThrows (() => { decimal? z = (decimal?) new XElement ("z", "91051609414188012238960097189"); }, "z:decimal?"); AssertThrows (() => { double z = (double) new XElement ("z", "8.5506609919892972E+654"); }, "z:double"); AssertThrows (() => { double? z = (double?) new XElement ("z", "8.5506609919892972E+654"); }, "z:double?"); AssertThrows (() => { float z = (float) new XElement ("z", @double); }, "z:float"); AssertThrows (() => { float? z = (float?) new XElement ("z", @double); }, "z:float?"); AssertThrows (() => { int z = (int) new XElement ("z", @long); }, "z:int"); AssertThrows (() => { int? z = (int?) new XElement ("z", @long); }, "z:int?"); AssertThrows (() => { long z = (long) new XElement ("z", @decimal); }, "z:long"); AssertThrows (() => { long? z = (long?) new XElement ("z", @decimal); }, "z:long?"); AssertThrows (() => { uint z = (uint) new XElement ("z", @ulong); }, "z:uint"); AssertThrows (() => { uint? z = (uint?) new XElement ("z", @ulong); }, "z:uint?"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong z = (ulong) new XElement ("z", -@decimal); }, "z:ulong"); AssertThrows (() => { ulong? z = (ulong?) new XElement ("z", -@decimal); }, "z:ulong?"); } [Test] public void CastExtremes () { // Test extremes/constants where round-trips should work in specific ways Assert.AreEqual (decimal.MaxValue, (decimal) new XElement ("k", decimal.MaxValue), "MaxValue:decimal"); Assert.AreEqual (decimal.MinValue, (decimal) new XElement ("k", decimal.MinValue), "MinValue:decimal"); Assert.AreEqual (decimal.MinusOne, (decimal) new XElement ("k", decimal.MinusOne), "MinusOne:decimal"); Assert.AreEqual (decimal.One, (decimal) new XElement ("k", decimal.One), "One:decimal"); Assert.AreEqual (decimal.Zero, (decimal) new XElement ("k", decimal.Zero), "Zero:decimal"); Assert.AreEqual (double.MaxValue, (double) new XElement ("k", double.MaxValue), "MaxValue:double"); Assert.AreEqual (double.MinValue, (double) new XElement ("k", double.MinValue), "MinValue:double"); Assert.AreEqual (double.Epsilon, (double) new XElement ("k", double.Epsilon), "Epsilon:double"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NaN, (double) new XElement ("k", double.NaN), "NaN:double"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NegativeInfinity, (double) new XElement ("k", double.NegativeInfinity), "-Inf:double"); Assert.AreEqual (double.PositiveInfinity, (double) new XElement ("k", double.PositiveInfinity), "+Inf:double"); Assert.AreEqual (float.MaxValue, (float) new XElement ("k", float.MaxValue), "MaxValue:float"); Assert.AreEqual (float.MinValue, (float) new XElement ("k", float.MinValue), "MinValue:float"); Assert.AreEqual (float.Epsilon, (float) new XElement ("k", float.Epsilon), "Epsilon:float"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NaN, (float) new XElement ("k", float.NaN), "NaN:float"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NegativeInfinity, (float) new XElement ("k", float.NegativeInfinity), "-Inf:float"); Assert.AreEqual (float.PositiveInfinity, (float) new XElement ("k", float.PositiveInfinity), "+Inf:float"); Assert.AreEqual (int.MaxValue, (int) new XElement ("k", int.MaxValue), "MaxValue:int"); Assert.AreEqual (int.MinValue, (int) new XElement ("k", int.MinValue), "MinValue:int"); Assert.AreEqual (long.MaxValue, (long) new XElement ("k", long.MaxValue), "MaxValue:long"); Assert.AreEqual (long.MinValue, (long) new XElement ("k", long.MinValue), "MinValue:long"); Assert.AreEqual (uint.MaxValue, (uint) new XElement ("k", uint.MaxValue), "MaxValue:uint"); Assert.AreEqual (uint.MinValue, (uint) new XElement ("k", uint.MinValue), "MinValue:uint"); Assert.AreEqual (ulong.MaxValue, (ulong) new XElement ("k", ulong.MaxValue), "MaxValue:ulong"); Assert.AreEqual (ulong.MinValue, (ulong) new XElement ("k", ulong.MinValue), "MinValue:ulong"); Assert.AreEqual (decimal.MaxValue, (decimal?) new XElement ("k", decimal.MaxValue), "MaxValue:decimal?"); Assert.AreEqual (decimal.MinValue, (decimal?) new XElement ("k", decimal.MinValue), "MinValue:decimal?"); Assert.AreEqual (decimal.MinusOne, (decimal?) new XElement ("k", decimal.MinusOne), "MinusOne:decimal?"); Assert.AreEqual (decimal.One, (decimal?) new XElement ("k", decimal.One), "One:decimal?"); Assert.AreEqual (decimal.Zero, (decimal?) new XElement ("k", decimal.Zero), "Zero:decimal?"); Assert.AreEqual (double.MaxValue, (double?) new XElement ("k", double.MaxValue), "MaxValue:double?"); Assert.AreEqual (double.MinValue, (double?) new XElement ("k", double.MinValue), "MinValue:double?"); Assert.AreEqual (double.Epsilon, (double?) new XElement ("k", double.Epsilon), "Epsilon:double?"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NaN, (double?) new XElement ("k", double.NaN), "NaN:double?"); Assert.AreEqual (double.NegativeInfinity, (double?) new XElement ("k", double.NegativeInfinity), "-Inf:double?"); Assert.AreEqual (double.PositiveInfinity, (double?) new XElement ("k", double.PositiveInfinity), "+Inf:double?"); Assert.AreEqual (float.MaxValue, (float?) new XElement ("k", float.MaxValue), "MaxValue:float?"); Assert.AreEqual (float.MinValue, (float?) new XElement ("k", float.MinValue), "MinValue:float?"); Assert.AreEqual (float.Epsilon, (float?) new XElement ("k", float.Epsilon), "Epsilon:float?"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NaN, (float?) new XElement ("k", float.NaN), "NaN:float?"); Assert.AreEqual (float.NegativeInfinity, (float?) new XElement ("k", float.NegativeInfinity), "-Inf:float?"); Assert.AreEqual (float.PositiveInfinity, (float?) new XElement ("k", float.PositiveInfinity), "+Inf:float?"); Assert.AreEqual (int.MaxValue, (int?) new XElement ("k", int.MaxValue), "MaxValue:int?"); Assert.AreEqual (int.MinValue, (int?) new XElement ("k", int.MinValue), "MinValue:int?"); Assert.AreEqual (long.MaxValue, (long?) new XElement ("k", long.MaxValue), "MaxValue:long?"); Assert.AreEqual (long.MinValue, (long?) new XElement ("k", long.MinValue), "MinValue:long?"); Assert.AreEqual (uint.MaxValue, (uint?) new XElement ("k", uint.MaxValue), "MaxValue:uint?"); Assert.AreEqual (uint.MinValue, (uint?) new XElement ("k", uint.MinValue), "MinValue:uint?"); Assert.AreEqual (ulong.MaxValue, (ulong?) new XElement ("k", ulong.MaxValue), "MaxValue:ulong?"); Assert.AreEqual (ulong.MinValue, (ulong?) new XElement ("k", ulong.MinValue), "MinValue:ulong?"); Assert.AreEqual (DateTime.MaxValue, (DateTime) new XElement ("k", DateTime.MaxValue), "MaxValue:DateTime"); Assert.AreEqual (DateTime.MinValue, (DateTime) new XElement ("k", DateTime.MinValue), "MinValue:DateTime"); Assert.AreEqual (DateTime.MaxValue, (DateTime?) new XElement ("k", DateTime.MaxValue), "MaxValue:DateTime?"); Assert.AreEqual (DateTime.MinValue, (DateTime?) new XElement ("k", DateTime.MinValue), "MinValue:DateTime?"); Assert.AreEqual (DateTimeOffset.MaxValue, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement ("k", DateTimeOffset.MaxValue), "MaxValue:DateTimeOffset"); Assert.AreEqual (DateTimeOffset.MinValue, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement ("k", DateTimeOffset.MinValue), "MinValue:DateTimeOffset"); Assert.AreEqual (DateTimeOffset.MaxValue, (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement ("k", DateTimeOffset.MaxValue), "MaxValue:DateTimeOffset?"); Assert.AreEqual (DateTimeOffset.MinValue, (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement ("k", DateTimeOffset.MinValue), "MinValue:DateTimeOffset?"); Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MaxValue, (TimeSpan) new XElement ("k", TimeSpan.MaxValue), "MaxValue:TimeSpan"); Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MinValue, (TimeSpan) new XElement ("k", TimeSpan.MinValue), "MinValue:TimeSpan"); Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MaxValue, (TimeSpan?) new XElement ("k", TimeSpan.MaxValue), "MaxValue:TimeSpan?"); Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.MinValue, (TimeSpan?) new XElement ("k", TimeSpan.MinValue), "MinValue:TimeSpan?"); } [Test] public void CastBooleans () { Assert.IsNotNull ((bool?) new XElement ("fq", "false"), "#1a"); Assert.AreEqual (false, ((bool?) new XElement ("fq", "false")).Value, "#1b"); Assert.IsNotNull ((bool?) new XElement ("tq", "true"), "#2a"); Assert.AreEqual (true, ((bool?) new XElement ("tq", "true")).Value, "#2b"); Assert.IsNotNull ((bool?) new XElement ("Fq", "False"), "#3a"); Assert.AreEqual (false, ((bool?) new XElement ("Fq", "False")).Value, "#3b"); Assert.IsNotNull ((bool?) new XElement ("Tq", "True"), "#4a"); Assert.AreEqual (true, ((bool?) new XElement ("Tq", "True")).Value, "#4b"); Assert.IsNotNull ((bool?) new XElement ("Fs", " False \t \r "), "#5a"); Assert.AreEqual (false, ((bool?) new XElement ("Fs", " False \t \r ")).Value, "#5b"); Assert.IsNotNull ((bool?) new XElement ("Ts", " \t True \n "), "#6a"); Assert.AreEqual (true, ((bool?) new XElement ("Ts", " \t True \n ")).Value, "#6b"); Assert.AreEqual (false, (bool) new XElement ("f", "false"), "#7"); Assert.AreEqual (true, (bool) new XElement ("t", "true"), "#8"); Assert.AreEqual (false, (bool) new XElement ("F", "False"), "#9"); Assert.AreEqual (true, (bool) new XElement ("T", "True"), "#10"); Assert.AreEqual (false, (bool)new XElement ("fs", " false "), "#11"); Assert.AreEqual (true, (bool)new XElement ("ts", " true "), "#12"); Assert.IsNotNull ((bool?) new XElement ("Tc", new XCData (" \t True \n ")), "#13a"); Assert.AreEqual (true, ((bool?) new XElement ("Tc", new XCData (" \t True \n "))).Value, "#13b"); Assert.AreEqual (false, (bool)new XElement ("fc", new XCData (" false ")), "#14"); Assert.IsNotNull ((bool?) new XElement ("x", true), "#15a"); Assert.IsTrue (((bool?) new XElement ("x", true)).Value, "#15b"); Assert.IsTrue ((bool) new XElement ("x", true), "#15c"); Assert.IsNotNull ((bool?) new XElement ("x", false), "#16a"); Assert.IsFalse (((bool?) new XElement ("x", false)).Value, "#16b"); Assert.IsFalse ((bool) new XElement ("x", false), "#16c"); Assert.IsTrue ((bool) new XElement ("x", bool.TrueString), "#17a"); Assert.IsFalse ((bool) new XElement ("x", bool.FalseString), "#17b"); Assert.IsTrue ((bool) new XElement ("x", new XCData (bool.TrueString)), "#18a"); Assert.IsFalse ((bool) new XElement ("x", new XCData (bool.FalseString)), "#18b"); } [Test] public void CastGuids () { Guid rb = new Guid (new byte[16] { 0x9A, 0xBF, 0xCE, 0x7E, 0x07, 0x29, 0x9C, 0x43, 0x80, 0x7D, 0x48, 0x20, 0xB9, 0x19, 0xEA, 0x57 }); Guid rd = new Guid (new byte[16] { 0x21, 0x5B, 0x57, 0x26, 0xCD, 0x14, 0x5E, 0x44, 0x8F, 0xFA, 0xE2, 0xBC, 0x24, 0x7B, 0x2E, 0xC9 }); Guid rn = new Guid (new byte[16] { 0xF9, 0x46, 0x41, 0xA8, 0xA5, 0x03, 0xF1, 0x4A, 0xAD, 0x97, 0x7B, 0xC7, 0x79, 0x57, 0x2B, 0x79 }); Guid rp = new Guid (new byte[16] { 0x51, 0x6B, 0x8A, 0x17, 0xEF, 0x11, 0xFB, 0x48, 0x83, 0xBD, 0x57, 0xB4, 0x99, 0xF9, 0xC1, 0xE6 }); Guid rz = Guid.Empty; Guid rx = Guid.NewGuid (); XElement b = new XElement ("b", " {7ECEBF9A-2907-439c-807D-4820B919EA57}"); XElement d = new XElement ("d", "26575b21-14cd-445e-8ffa-e2bc247b2ec9"); XElement n = new XElement ("n", "a84146f903A54af1ad977bC779572b79\r\n"); XElement p = new XElement ("p", " (178a6b51-11ef-48fb-83bd-57b499f9c1e6) \t "); XElement z = new XElement ("z", " \t \n 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 "); XElement x = new XElement ("x", rx); Assert.IsNotNull ((Guid?) new XElement (b), "#1a"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, ((Guid?) new XElement (b)).Value, "#1b"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, (Guid) new XElement (b), "#1c"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, (Guid) new XElement ("r", rb), "#1d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((Guid?) new XElement ("r", rb), "#1e"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, ((Guid?) new XElement ("r", rb)).Value, "#1f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((Guid?) new XElement (d), "#2a"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, ((Guid?) new XElement (d)).Value, "#2b"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, (Guid) new XElement (d), "#2c"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, (Guid) new XElement ("r", rd), "#2d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((Guid?) new XElement ("r", rd), "#2e"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, ((Guid?) new XElement ("r", rd)).Value, "#2f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((Guid?) new XElement (n), "#3a"); Assert.AreEqual (rn, ((Guid?) new XElement (n)).Value, "#3b"); Assert.AreEqual (rn, (Guid) new XElement (n), "#3c"); Assert.AreEqual (rn, (Guid) new XElement ("r", rn), "#3d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((Guid?) new XElement ("r", rn), "#3e"); Assert.AreEqual (rn, ((Guid?) new XElement ("r", rn)).Value, "#3f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((Guid?) new XElement (p), "#4a"); Assert.AreEqual (rp, ((Guid?) new XElement (p)).Value, "#4b"); Assert.AreEqual (rp, (Guid) new XElement (p), "#4c"); Assert.AreEqual (rp, (Guid) new XElement ("r", rp), "#4d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((Guid?) new XElement ("r", rp), "#4e"); Assert.AreEqual (rp, ((Guid?) new XElement ("r", rp)).Value, "#4f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((Guid?) new XElement (z), "#5a"); Assert.AreEqual (rz, ((Guid?) new XElement (z)).Value, "#5b"); Assert.AreEqual (rz, (Guid) new XElement (z), "#5c"); Assert.IsNotNull ((Guid?) new XElement (x), "#6a"); Assert.AreEqual (rx, ((Guid?) new XElement (x)).Value, "#6b"); Assert.AreEqual (rx, (Guid) new XElement (x), "#6c"); } [Test] public void CastDateTimes () { DateTime ra = new DateTime (1987, 1, 23, 21, 45, 36, 89, DateTimeKind.Unspecified); DateTime rb = new DateTime (2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, DateTimeKind.Local); DateTime rc = new DateTime (2010, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime rd = new DateTime (1956, 11, 2, 0, 34, 0); DateTime re = new DateTime (635085111683456297L, DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime rf = re.ToLocalTime (); DateTime rx = DateTime.Now; DateTime rz = DateTime.UtcNow; XElement a = new XElement ("a", "1987-01-23T21:45:36.089"); XElement b = new XElement ("b", "2001-02-03T04:05:06.789" + rb.ToString ("zzz")); XElement c = new XElement ("c", "2010-01-02T00:00:00Z"); XElement d = new XElement ("d", " Nov 2, 1956 12:34 AM \r\n \t"); XElement e = new XElement ("e", " 2013-07-04T05:06:08.3456297Z "); // UTC, all the way XElement f = new XElement ("f", " 2013-07-04T05:06:08.3456297+00:00 "); // UTC initially, but should be converted automatically to local time XElement x = new XElement ("x", rx); XElement z = new XElement ("z", rz); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement (a), "#1a"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, ((DateTime?) new XElement (a)).Value, "#1b"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, (DateTime) new XElement (a), "#1c"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, (DateTime) new XElement ("r", ra), "#1d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", ra), "#1e"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", ra)).Value, "#1f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement (b), "#2a"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, ((DateTime?) new XElement (b)).Value, "#2b"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, (DateTime) new XElement (b), "#2c"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, (DateTime) new XElement ("r", rb), "#2d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", rb), "#2e"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", rb)).Value, "#2f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement (c), "#3a"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, ((DateTime?) new XElement (c)).Value, "#3b"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, (DateTime) new XElement (c), "#3c"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, (DateTime) new XElement ("r", rc), "#3d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", rc), "#3e"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", rc)).Value, "#3f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement (d), "#4a"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, ((DateTime?) new XElement (d)).Value, "#4b"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, (DateTime) new XElement (d), "#4c"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, (DateTime) new XElement ("r", rd), "#4d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", rd), "#4e"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", rd)).Value, "#4f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement (x), "#5a"); Assert.AreEqual (rx, ((DateTime?) new XElement (x)).Value, "#5b"); Assert.AreEqual (rx, (DateTime) new XElement (x), "#5c"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement (z), "#6a"); Assert.AreEqual (rz, ((DateTime?) new XElement (z)).Value, "#6b"); Assert.AreEqual (rz, (DateTime) new XElement (z), "#6c"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement (e), "#7a"); Assert.AreEqual (re, ((DateTime?) new XElement (e)).Value, "#7b"); Assert.AreEqual (re, (DateTime) new XElement (e), "#7c"); Assert.AreEqual (re, (DateTime) new XElement ("r", re), "#7d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", re), "#7e"); Assert.AreEqual (re, ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", re)).Value, "#7f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement (f), "#8a"); Assert.AreEqual (rf, ((DateTime?) new XElement (f)).Value, "#8b"); Assert.AreEqual (rf, (DateTime) new XElement (f), "#8c"); Assert.AreEqual (rf, (DateTime) new XElement ("r", rf), "#8d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", rf), "#8e"); Assert.AreEqual (rf, ((DateTime?) new XElement ("r", rf)).Value, "#8f"); } [Test] public void CastDateTimeOffsets () { DateTimeOffset ra = new DateTimeOffset (1987, 1, 23, 21, 45, 36, 89, TimeSpan.FromHours (+13.75)); // e.g., Chatham Islands (daylight-savings time) DateTimeOffset rb = new DateTimeOffset (2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, DateTimeOffset.Now.Offset); // Local time DateTimeOffset rc = new DateTimeOffset (2010, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero); // UTC DateTimeOffset rd = new DateTimeOffset (1956, 11, 2, 12, 34, 10, TimeSpan.FromHours (-3.5)); DateTimeOffset re = new DateTimeOffset (630646468235678363, TimeSpan.FromHours (-1)); // UTC-1, also with full resolution and a fractional second that might lose a tick on Mono 2.6.1 DateTimeOffset rx = DateTimeOffset.Now; DateTimeOffset rz = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; XElement a = new XElement ("a", "1987-01-23T21:45:36.089+13:45"); XElement b = new XElement ("b", "2001-02-03T04:05:06.789" + DateTimeOffset.Now.ToString ("zzz")); XElement c = new XElement ("c", "2010-01-02T00:00:00Z"); XElement d = new XElement ("d", " Nov 2, 1956 12:34:10 PM -3:30 \r\n \t"); XElement e = new XElement ("e", " \t \n 1999-06-10T21:27:03.5678363-01:00 "); XElement x = new XElement ("x", rx); XElement z = new XElement ("z", rz); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (a), "#1a"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (a)).Value, "#1b"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (a), "#1c"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement ("r", ra), "#1d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement ("r", ra), "#1e"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement ("r", ra)).Value, "#1f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (b), "#2a"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (b)).Value, "#2b"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (b), "#2c"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement ("r", rb), "#2d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement ("r", rb), "#2e"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement ("r", rb)).Value, "#2f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (c), "#3a"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (c)).Value, "#3b"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (c), "#3c"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement ("r", rc), "#3d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement ("r", rc), "#3e"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement ("r", rc)).Value, "#3f"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset? r = (DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (d); }, "#4a"); AssertThrows (() => { DateTimeOffset r = (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (d); }, "#4b"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, DateTimeOffset.Parse (d.Value), "#4c"); // Sanity check: Okay for standalone DateTimeOffset but not as XML as in above Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (x), "#5a"); Assert.AreEqual (rx, ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (x)).Value, "#5b"); Assert.AreEqual (rx, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (x), "#5c"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (z), "#6a"); Assert.AreEqual (rz, ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (z)).Value, "#6b"); Assert.AreEqual (rz, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (z), "#6c"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (e), "#7a"); Assert.AreEqual (re, ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement (e)).Value, "#7b"); Assert.AreEqual (re, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement (e), "#7c"); Assert.AreEqual (re, (DateTimeOffset) new XElement ("r", re), "#7d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement ("r", re), "#7e"); Assert.AreEqual (re, ((DateTimeOffset?) new XElement ("r", re)).Value, "#7f"); } [Test] public void CastTimeSpans () { TimeSpan ra = new TimeSpan (23, 21, 45, 36, 89); TimeSpan rb = -new TimeSpan (3, 4, 5, 6, 789); TimeSpan rc = new TimeSpan (2, 0, 0, 0, 0); TimeSpan rd = new TimeSpan (0, 0, 0, 1); TimeSpan re = new TimeSpan (1L); // one tick, the smallest interval TimeSpan rx = DateTimeOffset.Now.Offset; TimeSpan rz = TimeSpan.Zero; XElement a = new XElement ("a", "P23DT21H45M36.089S"); XElement b = new XElement ("b", "-P3DT4H5M6.789S"); XElement c = new XElement ("c", "P2D"); XElement d = new XElement ("d", "PT1S"); XElement e = new XElement ("e", " PT0.0000001S \t \n "); XElement x = new XElement ("x", rx); XElement z = new XElement ("z", rz); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (a), "#1a"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (a)).Value, "#1b"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, (TimeSpan) new XElement (a), "#1c"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, (TimeSpan) new XElement ("r", ra), "#1d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement ("r", ra), "#1e"); Assert.AreEqual (ra, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement ("r", ra)).Value, "#1f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (b), "#2a"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (b)).Value, "#2b"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, (TimeSpan) new XElement (b), "#2c"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, (TimeSpan) new XElement ("r", rb), "#2d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement ("r", rb), "#2e"); Assert.AreEqual (rb, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement ("r", rb)).Value, "#2f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (c), "#3a"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (c)).Value, "#3b"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, (TimeSpan) new XElement (c), "#3c"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, (TimeSpan) new XElement ("r", rc), "#3d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement ("r", rc), "#3e"); Assert.AreEqual (rc, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement ("r", rc)).Value, "#3f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (d), "#4a"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (d)).Value, "#4b"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, (TimeSpan) new XElement (d), "#4c"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, (TimeSpan) new XElement ("r", rd), "#4d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement ("r", rd), "#4e"); Assert.AreEqual (rd, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement ("r", rd)).Value, "#4f"); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (x), "#5a"); Assert.AreEqual (rx, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (x)).Value, "#5b"); Assert.AreEqual (rx, (TimeSpan) new XElement (x), "#5c"); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (z), "#6a"); Assert.AreEqual (rz, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (z)).Value, "#6b"); Assert.AreEqual (rz, (TimeSpan) new XElement (z), "#6c"); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (e), "#7a"); Assert.AreEqual (re, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement (e)).Value, "#7b"); Assert.AreEqual (re, (TimeSpan) new XElement (e), "#7c"); Assert.AreEqual (re, (TimeSpan) new XElement ("r", re), "#7d"); Assert.IsNotNull ((TimeSpan?) new XElement ("r", re), "#7e"); Assert.AreEqual (re, ((TimeSpan?) new XElement ("r", re)).Value, "#7f"); } #pragma warning restore 219 [Test] public void Value () { // based on bug #360858 XElement a = new XElement("root", new XElement ("foo"), "Linux&Windows", new XComment ("comment"), new XElement ("bar")); Assert.AreEqual ("Linux&Windows", a.Value); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void SetValueXAttribute () { new XElement ("foo").SetValue (new XAttribute ("foo", "bar")); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] public void SetValueXDocumnent () { new XElement ("foo").SetValue (new XDocument ()); } [Test] // LAMESPEC: there is no reason to not reject XDeclaration while it rejects XDocument. [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))] [Category ("NotDotNet")] public void SetValueXDeclaration () { var el = new XElement ("foo"); el.SetValue (new XDeclaration ("1.0", null, null)); Assert.AreEqual ("", el.Value); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void SetValueNull () { new XElement ("foo", "text").SetValue (null); } [Test] public void AddSameInstance () // bug #392063 { XElement root = new XElement (XName.Get ("Root", "")); XElement child = new XElement (XName.Get ("Child", "")); root.Add (child); root.Add (child); root.ToString (); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void AddSameInstance2 () { XElement root = new XElement (XName.Get ("Root")); XAttribute attr = new XAttribute (XName.Get ("a"), "v"); root.Add (attr); root.Add (attr); // duplicate attribute root.ToString (); } [Test] public void AddAttributeFromDifferentTree () { XElement e1 = new XElement (XName.Get ("e1")); XElement e2 = new XElement (XName.Get ("e2")); XAttribute attr = new XAttribute (XName.Get ("a"), "v"); e1.Add (attr); e2.Add (attr); Assert.AreEqual ("", e1.ToString (), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("", e2.ToString (), "#2"); } [Test] public void SavePreservePrefixes () { var x = XDocument.Parse (@" blah blah blah "); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); x.Save (sw, SaveOptions.DisableFormatting); Assert.AreEqual (@"blah blah blah", sw.ToString ()); } [Test] public void LoadFromXmlTextReader () { var foo = XElement.Load (new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (""))); Assert.IsNotNull (foo); } [Test] public void ReplaceNodes () { var inputXml = "3"; var reader = XmlReader.Create (new StringReader (inputXml), new XmlReaderSettings ()); XDocument doc = XDocument.Load (reader); var result = doc.Root.Elements ().OrderBy (el => el.Name.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual (3, result.Count (), "#1"); doc.Root.FirstNode.Remove (); Assert.AreEqual (2, result.Count (), "#2"); XContainer container = doc.Root; container.ReplaceNodes (result); Assert.AreEqual (2, container.Elements ().Count (), "#3"); } [Test] public void ReplaceCreatesSnapshotBeforeRemoval () { // bug #592435 XElement data1 = new XElement ("A"); XElement data3 = new XElement ("C"); XElement data4 = new XElement ("D"); XElement root = new XElement ("rt", new XElement ("z", new XElement ("Name", data1), new XElement ("Desc", data4)), data3); var elements = root.Elements ().Elements (); root.ReplaceNodes (elements); root.Add (elements); string xml = @" "; Assert.AreEqual (xml, root.ToString ().Replace ("\r\n", "\n"), "#1"); } private class EventHandler { public bool ChangingInvoked { get; private set; } public bool HasChanged { get; private set; } public void OnChanging (object node, XObjectChangeEventArgs args) { ChangingInvoked = true; } public void OnChanged (object node, XObjectChangeEventArgs args) { HasChanged = true; } } [Test] public void Add_ToRootNode_ChangeTriggers () { var inputXml = ""; var reader = XmlReader.Create (new StringReader (inputXml), new XmlReaderSettings ()); XDocument doc = XDocument.Load (reader); var eventHandler = new EventHandler (); doc.Root.Changing += eventHandler.OnChanging; doc.Root.Changed += eventHandler.OnChanged; var newElement = XElement.Parse (""); doc.Root.Add (newElement); Assert.IsTrue (eventHandler.ChangingInvoked, "OnChanging not triggered"); Assert.IsTrue (eventHandler.HasChanged, "OnChanged not triggered"); } [Test] public void Add_ToChildNode_ChangeTriggersOnRoot () { var inputXml = ""; var reader = XmlReader.Create (new StringReader (inputXml), new XmlReaderSettings ()); XDocument doc = XDocument.Load (reader); var eventHandler = new EventHandler (); var newElement = XElement.Parse (""); doc.Root.Add (newElement); doc.Root.Changing += eventHandler.OnChanging; doc.Root.Changed += eventHandler.OnChanged; var nextNewElement = XElement.Parse (""); newElement.Add (nextNewElement); Assert.IsTrue (eventHandler.ChangingInvoked, "OnChanging not triggered"); Assert.IsTrue (eventHandler.HasChanged, "OnChanged not triggered"); } } }