// // Copyright (C) 2010 Novell Inc. http://novell.com // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Windows.Markup; using System.Xaml; using System.Xaml.Schema; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.Serialization; [assembly: XmlnsDefinition ("http://www.domain.com/path", "XamlTest")] // bug #680385 [assembly: XmlnsDefinition ("http://www.domain.com/path", "SecondTest")] // bug #681045, same xmlns key for different clrns. namespace MonoTests.System.Xaml { public class ArgumentAttributed { public ArgumentAttributed (string s1, string s2) { Arg1 = s1; Arg2 = s2; } [ConstructorArgument ("s1")] public string Arg1 { get; set; } [ConstructorArgument ("s2")] public string Arg2 { get; set; } } public class ComplexPositionalParameterWrapper { public ComplexPositionalParameterWrapper () { } public ComplexPositionalParameterClass Param { get; set; } } [TypeConverter (typeof (ComplexPositionalParameterClassConverter))] public class ComplexPositionalParameterClass : MarkupExtension { public ComplexPositionalParameterClass (ComplexPositionalParameterValue value) { this.Value = value; } [ConstructorArgument ("value")] public ComplexPositionalParameterValue Value { get; private set; } public override object ProvideValue (IServiceProvider sp) { return Value.Foo; } } public class ComplexPositionalParameterClassConverter : TypeConverter { public override bool CanConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType) { return sourceType == typeof (string); } public override object ConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object valueToConvert) { return new ComplexPositionalParameterClass (new ComplexPositionalParameterValue () {Foo = (string) valueToConvert}); } public override bool CanConvertTo (ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType) { // conversion to string is not supported. return destinationType == typeof (ComplexPositionalParameterClass); } } public class ComplexPositionalParameterValue { public string Foo { get; set; } } //[MarkupExtensionReturnType (typeof (Array))] //[ContentProperty ("Items")] ... so, these attributes do not affect XamlObjectReader. public class MyArrayExtension : MarkupExtension { public MyArrayExtension () { items = new ArrayList (); } public MyArrayExtension (Array array) { items = new ArrayList (array); this.Type = array.GetType ().GetElementType (); } public MyArrayExtension (Type type) : this () { this.Type = type; } IList items; public IList Items { get { return items; } private set { items = value; } } [ConstructorArgument ("type")] public Type Type { get; set; } public override object ProvideValue (IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { if (Type == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Type property must be set before calling ProvideValue method"); Array a = Array.CreateInstance (Type, Items.Count); Items.CopyTo (a, 0); return a; } } // The trailing "A" gives significant difference in XML output! public class MyArrayExtensionA : MarkupExtension { public MyArrayExtensionA () { items = new ArrayList (); } public MyArrayExtensionA (Array array) { items = new ArrayList (array); this.Type = array.GetType ().GetElementType (); } public MyArrayExtensionA (Type type) : this () { this.Type = type; } IList items; public IList Items { get { return items; } private set { items = value; } } [ConstructorArgument ("type")] public Type Type { get; set; } public override object ProvideValue (IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { if (Type == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Type property must be set before calling ProvideValue method"); Array a = Array.CreateInstance (Type, Items.Count); Items.CopyTo (a, 0); return a; } } class TestClass1 { } public class TestClass3 { public TestClass3 Nested { get; set; } } public class TestClass4 { public string Foo { get; set; } public string Bar { get; set; } } public class TestClass5 { public static string Foo { get; set; } public string Bar { get; set; } public string Baz { internal get; set; } public string ReadOnly { get { return Foo; } } } public class MyExtension : MarkupExtension { public MyExtension () { } public MyExtension (Type arg1, string arg2, string arg3) { Foo = arg1; Bar = arg2; Baz = arg3; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg1")] public Type Foo { get; set; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg2")] public string Bar { get; set; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg3")] public string Baz { get; set; } public override object ProvideValue (IServiceProvider provider) { return "provided_value"; } } [TypeConverter (typeof (StringConverter))] // This attribute is the markable difference between MyExtension and this type. public class MyExtension2 : MarkupExtension { public MyExtension2 () { } public MyExtension2 (Type arg1, string arg2) { Foo = arg1; Bar = arg2; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg1")] public Type Foo { get; set; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg2")] public string Bar { get; set; } public override object ProvideValue (IServiceProvider provider) { return "provided_value"; } } [TypeConverter (typeof (StringConverter))] // same as MyExtension2 except that it is *not* MarkupExtension. public class MyExtension3 { public MyExtension3 () { } // cf. According to [MS-XAML-2009], constructors are invalid unless the type is derived from TypeExtension. So, it is likely *ignored*. public MyExtension3 (Type arg1, string arg2) { Foo = arg1; Bar = arg2; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg1")] public Type Foo { get; set; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg2")] public string Bar { get; set; } } [TypeConverter (typeof (DateTimeConverter))] // same as MyExtension3 except for the type converter. public class MyExtension4 { public MyExtension4 () { } // cf. According to [MS-XAML-2009], constructors are invalid unless the type is derived from TypeExtension. So, it is likely *ignored*. public MyExtension4 (Type arg1, string arg2) { Foo = arg1; Bar = arg2; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg1")] public Type Foo { get; set; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg2")] public string Bar { get; set; } } // no type converter, and there are only simple-type arguments == _PositionalParameters is applicable. public class MyExtension5 : MarkupExtension { public MyExtension5 (string arg1, string arg2) { Foo = arg1; Bar = arg2; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg1")] public string Foo { get; set; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg2")] public string Bar { get; set; } public override object ProvideValue (IServiceProvider sp) { return Foo; } } // Almost the same as MyExtension5, BUT there is default constructor which XamlObjectReader prefers. public class MyExtension6 : MarkupExtension { public MyExtension6 () { } public MyExtension6 (string arg1) { Foo = arg1; } [ConstructorArgument ("arg1")] public string Foo { get; set; } public override object ProvideValue (IServiceProvider sp) { return Foo; } } public class PositionalParametersClass1 : MarkupExtension { public PositionalParametersClass1 (string foo) : this (foo, -1) { } public PositionalParametersClass1 (string foo, int bar) { Foo = foo; Bar = bar; } [ConstructorArgument ("foo")] public string Foo { get; set; } [ConstructorArgument ("bar")] public int Bar { get; set; } public override object ProvideValue (IServiceProvider sp) { return Foo; } } public class PositionalParametersWrapper { public PositionalParametersClass1 Body { get; set; } public PositionalParametersWrapper () { } public PositionalParametersWrapper (string foo, int bar) { Body = new PositionalParametersClass1 (foo, bar); } } public class ListWrapper { public ListWrapper () { Items = new List (); } public ListWrapper (List items) { Items = items; } public List Items { get; private set; } } public class ListWrapper2 { public ListWrapper2 () { Items = new List (); } public ListWrapper2 (List items) { Items = items; } public List Items { get; set; } // it is settable, which makes difference. } [ContentProperty ("Content")] public class ContentIncludedClass { public string Content { get; set; } } public class StaticClass1 { static StaticClass1 () { FooBar = "test"; } public static string FooBar { get; set; } } public class StaticExtensionWrapper { public StaticExtensionWrapper () { } public StaticExtension Param { get; set; } public static string Foo = "foo"; } public class TypeExtensionWrapper { public TypeExtensionWrapper () { } public TypeExtension Param { get; set; } } public class XDataWrapper { public XData Markup { get; set; } } // FIXME: test it with XamlXmlReader (needs to create xml first) public class EventContainer { public event Action Run; } public class NamedItem { public NamedItem () { References = new List (); } public NamedItem (string name) : this () { ItemName = name; } public string ItemName { get; set; } public IList References { get; private set; } } [RuntimeNameProperty ("ItemName")] public class NamedItem2 { public NamedItem2 () { References = new List (); } public NamedItem2 (string name) : this () { ItemName = name; } public string ItemName { get; set; } public IList References { get; private set; } } [TypeConverter (typeof (TestValueConverter))] public class TestValueSerialized { public TestValueSerialized () { } public string Foo { get; set; } } public class TestValueConverter : TypeConverter { public override bool CanConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType) { //Console.Error.WriteLine ("### {0}:{1}", sourceType, context); ValueSerializerContextTest.Context = (IValueSerializerContext) context; return true; } public override object ConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object source) { //Console.Error.WriteLine ("##### {0}:{1}", source, context); ValueSerializerContextTest.Provider = (IServiceProvider) context; var sp = context as IServiceProvider; // ValueSerializerContextTest.Context = (IValueSerializerContext) context; -> causes InvalidCastException if ((source as string) == "v") return new TestValueSerialized (); throw new Exception ("huh"); } public override bool CanConvertTo (ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType) { //Console.Error.WriteLine ("$$$ {0}:{1}", destinationType, context); ValueSerializerContextTest.Context = (IValueSerializerContext) context; return destinationType != typeof (MarkupExtension); } } [ContentProperty ("Value")] public class XmlSerializableWrapper { public XmlSerializableWrapper () // mandatory : this (new XmlSerializable ()) { } public XmlSerializableWrapper (XmlSerializable val) { this.val = val; } XmlSerializable val; public XmlSerializable Value { get { return val; } // To make it become XData, it cannot have a setter. } } public class XmlSerializable : IXmlSerializable { public XmlSerializable () { } public XmlSerializable (string raw) { this.raw = raw; } string raw; public string GetRaw () { return raw; } public void ReadXml (XmlReader reader) { reader.MoveToContent (); raw = reader.ReadOuterXml (); } public void WriteXml (XmlWriter writer) { if (raw != null) { var xr = XmlReader.Create (new StringReader (raw)); while (!xr.EOF) writer.WriteNode (xr, false); } } public XmlSchema GetSchema () { return null; } } public class Attachable { public static readonly AttachableMemberIdentifier FooIdentifier = new AttachableMemberIdentifier (typeof (Attachable), "Foo"); public static readonly AttachableMemberIdentifier ProtectedIdentifier = new AttachableMemberIdentifier (typeof (Attachable), "Protected"); public static string GetFoo (object target) { string v; return AttachablePropertyServices.TryGetProperty (target, FooIdentifier, out v) ? v : null; } public static void SetFoo (object target, string value) { AttachablePropertyServices.SetProperty (target, FooIdentifier, value); } public static string GetBar (object target, object signatureMismatch) { return null; } public static void SetBar (object signatureMismatch) { } public static void GetBaz (object noReturnType) { } public static string SetBaz (object target, object extraReturnType) { return null; } protected static string GetProtected (object target) { string v; return AttachablePropertyServices.TryGetProperty (target, ProtectedIdentifier, out v) ? v : null; } protected static void SetProtected (object target, string value) { AttachablePropertyServices.SetProperty (target, ProtectedIdentifier, value); } static Dictionary> handlers = new Dictionary> (); public static void AddXHandler (object target, EventHandler handler) { List l; if (!handlers.TryGetValue (target, out l)) { l = new List (); handlers [target] = l; } l.Add (handler); } public static void RemoveXHandler (object target, EventHandler handler) { handlers [target].Remove (handler); } } public class AttachedPropertyStore : IAttachedPropertyStore { public AttachedPropertyStore () { } Dictionary props = new Dictionary (); public int PropertyCount { get { return props.Count; } } public void CopyPropertiesTo (KeyValuePair [] array, int index) { ((ICollection>) props).CopyTo (array, index); } public bool RemoveProperty (AttachableMemberIdentifier attachableMemberIdentifier) { return props.Remove (attachableMemberIdentifier); } public void SetProperty (AttachableMemberIdentifier attachableMemberIdentifier, object value) { props [attachableMemberIdentifier] = value; } public bool TryGetProperty (AttachableMemberIdentifier attachableMemberIdentifier, out object value) { return props.TryGetValue (attachableMemberIdentifier, out value); } } public class AttachedWrapper : AttachedPropertyStore { public AttachedWrapper () { Value = new Attached (); } public Attached Value { get; set; } } public class AttachedWrapper2 { public static readonly AttachableMemberIdentifier FooIdentifier = new AttachableMemberIdentifier (typeof (AttachedWrapper2), "Foo"); static AttachedPropertyStore store = new AttachedPropertyStore (); public static string GetFoo (object target) { object v; return store.TryGetProperty (FooIdentifier, out v) ? (string) v : null; } public static void SetFoo (object target, string value) { store.SetProperty (FooIdentifier, value); } public static int PropertyCount { get { return store.PropertyCount; } } public AttachedWrapper2 () { Value = new Attached (); } public Attached Value { get; set; } } public class Attached : Attachable { } public class Attached2 { internal String Property { get; set; } } public class AttachedWrapper3 { public static void SetProperty (Attached2 a, string value) { a.Property = value; } } public class EventStore { public bool Method1Invoked; public event EventHandler Event1; public event Func Event2; public object Examine () { if (Event1 != null) Event1 (this, EventArgs.Empty); if (Event2 != null) return Event2 (); else return null; } public void Method1 () { throw new Exception (); } public void Method1 (object o, EventArgs e) { Method1Invoked = true; } public object Method2 () { return "foo"; } } public class EventStore2 where TEventArgs : EventArgs { public bool Method1Invoked; public event EventHandler Event1; public event Func Event2; public object Examine () { if (Event1 != null) Event1 (this, default (TEventArgs)); if (Event2 != null) return Event2 (); else return null; } public void Method1 () { throw new Exception (); } public void Method1 (object o, EventArgs e) { throw new Exception (); } public void Method1 (object o, TEventArgs e) { Method1Invoked = true; } public object Method2 () { return "foo"; } } public class AbstractContainer { public AbstractObject Value1 { get; set; } public AbstractObject Value2 { get; set; } } public abstract class AbstractObject { public abstract string Foo { get; set; } } public class DerivedObject : AbstractObject { public override string Foo { get; set; } } public class ReadOnlyPropertyContainer { string foo; public string Foo { get { return foo; } set { foo = Bar = value; } } public string Bar { get; private set; } } public class EnumContainer { public EnumValueType EnumProperty { get; set; } } public enum EnumValueType { One, Two, Three, Four } [ContentProperty ("ListOfItems")] public class CollectionContentProperty { public IList ListOfItems { get; set; } public CollectionContentProperty () { this.ListOfItems = new List (); } } [ContentProperty ("ListOfItems")] public class CollectionContentPropertyX { public IList ListOfItems { get; set; } public CollectionContentPropertyX () { this.ListOfItems = new List (); } } public class SimpleClass { } public class NullableContainer { public int? TestProp { get; set; } } public class DirectListContainer // for such xml that directly contains items in <*.Items> element. { public IList Items { get; set; } public DirectListContainer () { this.Items = new List (); } } public class DirectListContent { public string Value { get; set; } } public class DirectDictionaryContainer // for such xml that directly contains items in <*.Items> element. { public IDictionary Items { get; set; } public DirectDictionaryContainer () { this.Items = new Dictionary (); } } } namespace XamlTest { public class Configurations : List { private Configuration active; private bool isFrozen; public Configuration Active { get { return this.active; } set { if (this.isFrozen) { throw new InvalidOperationException ("The 'Active' configuration can only be changed via modifying the source file (" + this.Source + ")."); } this.active = value; } } public string Source { get; private set; } } public class Configuration { public string Version { get; set; } public string Path { get; set; } } } // see bug #681480 namespace SecondTest { public class TypeOtherAssembly { [TypeConverter (typeof (NullableUintListConverter))] public List Values { get; set; } public TypeOtherAssembly () { this.Values = new List (); } } public class NullableUintListConverter : CustomTypeConverterBase { public override object ConvertFrom (System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value) { string configValue = value as string; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (configValue)) return null; string delimiterStr = ", "; char [] delimiters = delimiterStr.ToCharArray (); string [] tokens = configValue.Split (delimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); List parsedList = new List (tokens.Length); foreach (string token in tokens) parsedList.Add(uint.Parse(token)); return parsedList; } public override object ConvertTo (ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) { var v = (List) value; return String.Join (", ", (from i in v select i.ToString ()).ToArray ()); } } public class CustomTypeConverterBase : TypeConverter { public override bool CanConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType) { if (sourceType == typeof (string)) { return true; } return base.CanConvertFrom (context, sourceType); } } #region bug #681202 [MarkupExtensionReturnType (typeof (object))] public class ResourceExtension : MarkupExtension { [ConstructorArgument ("key")] public object Key { get; set; } public ResourceExtension (object key) { this.Key = key; } public override object ProvideValue (IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { IXamlSchemaContextProvider service = serviceProvider.GetService (typeof (IXamlSchemaContextProvider)) as IXamlSchemaContextProvider; IAmbientProvider provider = serviceProvider.GetService (typeof (IAmbientProvider)) as IAmbientProvider; Debug.Assert (provider != null, "The provider should not be null!"); XamlSchemaContext schemaContext = service.SchemaContext; XamlType[] types = new XamlType [] { schemaContext.GetXamlType (typeof (ResourcesDict)) }; // ResourceDict is marked as Ambient, so the instance current being deserialized should be in this list. List list = provider.GetAllAmbientValues (null, false, types) as List; if (list.Count != 1) throw new Exception ("expected ambient property count == 1 but " + list.Count); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { AmbientPropertyValue value = list [i]; ResourcesDict dict = value.Value as ResourcesDict; // For this example, we know that dict should not be null and that it is the only value in list. object result = dict [this.Key]; return result; } return null; } } [UsableDuringInitialization (true), Ambient] public class ResourcesDict : Dictionary { } public class TestObject { public TestObject TestProperty { get; set; } } #endregion public class ResourcesDict2 : Dictionary { } public class TestObject2 { public string TestProperty { get; set; } } #region bug #683290 [ContentProperty ("Items")] public class SimpleType { public IList Items { get; set; } public IList NonContentItems { get; set; } public string TestProperty { get; set; } public SimpleType () { this.Items = new List (); this.NonContentItems=new List (); } } public class ContentPropertyContainer : Dictionary { } #endregion }