This is a test system using OASIS XSLT test suite "make" will do what you need (downloading test archive, expanding, compiling test runner. "make run-test" will run only clean tests (check for regressions). "make run-failed-test" will run only failed tests and inverse the test results (check for progressions). "make run-all-test" will run all tests. knownFailures.lst and fixme.lst have the list of tests that are are considered known failures for run-test and run-failed-test. If you want to create reference output files by yourself, run "make create-reference-output" on Microsoft.NET (it requires cygwin). Both generation and test phases read the following environment variables: XSLTTEST_DOMXSL - use XmlDocument for xsl XSLTTEST_DOMINSTANCE - use XmlDocument for xml XSLTTEST_DOM - both of the above XSLTTEST_WSXSL - significant whitespace in xsl XSLTTEST_WSSRC - significant whitespace in xml XSLTTEST_WS - both of the above TODO: This testsuite should not generate dotnet results. Instead, one should compare to oasis reference output. For testcases that fail on dotnet, one can skip checks, as it's done in W3C testsuite. This will allow to run negative tests, too. But before that, it's necessary to fix the comparison, instead of simple text compare, it should make compare as specified in each testcase - text, xml or html. There are open source tools to make xml compare, and html can be done by first converting html to xhtml and then running xml compare. Atsushi Eno Andrew Skiba