// // System.Xml.XmlSerializerTests // // Author: // Erik LeBel // // (C) 2003 Erik LeBel // // // NOTES: // Where possible, these tests avoid testing the order of // an object's members serialization. Mono and .NET do not // reflect members in the same order. // // Only serializations tests so far, no deserialization. // // FIXME // test XmlArrayAttribute // test XmlArrayItemAttribute // test serialization of decimal type // test serialization of Guid type // test XmlNode serialization with and without modifying attributes. // test deserialization // FIXMEs found in this file using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.Serialization; using NUnit.Framework; using MonoTests.System.Xml.TestClasses; namespace MonoTests.System.XmlSerialization { [TestFixture] public class XmlSerializerTests : Assertion { StringWriter sw; XmlTextWriter xtw; XmlSerializer xs; private void SetUpWriter() { sw = new StringWriter (); xtw = new XmlTextWriter (sw); xtw.QuoteChar = '\''; xtw.Formatting = Formatting.None; } private string WriterText { get { string val = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString(); int offset = val.IndexOf('>') + 1; val = val.Substring(offset); return Infoset(val); } } private void Serialize(object o) { SetUpWriter(); xs = new XmlSerializer(o.GetType()); xs.Serialize(xtw, o); } private void Serialize(object o, Type type) { SetUpWriter(); xs = new XmlSerializer(type); xs.Serialize(xtw, o); } private void Serialize(object o, XmlSerializerNamespaces ns) { SetUpWriter(); xs = new XmlSerializer(o.GetType()); xs.Serialize(xtw, o, ns); } private void Serialize(object o, XmlAttributeOverrides ao) { SetUpWriter(); xs = new XmlSerializer(o.GetType(), ao); xs.Serialize(xtw, o); } private void Serialize(object o, XmlRootAttribute root) { SetUpWriter(); xs = new XmlSerializer(o.GetType(), root); xs.Serialize(xtw, o); } // test constructors #if USE_VERSION_1_1 // It doesn't pass on MS.NET 1.1. [Test] public void TestConstructor() { XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer (null, ""); } #else #endif // test basic types //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void TestSerializeInt() { Serialize(10); AssertEquals(Infoset("10"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeBool() { Serialize(true); AssertEquals(Infoset("true"), WriterText); Serialize(false); AssertEquals(Infoset("false"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeString() { Serialize("hello"); AssertEquals(Infoset("hello"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeEmptyString() { Serialize(String.Empty); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeNullObject() { Serialize(null, typeof(object)); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); } [Test] [Ignore ("The generated XML is not exact but it is equivalent")] public void TestSerializeNullString() { Serialize(null, typeof(string)); Console.WriteLine (WriterText); AssertEquals (Infoset(""), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeIntArray() { Serialize(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4}); AssertEquals (Infoset("1234"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeEmptyArray() { Serialize(new int[] {}); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeChar() { Serialize('A'); AssertEquals(Infoset("65"), WriterText); Serialize('\0'); AssertEquals(Infoset("0"), WriterText); Serialize('\n'); AssertEquals(Infoset("10"), WriterText); Serialize('\uFF01'); AssertEquals(Infoset("65281"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeFloat() { Serialize(10.78); AssertEquals(Infoset("10.78"), WriterText); Serialize(-1e8); AssertEquals(Infoset("-100000000"), WriterText); // FIXME test INF and other boundary conditions that may exist with floats } [Test] public void TestSerializeEnumeration() { Serialize(SimpleEnumeration.FIRST); AssertEquals(Infoset("FIRST"), WriterText); Serialize(SimpleEnumeration.SECOND); AssertEquals(Infoset("SECOND"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeQualifiedName() { Serialize(new XmlQualifiedName("me", "home.urn")); AssertEquals(Infoset("q1:me"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeBytes() { Serialize((byte)0xAB); AssertEquals(Infoset("171"), WriterText); Serialize((byte)15); AssertEquals(Infoset("15"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeByteArrays() { Serialize(new byte[] {}); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); Serialize(new byte[] {0xAB, 0xCD}); AssertEquals(Infoset("q80="), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeDateTime() { DateTime d = new DateTime(); Serialize(d); TimeZone tz = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone; TimeSpan off = tz.GetUtcOffset (d); string sp = string.Format ("{0}{1:00}:{2:00}", off.Ticks >= 0 ? "+" : "", off.Hours, off.Minutes); AssertEquals (Infoset("0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000" + sp + ""), WriterText); } /* FIXME - decimal - Guid - XmlNode objects [Test] public void TestSerialize() { Serialize(); AssertEquals(WriterText, ""); } */ // test basic class serialization ///////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void TestSerializeSimpleClass() { SimpleClass simple = new SimpleClass(); Serialize(simple); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); simple.something = "hello"; Serialize(simple); AssertEquals(Infoset("hello"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeStringCollection() { StringCollection strings = new StringCollection(); Serialize(strings); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); strings.Add("hello"); strings.Add("goodbye"); Serialize(strings); AssertEquals(Infoset("hellogoodbye"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializePlainContainer() { StringCollectionContainer container = new StringCollectionContainer(); Serialize(container); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); container.Messages.Add("hello"); container.Messages.Add("goodbye"); Serialize(container); AssertEquals(Infoset("hellogoodbye"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeArrayContainer() { ArrayContainer container = new ArrayContainer(); Serialize(container); AssertEquals(Infoset(""),WriterText); container.items = new object[] {10, 20}; Serialize(container); AssertEquals(Infoset("1020"),WriterText); container.items = new object[] {10, "hello"}; Serialize(container); AssertEquals(Infoset("10hello"),WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeClassArrayContainer() { ClassArrayContainer container = new ClassArrayContainer(); Serialize(container); AssertEquals(Infoset(""),WriterText); SimpleClass simple1 = new SimpleClass(); simple1.something = "hello"; SimpleClass simple2 = new SimpleClass(); simple2.something = "hello"; container.items = new SimpleClass[2]; container.items[0] = simple1; container.items[1] = simple2; Serialize(container); AssertEquals(Infoset("hellohello"),WriterText); } // test basic attributes /////////////////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void TestSerializeSimpleClassWithXmlAttributes() { SimpleClassWithXmlAttributes simple = new SimpleClassWithXmlAttributes(); Serialize(simple); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); simple.something = "hello"; Serialize(simple); AssertEquals (Infoset(""), WriterText); } // test overrides /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void TestSerializeSimpleClassWithOverrides() { // Also tests XmlIgnore XmlAttributeOverrides overrides = new XmlAttributeOverrides(); XmlAttributes attr = new XmlAttributes(); attr.XmlIgnore = true; overrides.Add(typeof(SimpleClassWithXmlAttributes), "something", attr); SimpleClassWithXmlAttributes simple = new SimpleClassWithXmlAttributes(); simple.something = "hello"; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); } // test xmlText ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void TestSerializeXmlTextAttribute() { SimpleClass simple = new SimpleClass(); simple.something = "hello"; XmlAttributeOverrides overrides = new XmlAttributeOverrides(); XmlAttributes attr = new XmlAttributes(); overrides.Add(typeof(SimpleClass), "something", attr); attr.XmlText = new XmlTextAttribute(); Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset("hello"), WriterText); attr.XmlText = new XmlTextAttribute(typeof(string)); Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset("hello"), WriterText); try { attr.XmlText = new XmlTextAttribute(typeof(byte[])); Serialize(simple, overrides); Fail("XmlText.Type does not match the type it serializes: this should have failed"); } catch (Exception) { } try { attr.XmlText = new XmlTextAttribute(); attr.XmlText.DataType = "sometype"; Serialize(simple, overrides); Fail("XmlText.DataType does not match the type it serializes: this should have failed"); } catch (Exception) { } } // test xmlRoot ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void TestSerializeXmlRootAttribute() { // constructor override & element name XmlRootAttribute root = new XmlRootAttribute(); root.ElementName = "renamed"; SimpleClassWithXmlAttributes simpleWithAttributes = new SimpleClassWithXmlAttributes(); Serialize(simpleWithAttributes, root); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); SimpleClass simple = null; root.IsNullable = false; try { Serialize(simple, root); Fail("Cannot serialize null object if XmlRoot's IsNullable == false"); } catch (Exception) { } root.IsNullable = true; try { Serialize(simple, root); Fail("Cannot serialize null object if XmlRoot's IsNullable == true"); } catch (Exception) { } simple = new SimpleClass(); root.ElementName = null; root.Namespace = "some.urn"; Serialize(simple, root); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeXmlRootAttributeOnMember() { // nested root XmlAttributeOverrides overrides = new XmlAttributeOverrides(); XmlAttributes childAttr = new XmlAttributes(); childAttr.XmlRoot = new XmlRootAttribute("simple"); overrides.Add(typeof(SimpleClass), childAttr); XmlAttributes attr = new XmlAttributes(); attr.XmlRoot = new XmlRootAttribute("simple"); overrides.Add(typeof(ClassArrayContainer), attr); ClassArrayContainer container = new ClassArrayContainer(); container.items = new SimpleClass[1]; container.items[0] = new SimpleClass(); Serialize(container, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset(""),WriterText); // FIXME test data type } // test XmlAttribute ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void TestSerializeXmlAttributeAttribute() { // null XmlAttributeOverrides overrides = new XmlAttributeOverrides(); XmlAttributes attr = new XmlAttributes(); attr.XmlAttribute = new XmlAttributeAttribute(); overrides.Add(typeof(SimpleClass), "something", attr); SimpleClass simple = new SimpleClass();; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals("#1", Infoset(""), WriterText); // regular simple.something = "hello"; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals ("#2", Infoset(""), WriterText); // AttributeName attr.XmlAttribute.AttributeName = "somethingelse"; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals ("#3", Infoset(""), WriterText); // Type // FIXME this should work, shouldnt it? // attr.XmlAttribute.Type = typeof(string); // Serialize(simple, overrides); // Assert(WriterText.EndsWith(" something='hello' />")); // Namespace attr.XmlAttribute.Namespace = "some:urn"; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals ("#4", Infoset(""), WriterText); // FIXME DataType // FIXME XmlSchemaForm Form // FIXME write XmlQualifiedName as attribute } // test XmlElement /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void TestSerializeXmlElementAttribute() { XmlAttributeOverrides overrides = new XmlAttributeOverrides(); XmlAttributes attr = new XmlAttributes(); XmlElementAttribute element = new XmlElementAttribute(); attr.XmlElements.Add(element); overrides.Add(typeof(SimpleClass), "something", attr); // null SimpleClass simple = new SimpleClass();; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); // not null simple.something = "hello"; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals (Infoset("hello"), WriterText); //ElementName element.ElementName = "saying"; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals (Infoset("hello"), WriterText); //IsNullable element.IsNullable = false; simple.something = null; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset(""),WriterText); element.IsNullable = true; simple.something = null; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals (Infoset(""), WriterText); //Namespace element.ElementName = null; element.IsNullable = false; element.Namespace = "some:urn"; simple.something = "hello"; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals (Infoset("hello"), WriterText); //FIXME DataType //FIXME Form //FIXME Type } // test XmlElementAttribute with arrays and collections ////////////////// [Test] public void TestSerializeCollectionWithXmlElementAttribute() { // the rule is: // if no type is specified or the specified type // matches the contents of the collection, // serialize each element in an element named after the member. // if the type does not match, or matches the collection itself, // create a base wrapping element for the member, and then // wrap each collection item in its own wrapping element based on type. XmlAttributeOverrides overrides = new XmlAttributeOverrides(); XmlAttributes attr = new XmlAttributes(); XmlElementAttribute element = new XmlElementAttribute(); attr.XmlElements.Add(element); overrides.Add(typeof(StringCollectionContainer), "Messages", attr); // empty collection & no type info in XmlElementAttribute StringCollectionContainer container = new StringCollectionContainer(); Serialize(container, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); // non-empty collection & no type info in XmlElementAttribute container.Messages.Add("hello"); Serialize(container, overrides); AssertEquals (Infoset("hello"), WriterText); // non-empty collection & only type info in XmlElementAttribute element.Type = typeof(StringCollection); Serialize(container, overrides); AssertEquals (Infoset("hello"), WriterText); // non-empty collection & only type info in XmlElementAttribute element.Type = typeof(string); Serialize(container, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset("hello"), WriterText); // two elements container.Messages.Add("goodbye"); element.Type = null; Serialize(container, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset("hellogoodbye"), WriterText); } // test DefaultValue ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void TestSerializeDefaultValueAttribute() { XmlAttributeOverrides overrides = new XmlAttributeOverrides(); XmlAttributes attr = new XmlAttributes(); string defaultValueInstance = "nothing"; attr.XmlDefaultValue = defaultValueInstance; overrides.Add(typeof(SimpleClass), "something", attr); // use the default SimpleClass simple = new SimpleClass(); Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); // same value as default simple.something = defaultValueInstance; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); // some other value simple.something = "hello"; Serialize(simple, overrides); AssertEquals(Infoset("hello"), WriterText); } // test XmlEnum ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void TestSerializeXmlEnumAttribute() { // technically this has an XmlIgnore attribute, // but it is not being serialized as a member. Serialize(XmlSchemaForm.None); AssertEquals(Infoset("0"), WriterText); Serialize(XmlSchemaForm.Qualified); AssertEquals(Infoset("qualified"), WriterText); Serialize(XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified); AssertEquals(Infoset("unqualified"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeXmlNodeArray () { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); Serialize (new XmlNode [] { doc.CreateAttribute("at"), doc.CreateElement("elem1"), doc.CreateElement("elem2") }, typeof(object)); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeXmlElement () { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); Serialize (doc.CreateElement("elem"), typeof(XmlElement)); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeXmlElementSubclass () { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); Serialize (new MyElem (doc), typeof(XmlElement)); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); Serialize (new MyElem (doc), typeof(MyElem)); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeXmlCDataSection () { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); CDataContainer c = new CDataContainer (); c.cdata = doc.CreateCDataSection("data section contents"); Serialize (c); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeXmlNode () { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); NodeContainer c = new NodeContainer (); c.node = doc.CreateTextNode("text"); Serialize (c); AssertEquals(Infoset("text"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeChoice () { Choices ch = new Choices (); ch.MyChoice = "choice text"; ch.ItemType = ItemChoiceType.ChoiceZero; Serialize (ch); AssertEquals(Infoset("choice text"), WriterText); ch.ItemType = ItemChoiceType.StrangeOne; Serialize (ch); AssertEquals(Infoset("choice text"), WriterText); ch.ItemType = ItemChoiceType.ChoiceTwo; Serialize (ch); AssertEquals(Infoset("choice text"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeNamesWithSpaces () { TestSpace ts = new TestSpace(); ts.elem = 4; ts.attr = 5; Serialize (ts); AssertEquals(Infoset("4"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeReadOnlyProps () { ReadOnlyProperties ts = new ReadOnlyProperties(); Serialize (ts); AssertEquals(Infoset(""), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeIList() { clsPerson k = new clsPerson(); k.EmailAccounts = new ArrayList(); k.EmailAccounts.Add("a"); k.EmailAccounts.Add("b"); Serialize (k); AssertEquals (Infoset("ab"), WriterText); } [Test] public void TestSerializeArrayEnc () { SoapReflectionImporter imp = new SoapReflectionImporter (); XmlTypeMapping map = imp.ImportTypeMapping (typeof(ArrayClass)); XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer (map); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter (sw); tw.WriteStartElement ("aa"); ser.Serialize (tw, new ArrayClass ()); tw.WriteEndElement (); } [Test] public void TestIncludeType() { // Test for bug #76049 XmlReflectionImporter imp = new XmlReflectionImporter (); XmlTypeMapping map = imp.ImportTypeMapping (typeof(object)); imp.IncludeType (typeof(TestSpace)); XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer (map); ser.Serialize (new StringWriter (), new TestSpace ()); } [Test] public void TestSerializeChoiceArray() { CompositeValueType v = new CompositeValueType (); v.Init (); Serialize (v); AssertEquals (Infoset("12"), WriterText); } // Helper methods public static string Infoset (string sx) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.LoadXml (sx); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); GetInfoset (doc.DocumentElement, sb); return sb.ToString (); } public static string Infoset (XmlNode nod) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); GetInfoset (nod, sb); return sb.ToString (); } static void GetInfoset (XmlNode nod, StringBuilder sb) { switch (nod.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Attribute: if (nod.LocalName == "xmlns" && nod.NamespaceURI == "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") return; sb.Append (" " + nod.NamespaceURI + ":" + nod.LocalName + "='" + nod.Value + "'"); break; case XmlNodeType.Element: XmlElement elem = (XmlElement) nod; sb.Append ("<" + elem.NamespaceURI + ":" + elem.LocalName); ArrayList ats = new ArrayList (); foreach (XmlAttribute at in elem.Attributes) ats.Add (at.LocalName + " " + at.NamespaceURI); ats.Sort (); foreach (string name in ats) { string[] nn = name.Split (' '); GetInfoset (elem.Attributes[nn[0],nn[1]], sb); } sb.Append (">"); foreach (XmlNode cn in elem.ChildNodes) GetInfoset (cn, sb); sb.Append (""); break; default: sb.Append (nod.OuterXml); break; } } } }