* System.Xml.Schema standalone test collections ** Small XML Schema validation test system:: This is a small standalone test system using W3C XML Schema test collection. http://www.w3.org/2001/05/xmlschema-test-collection.html "make" will prepare whatever you need to run test (downloading test archive from W3C, expanding, compiling test runner). "make run-test" will run the tests and reports as TestResult.xml. ** Post Schema Compilation Information comparison test:: This is a test for Post Schema Compilation Information properties. xs-pcsi-compare.exe emits properties of schema object model. pcsi-ms-all.zip contains msxsdtest result I got from MS.NET 1.1. (Currently no other way to compare the results by hands.) As for the result differences, some notes would be required: - MS.NET holds incorrect base schema type for simple list and union types. Their base type is simple ur-type (3.14.7) but MS.NET holds item type(s) there. - For unspecified types for element and attribute, they incorrectly specifies xs:string type. However in those cases, attribute types should be mapped to simple ur-type and element types should be (complex) ur-type (3.4.7) This will be added in the future (currently Mono has the same problem). - MS.NET does not remove "pointless" choice particle (see 3.9.6). However it results in incorrect validation. (e.g. msxsdtest/Particles/particlesHb010.xsd) Atsushi Eno