* XmlReader and DOM standalone test collection ** XmlTextReader and XmlValidatingReader conformance test This is a small standalone test system using W3C XML test collection. http://www.w3.org/XML/Test/ The command name is "xmltest.exe". "make" will do what you need (downloading test archive, expanding, compiling test runner). "make test" will do the actual tests. ** XmlReader property test This is a property comparison program that is done during read. To run the test, type "make xrtest", and it will print the difference between ms and mono. ** XmlDocument node properties test This is a DOM property comparison program. To run the test, type "make domtest", and it will print the difference between ms and mono. ** XmlDocument insertion event test This is a set of event order tests for several XML document. To run the test, type "make eventtest", and it will print the difference between ms and mono. For removal and changing, it should be done in unit test (I have no idea for examining them in batch tests). Atsushi Eno