//************************************************************************** // // // National Institute Of Standards and Technology // DTS Version 1.0 // // Element Interface // // Written by: Carmelo Montanez // Modified by: Mary Brady // // Ported to System.Xml by: Mizrahi Rafael rafim@mainsoft.com // Mainsoft Corporation (c) 2003-2004 //************************************************************************** using System; using System.Xml; using nist_dom; using NUnit.Framework; namespace nist_dom.fundamental { [TestFixture] public class ElementTest : Assertion { public static int i = 2; /* public testResults[] RunTests() { testResults[] tests = new testResults[] {core0001E(), core0002E(), core0003E(),core0004E(), core0005E(), core0006E(), core0007E(), core0008E(), core0009E(), core0010E(), core0011E(), core0012E(), core0013E(), core0014E(), core0015E(), core0016E(), core0017E(), core0018E(), core0019E(), core0020E(), core0021E(), core0022E(), core0023E(), core0024E(), core0025E(), core0026E(), core0027E(), core0028E(), core0029E(), core0030E()}; return tests; } */ //------------------------ test case core-0001E ------------------------ // // Testing feature - Elements may have attributes associated with them. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the first attribute from the last child of // the first employee and examine its "specified" // attribute. This test is only intended to show // that Elements can actually have attributes. // This test uses the "getNamedItem(name)" method from // the NamedNodeMap interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 1 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0001E() { string computedValue = "0";//0 string expectedValue = "True";//true System.Xml.XmlNode addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection attrList = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute domesticAttr = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0001E"); try { results.description = "Element nodes may have associated attributes."; // // Retrieve the "address" element from the first employee. // addressElement = util.nodeObject(util.FIRST,util.SIXTH); // // Access its "domestic" attribute by creating a list of all attributes // and then retrieving the desired attribute from the list by name. // attrList = addressElement.Attributes;//.node. domesticAttr = (System.Xml.XmlAttribute)attrList.GetNamedItem("domestic"); // // Access its "specified" attribute. // computedValue = domesticAttr.Specified.ToString(); } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0001E -------------------------- // //------------------------ test case core-0002E ------------------------ // // Testing feature - The generic Attribute "attributes" (Node interface) may // be used to retrieve the set of all attributes of an // element. // // Testing approach - Create a list of all the attributes of the last child of // of the first employee by using the generic "attributes" // attribute from the Node interface. Further the length // of the attribute list is examined. This test makes // use of the "Count" attribute from the NameNodeMap // interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 2 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // MS DOM is buggy public void core0002E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "2"; System.Xml.XmlNode addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection attrList = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0002E"); try { results.description = "The generic \"attributes\" (from the Node interface) may " + "be used to retrieve the set of all attributes of an element."; // // Retrieve the "address" element from the first employee. // addressElement = util.nodeObject(util.FIRST,util.SIXTH); // // Access its attributes list. // attrList = addressElement.Attributes; // // Access its "length" attribute. // computedValue = attrList.Count.ToString(); } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0002E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-0003E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "tagName" attribute contains the name of the // element. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the third child of the second employee and // examine its "tagName" attribute. It should return a // string containing the name of the element ("position", // in this case). // // Semantic Requirements: 3 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0003E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "position"; System.Xml.XmlNode positionElement = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0003E"); try { results.description = "The \"tagName\" of an Element contains the " + "element's name."; // // Access its third child of the second employee. // positionElement = util.nodeObject(util.SECOND,util.THIRD); // // Access its "tagName" attribute. // computedValue = positionElement.Name;//tagName;//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0003E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-0004E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "getAttribute(name)" method returns an attribute value // by name. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the the last child of the third employee, then // invoke its "getAttribute(name)" method. It should // return the value of the attribute("No", in this case). // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 4 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0004E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "No"; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0004E"); try { results.description = "The \"getAttribute(name)\" method of an Element returns " + "the value of an attribute by name."; // // Retrieve the targeted data. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.THIRD,util.SIXTH); computedValue = addressElement.GetAttribute("street");//addressElement.node.GetAttribute("street"); } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0004E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-0005E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "getAttribute(name)" method returns an empty // string if no value was assigned to an attribute and // no default value was given in the DTD file. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the the last child of the last employee, then // invoke its "getAttribute(name)" method, where "name" is an // attribute with no specified or DTD default value. The // "getAttribute(name)" method should return the empty // string. This method makes use of the // "createAttribute(newAttr)" method from the Document // interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 4, 5 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0005E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute newAttribute = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0005E"); try { results.description = "The \"getAttribute(name)\" method of an Element returns " + "the empty string if the attribue does not have a default " + "or specified value."; // // Access the sixth child of the last employee. // newAttribute = (System.Xml.XmlAttribute)util.createNode(util.ATTRIBUTE_NODE,"district"); addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FOURTH,util.SIXTH); // // Invoke its "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method where // newAttr = "newAttribute". Since no value was specified or given // by default, the value returned by the "getAttribute(name)" method // should be the empty string. // addressElement.SetAttributeNode(newAttribute);//.node. computedValue = addressElement.GetAttribute("district");//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0005E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-0006E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "setAttribute(name,value)" method adds a new attribute // to the Element. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last child of the last employee, then // add an attribute to it by invoking its // "setAttribute(name,value)" method. It should create // a "name" attribute with an assigned value equal to // "value". // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 4, 6 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0006E() { string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; string name = "district"; string expectedValue = "dallas"; testResults results = new testResults("Core0006E"); try { results.description = "The \"setAttribute(name,value)\" method of an Element " + "creates an new \"name\" attribute whose value is equal to \"value\"."; // // Access the last child of the last employee. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FIFTH,util.SIXTH); // // Invoke its "setAttribute(name,value)" method and create a new attribute // addressElement.SetAttribute(name,expectedValue);//.node. // // This Element should now have a new attribute that we can be retrieved // by name. // computedValue = addressElement.GetAttribute(name);//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0006E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-0007E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "setAttribute(name,value)" method adds a new attribute // to the Element. If the "name" is already present, then // its value should be changed to the new one of the // "value" parameter. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last child of the fourth employee, // then add an attribute to it by invoking its // "setAttribute(name,value)" method. Since the name // of the used attribute ("street") is already present // in this element, then its value should be // changed to the new one of the "value" parameter. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 4, 7 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0007E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "Neither"; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0007E"); try { results.description = "The \"setAttribute(name,value)\" method of an Element " + "where the \"name\" attribute is already present in this Element."; // // Access the sixth child of the fourth employee. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FOURTH,util.SIXTH); // // Invoke its "setAttribute(name,value)" method where name = "street" // and value = "Neither". // addressElement.SetAttribute("street","Neither");//.node. // // The "street" attribute should now have a value of "Neither" // computedValue = addressElement.GetAttribute("street");//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0007E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-0008E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "removeAttribute(name)" removes an attribute // by name. If the removed attribute is known to have a // default value, an attribute immediately appears // containing the default value. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the attribute named "street" from the last // child of the fourth employee, then remove the "street" // attribute by invoking its "removeAttribute(name) method. // The "street" attribute has a default value defined in the // DTD file, that value should immediately replace the // old value. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 8 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] #if NET_2_0 [Category ("NotDotNet")] #endif public void core0008E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "Yes"; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; string streetAttr = ""; testResults results = new testResults("Core0008E"); try { results.description = "The \"removeAttribute(name)\" method of an Element " + "removes the \"name\" attribute and restores any " + "known default values."; // // Access the last child of the fourth employee. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FOURTH,util.SIXTH); // // Invoke its "removeAttribute(name)" method where name = "street" // addressElement.RemoveAttribute("street");//.node. // // Now access that attribute. // streetAttr = addressElement.GetAttribute("street");//.node. // // The "street" attribute should now have a default values // computedValue = addressElement.GetAttribute("street");//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0008E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-0009E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "getAttributeNode(name)" retrieves an attribute // node by name. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the attribute named "domestic" from the last // child of the first employee. Since the method returns // an Attr object, its name attribute can be examined to // ensure the proper attribute was retrieved. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 9 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0009E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "domestic"; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute domesticAttrNode = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0009E"); try { results.description = "The \"getAttributeNode(name)\" method of an Element " + "returns the \"name\" Attr node."; // // Access the last child of the first employee. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FIRST,util.SIXTH); // // Invoke its "getAttributeNode(name)" method where name = "domestic" // and create an Attr object. // domesticAttrNode = addressElement.GetAttributeNode("domestic");//.node. // // Now access the "name" attribute of that Attr node. Since the "domestic" // attribute was retrieved, the name of the Attr node should also be // "domestic". // computedValue = domesticAttrNode.Name; } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0009E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00010E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "getAttributeNode(name)" retrieves an attribute // node by name. It should return null if the "name" // attribute does not exist. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last child of the first employee and // attempt to retrieve a non-existing attribute. // The method should return null. The non-existing // attribute to be used is "invalidAttribute". // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 10 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0010E() { object computedValue = null; object expectedValue = null; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0010E"); try { results.description = "The \"getAttributeNode(name)\" method returns null " + "if the \"name\" attribute does not exist."; // // Access the last child of the first employee. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FIRST,util.SIXTH); // // Invoke its "getAttributeNode(name)" method where name = "invalidAttribute" // This should result in a null value being returned by the method. // computedValue = addressElement.GetAttributeNode("invalidAttribute");//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = (expectedValue == null).ToString(); results.actual = (computedValue == null).ToString(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0010E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-0011E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" adds a new attribute // to the Element. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last child of the first employee and // add a new attribute node to it by invoking its // "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method. This test makes // use of the "createAttribute(name)" method from the // Document interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 11 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0011E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute newAttribute = null; string name = "district"; testResults results = new testResults("Core0011E"); try { results.description = "The \"setAttributeNode(newAttr)\" method adds a new " + "attribute node to the element."; // // Access the last child of the first employee. // newAttribute = (System.Xml.XmlAttribute)util.createNode(util.ATTRIBUTE_NODE,name); addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FIRST,util.SIXTH); // // Invoke its "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method where // newAttr = "newAttribute". Since no value was specified or given // by default, its value should be the empty string. // addressElement.SetAttributeNode(newAttribute);//.node. computedValue = addressElement.GetAttribute(name);//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0011E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00012E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method adds a new attribute // to the Element. If the "newAttr" Attr node is already // present in this element, it should replace the existing // one. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last child of the third employee and // add a new attribute node to it by invoking its // "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method. The new attribute // node to be added is "street", which is already // present in this element. The method should replace the // existing Attr node with the new one. This test make use // of the "createAttribute(name)" method from the Document // interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 12 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0012E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute newAttribute = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0012E"); try { results.description = "The \"setAttributeNode(newAttr)\" method when " + "the \"newAttr\" node is already part of this " + "element. The existing attribute node should be "+ "replaced with the new one."; // // Access the last child of the third employee. // newAttribute = (System.Xml.XmlAttribute)util.createNode(util.ATTRIBUTE_NODE,"street"); addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.THIRD,util.SIXTH); // // Invoke its "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method where // newAttr = "newAttribute". That attribute is already part of this // element. The existing attribute should be replaced with the new one // (newAttribute). // addressElement.SetAttributeNode(newAttribute);//.node. computedValue = addressElement.GetAttribute("street");//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0012E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00013E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - If The "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method replaces // an existing Attr node with the same name, then it // should return the previously existing Attr node. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last child of the third employee and add // a new attribute node to it. The new attribute node to // be added is "street", which is already present in this // Element. The method should return the existing Attr // node(old "street" Attr). This test make use of the // "createAttribute(name)" method from the Document // interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 13 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0013E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "No"; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute oldStreetAttribute = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute newAttribute = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0013E"); try { results.description = "The \"setAttributeNode(newAttr)\" method when the " + "\"newAttr\" attribute node is already present in " + "this element. The method should return the previously " + "existing Attr node."; // // Access the last child of the third employee. // newAttribute = (System.Xml.XmlAttribute)util.createNode(util.ATTRIBUTE_NODE,"street"); addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.THIRD,util.SIXTH); // // Invoke its "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method where // newAttr was just created with the same name as an already existing // attribute("street"). The existing attribute should be replaced with the // new one and the method should return the existing "street" Attr node. // oldStreetAttribute = addressElement.SetAttributeNode(newAttribute);//.node. // // The "oldStreetAttribute" now contains the old Attr node and its // "value" attribute should be available for examination. // computedValue = oldStreetAttribute.Value; } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0013E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00014E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method returns the // null value if no previously existing Attr node with the // same name was replaced. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last child of the third and add a new // attribute node to it. The new attribute node to be // added is "district", which is not part of this Element. // The method should return the null value. This test makes // use of the "createAttribute(name)" method from the // Document interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 15 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // MS DOM is buggy public void core0014E() { object computedValue = null; object expectedValue = null; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute newAttribute = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0014E"); try { results.description = "The \"setAttributeNode(newAttr)\" method returns a " + "null value if no previously existing Attr node was replaced."; // // Access the sixth child of the third employee. // newAttribute = (System.Xml.XmlAttribute)util.createNode(util.ATTRIBUTE_NODE,"district"); addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.THIRD,util.SIXTH); // // Invoke its "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method where name = "newAttribute". // This attribute is not part of this element. The method should add the // new Attribute and return a null value. // computedValue = addressElement.SetAttributeNode(newAttribute);//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = (expectedValue == null).ToString(); results.actual = (computedValue == null).ToString(); util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0014E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00015E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)" method removes the // specified attribute. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last child of the third employee, add // a new "district" node to it and the try to remove it. // To verify that the node was removed this test uses the // "getNamedItem(name)" from the NamedNodeMap interface. // This test also makes use of the "attributes" attribute // from the Node interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 14 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0015E() { object computedValue = null; object expectedValue = null; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection attrList = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute newAttribute = null; newAttribute = (System.Xml.XmlAttribute)util.createNode(util.ATTRIBUTE_NODE,"district"); testResults results = new testResults("Core0015E"); try { results.description = "The \"removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)\" method removes the " + "specified attribute node."; // // Access the sixth child of the third employee and add the new // attribute to it. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.THIRD,util.SIXTH); addressElement.SetAttributeNode(newAttribute);//.node. // // Invoke its "removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)" method where // name = "newAttribute" and remove that attribute node. // addressElement.RemoveAttributeNode(newAttribute);//.node. // // To ensure that the "district" attribute was indeed removed, a listing // of all attributes is created by invoking the "attributes" attribute // of "addressElement". After the list is created, we attempt to // retrieve the "district" element from the list. A null value should // be return in its place. // attrList = addressElement.Attributes; computedValue = attrList.GetNamedItem("district"); } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = (expectedValue == null).ToString(); results.actual = (computedValue == null).ToString(); util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0015E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00016E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)" method removes the // specified attribute node and restore any default values. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last child of the third employee and // remove its "street" Attr node. Since this node has // default value defined in the DTD file, that default // value should immediately be the new value. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 15 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] #if NET_2_0 [Category ("NotDotNet")] #endif public void core0016E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "Yes"; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute streetAttr = null; //System.Xml.XmlNode thirdEmployee = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0016E"); try { results.description = "The \"removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)\" method removes the " + "specified attribute node and restores any default values."; // // Access the sixth child of the third employee. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.THIRD,util.SIXTH); // // Create an instance of an Attr object by retrieving the "street" // attribute node, invoke its "removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)" method // where name = "streetAttr" and remove that attribute node. Note that // "the removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)" takes an Attr object as its // parameter, that is why an Attr object (named "street") is first created. // streetAttr = addressElement.GetAttributeNode("street");//.node. addressElement.RemoveAttributeNode(streetAttr);//.node. // // Since there is a default value defined for the "street" attribute, it // should immediately be the new value for that attribute. // computedValue = addressElement.GetAttribute("street");//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0016E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00017E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)" method returns the // node that was removed. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last child of the third employee and // remove its "street" Attr node. The method should // return the old attribute node. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 16 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0017E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "No"; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute streetAttr = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute oldStreetAttribute = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0017E"); try { results.description = "The \"removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)\" method returns the "+ "removed attribute node."; // // Access the sixth child of the third employee. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.THIRD,util.SIXTH); // create an instance of an Attr object by retrieving the "street" // attribute node, invoke its "removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)" method // where name = "streetAttr" and remove that attribute node. Note that // "the removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)" takes an Attr object as its // parameter, that is why an Attr object (named "street") is first created. // streetAttr = addressElement.GetAttributeNode("street");//.node. oldStreetAttribute = addressElement.RemoveAttributeNode(streetAttr);//.node. // // The method should return the removed attribute node. Its value can then // be examined. // computedValue = oldStreetAttribute.Value; } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0017E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00018E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "getElementsByTagName(name)" method returns a list // of all descendant Elements with the given tag name. // // Testing approach - Get a listing of all the descendant elements of the // root element using the string "employee" as the tag // name. The method should return a Node list of length // equal to 5. This test makes use of the "length" // attribute from the NodeList interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 17 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0018E() { int computedValue = 0; int expectedValue = 5; System.Xml.XmlNodeList employeeList = null; System.Xml.XmlElement docElement = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0018E"); results.description = "The \"getElementsByTagName(name)\" method returns a "+ "NodeList of all descendant elements with the given " + "tag name(method returning a non-empty list)"; // // get a listing of all the elements that match the tag "employee". // docElement = util.getRootNode(); employeeList = docElement.GetElementsByTagName("employee"); // // The method should return a NodeList whose length can then be examined. // computedValue = employeeList.Count; // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue.ToString(); results.actual = computedValue.ToString(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0018E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00019E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "getElementsByTagName(name)" returns a list of all // descendant Elements with the given tag name. Test // for an empty list. // // Testing approach - Get a listing of all the descendant elements of the // root element using the string "noMatches" as the tag // name. The method should return a NodeList of length // equal to 0 since no descendant elements match the given // tag name. This test makes use of the "length" attribute // from the NodeList interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 17 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0019E() { int computedValue = 0; int expectedValue = 0; System.Xml.XmlNodeList employeeList = null; System.Xml.XmlElement docElement = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0019E"); results.description = "The \"getElementsByTagName(name)\" method returns a "+ "NodeList of all descendant elements with the given " + "tag name (method returns an empty list)"; // // get a listing of all the elements that match the tag "noMatch". // docElement = util.getRootNode(); employeeList = docElement.GetElementsByTagName("noMatch"); // // The method should return a NodeList whose length can then be examined. // computedValue = employeeList.Count; // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue.ToString(); results.actual = computedValue.ToString(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0019E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00020E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "getElementsByTagName(name)" returns a list of all // descendant Elements in the order the children were // encountered in a pre order traversal of the element tree. // // Testing approach - Get a listing of all the descendant elements of the // root node using the string "employee" as the tag // name. The method should return a Node list of length // equal to 5 in the order the children were encountered. // Item number four in the list is accessed using a // subscript. Item number four is itself an Element node // with children and whose first child should be // "employeeId". // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 18 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0020E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "employeeId"; System.Xml.XmlNodeList employeeList = null; System.Xml.XmlNode fourthEmployee = null; System.Xml.XmlElement docElement = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0020E"); results.description = "The \"getElementsByTagName(name)\" returns a NodeList " + "of all descendant elements in the order the " + "children were encountered in a preorder traversal " + "of the element tree."; // // get a listing of all the elements that match the tag "employee". // docElement = util.getRootNode(); employeeList = docElement.GetElementsByTagName("employee"); // // The method should return a NodeList of the children in the order the // children were encountered. Since "employeeList" is a NodeList we should // be able to access its elements by using a subscript. Item number four // is itself an Element node with six children and the first child // is "employeeId". // fourthEmployee = employeeList.Item(util.FOURTH); computedValue = fourthEmployee.FirstChild.Name; // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0020E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00021E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "getElementsByTagName(name)" method may use the // special value "*" to match all the tags in the element // tree. // // Testing approach - Get a listing of all the descendant elements of the // last employee by using the special value of "*". The // method should return all of the descendant children // (total of 6) in the order the children were encountered. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 19 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0021E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "employeeId name position salary gender address "; System.Xml.XmlNodeList elementList = null; System.Xml.XmlElement lastEmployee = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0021E"); results.description = "The \"getElementsByTagName(name)\" method may use the " + "special value \"*\" to match all the tags in the " + "element tree."; // // get a listing of all the descendant elements of the last employee by using // the special value of "*". // lastEmployee = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FIFTH,-1); elementList = lastEmployee.GetElementsByTagName("*");//.node. // // Traverse the list. // for (int index = 0;index <= elementList.Count - 1;index++) computedValue += elementList.Item(index).Name+" "; // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0021E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00022E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "normalize()" method puts all the nodes in the // full depth of the sub-tree underneath this element // into a "normal" form. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the third employee and access its second // child. This child contains a block of text that spread // accross multiple lines. The content of the "name" // child should be parsed and treated as a single Text node. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 20 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0022E() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "Roger\n Jones"; System.Xml.XmlNode idElement = null; System.Xml.XmlNode textNode = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0022E"); try { results.description = "The \"normalize()\" method puts all the nodes in the " + "full depth of the sub-tree of this element into a normal form."; // // The "normalize() method should combine all the contiguous blocks of text // and form a single "Text" node. The "nodeValue" of that final Text node // should be the combination of all continuos blocks of text that do not // contain any markup language. // idElement = util.nodeObject(util.THIRD,util.SECOND); idElement.Normalize();//.node. textNode = idElement.LastChild;//.node. // // text should be in normal form now // computedValue = textNode.Value; } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0022E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00023E --------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "setAttribute(name,value)" method raises an // INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR Exception if the specified // name contains an invalid character. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last child of the first employee // and call its "setAttribute(name,value)" method with // "name" containing an invalid character. // // Semantic Requirements: 1, 21 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // MS DOM is buggy public void core0023E() { string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; string expectedValue = "System.ArgumentException"; testResults results = new testResults("Core0023E"); try { results.description = "The \"setAttribute(name,value)\" method raises an " + "ArgumentException if the specified " + "name contains an invalid character."; // // Access the "address" element of the first employee. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FIRST,util.SIXTH); // // Attempt to set an attribute with an invalid character in its name. // try { addressElement.SetAttribute("invalid^Name","thisValue");//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = ex.GetType().ToString(); } } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0023E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-0024E ---------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "setAttribute(name,value)" method raises a // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Exception if this // node is readonly. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the Element node inside the Entity node // named "ent4" and attempt to set an attribute for // it. Descendants of Entity nodes are readonly nodes // and therefore the desired exception should be raised. // // Semantic Requirements: 22 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // MS DOM is buggy public void core0024E() { string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlEntity entityNode = null; System.Xml.XmlElement entityDesc = null; string expectedValue = "System.ArgumentException";//util.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; testResults results = new testResults("Core0024E"); try { results.description = "The \"setAttribute(name,value)\" method raises a " + "NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Exception if the node is readonly."; // // Retreive the targeted data. // entityNode = util.getEntity("ent4"); entityDesc = (System.Xml.XmlElement)entityNode.FirstChild; // // Attempt to set an attribute for a readonly node should raise an exception. // try { entityDesc.SetAttribute("newAttribute","thisValue"); } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = ex.GetType ().FullName; } } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0024E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00025E --------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "removeAttribute(name)" method raises a // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Exception if this // node is readonly. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the Element node inside the Entity node // named "ent4" and attempt to remove an attribute from // it. Descendants of Entity nodes are readonly nodes // and therefore the desired exception should be raised. // // Semantic Requirements: 23 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // MS DOM is buggy public void core0025E() { string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlEntity entityNode = null; System.Xml.XmlElement entityDesc = null; string expectedValue = "System.ArgumentException";//util.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; testResults results = new testResults("Core0025E"); try { results.description = "The \"removeAttribute(name)\" method raises a " + "NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Exception if the node is readonly."; // // Retrieve the targeted data. // entityNode = util.getEntity("ent4"); entityDesc = (System.Xml.XmlElement)entityNode.FirstChild; // // Attempt to set an attribute for a readonly node should raise an exception. // try { entityDesc.RemoveAttribute("attr1"); } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = ex.GetType ().FullName; } } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0025E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00026E --------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method raises a // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Exception if this // node is readonly. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the Element node inside the Entity node // named "ent4" and attempt to add a newly created Attr // node to it. Descendants of Entity nodes are readonly // nodes and therefore the desired exception should be // raised. // // Semantic Requirements: 24 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // MS DOM is buggy public void core0026E() { string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlEntity entityNode = null; System.Xml.XmlElement entityDesc = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute newAttr = (System.Xml.XmlAttribute)util.createNode(util.ATTRIBUTE_NODE,"newAttribute"); string expectedValue = "System.ArgumentException";//util.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; testResults results = new testResults("Core0026E"); try { results.description = "The \"setAttributeNode(newAttr)\" method raises a " + "NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Exception if the node is readonly."; // // Retrieve targeted data // entityNode = util.getEntity("ent4"); entityDesc = (System.Xml.XmlElement)entityNode.FirstChild; // // Attempt to set an attribute for a readonly node should raise an exception. // try { entityDesc.SetAttributeNode(newAttr); } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = ex.GetType ().FullName; } } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0026E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00027E --------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "removeAttributeNode(newAttr)" method raises a // NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Exception if this // node is readonly. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the Element node inside the Entity node // named "ent4" and attempt to remove its "attr1" // attribute. Descendants of Entity nodes are readonly // nodes and therefore the desired exception should be // raised. // // Semantic Requirements: 25 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // MS DOM is buggy public void core0027E() { string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlEntity entityNode = null; System.Xml.XmlElement entityDesc = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute oldAttribute = null; string expectedValue = "System.ArgumentException";//util.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; testResults results = new testResults("Core0027E"); try { results.description = "The \"removeAttributeNode(newAttr)\" method raises a " + "NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Exception if the node is readonly."; // // Get an instance of an attribute node and retrieve targeted data. // entityNode = util.getEntity("ent4"); entityDesc = (System.Xml.XmlElement)entityNode.FirstChild; oldAttribute = ((System.Xml.XmlElement)entityNode.FirstChild).GetAttributeNode("attr1"); // // Attempt to set remove an attribute node from a readonly node (lastChild). // Should raise an exception. // try { entityDesc.RemoveAttributeNode(oldAttribute); } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = ex.GetType ().FullName; } } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0027E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00028E --------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method raises a // System.ArgumentException Exception if the "newAttr" was // created from a different document than the one that // created this document. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last employee and attempt to set // a new attribute node for its "employee" element. // The new attribute was created from a document // other than the one that crated this element, // therefore the desired exception should be raised. // This test uses the "createAttribute(newAttr)" method // from the Document interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 26 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // MS DOM is buggy public void core0028E() { System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlAttribute newAttr = null; string expectedValue = "System.ArgumentException"; testResults results = new testResults("Core0028E"); try { results.description = "The \"setAttributeNode(newAttr)\" method raises a " + "System.ArgumentException Exception if \"newAttr\" was created " + "from a different document than the one who created this node."; // // Access the address Element of the last employee and attempt to set // a new attribute node. // newAttr = util.getOtherDOMDocument().CreateAttribute("newAttribute"); addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FIFTH,util.SIXTH); // // The new attribute was created from a different document and therefore // an exception should be raised. // try { addressElement.SetAttributeNode(newAttr);//.node. } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = ex.GetType().ToString(); } } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0028E -------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-00029E --------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "setAttributeNode(newAttr)" method raises an // InvalidOperationException if the "newAttr" // attribute is already an attribute of another element. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last employee and attempt to set an // attribute node to one of its children that // already exist in another children. The attribute // node used is "street", which already exist in the // "address" element. An instance of that attribute // node is first retrived from the "address" element and // then attempted to be set in the "employeeId" element. // This should cause the intended exception to be raised. // // Semantic Requirements: 27 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] public void core0029E() { string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlElement employeeIdElement = null; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute newAttribute = null; string expectedValue = "InvalidOperationException"; testResults results = new testResults("Core0029E"); try { results.description = "The \"setAttributeNode(newAttr)\" method raises an "+ "InvalidOperationException if \"newAttr\" attribute "+ "is already being used by another element."; // // Retrieve an already existing attribute from the "address" element. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FIFTH,util.SIXTH); newAttribute = addressElement.GetAttributeNode("street");//.node. // // Access the "employeeId" element of the last employee. // employeeIdElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FIFTH,util.FIRST); // // Attempt to set an attribute node with an already existing attribute node // in another element. // try { employeeIdElement.SetAttributeNode(newAttribute);//.node. } catch(System.InvalidOperationException ex) { computedValue = "InvalidOperationException"; } } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0029E ------------------------- // //-------------------------- test case core-0030E --------------------------- // // Testing feature - The "removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)" method raises a // NOT_FOUND_ERR Exception if the "oldAttr" attribute // is not an attribute of the element. // // Testing approach - Retrieve the last employee and attempt to remove // a non existing attribute node. This should cause // the intended exception be raised. This test makes use // of the "createAttribute(name)" method from the // Document interface. // // Semantic Requirements: 28 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Test] [Category ("NotDotNet")] // MS DOM is buggy public void core0030E() { string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlElement addressElement = null; System.Xml.XmlAttribute oldAttribute = (System.Xml.XmlAttribute)util.createNode(util.ATTRIBUTE_NODE,"oldAttribute"); string expectedValue = "System.ArgumentException";//util.NOT_FOUND1_ERR; testResults results = new testResults("Core0030E"); try { results.description = "The \"removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)\" method raises a " + "NOT_FOUND_ERR Exception if \"oldAttr\" attribute " + "is not an attribute of the element."; // // Access the "address" element of the last employee. // addressElement = (System.Xml.XmlElement)util.nodeObject(util.FIFTH,util.SIXTH); // // Attempt to remove a non-existing attribute. Should raise exception. // try { addressElement.RemoveAttributeNode(oldAttribute);//.node. } catch(ArgumentException ex) { computedValue = ex.GetType ().FullName; } } catch(System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); AssertEquals (results.expected, results.actual); } //------------------------ End test case core-0030E -------------------------- } }