This is MS.NET bug note. I confirmed them with version 1.1. In this document I refer to OASIS test suite. It is located here: No. 0001 position() handling in predicates is incomplete. For example, see foo [position() mod 1 > 0] [position() > 3] [2] result (match_match19.xsl, match_match22.xsl and match_match26.xsl) No. 0002 Import precedence resolution on attribute sets are buggy if there are two imported stylesheets and both of them have identically-named attribute in the identically-named attribute sets. MS takes the one from the first stylesheet, but it must be the one from another. (attribset_attribset_45.xsl) No. 0003 E26 says that attribute sets are combined before use-attribute-set is replaced with the actual attributes. MS does not conform to this requirement. (attribset_attribset42.xsl) Notes: 1. Roman numbering MS.NET has "Oxford style" which for example converts 99 as XXXXXXXXXIX. It is not violating XSLT 1.0 spec. However, section 7.7.1 explicitly describes 4 and 9 as iv and ix, so strict Oxford style violates the spec.