using System; namespace System.Xml.Schema { /// /// public delegate void ValidationEventHandler(object sender,ValidationEventArgs e); /// /// Docs say we need to raise an exception if ValidationEventHandler is not set(null) /// So we use this class to raise the events rather than calling the delegate by itself /// internal class ValidationHandler { public static void RaiseValidationEvent(ValidationEventHandler handle, Exception innerException, string message, XmlSchemaObject xsobj, object sender, string sourceUri, XmlSeverityType severity) { XmlSchemaException ex = new XmlSchemaException ( message, sender, sourceUri, xsobj, innerException); ValidationEventArgs e = new ValidationEventArgs(ex,message,severity); if(handle == null) { throw e.Exception; } else { handle(sender,e); } } /* public static void RaiseValidationEvent(ValidationEventHandler handle, Exception innerException, object sender, string message, XmlSeverityType severity) { RaiseValidationEvent(handle,null,sender,message,XmlSeverityType.Error); } public static void RaiseValidationError(ValidationEventHandler handle, object sender, string message) { RaiseValidationEvent(handle,null,sender,message,XmlSeverityType.Error); } public static void RaiseValidationError(ValidationEventHandler handle, string message, Exception innerException) { RaiseValidationEvent(handle, innerException, null, message, XmlSeverityType.Error); } public static void RaiseValidationWarning (ValidationEventHandler handle, object sender, string message) { RaiseValidationEvent(handle,null,sender,message,XmlSeverityType.Warning); } public static void RaiseValidationWarning(ValidationEventHandler handle, string message, Exception innerException) { RaiseValidationEvent(handle, innerException, null, message, XmlSeverityType.Warning); } */ } }