// // System.Xml.XmlTextReader // // Author: // Jason Diamond (jason@injektilo.org) // Adam Treat (manyoso@yahoo.com) // Atsushi Enomoto (ginga@kit.hi-ho.ne.jp) // // (C) 2001, 2002 Jason Diamond http://injektilo.org/ // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // FIXME: // // Some thought needs to be given to performance. // // If current node is on an Attribute, Prefix might be null, and // in several fields which uses XmlReader, it should be considered. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Security.Policy; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Schema; using Mono.Xml; namespace System.Xml { #if NET_2_0 public class XmlTextReader : XmlReader, IXmlLineInfo, IXmlNamespaceResolver #else public class XmlTextReader : XmlReader, IXmlLineInfo #endif { #region Constructors protected XmlTextReader () { } public XmlTextReader (Stream input) : this (new XmlStreamReader (input)) { } public XmlTextReader (string url) : this(url, new NameTable ()) { } public XmlTextReader (TextReader input) : this (input, new NameTable ()) { } protected XmlTextReader (XmlNameTable nt) : this (String.Empty, null, XmlNodeType.None, null) { } public XmlTextReader (Stream input, XmlNameTable nt) : this(new XmlStreamReader (input), nt) { } public XmlTextReader (string url, Stream input) : this (url, new XmlStreamReader (input)) { } public XmlTextReader (string url, TextReader input) : this (url, input, new NameTable ()) { } public XmlTextReader (string url, XmlNameTable nt) { Uri uri = resolver.ResolveUri (null, url); Stream s = resolver.GetEntity (uri, null, typeof (Stream)) as Stream; XmlParserContext ctx = new XmlParserContext (nt, new XmlNamespaceManager (nt), String.Empty, XmlSpace.None); this.InitializeContext (uri.ToString(), ctx, new XmlStreamReader (s), XmlNodeType.Document); } public XmlTextReader (TextReader input, XmlNameTable nt) : this (String.Empty, input, nt) { } public XmlTextReader (Stream xmlFragment, XmlNodeType fragType, XmlParserContext context) : this (context != null ? context.BaseURI : String.Empty, new XmlStreamReader (xmlFragment), fragType, context) { } public XmlTextReader (string url, Stream input, XmlNameTable nt) : this (url, new XmlStreamReader (input), nt) { } public XmlTextReader (string url, TextReader input, XmlNameTable nt) : this (url, input, XmlNodeType.Document, null) { } public XmlTextReader (string xmlFragment, XmlNodeType fragType, XmlParserContext context) : this (context != null ? context.BaseURI : String.Empty, new StringReader (xmlFragment), fragType, context) { } XmlTextReader (string url, TextReader fragment, XmlNodeType fragType, XmlParserContext context) { InitializeContext (url, context, fragment, fragType); } #endregion #region Properties public override int AttributeCount { get { return attributeCount; } } public override string BaseURI { get { return parserContext.BaseURI; } } #if NET_2_0 public override bool CanResolveEntity { get { return true; } } #endif internal bool CharacterChecking { get { return checkCharacters && normalization; } set { checkCharacters = value; } } // for XmlReaderSettings.CloseInput support internal bool CloseInput { get { return closeInput; } set { closeInput = value; } } public override int Depth { get { int nodeTypeMod = currentToken.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element ? 0 : -1; if (currentAttributeValue >= 0) return nodeTypeMod + elementDepth + 2; // inside attribute value. else if (currentAttribute >= 0) return nodeTypeMod + elementDepth + 1; return elementDepth; } } public Encoding Encoding { get { return parserContext.Encoding; } } #if NET_2_0 [MonoTODO] public EntityHandling EntityHandling { get { return entityHandling; } set { entityHandling = value; } } #endif public override bool EOF { get { return readState == ReadState.EndOfFile; } } #if NET_2_0 [MonoTODO] public override Evidence Evidence { get { return base.Evidence; } } #endif public override bool HasValue { get { return cursorToken.Value != null; } } public override bool IsDefault { // XmlTextReader does not expand default attributes. get { return false; } } public override bool IsEmptyElement { get { return cursorToken.IsEmptyElement; } } public override string this [int i] { get { return GetAttribute (i); } } public override string this [string name] { get { return GetAttribute (name); } } public override string this [string localName, string namespaceName] { get { return GetAttribute (localName, namespaceName); } } public int LineNumber { get { if (useProceedingLineInfo) return line; else return cursorToken.LineNumber; } } public int LinePosition { get { if (useProceedingLineInfo) return column; else return cursorToken.LinePosition; } } public override string LocalName { get { return cursorToken.LocalName; } } public override string Name { get { return cursorToken.Name; } } public bool Namespaces { get { return namespaces; } set { if (readState != ReadState.Initial) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Namespaces have to be set before reading."); namespaces = value; } } public override string NamespaceURI { get { return cursorToken.NamespaceURI; } } public override XmlNameTable NameTable { get { return parserContext.NameTable; } } public override XmlNodeType NodeType { get { return cursorToken.NodeType; } } public bool Normalization { get { return normalization; } set { normalization = value; } } public override string Prefix { get { return cursorToken.Prefix; } } #if NET_2_0 public bool ProhibitDtd { get { return prohibitDtd; } set { prohibitDtd = value; } } #endif public override char QuoteChar { get { return cursorToken.QuoteChar; } } public override ReadState ReadState { get { return readState; } } #if NET_2_0 public override XmlReaderSettings Settings { get { return base.Settings; } } #endif public override string Value { get { return cursorToken.Value != null ? cursorToken.Value : String.Empty; } } public WhitespaceHandling WhitespaceHandling { get { return whitespaceHandling; } set { whitespaceHandling = value; } } public override string XmlLang { get { return parserContext.XmlLang; } } public XmlResolver XmlResolver { set { resolver = value; } } public override XmlSpace XmlSpace { get { return parserContext.XmlSpace; } } #endregion #region Methods public override void Close () { readState = ReadState.Closed; cursorToken.Clear (); currentToken.Clear (); attributeCount = 0; if (closeInput && reader != null) reader.Close (); } public override string GetAttribute (int i) { if (i >= attributeCount) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("i is smaller than AttributeCount"); else { return attributeTokens [i].Value; } } // MS.NET 1.0 msdn says that this method returns String.Empty // for absent attribute, but in fact it returns null. // This description is corrected in MS.NET 1.1 msdn. public override string GetAttribute (string name) { for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) if (attributeTokens [i].Name == name) return attributeTokens [i].Value; return null; } private int GetIndexOfQualifiedAttribute (string localName, string namespaceURI) { for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) { XmlAttributeTokenInfo ti = attributeTokens [i]; if (ti.LocalName == localName && ti.NamespaceURI == namespaceURI) return i; } return -1; } internal XmlParserContext GetInternalParserContext () { return parserContext; } public override string GetAttribute (string localName, string namespaceURI) { int idx = this.GetIndexOfQualifiedAttribute (localName, namespaceURI); if (idx < 0) return null; return attributeTokens [idx].Value; } #if NET_2_0 public IDictionary GetNamespacesInScope (XmlNamespaceScope scope) { return parserContext.NamespaceManager.GetNamespacesInScope (scope); } #endif public TextReader GetRemainder () { if (peekCharsIndex == peekCharsLength) return reader; return new StringReader (new string (peekChars, peekCharsIndex, peekCharsLength - peekCharsIndex) + reader.ReadToEnd ()); } #if NET_2_0 public bool HasLineInfo () #else bool IXmlLineInfo.HasLineInfo () #endif { return true; } public override string LookupNamespace (string prefix) { return LookupNamespace (prefix, false); } #if NET_2_0 public override string LookupNamespace (string prefix, bool atomizedName) #else internal override string LookupNamespace (string prefix, bool atomizedName) #endif { return parserContext.NamespaceManager.LookupNamespace (prefix, atomizedName); } #if NET_2_0 string IXmlNamespaceResolver.LookupPrefix (string ns) { return LookupPrefix (ns, false); } public string LookupPrefix (string ns, bool atomizedName) { return parserContext.NamespaceManager.LookupPrefix (ns, atomizedName); } #endif public override void MoveToAttribute (int i) { if (i >= attributeCount) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("attribute index out of range."); currentAttribute = i; currentAttributeValue = -1; cursorToken = attributeTokens [i]; } public override bool MoveToAttribute (string name) { for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) { XmlAttributeTokenInfo ti = attributeTokens [i]; if (ti.Name == name) { MoveToAttribute (i); return true; } } return false; } public override bool MoveToAttribute (string localName, string namespaceName) { int idx = GetIndexOfQualifiedAttribute (localName, namespaceName); if (idx < 0) return false; MoveToAttribute (idx); return true; } public override bool MoveToElement () { if (currentToken == null) // for attribute .ctor() return false; if (cursorToken == currentToken) return false; if (currentAttribute >= 0) { currentAttribute = -1; currentAttributeValue = -1; cursorToken = currentToken; return true; } else return false; } public override bool MoveToFirstAttribute () { if (attributeCount == 0) return false; MoveToElement (); return MoveToNextAttribute (); } public override bool MoveToNextAttribute () { if (currentAttribute == 0 && attributeCount == 0) return false; if (currentAttribute + 1 < attributeCount) { currentAttribute++; currentAttributeValue = -1; cursorToken = attributeTokens [currentAttribute]; return true; } else return false; } public override bool Read () { if (startNodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute) { if (currentAttribute == 0) return false; // already read. ClearAttributes (); IncrementAttributeToken (); ReadAttributeValueTokens ('"'); cursorToken = attributeTokens [0]; currentAttributeValue = -1; readState = ReadState.Interactive; return true; } bool more = false; readState = ReadState.Interactive; currentLinkedNodeLineNumber = line; currentLinkedNodeLinePosition = column; useProceedingLineInfo = true; cursorToken = currentToken; attributeCount = 0; currentAttribute = currentAttributeValue = -1; currentToken.Clear (); // It was moved from end of ReadStartTag (). if (depthUp) { ++depth; depthUp = false; } if (shouldSkipUntilEndTag) { shouldSkipUntilEndTag = false; return ReadUntilEndTag (); } base64CacheStartsAt = -1; more = ReadContent (); if (!more && startNodeType == XmlNodeType.Document && currentState != XmlNodeType.EndElement) throw new XmlException ("Document element did not appear."); useProceedingLineInfo = false; return more; } public override bool ReadAttributeValue () { if (readState == ReadState.Initial && startNodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute) { Read (); } if (currentAttribute < 0) return false; XmlAttributeTokenInfo ti = attributeTokens [currentAttribute]; if (currentAttributeValue < 0) currentAttributeValue = ti.ValueTokenStartIndex - 1; if (currentAttributeValue < ti.ValueTokenEndIndex) { currentAttributeValue++; cursorToken = attributeValueTokens [currentAttributeValue]; return true; } else return false; } private int SkipIgnorableBase64Chars (char [] chars, int charsLength, int i) { while (chars [i] == '=' || XmlChar.IsWhitespace (chars [i])) if (charsLength == ++i) break; return i; } public int ReadBase64 (byte [] buffer, int offset, int length) { if (offset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset", offset, "Offset must be non-negative integer."); else if (length < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("length", length, "Length must be non-negative integer."); else if (buffer.Length < offset + length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("buffer length is smaller than the sum of offset and length."); if (length == 0) // It does not raise an error. return 0; int bufIndex = offset; int bufLast = offset + length; if (base64CacheStartsAt >= 0) { for (int i = base64CacheStartsAt; i < 3; i++) { buffer [bufIndex++] = base64Cache [base64CacheStartsAt++]; if (bufIndex == bufLast) return bufLast - offset; } } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) base64Cache [i] = 0; base64CacheStartsAt = -1; int max = (int) System.Math.Ceiling (4.0 / 3 * length); int additional = max % 4; if (additional > 0) max += 4 - additional; char [] chars = new char [max]; int charsLength = ReadChars (chars, 0, max); byte b = 0; byte work = 0; bool loop = true; for (int i = 0; i < charsLength - 3; i++) { if ((i = SkipIgnorableBase64Chars (chars, charsLength, i)) == charsLength) break; b = (byte) (GetBase64Byte (chars [i]) << 2); if (bufIndex < bufLast) buffer [bufIndex] = b; else { if (base64CacheStartsAt < 0) base64CacheStartsAt = 0; base64Cache [0] = b; } // charsLength mod 4 might not equals to 0. if (++i == charsLength) break; if ((i = SkipIgnorableBase64Chars (chars, charsLength, i)) == charsLength) break; b = GetBase64Byte (chars [i]); work = (byte) (b >> 4); if (bufIndex < bufLast) { buffer [bufIndex] += work; bufIndex++; } else base64Cache [0] += work; work = (byte) ((b & 0xf) << 4); if (bufIndex < bufLast) { buffer [bufIndex] = work; } else { if (base64CacheStartsAt < 0) base64CacheStartsAt = 1; base64Cache [1] = work; } if (++i == charsLength) break; if ((i = SkipIgnorableBase64Chars (chars, charsLength, i)) == charsLength) break; b = GetBase64Byte (chars [i]); work = (byte) (b >> 2); if (bufIndex < bufLast) { buffer [bufIndex] += work; bufIndex++; } else base64Cache [1] += work; work = (byte) ((b & 3) << 6); if (bufIndex < bufLast) buffer [bufIndex] = work; else { if (base64CacheStartsAt < 0) base64CacheStartsAt = 2; base64Cache [2] = work; } if (++i == charsLength) break; if ((i = SkipIgnorableBase64Chars (chars, charsLength, i)) == charsLength) break; work = GetBase64Byte (chars [i]); if (bufIndex < bufLast) { buffer [bufIndex] += work; bufIndex++; } else base64Cache [2] += work; } return System.Math.Min (bufLast - offset, bufIndex - offset); } public int ReadBinHex (byte [] buffer, int offset, int length) { if (offset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset", offset, "Offset must be non-negative integer."); else if (length < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("length", length, "Length must be non-negative integer."); else if (buffer.Length < offset + length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("buffer length is smaller than the sum of offset and length."); if (length == 0) return 0; char [] chars = new char [length * 2]; int charsLength = ReadChars (chars, 0, length * 2); return XmlConvert.FromBinHexString (chars, offset, charsLength, buffer); } public int ReadChars (char [] buffer, int offset, int length) { return ReadCharsInternal (buffer, offset, length); } #if NET_2_0 public override string ReadString () { return ReadStringInternal (); } #elif NET_1_1 #else public override string ReadInnerXml () { return ReadInnerXmlInternal (); } public override string ReadOuterXml () { return ReadOuterXmlInternal (); } public override string ReadString () { return ReadStringInternal (); } #endif public void ResetState () { throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot call ResetState when parsing an XML fragment."); Init (); } #if NET_2_0 [MonoTODO] public override bool ReadValueAsBoolean () { return base.ReadValueAsBoolean (); } [MonoTODO] public override DateTime ReadValueAsDateTime () { return base.ReadValueAsDateTime (); } [MonoTODO] public override decimal ReadValueAsDecimal () { return base.ReadValueAsDecimal (); } [MonoTODO] public override double ReadValueAsDouble () { return base.ReadValueAsDouble (); } [MonoTODO] public override int ReadValueAsInt32 () { return base.ReadValueAsInt32 (); } [MonoTODO] public override long ReadValueAsInt64 () { return base.ReadValueAsInt64 (); } [MonoTODO] public override ICollection ReadValueAsList () { return base.ReadValueAsList (); } [MonoTODO] public override float ReadValueAsSingle () { return base.ReadValueAsSingle (); } [MonoTODO] public override string ReadValueAsString () { return ReadString (); } [MonoTODO] public override object ReadValueAs (Type type) { return base.ReadValueAs (type); } [MonoTODO] public override object ReadValueAs (Type type, IXmlNamespaceResolver resolver) { return base.ReadValueAs (type, resolver); } #endif public override void ResolveEntity () { // XmlTextReader does not resolve entities. throw new InvalidOperationException ("XmlTextReader cannot resolve external entities."); } #if NET_2_0 [MonoTODO ("Implement for performance reason")] public override void Skip () { base.Skip (); } #endif #endregion #region Internals // Parsed DTD Objects #if DTD_HANDLE_EVENTS internal event ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler; #endif internal DTDObjectModel DTD { get { return parserContext.Dtd; } } internal XmlResolver Resolver { get { return resolver; } } #endregion #region Privates internal class XmlTokenInfo { public XmlTokenInfo (XmlTextReader xtr, bool isPrimaryToken) { this.isPrimaryToken = isPrimaryToken; Reader = xtr; Clear (); } bool isPrimaryToken; string valueCache; protected XmlTextReader Reader; public string Name; public string LocalName; public string Prefix; public string NamespaceURI; public bool IsEmptyElement; public char QuoteChar; public int LineNumber; public int LinePosition; public XmlNodeType NodeType; public virtual string Value { get { if (valueCache != null) return valueCache; switch (NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: case XmlNodeType.Comment: case XmlNodeType.CDATA: case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: valueCache = Reader.CreateValueString (); return valueCache; } return null; } set { valueCache = value; } } public virtual void Clear () { valueCache = null; NodeType = XmlNodeType.None; Name = LocalName = Prefix = NamespaceURI = String.Empty; IsEmptyElement = false; QuoteChar = '"'; LineNumber = LinePosition = 0; } internal virtual void FillNames () { if (Reader.Namespaces) { int indexOfColon = -1; switch (NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Attribute: case XmlNodeType.Element: case XmlNodeType.EndElement: indexOfColon = Name.IndexOf (':'); break; } if (indexOfColon == -1) { Prefix = String.Empty; LocalName = Name; } else { // This improves speed by at least nearly 5%, but eats more memory at least nearly 0.3% // However, this might be reverted if NameTable is got improved. char [] nameArr = Name.ToCharArray (); Prefix = Reader.NameTable.Add (nameArr, 0, indexOfColon); LocalName = Reader.NameTable.Add (nameArr, indexOfColon + 1, nameArr.Length - indexOfColon - 1); // Prefix = Reader.NameTable.Add (Name.Substring (0, indexOfColon)); // LocalName = Reader.NameTable.Add (Name.Substring (indexOfColon + 1)); } // NamespaceURI switch (NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Attribute: if (Prefix.Length == 0) NamespaceURI = string.Empty; else NamespaceURI = Reader.LookupNamespace (Prefix, true); break; case XmlNodeType.Element: case XmlNodeType.EndElement: NamespaceURI = Reader.LookupNamespace (Prefix, true); break; default: NamespaceURI = ""; break; } } else { Prefix = String.Empty; LocalName = Name; } } } internal class XmlAttributeTokenInfo : XmlTokenInfo { public XmlAttributeTokenInfo (XmlTextReader reader) : base (reader, false) { NodeType = XmlNodeType.Attribute; } public int ValueTokenStartIndex; public int ValueTokenEndIndex; string valueCache; bool cachedNormalization; StringBuilder tmpBuilder = new StringBuilder (); public override string Value { get { if (cachedNormalization != Reader.Normalization) valueCache = null; if (valueCache != null) return valueCache; cachedNormalization = Reader.Normalization; // An empty value should return String.Empty. if (ValueTokenStartIndex == ValueTokenEndIndex) { XmlTokenInfo ti = Reader.attributeValueTokens [ValueTokenStartIndex]; if (ti.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EntityReference) valueCache = String.Concat ("&", ti.Name, ";"); else valueCache = ti.Value; if (cachedNormalization) NormalizeSpaces (); return valueCache; } tmpBuilder.Length = 0; for (int i = ValueTokenStartIndex; i <= ValueTokenEndIndex; i++) { XmlTokenInfo ti = Reader.attributeValueTokens [i]; if (ti.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) tmpBuilder.Append (ti.Value); else { tmpBuilder.Append ('&'); tmpBuilder.Append (ti.Name); tmpBuilder.Append (';'); } } valueCache = tmpBuilder.ToString (); if (cachedNormalization) NormalizeSpaces (); return valueCache; } set { valueCache = value; } } public override void Clear () { base.Clear (); valueCache = null; NodeType = XmlNodeType.Attribute; ValueTokenStartIndex = ValueTokenEndIndex = 0; } internal override void FillNames () { base.FillNames (); if (Prefix == "xmlns" || Name == "xmlns") NamespaceURI = XmlNamespaceManager.XmlnsXmlns; } private void NormalizeSpaces () { tmpBuilder.Length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < valueCache.Length; i++) switch (valueCache [i]) { case '\r': if (i + 1 < valueCache.Length && valueCache [i + 1] == '\n') i++; goto case '\n'; case '\t': case '\n': tmpBuilder.Append (' '); break; default: tmpBuilder.Append (valueCache [i]); break; } valueCache = tmpBuilder.ToString (); } } private XmlTokenInfo cursorToken; private XmlTokenInfo currentToken; private XmlAttributeTokenInfo currentAttributeToken; private XmlTokenInfo currentAttributeValueToken; private XmlAttributeTokenInfo [] attributeTokens = new XmlAttributeTokenInfo [10]; private XmlTokenInfo [] attributeValueTokens = new XmlTokenInfo [10]; private int currentAttribute; private int currentAttributeValue; private int attributeCount; private XmlParserContext parserContext; private ReadState readState; private int depth; private int elementDepth; private bool depthUp; private bool popScope; private string [] elementNames; int elementNameStackPos; private bool allowMultipleRoot; private bool isStandalone; private bool returnEntityReference; private string entityReferenceName; private char [] nameBuffer; private int nameLength; private int nameCapacity; private const int initialNameCapacity = 32; private char [] valueBuffer; private int valueLength; private int valueCapacity; private const int initialValueCapacity = 256; private char [] currentTagBuffer; private int currentTagLength; private int currentTagCapacity; private const int initialCurrentTagCapacity = 256; private TextReader reader; private char [] peekChars; private int peekCharsIndex; private int peekCharsLength; private const int peekCharCapacity = 1024; private int line; private int column; private int currentLinkedNodeLineNumber; private int currentLinkedNodeLinePosition; private bool useProceedingLineInfo; private XmlNodeType startNodeType; // State machine attribute. // XmlDeclaration: after the first node. // DocumentType: after doctypedecl // Element: inside document element // EndElement: after document element private XmlNodeType currentState; // For ReadChars()/ReadBase64()/ReadBinHex() private bool shouldSkipUntilEndTag; private byte [] base64Cache = new byte [3]; private int base64CacheStartsAt; // These values are never re-initialized. private bool namespaces = true; private WhitespaceHandling whitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.All; private XmlResolver resolver = new XmlUrlResolver (); private bool normalization = false; private bool checkCharacters; private bool prohibitDtd = false; private bool closeInput = true; private EntityHandling entityHandling; // 2.0 private void Init () { currentToken = new XmlTokenInfo (this, true); cursorToken = currentToken; currentAttribute = -1; currentAttributeValue = -1; attributeCount = 0; readState = ReadState.Initial; allowMultipleRoot = false; depth = 0; elementDepth = 0; depthUp = false; popScope = allowMultipleRoot = false; elementNames = new string [10]; elementNameStackPos = 0; isStandalone = false; returnEntityReference = false; entityReferenceName = String.Empty; nameBuffer = new char [initialNameCapacity]; nameLength = 0; nameCapacity = initialNameCapacity; valueBuffer = new char [initialValueCapacity]; valueLength = 0; valueCapacity = initialValueCapacity; currentTagBuffer = new char [initialCurrentTagCapacity]; currentTagLength = 0; currentTagCapacity = initialCurrentTagCapacity; peekCharsIndex = 0; peekCharsLength = 0; if (peekChars == null) peekChars = new char [peekCharCapacity]; line = 1; column = 1; currentTagLength = 0; currentLinkedNodeLineNumber = currentLinkedNodeLinePosition = 0; useProceedingLineInfo = false; currentState = XmlNodeType.None; shouldSkipUntilEndTag = false; base64CacheStartsAt = -1; checkCharacters = true; #if NET_2_0 if (Settings != null) checkCharacters = Settings.CheckCharacters; #endif prohibitDtd = false; closeInput = true; entityHandling = EntityHandling.ExpandCharEntities; } private void InitializeContext (string url, XmlParserContext context, TextReader fragment, XmlNodeType fragType) { startNodeType = fragType; parserContext = context; if (context == null) { XmlNameTable nt = new NameTable (); parserContext = new XmlParserContext (nt, new XmlNamespaceManager (nt), String.Empty, XmlSpace.None); } if (url != null && url.Length > 0) { Uri uri = null; try { uri = new Uri (url); } catch (Exception) { string path = Path.GetFullPath ("./a"); uri = new Uri (new Uri (path), url); } parserContext.BaseURI = uri.ToString (); } Init (); reader = fragment; switch (fragType) { case XmlNodeType.Attribute: reader = new StringReader (fragment.ReadToEnd ().Replace ("\"", """)); break; case XmlNodeType.Element: currentState = XmlNodeType.Element; allowMultipleRoot = true; break; case XmlNodeType.Document: break; default: throw new XmlException (String.Format ("NodeType {0} is not allowed to create XmlTextReader.", fragType)); } } #if NET_2_0 [MonoTODO ("Test")] internal ConformanceLevel Conformance { set { if (value == ConformanceLevel.Fragment) { currentState = XmlNodeType.Element; allowMultipleRoot = true; } } } internal void AdjustLineInfoOffset (int lineNumberOffset, int linePositionOffset) { line += lineNumberOffset; column += linePositionOffset; } internal void SetNameTable (XmlNameTable nameTable) { parserContext.NameTable = nameTable; } #endif // Use this method rather than setting the properties // directly so that all the necessary properties can // be changed in harmony with each other. Maybe the // fields should be in a seperate class to help enforce // this. private void SetProperties ( XmlNodeType nodeType, string name, bool isEmptyElement, string value, bool clearAttributes) { SetProperties (currentToken, nodeType, name, isEmptyElement, value, clearAttributes); currentToken.LineNumber = this.currentLinkedNodeLineNumber; currentToken.LinePosition = this.currentLinkedNodeLinePosition; } private void SetProperties ( XmlTokenInfo token, XmlNodeType nodeType, string name, bool isEmptyElement, string value, bool clearAttributes) { token.Clear (); token.NodeType = nodeType; token.Name = name; token.IsEmptyElement = isEmptyElement; token.Value = value; this.elementDepth = depth; if (clearAttributes) ClearAttributes (); token.FillNames (); } private void ClearAttributes () { for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) attributeTokens [i].Clear (); attributeCount = 0; currentAttribute = -1; currentAttributeValue = -1; } private int PeekChar () { if (peekCharsLength == peekCharsIndex) { if (!ReadTextReader ()) return -1; return PeekChar (); } else { char c = peekChars [peekCharsIndex]; if (c != 0) return c; else return -1; } } private int ReadChar () { int ch; if (peekCharsLength == peekCharsIndex) { if (!ReadTextReader ()) return -1; return ReadChar (); } ch = peekChars [peekCharsIndex++]; if (ch == '\n') { line++; column = 1; } else if (ch == 0) { return -1; } else { column++; } if (currentState != XmlNodeType.Element) AppendCurrentTagChar (ch); return ch; } private bool ReadTextReader () { peekCharsIndex = 0; peekCharsLength = reader.Read (peekChars, 0, peekCharCapacity); if (peekCharsLength == 0) return false; return true; } private string ExpandSurrogateChar (int ch) { if (ch < Char.MaxValue) return ((char) ch).ToString (); else { char [] tmp = new char [] {(char) (ch / 0x10000 + 0xD800 - 1), (char) (ch % 0x10000 + 0xDC00)}; return new string (tmp); } } // This should really keep track of some state so // that it's not possible to have more than one document // element or text outside of the document element. private bool ReadContent () { currentTagLength = 0; if (popScope) { parserContext.NamespaceManager.PopScope (); popScope = false; } if (returnEntityReference) SetEntityReferenceProperties (); else { int c = PeekChar (); if (c == -1) { readState = ReadState.EndOfFile; ClearValueBuffer (); SetProperties ( XmlNodeType.None, // nodeType String.Empty, // name false, // isEmptyElement null, // value true // clearAttributes ); if (depth > 0) throw new XmlException ("unexpected end of file. Current depth is " + depth); return false; } else { switch ((char) c) { case '<': ReadChar (); ReadTag (); break; case '\r': goto case ' '; case '\n': goto case ' '; case '\t': goto case ' '; case ' ': if (whitespaceHandling == WhitespaceHandling.All || whitespaceHandling == WhitespaceHandling.Significant) ReadWhitespace (); else { SkipWhitespace (); return ReadContent (); } break; default: ReadText (true); break; } } } return this.ReadState != ReadState.EndOfFile; } private void SetEntityReferenceProperties () { DTDEntityDeclaration decl = DTD != null ? DTD.EntityDecls [entityReferenceName] : null; if (this.isStandalone) if (DTD == null || decl == null || !decl.IsInternalSubset) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Standalone document must not contain any references to an non-internally declared entity."); if (decl != null && decl.NotationName != null) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Reference to any unparsed entities is not allowed here."); ClearValueBuffer (); SetProperties ( XmlNodeType.EntityReference, // nodeType entityReferenceName, // name false, // isEmptyElement null, // value true // clearAttributes ); returnEntityReference = false; entityReferenceName = String.Empty; } // The leading '<' has already been consumed. private void ReadTag () { switch (PeekChar ()) { case '/': ReadChar (); ReadEndTag (); break; case '?': ReadChar (); ReadProcessingInstruction (); break; case '!': ReadChar (); ReadDeclaration (); break; default: ReadStartTag (); break; } } // The leading '<' has already been consumed. private void ReadStartTag () { if (currentState == XmlNodeType.EndElement) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Multiple document element was detected."); currentState = XmlNodeType.Element; parserContext.NamespaceManager.PushScope (); currentLinkedNodeLineNumber = line; currentLinkedNodeLinePosition = column; string name = ReadName (); if (currentState == XmlNodeType.EndElement) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"document has terminated, cannot open new element"); bool isEmptyElement = false; ClearAttributes (); SkipWhitespace (); if (XmlChar.IsFirstNameChar (PeekChar ())) ReadAttributes (false); cursorToken = this.currentToken; // fill namespaces for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) attributeTokens [i].FillNames (); // quick name check for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < attributeCount; j++) if (Object.ReferenceEquals (attributeTokens [i].Name, attributeTokens [j].Name) || (Object.ReferenceEquals (attributeTokens [i].LocalName, attributeTokens [j].LocalName) && Object.ReferenceEquals (attributeTokens [i].NamespaceURI, attributeTokens [j].NamespaceURI))) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Attribute name and qualified name must be identical."); } string baseUri = GetAttribute ("xml:base"); if (baseUri != null) { if (this.resolver != null) parserContext.BaseURI = resolver.ResolveUri (new Uri (BaseURI), baseUri).ToString (); else parserContext.BaseURI = baseUri; } string xmlLang = GetAttribute ("xml:lang"); if (xmlLang != null) parserContext.XmlLang = xmlLang; string xmlSpaceAttr = GetAttribute ("xml:space"); if (xmlSpaceAttr != null) { if (xmlSpaceAttr == "preserve") parserContext.XmlSpace = XmlSpace.Preserve; else if (xmlSpaceAttr == "default") parserContext.XmlSpace = XmlSpace.Default; else throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,String.Format ("Invalid xml:space value: {0}", xmlSpaceAttr)); } if (PeekChar () == '/') { ReadChar (); isEmptyElement = true; popScope = true; } else { depthUp = true; PushElementName (name); parserContext.PushScope (); } Expect ('>'); SetProperties ( XmlNodeType.Element, // nodeType name, // name isEmptyElement, // isEmptyElement null, // value false // clearAttributes ); if (LookupNamespace (Prefix) == null) throw new XmlException (String.Format ("'{0}' is undeclared namespace.", Prefix)); try { for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) { MoveToAttribute (i); if (LookupNamespace (Prefix) == null) throw new XmlException (String.Format ("'{0}' is undeclared namespace.", Prefix)); } } finally { MoveToElement (); } if (IsEmptyElement) CheckCurrentStateUpdate (); } private void PushElementName (string name) { if (elementNames.Length == elementNameStackPos) { string [] newArray = new string [elementNames.Length * 2]; Array.Copy (elementNames, 0, newArray, 0, elementNameStackPos); elementNames = newArray; } elementNames [elementNameStackPos++] = name; } // The reader is positioned on the first character // of the element's name. private void ReadEndTag () { if (currentState != XmlNodeType.Element) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "End tag cannot appear in this state."); currentLinkedNodeLineNumber = line; currentLinkedNodeLinePosition = column; string name = ReadName (); if (elementNameStackPos == 0) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"closing element without matching opening element"); string expected = elementNames [--elementNameStackPos]; if (expected != name) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,String.Format ("unmatched closing element: expected {0} but found {1}", expected, name)); parserContext.PopScope (); ExpectAfterWhitespace ('>'); --depth; SetProperties ( XmlNodeType.EndElement, // nodeType name, // name false, // isEmptyElement null, // value true // clearAttributes ); popScope = true; CheckCurrentStateUpdate (); } private void CheckCurrentStateUpdate () { if (depth == 0 && !allowMultipleRoot && (IsEmptyElement || NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)) currentState = XmlNodeType.EndElement; } private void AppendNameChar (int ch) { if (nameLength == nameCapacity) ExpandNameCapacity (); if (ch < Char.MaxValue) nameBuffer [nameLength++] = (char) ch; else { nameBuffer [nameLength++] = (char) (ch / 0x10000 + 0xD800 - 1); if (nameLength == nameCapacity) ExpandNameCapacity (); nameBuffer [nameLength++] = (char) (ch % 0x10000 + 0xDC00); } } private void ExpandNameCapacity () { nameCapacity = nameCapacity * 2; char [] oldNameBuffer = nameBuffer; nameBuffer = new char [nameCapacity]; Array.Copy (oldNameBuffer, nameBuffer, nameLength); } private string CreateNameString () { return parserContext.NameTable.Add (nameBuffer, 0, nameLength); } private void AppendValueChar (int ch) { if (valueLength == valueCapacity) ExpandValueCapacity (); if (ch < Char.MaxValue) valueBuffer [valueLength++] = (char) ch; else { valueBuffer [valueLength++] = (char) (ch / 0x10000 + 0xD800 - 1); if (valueLength == valueCapacity) ExpandValueCapacity (); valueBuffer [valueLength++] = (char) (ch % 0x10000 + 0xDC00); } } private void ExpandValueCapacity () { valueCapacity = valueCapacity * 2; char [] oldValueBuffer = valueBuffer; valueBuffer = new char [valueCapacity]; Array.Copy (oldValueBuffer, valueBuffer, valueLength); } private string CreateValueString () { return new string (valueBuffer, 0, valueLength); } private void ClearValueBuffer () { valueLength = 0; } private void AppendCurrentTagChar (int ch) { if (currentTagLength == currentTagCapacity) ExpandCurrentTagCapacity (); if (ch < Char.MaxValue) currentTagBuffer [currentTagLength++] = (char) ch; else { currentTagBuffer [currentTagLength++] = (char) (ch / 0x10000 + 0xD800 - 1); if (currentTagLength == currentTagCapacity) ExpandCurrentTagCapacity (); currentTagBuffer [currentTagLength++] = (char) (ch % 0x10000 + 0xDC00); } } private void ExpandCurrentTagCapacity () { currentTagCapacity = currentTagCapacity * 2; char [] oldCurrentTagBuffer = currentTagBuffer; currentTagBuffer = new char [currentTagCapacity]; Array.Copy (oldCurrentTagBuffer, currentTagBuffer, currentTagLength); } private string CreateCurrentTagString () { return new string (currentTagBuffer, 0, currentTagLength); } private void ClearCurrentTagBuffer () { currentTagLength = 0; } // The reader is positioned on the first character // of the text. private void ReadText (bool notWhitespace) { if (currentState != XmlNodeType.Element) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Text node cannot appear in this state."); if (notWhitespace) ClearValueBuffer (); int ch = PeekChar (); bool previousWasCloseBracket = false; while (ch != '<' && ch != -1) { if (ch == '&') { ReadChar (); ch = ReadReference (false); if (returnEntityReference) // Returns -1 if char validation should not be done break; } else if (normalization && ch == '\r') { ReadChar (); ch = ReadChar (); if (ch != '\n') // append '\n' instead of '\r'. AppendValueChar ('\n'); // and in case of "\r\n", discard '\r'. } else { if (CharacterChecking && XmlChar.IsInvalid (ch)) throw new XmlException (this, "Not allowed character was found."); ch = ReadChar (); } AppendValueChar (ch); // Block "]]>" if (ch == ']') { if (previousWasCloseBracket) if (PeekChar () == '>') throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Inside text content, character sequence ']]>' is not allowed."); previousWasCloseBracket = true; } else if (previousWasCloseBracket) previousWasCloseBracket = false; ch = PeekChar (); notWhitespace = true; } if (returnEntityReference && valueLength == 0) { SetEntityReferenceProperties (); } else { XmlNodeType nodeType = notWhitespace ? XmlNodeType.Text : this.XmlSpace == XmlSpace.Preserve ? XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace : XmlNodeType.Whitespace; SetProperties ( nodeType, // nodeType String.Empty, // name false, // isEmptyElement null, // value: create only when required true // clearAttributes ); } } // The leading '&' has already been consumed. // Returns true if the entity reference isn't a simple // character reference or one of the predefined entities. // This allows the ReadText method to break so that the // next call to Read will return the EntityReference node. private int ReadReference (bool ignoreEntityReferences) { if (PeekChar () == '#') { ReadChar (); return ReadCharacterReference (); } else return ReadEntityReference (ignoreEntityReferences); } private int ReadCharacterReference () { int value = 0; if (PeekChar () == 'x') { ReadChar (); while (PeekChar () != ';' && PeekChar () != -1) { int ch = ReadChar (); if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') value = (value << 4) + ch - '0'; else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') value = (value << 4) + ch - 'A' + 10; else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') value = (value << 4) + ch - 'a' + 10; else throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, String.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "invalid hexadecimal digit: {0} (#x{1:X})", (char) ch, ch)); } } else { while (PeekChar () != ';' && PeekChar () != -1) { int ch = ReadChar (); if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') value = value * 10 + ch - '0'; else throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, String.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "invalid decimal digit: {0} (#x{1:X})", (char) ch, ch)); } } ReadChar (); // ';' // There is no way to save surrogate pairs... if (CharacterChecking && XmlChar.IsInvalid (value)) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Referenced character was not allowed in XML. Normalization is " + normalization + ", checkCharacters = " + checkCharacters); return value; } // Returns -1 if it should not be validated. // Real EOF must not be detected here. private int ReadEntityReference (bool ignoreEntityReferences) { string name = ReadName (); Expect (';'); int predefined = XmlChar.GetPredefinedEntity (name); if (predefined >= 0) return predefined; else { if (ignoreEntityReferences) { AppendValueChar ('&'); for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++) AppendValueChar (name [i]); AppendValueChar (';'); } else { returnEntityReference = true; entityReferenceName = name; } } return -1; } // The reader is positioned on the first character of // the attribute name. private void ReadAttributes (bool isXmlDecl) { int peekChar = -1; bool requireWhitespace = false; currentAttribute = -1; currentAttributeValue = -1; do { if (!SkipWhitespace () && requireWhitespace) throw new XmlException ("Unexpected token. Name is required here."); IncrementAttributeToken (); currentAttributeToken.LineNumber = line; currentAttributeToken.LinePosition = column; currentAttributeToken.LocalName = currentAttributeToken.Name = ReadName (); ExpectAfterWhitespace ('='); SkipWhitespace (); ReadAttributeValueTokens (-1); attributeCount++; if (currentAttributeToken.Name == "xmlns") parserContext.NamespaceManager.AddNamespace (String.Empty, GetAttribute (currentAttribute)); else if (currentAttributeToken.Name.StartsWith ("xmlns:")) { string nsPrefix = currentAttributeToken.Name.Substring (6); parserContext.NamespaceManager.AddNamespace (nsPrefix, GetAttribute (currentAttribute)); } if (!SkipWhitespace ()) requireWhitespace = true; peekChar = PeekChar (); if (isXmlDecl) { if (peekChar == '?') break; } else if (peekChar == '/' || peekChar == '>') break; } while (peekChar != -1); currentAttribute = -1; currentAttributeValue = -1; } private void AddAttribute (string name, string value) { IncrementAttributeToken (); XmlAttributeTokenInfo ati = attributeTokens [currentAttribute]; ati.Name = "SYSTEM"; ati.FillNames (); IncrementAttributeValueToken (); XmlTokenInfo vti = attributeValueTokens [currentAttributeValue]; vti.Value = value; SetProperties (vti, XmlNodeType.Text, String.Empty, false, value, false); attributeCount++; } private void IncrementAttributeToken () { currentAttribute++; if (attributeTokens.Length == currentAttribute) { XmlAttributeTokenInfo [] newArray = new XmlAttributeTokenInfo [attributeTokens.Length * 2]; attributeTokens.CopyTo (newArray, 0); attributeTokens = newArray; } if (attributeTokens [currentAttribute] == null) attributeTokens [currentAttribute] = new XmlAttributeTokenInfo (this); currentAttributeToken = attributeTokens [currentAttribute]; currentAttributeToken.Clear (); } private void IncrementAttributeValueToken () { ClearValueBuffer (); currentAttributeValue++; if (attributeValueTokens.Length == currentAttributeValue) { XmlTokenInfo [] newArray = new XmlTokenInfo [attributeValueTokens.Length * 2]; attributeValueTokens.CopyTo (newArray, 0); attributeValueTokens = newArray; } if (attributeValueTokens [currentAttributeValue] == null) attributeValueTokens [currentAttributeValue] = new XmlTokenInfo (this, false); currentAttributeValueToken = attributeValueTokens [currentAttributeValue]; currentAttributeValueToken.Clear (); } // LAMESPEC: Orthodox XML reader should normalize attribute values private void ReadAttributeValueTokens (int dummyQuoteChar) { int quoteChar = (dummyQuoteChar < 0) ? ReadChar () : dummyQuoteChar; if (quoteChar != '\'' && quoteChar != '\"') throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"an attribute value was not quoted"); currentAttributeToken.QuoteChar = (char) quoteChar; IncrementAttributeValueToken (); currentAttributeToken.ValueTokenStartIndex = currentAttributeValue; currentAttributeValueToken.LineNumber = line; currentAttributeValueToken.LinePosition = column; bool incrementToken = false; bool isNewToken = true; bool loop = true; int ch = 0; while (loop) { ch = ReadChar (); if (ch == quoteChar) break; if (incrementToken) { IncrementAttributeValueToken (); currentAttributeValueToken.LineNumber = line; currentAttributeValueToken.LinePosition = column; incrementToken = false; isNewToken = true; } switch (ch) { case '<': throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"attribute values cannot contain '<'"); case -1: if (dummyQuoteChar < 0) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"unexpected end of file in an attribute value"); else // Attribute value constructor. loop = false; break; case '&': int startPosition = currentTagLength - 1; if (PeekChar () == '#') { ReadChar (); ch = ReadCharacterReference (); if (CharacterChecking && XmlChar.IsInvalid (ch)) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Not allowed character was found."); AppendValueChar (ch); break; } // Check XML 1.0 section 3.1 WFC. string entName = ReadName (); Expect (';'); int predefined = XmlChar.GetPredefinedEntity (entName); if (predefined < 0) { CheckAttributeEntityReferenceWFC (entName); currentAttributeValueToken.Value = CreateValueString (); currentAttributeValueToken.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Text; if (!isNewToken) IncrementAttributeValueToken (); currentAttributeValueToken.Name = entName; currentAttributeValueToken.Value = String.Empty; currentAttributeValueToken.NodeType = XmlNodeType.EntityReference; incrementToken = true; } else AppendValueChar (predefined); break; default: if (CharacterChecking && XmlChar.IsInvalid (ch)) throw new XmlException (this, "Invalid character was found."); AppendValueChar (ch); break; } isNewToken = false; } if (!incrementToken) { currentAttributeValueToken.Value = CreateValueString (); currentAttributeValueToken.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Text; } currentAttributeToken.ValueTokenEndIndex = currentAttributeValue; } private void CheckAttributeEntityReferenceWFC (string entName) { DTDEntityDeclaration entDecl = DTD == null ? null : DTD.EntityDecls [entName]; if (DTD != null && resolver != null && entDecl == null) throw new XmlException (this, "Referenced entity does not exist."); if (entDecl == null) return; if (entDecl.HasExternalReference) throw new XmlException (this, "Reference to external entities is not allowed in the value of an attribute."); if (isStandalone && !entDecl.IsInternalSubset) throw new XmlException (this, "Reference to external entities is not allowed in the internal subset."); if (entDecl.EntityValue.IndexOf ('<') >= 0) throw new XmlException (this, "Attribute must not contain character '<' either directly or indirectly by way of entity references."); } // The reader is positioned on the first character // of the target. // // It may be xml declaration or processing instruction. private void ReadProcessingInstruction () { string target = ReadName (); if (target == "xml") { ReadXmlDeclaration (); return; } else if (target.ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "xml") throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Not allowed processing instruction name which starts with 'X', 'M', 'L' was found."); if (currentState == XmlNodeType.None) currentState = XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration; if (!SkipWhitespace ()) if (PeekChar () != '?') throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Invalid processing instruction name was found."); ClearValueBuffer (); while (PeekChar () != -1) { int ch = ReadChar (); if (ch == '?' && PeekChar () == '>') { ReadChar (); break; } if (CharacterChecking && XmlChar.IsInvalid (ch)) throw new XmlException (this, "Invalid character was found."); AppendValueChar (ch); } SetProperties ( XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction, // nodeType target, // name false, // isEmptyElement null, // value: create only when required true // clearAttributes ); } // The reader is positioned after " 1 && (attributeTokens [1].Name != "encoding" && attributeTokens [1].Name != "standalone")) message = "Invalid Xml Declaration markup was found."; else if (attributeCount > 2 && attributeTokens [2].Name != "standalone") message = "Invalid Xml Declaration markup was found."; string sa = GetAttribute ("standalone"); if (sa != null && sa != "yes" && sa != "no") message = "Only 'yes' or 'no' is allowed for standalone."; this.isStandalone = (sa == "yes"); if (message != null) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, message); SetProperties ( XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration, // nodeType "xml", // name false, // isEmptyElement new string (currentTagBuffer, 6, currentTagLength - 6), // value false // clearAttributes ); Expect ("?>"); } internal void SkipTextDeclaration () { this.currentState = XmlNodeType.Element; if (PeekChar () != '<') return; ReadChar (); if (PeekChar () != '?') { peekCharsIndex = 0; return; } ReadChar (); while (peekCharsIndex < 6) { if (PeekChar () < 0) break; else ReadChar (); } if (new string (peekChars, 2, 4) != "xml ") { if (new string (peekChars, 2, 3).ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "xml") { throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Processing instruction name must not be character sequence 'X' 'M' 'L' with case insensitivity."); } peekCharsIndex = 0; return; } SkipWhitespace (); // version decl if (PeekChar () == 'v') { Expect ("version"); ExpectAfterWhitespace ('='); SkipWhitespace (); int quoteChar = ReadChar (); char [] expect1_0 = new char [3]; int versionLength = 0; switch (quoteChar) { case '\'': case '"': while (PeekChar () != quoteChar) { if (PeekChar () == -1) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Invalid version declaration inside text declaration."); else if (versionLength == 3) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Invalid version number inside text declaration."); else { expect1_0 [versionLength] = (char) ReadChar (); versionLength++; if (versionLength == 3 && new String (expect1_0) != "1.0") throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Invalid version number inside text declaration."); } } ReadChar (); SkipWhitespace (); break; default: throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Invalid version declaration inside text declaration."); } } if (PeekChar () == 'e') { Expect ("encoding"); ExpectAfterWhitespace ('='); SkipWhitespace (); int quoteChar = ReadChar (); switch (quoteChar) { case '\'': case '"': while (PeekChar () != quoteChar) if (ReadChar () == -1) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Invalid encoding declaration inside text declaration."); ReadChar (); SkipWhitespace (); break; default: throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Invalid encoding declaration inside text declaration."); } // Encoding value should be checked inside XmlInputStream. } else throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Encoding declaration is mandatory in text declaration."); Expect ("?>"); } // The reader is positioned on the first character after // the leading '') throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"comments cannot contain '--'"); ReadChar (); break; } if (XmlChar.IsInvalid (ch)) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Not allowed character was found."); AppendValueChar (ch); } SetProperties ( XmlNodeType.Comment, // nodeType String.Empty, // name false, // isEmptyElement null, // value: create only when required true // clearAttributes ); } // The reader is positioned on the first character after // the leading '') { ReadChar (); // '>' break; } else { skip = true; } } if (normalization && ch == '\r') { ch = PeekChar (); if (ch != '\n') // append '\n' instead of '\r'. AppendValueChar ('\n'); // otherwise, discard '\r'. continue; } if (CharacterChecking && XmlChar.IsInvalid (ch)) throw new XmlException (this, "Invalid character was found."); AppendValueChar (ch); } SetProperties ( XmlNodeType.CDATA, // nodeType String.Empty, // name false, // isEmptyElement null, // value: create only when required true // clearAttributes ); } // The reader is positioned on the first character after // the leading ''); GenerateDTDObjectModel (doctypeName, publicId, systemId, parserContext.InternalSubset, intSubsetStartLine, intSubsetStartColumn); // set properties for node SetProperties ( XmlNodeType.DocumentType, // nodeType doctypeName, // name false, // isEmptyElement parserContext.InternalSubset, // value true // clearAttributes ); if (publicId != null) AddAttribute ("PUBLIC", publicId); if (systemId != null) AddAttribute ("SYSTEM", systemId); currentAttribute = currentAttributeValue = -1; } internal DTDObjectModel GenerateDTDObjectModel (string name, string publicId, string systemId, string internalSubset) { return GenerateDTDObjectModel (name, publicId, systemId, internalSubset, 0, 0); } internal DTDObjectModel GenerateDTDObjectModel (string name, string publicId, string systemId, string internalSubset, int intSubsetStartLine, int intSubsetStartColumn) { // now compile DTD parserContext.Dtd = new DTDObjectModel (this.NameTable); // merges both internal and external subsets in the meantime, DTD.BaseURI = BaseURI; DTD.Name = name; DTD.PublicId = publicId; DTD.SystemId = systemId; DTD.InternalSubset = internalSubset; DTD.XmlResolver = resolver; DTD.IsStandalone = isStandalone; DTD.LineNumber = line; DTD.LinePosition = column; DTDReader dr = new DTDReader (DTD, intSubsetStartLine, intSubsetStartColumn); dr.Normalization = this.normalization; #if DTD_HANDLE_EVENTS dr.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler (OnValidationEvent); #endif return dr.GenerateDTDObjectModel (); } private void OnValidationEvent (object o, ValidationEventArgs e) { #if DTD_HANDLE_EVENTS if (ValidationEventHandler != null) // Override object as this. ValidationEventHandler (this, e); #endif } private enum DtdInputState { Free = 1, ElementDecl, AttlistDecl, EntityDecl, NotationDecl, PI, Comment, InsideSingleQuoted, InsideDoubleQuoted, } private class DtdInputStateStack { Stack intern = new Stack (); public DtdInputStateStack () { Push (DtdInputState.Free); } public DtdInputState Peek () { return (DtdInputState) intern.Peek (); } public DtdInputState Pop () { return (DtdInputState) intern.Pop (); } public void Push (DtdInputState val) { intern.Push (val); } } DtdInputStateStack stateStack = new DtdInputStateStack (); DtdInputState State { get { return stateStack.Peek (); } } // Simply read but not generate any result. private void ReadInternalSubset () { bool continueParse = true; while (continueParse) { switch (ReadChar ()) { case ']': switch (State) { case DtdInputState.Free: continueParse = false; break; case DtdInputState.InsideDoubleQuoted: continue; case DtdInputState.InsideSingleQuoted: continue; default: throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"unexpected end of file at DTD."); } break; case -1: throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"unexpected end of file at DTD."); case '<': switch (State) { case DtdInputState.InsideDoubleQuoted: case DtdInputState.InsideSingleQuoted: case DtdInputState.Comment: continue; // well-formed } int c = ReadChar (); switch (c) { case '?': stateStack.Push (DtdInputState.PI); break; case '!': switch (ReadChar ()) { case 'E': switch (ReadChar ()) { case 'L': Expect ("EMENT"); stateStack.Push (DtdInputState.ElementDecl); break; case 'N': Expect ("TITY"); stateStack.Push (DtdInputState.EntityDecl); break; default: throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"unexpected token '': switch (State) { case DtdInputState.ElementDecl: goto case DtdInputState.NotationDecl; case DtdInputState.AttlistDecl: goto case DtdInputState.NotationDecl; case DtdInputState.EntityDecl: goto case DtdInputState.NotationDecl; case DtdInputState.NotationDecl: stateStack.Pop (); break; case DtdInputState.InsideDoubleQuoted: case DtdInputState.InsideSingleQuoted: case DtdInputState.Comment: continue; default: throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"unexpected token '>'"); } break; case '?': if (State == DtdInputState.PI) { if (ReadChar () == '>') stateStack.Pop (); } break; case '-': if (State == DtdInputState.Comment) { if (PeekChar () == '-') { ReadChar (); Expect ('>'); stateStack.Pop (); } } break; case '%': if (State != DtdInputState.Free && State != DtdInputState.EntityDecl && State != DtdInputState.Comment && State != DtdInputState.InsideDoubleQuoted && State != DtdInputState.InsideSingleQuoted) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"Parameter Entity Reference cannot appear as a part of markupdecl (see XML spec 2.8)."); break; } } } // The reader is positioned on the first 'S' of "SYSTEM". private string ReadSystemLiteral (bool expectSYSTEM) { if(expectSYSTEM) { Expect ("SYSTEM"); if (!SkipWhitespace ()) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Whitespace is required after 'SYSTEM'."); } else SkipWhitespace (); int quoteChar = ReadChar (); // apos or quot int startPos = currentTagLength; int c = 0; ClearValueBuffer (); while (c != quoteChar) { c = ReadChar (); if (c < 0) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"Unexpected end of stream in ExternalID."); if (c != quoteChar) AppendValueChar (c); } return CreateValueString (); } private string ReadPubidLiteral() { Expect ("PUBLIC"); if (!SkipWhitespace ()) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Whitespace is required after 'PUBLIC'."); int quoteChar = ReadChar (); int startPos = currentTagLength; int c = 0; ClearValueBuffer (); while(c != quoteChar) { c = ReadChar (); if(c < 0) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"Unexpected end of stream in ExternalID."); if(c != quoteChar && !XmlChar.IsPubidChar (c)) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,"character '" + (char) c + "' not allowed for PUBLIC ID"); if (c != quoteChar) AppendValueChar (c); } return CreateValueString (); } // The reader is positioned on the first character // of the name. private string ReadName () { int ch = PeekChar (); if (!XmlChar.IsFirstNameChar (ch)) throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo,String.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "a name did not start with a legal character {0} ({1})", ch, (char) ch)); nameLength = 0; AppendNameChar (ReadChar ()); while (XmlChar.IsNameChar (PeekChar ())) { AppendNameChar (ReadChar ()); } return CreateNameString (); } // Read the next character and compare it against the // specified character. private void Expect (int expected) { int ch = ReadChar (); if (ch != expected) { throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, String.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "expected '{0}' ({1:X}) but found '{2}' ({3:X})", (char) expected, expected, (char) ch, ch)); } } private void Expect (string expected) { int len = expected.Length; for(int i=0; i< len; i++) Expect (expected[i]); } private void ExpectAfterWhitespace (char c) { while (true) { int i = ReadChar (); if (i < 0x21 && XmlChar.IsWhitespace (i)) continue; if (c != i) throw new XmlException (this, String.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Expected {0}, but found {1} [{2}]", c, (char) i, i)); break; } } // Does not consume the first non-whitespace character. private bool SkipWhitespace () { bool skipped = XmlChar.IsWhitespace (PeekChar ()); if (!skipped) return false; while (XmlChar.IsWhitespace (PeekChar ())) ReadChar (); return skipped; } private void ReadWhitespace () { if (currentState == XmlNodeType.None) currentState = XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration; ClearValueBuffer (); int ch = PeekChar (); do { AppendValueChar (ReadChar ()); } while ((ch = PeekChar ()) != -1 && XmlChar.IsWhitespace (ch)); if (currentState == XmlNodeType.Element && ch != -1 && ch != '<') ReadText (false); else { XmlNodeType nodeType = (this.XmlSpace == XmlSpace.Preserve) ? XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace : XmlNodeType.Whitespace; SetProperties (nodeType, String.Empty, false, null, // value: create only when required true); } return; } // Since ReadBase64() is processed for every 4 chars, it does // not handle '=' here. private byte GetBase64Byte (char ch) { switch (ch) { case '+': return 62; case '/': return 63; default: if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') return (byte) (ch - 'A'); else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') return (byte) (ch - 'a' + 26); else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return (byte) (ch - '0' + 52); else throw new XmlException ("Invalid Base64 character was found."); } } // Returns -1 if it should throw an error. private int ReadCharsInternal (char [] buffer, int offset, int length) { if (IsEmptyElement) { Read (); return 0; } if (offset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset", offset, "Offset must be non-negative integer."); else if (length < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("length", length, "Length must be non-negative integer."); else if (buffer.Length < offset + length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("buffer length is smaller than the sum of offset and length."); if (NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) return 0; shouldSkipUntilEndTag = true; int bufIndex = offset; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int c = PeekChar (); switch (c) { case -1: throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Unexpected end of xml."); case '<': ReadChar (); if (PeekChar () != '/') { buffer [bufIndex++] = '<'; continue; } // Seems to skip immediate EndElement Expect ('/'); if (depthUp) { depth++; depthUp = false; } ReadEndTag (); shouldSkipUntilEndTag = false; Read (); // move to the next node return i; default: ReadChar (); if (c < Char.MaxValue) buffer [bufIndex++] = (char) c; else { buffer [bufIndex++] = (char) (c / 0x10000 + 0xD800 - 1); buffer [bufIndex++] = (char) (c % 0x10000 + 0xDC00); } break; } } return length; } private bool ReadUntilEndTag () { int ch; do { ch = ReadChar (); switch (ch) { case -1: throw new XmlException (this as IXmlLineInfo, "Unexpected end of xml."); case '<': if (PeekChar () != '/') continue; ReadChar (); string name = ReadName (); if (name != elementNames [elementNameStackPos - 1]) continue; Expect ('>'); depth--; elementNames [--elementNameStackPos] = null; return Read (); } } while (true); } #endregion } }