// System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar.cs // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Author: // Ravindra (rkumar@novell.com) // Mike Kestner // Everaldo Canuto // // Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Text; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace System.Windows.Forms { [ComVisible (true)] [ClassInterface (ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch)] [DefaultEvent ("ButtonClick")] [DefaultProperty ("Buttons")] [Designer ("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ToolBarDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner")] public class ToolBar : Control { #region Instance Variables private bool size_specified = false; private ToolBarItem current_item; internal ToolBarItem[] items; internal Size default_size; #endregion Instance Variables #region Events static object ButtonClickEvent = new object (); static object ButtonDropDownEvent = new object (); [Browsable (true)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Always)] public new event EventHandler AutoSizeChanged { add { base.AutoSizeChanged += value; } remove { base.AutoSizeChanged -= value; } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler BackColorChanged { add { base.BackColorChanged += value; } remove { base.BackColorChanged -= value; } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged { add { base.BackgroundImageChanged += value; } remove { base.BackgroundImageChanged -= value; } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler BackgroundImageLayoutChanged { add { base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged += value; } remove { base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged -= value; } } public event ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler ButtonClick { add { Events.AddHandler (ButtonClickEvent, value); } remove {Events.RemoveHandler (ButtonClickEvent, value); } } public event ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler ButtonDropDown { add { Events.AddHandler (ButtonDropDownEvent, value); } remove {Events.RemoveHandler (ButtonDropDownEvent, value); } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler ForeColorChanged { add { base.ForeColorChanged += value; } remove { base.ForeColorChanged -= value; } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler ImeModeChanged { add { base.ImeModeChanged += value; } remove { base.ImeModeChanged -= value; } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event PaintEventHandler Paint { add { base.Paint += value; } remove { base.Paint -= value; } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler RightToLeftChanged { add { base.RightToLeftChanged += value; } remove { base.RightToLeftChanged -= value; } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler TextChanged { add { base.TextChanged += value; } remove { base.TextChanged -= value; } } #endregion Events #region Constructor public ToolBar () { background_color = ThemeEngine.Current.DefaultControlBackColor; foreground_color = ThemeEngine.Current.DefaultControlForeColor; buttons = new ToolBarButtonCollection (this); Dock = DockStyle.Top; GotFocus += new EventHandler (FocusChanged); LostFocus += new EventHandler (FocusChanged); MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler (ToolBar_MouseDown); MouseHover += new EventHandler (ToolBar_MouseHover); MouseLeave += new EventHandler (ToolBar_MouseLeave); MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler (ToolBar_MouseMove); MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler (ToolBar_MouseUp); BackgroundImageChanged += new EventHandler (ToolBar_BackgroundImageChanged); TabStop = false; SetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint, false); SetStyle (ControlStyles.FixedHeight, true); SetStyle (ControlStyles.FixedWidth, false); } #endregion Constructor #region protected Properties protected override CreateParams CreateParams { get { CreateParams create_params = base.CreateParams; if (appearance == ToolBarAppearance.Flat) { create_params.Style |= (int) ToolBarStyles.TBSTYLE_FLAT; } return create_params; } } protected override ImeMode DefaultImeMode { get { return ImeMode.Disable; } } protected override Size DefaultSize { get { return ThemeEngine.Current.ToolBarDefaultSize; } } [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] protected override bool DoubleBuffered { get { return base.DoubleBuffered; } set { base.DoubleBuffered = value; } } #endregion ToolBarAppearance appearance = ToolBarAppearance.Normal; #region Public Properties [DefaultValue (ToolBarAppearance.Normal)] [Localizable (true)] public ToolBarAppearance Appearance { get { return appearance; } set { if (value == appearance) return; appearance = value; Redraw (true); } } bool autosize = true; [Browsable (true)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Always)] [DefaultValue (true)] [Localizable (true)] public override bool AutoSize { get { return autosize; } set { if (value == autosize) return; autosize = value; if (IsHandleCreated) Redraw (true); } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override Color BackColor { get { return background_color; } set { if (value == background_color) return; background_color = value; OnBackColorChanged (EventArgs.Empty); Redraw (false); } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override Image BackgroundImage { get { return base.BackgroundImage; } set { base.BackgroundImage = value; } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout { get { return base.BackgroundImageLayout; } set { base.BackgroundImageLayout = value; } } [DefaultValue (BorderStyle.None)] [DispIdAttribute (-504)] public BorderStyle BorderStyle { get { return InternalBorderStyle; } set { InternalBorderStyle = value; } } ToolBarButtonCollection buttons; [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] [Localizable (true)] [MergableProperty (false)] public ToolBarButtonCollection Buttons { get { return buttons; } } Size button_size; [Localizable (true)] [RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.All)] public Size ButtonSize { get { if (!button_size.IsEmpty) return button_size; if (buttons.Count == 0) return new Size (39, 36); Size result = CalcButtonSize (); if (result.IsEmpty) return new Size (24, 22); else return result; } set { size_specified = value != Size.Empty; if (button_size == value) return; button_size = value; Redraw (true); } } bool divider = true; [DefaultValue (true)] public bool Divider { get { return divider; } set { if (value == divider) return; divider = value; Redraw (false); } } [DefaultValue (DockStyle.Top)] [Localizable (true)] public override DockStyle Dock { get { return base.Dock; } set { if (base.Dock == value) { // Call base anyways so layout_type gets set correctly if (value != DockStyle.None) base.Dock = value; return; } if (Vertical) { SetStyle (ControlStyles.FixedWidth, AutoSize); SetStyle (ControlStyles.FixedHeight, false); } else { SetStyle (ControlStyles.FixedHeight, AutoSize); SetStyle (ControlStyles.FixedWidth, false); } LayoutToolBar (); base.Dock = value; } } bool drop_down_arrows = true; [DefaultValue (false)] [Localizable (true)] public bool DropDownArrows { get { return drop_down_arrows; } set { if (value == drop_down_arrows) return; drop_down_arrows = value; Redraw (true); } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override Color ForeColor { get { return foreground_color; } set { if (value == foreground_color) return; foreground_color = value; OnForeColorChanged (EventArgs.Empty); Redraw (false); } } ImageList image_list; [DefaultValue (null)] public ImageList ImageList { get { return image_list; } set { if (image_list == value) return; image_list = value; Redraw (true); } } [Browsable (false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] public Size ImageSize { get { if (ImageList == null) return Size.Empty; return ImageList.ImageSize; } } // XXX this should probably go away and it should call // into Control.ImeMode instead. ImeMode ime_mode = ImeMode.Disable; [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new ImeMode ImeMode { get { return ime_mode; } set { if (value == ime_mode) return; ime_mode = value; OnImeModeChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } [Browsable (false)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override RightToLeft RightToLeft { get { return base.RightToLeft; } set { if (value == base.RightToLeft) return; base.RightToLeft = value; OnRightToLeftChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } // Default value is "false" but after make a test in .NET we get "true" result as default. bool show_tooltips = true; [DefaultValue (false)] [Localizable (true)] public bool ShowToolTips { get { return show_tooltips; } set { show_tooltips = value; } } [DefaultValue (false)] public new bool TabStop { get { return base.TabStop; } set { base.TabStop = value; } } [Bindable (false)] [Browsable (false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override string Text { get { return base.Text; } set { if (value == base.Text) return; base.Text = value; Redraw (true); } } ToolBarTextAlign text_alignment = ToolBarTextAlign.Underneath; [DefaultValue (ToolBarTextAlign.Underneath)] [Localizable (true)] public ToolBarTextAlign TextAlign { get { return text_alignment; } set { if (value == text_alignment) return; text_alignment = value; Redraw (true); } } bool wrappable = true; [DefaultValue (true)] [Localizable (true)] public bool Wrappable { get { return wrappable; } set { if (value == wrappable) return; wrappable = value; Redraw (true); } } #endregion Public Properties #region Public Methods public override string ToString () { int count = this.Buttons.Count; if (count == 0) return string.Format ("System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar, Buttons.Count: 0"); else return string.Format ("System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar, Buttons.Count: {0}, Buttons[0]: {1}", count, this.Buttons [0].ToString ()); } #endregion Public Methods #region Protected Methods protected override void CreateHandle () { base.CreateHandle (); default_size = CalcButtonSize (); // In win32 the recalculate size only happens for not flat style if (appearance != ToolBarAppearance.Flat) Redraw (true); } protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (disposing) ImageList = null; base.Dispose (disposing); } private ToolBarButton button_for_focus = null; internal void UIAPerformClick (ToolBarButton button) { ToolBarItem previous_item = current_item; current_item = null; foreach (ToolBarItem item in items) if (item.Button == button) { current_item = item; break; } try { if (current_item == null) throw new ArgumentException ("button", "The button specified is not part of this toolbar"); PerformButtonClick (new ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs (button)); } finally { current_item = previous_item; } } void PerformButtonClick (ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e) { // Only change pushed for ToogleButton if (e.Button.Style == ToolBarButtonStyle.ToggleButton) { if (! e.Button.Pushed) e.Button.Pushed = true; else e.Button.Pushed = false; } current_item.Pressed = false; current_item.Invalidate (); button_for_focus = current_item.Button; button_for_focus.UIAHasFocus = true; OnButtonClick (e); } protected virtual void OnButtonClick (ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e) { ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler eh = (ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler)(Events [ButtonClickEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected virtual void OnButtonDropDown (ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e) { ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler eh = (ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler)(Events [ButtonDropDownEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); if (e.Button.DropDownMenu == null) return; ShowDropDownMenu (current_item); } internal void ShowDropDownMenu (ToolBarItem item) { Point loc = new Point (item.Rectangle.X + 1, item.Rectangle.Bottom + 1); ((ContextMenu) item.Button.DropDownMenu).Show (this, loc); item.DDPressed = false; item.Hilight = false; item.Invalidate (); } protected override void OnFontChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnFontChanged (e); Redraw (true); } protected override void OnHandleCreated (EventArgs e) { base.OnHandleCreated (e); } protected override void OnResize (EventArgs e) { base.OnResize (e); LayoutToolBar (); } protected override void ScaleControl (SizeF factor, BoundsSpecified specified) { specified &= ~BoundsSpecified.Height; base.ScaleControl (factor, specified); } [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] protected override void ScaleCore (float dx, float dy) { dy = 1.0f; base.ScaleCore (dx, dy); } private int requested_size = -1; protected override void SetBoundsCore (int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) { if (Vertical) { if (!AutoSize && (requested_size != width) && ((specified & BoundsSpecified.Width) != BoundsSpecified.None)) requested_size = width; } else { if (!AutoSize && (requested_size != height) && ((specified & BoundsSpecified.Height) != BoundsSpecified.None)) requested_size = height; } base.SetBoundsCore (x, y, width, height, specified); } protected override void WndProc (ref Message m) { base.WndProc (ref m); } internal override bool InternalPreProcessMessage (ref Message msg) { if (msg.Msg == (int)Msg.WM_KEYDOWN) { Keys key_data = (Keys)msg.WParam.ToInt32(); if (HandleKeyDown (ref msg, key_data)) return true; } return base.InternalPreProcessMessage (ref msg); } #endregion Protected Methods #region Private Methods internal int CurrentItem { get { return Array.IndexOf (items, current_item); } set { if (current_item != null) current_item.Hilight = false; current_item = value == -1 ? null : items [value]; if (current_item != null) current_item.Hilight = true; } } private void FocusChanged (object sender, EventArgs args) { if (!Focused && button_for_focus != null) button_for_focus.UIAHasFocus = false; button_for_focus = null; if (Appearance != ToolBarAppearance.Flat || Buttons.Count == 0) return; ToolBarItem prelit = null; foreach (ToolBarItem item in items) { if (item.Hilight) { prelit = item; break; } } if (Focused && prelit == null) { foreach (ToolBarItem item in items) { if (item.Button.Enabled) { item.Hilight = true; break; } } } else if (prelit != null) { prelit.Hilight = false; } } private bool HandleKeyDown (ref Message msg, Keys key_data) { if (Appearance != ToolBarAppearance.Flat || Buttons.Count == 0) return false; // Handle the key as needed if the current item is a dropdownbutton. if (HandleKeyOnDropDown (ref msg, key_data)) return true; switch (key_data) { case Keys.Left: case Keys.Up: HighlightButton (-1); return true; case Keys.Right: case Keys.Down: HighlightButton (1); return true; case Keys.Enter: case Keys.Space: if (current_item != null) { OnButtonClick (new ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs (current_item.Button)); return true; } break; } return false; } bool HandleKeyOnDropDown (ref Message msg, Keys key_data) { if (current_item == null || current_item.Button.Style != ToolBarButtonStyle.DropDownButton || current_item.Button.DropDownMenu == null) return false; Menu dropdown_menu = current_item.Button.DropDownMenu; if (dropdown_menu.Tracker.active) { dropdown_menu.ProcessCmdKey (ref msg, key_data); return true; // always true if the menu is active } if (key_data == Keys.Up || key_data == Keys.Down) { current_item.DDPressed = true; current_item.Invalidate (); OnButtonDropDown (new ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs (current_item.Button)); return true; } return false; } void HighlightButton (int offset) { ArrayList enabled = new ArrayList (); int count = 0; int start = -1; ToolBarItem curr_item = null; foreach (ToolBarItem item in items) { if (item.Hilight) { start = count; curr_item = item; } if (item.Button.Enabled) { enabled.Add (item); count++; } } int next = (start + offset) % count; if (next < 0) next = count - 1; if (next == start) return; if (curr_item != null) curr_item.Hilight = false; current_item = enabled [next] as ToolBarItem; current_item.Hilight = true; } private void ToolBar_BackgroundImageChanged (object sender, EventArgs args) { Redraw (false, true); } private void ToolBar_MouseDown (object sender, MouseEventArgs me) { if ((!Enabled) || ((me.Button & MouseButtons.Left) == 0)) return; Point loc = new Point (me.X, me.Y); if (ItemAtPoint (loc) == null) return; // Hide tooltip when left mouse button if ((tip_window != null) && (tip_window.Visible) && ((me.Button & MouseButtons.Left) == MouseButtons.Left)) { TipDownTimer.Stop (); tip_window.Hide (this); } // draw the pushed button foreach (ToolBarItem item in items) { if (item.Button.Enabled && item.Rectangle.Contains (loc)) { // Mark the DropDown rect as pressed. // We don't redraw the dropdown rect. if (item.Button.Style == ToolBarButtonStyle.DropDownButton) { Rectangle rect = item.Rectangle; if (DropDownArrows) { rect.Width = ThemeEngine.Current.ToolBarDropDownWidth; rect.X = item.Rectangle.Right - rect.Width; } if (rect.Contains (loc)) { if (item.Button.DropDownMenu != null) { item.DDPressed = true; Invalidate (rect); } break; } } item.Pressed = true; item.Inside = true; item.Invalidate (); break; } } } private void ToolBar_MouseUp (object sender, MouseEventArgs me) { if ((!Enabled) || ((me.Button & MouseButtons.Left) == 0)) return; Point loc = new Point (me.X, me.Y); // draw the normal button // Make a copy in case the list is modified during enumeration ArrayList items = new ArrayList (this.items); foreach (ToolBarItem item in items) { if (item.Button.Enabled && item.Rectangle.Contains (loc)) { if (item.Button.Style == ToolBarButtonStyle.DropDownButton) { Rectangle ddRect = item.Rectangle; ddRect.Width = ThemeEngine.Current.ToolBarDropDownWidth; ddRect.X = item.Rectangle.Right - ddRect.Width; if (ddRect.Contains (loc)) { current_item = item; if (item.DDPressed) OnButtonDropDown (new ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs (item.Button)); continue; } } // Fire a ButtonClick current_item = item; if ((item.Pressed) && ((me.Button & MouseButtons.Left) == MouseButtons.Left)) PerformButtonClick (new ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs (item.Button)); } else if (item.Pressed) { item.Pressed = false; item.Invalidate (); } } } private ToolBarItem ItemAtPoint (Point pt) { foreach (ToolBarItem item in items) if (item.Rectangle.Contains (pt)) return item; return null; } ToolTip tip_window = null; Timer tipdown_timer = null; private void PopDownTip (object o, EventArgs args) { tip_window.Hide (this); } private Timer TipDownTimer { get { if (tipdown_timer == null) { tipdown_timer = new Timer (); tipdown_timer.Enabled = false; tipdown_timer.Interval = 5000; tipdown_timer.Tick += new EventHandler (PopDownTip); } return tipdown_timer; } } private void ToolBar_MouseHover (object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Capture) return; if (tip_window == null) tip_window = new ToolTip (); ToolBarItem item = ItemAtPoint (PointToClient (Control.MousePosition)); current_item = item; if (item == null || item.Button.ToolTipText.Length == 0) return; tip_window.Present (this, item.Button.ToolTipText); TipDownTimer.Start (); } private void ToolBar_MouseLeave (object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tipdown_timer != null) tipdown_timer.Dispose (); tipdown_timer = null; if (tip_window != null) tip_window.Dispose (); tip_window = null; if (!Enabled || current_item == null) return; current_item.Hilight = false; current_item = null; } private void ToolBar_MouseMove (object sender, MouseEventArgs me) { if (!Enabled) return; if (tip_window != null && tip_window.Visible) { TipDownTimer.Stop (); TipDownTimer.Start (); } Point loc = new Point (me.X, me.Y); if (Capture) { // If the button was pressed and we leave, release the // button press and vice versa foreach (ToolBarItem item in items) { if (item.Pressed && (item.Inside != item.Rectangle.Contains (loc))) { item.Inside = item.Rectangle.Contains (loc); item.Hilight = false; break; } } return; } if (current_item != null && current_item.Rectangle.Contains (loc)) { if (ThemeEngine.Current.ToolBarHasHotElementStyles (this)) { if (current_item.Hilight || (!ThemeEngine.Current.ToolBarHasHotCheckedElementStyles && current_item.Button.Pushed) || !current_item.Button.Enabled) return; current_item.Hilight = true; } } else { if (tip_window != null) { if (tip_window.Visible) { tip_window.Hide (this); TipDownTimer.Stop (); } current_item = ItemAtPoint (loc); if (current_item != null && current_item.Button.ToolTipText.Length > 0) { tip_window.Present (this, current_item.Button.ToolTipText); TipDownTimer.Start (); } } if (ThemeEngine.Current.ToolBarHasHotElementStyles (this)) { foreach (ToolBarItem item in items) { if (item.Rectangle.Contains (loc) && item.Button.Enabled) { current_item = item; if (current_item.Hilight || (!ThemeEngine.Current.ToolBarHasHotCheckedElementStyles && current_item.Button.Pushed)) continue; current_item.Hilight = true; } else if (item.Hilight) { item.Hilight = false; } } } } } internal override void OnPaintInternal (PaintEventArgs pevent) { if (GetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint)) return; ThemeEngine.Current.DrawToolBar (pevent.Graphics, pevent.ClipRectangle, this); // Toolbars do not raise OnPaint unless UserPaint is set pevent.Handled = true; } internal void Redraw (bool recalculate) { Redraw (recalculate, true); } internal void Redraw (bool recalculate, bool force) { bool invalidate = true; if (recalculate) invalidate = LayoutToolBar (); if (force || invalidate) Invalidate (); } internal bool SizeSpecified { get { return size_specified; } } internal bool Vertical { get { return (Dock == DockStyle.Left) || (Dock == DockStyle.Right); } } internal const int text_padding = 3; private Size CalcButtonSize () { if (Buttons.Count == 0) return Size.Empty; string longest_text = Buttons [0].Text; for (int i = 1; i < Buttons.Count; i++) { if (Buttons[i].Text.Length > longest_text.Length) longest_text = Buttons[i].Text; } Size size = Size.Empty; if (longest_text != null && longest_text.Length > 0) { SizeF sz = TextRenderer.MeasureString (longest_text, Font); if (sz != SizeF.Empty) size = new Size ((int) Math.Ceiling (sz.Width) + 2 * text_padding, (int) Math.Ceiling (sz.Height)); } Size img_size = ImageList == null ? new Size (16, 16) : ImageSize; Theme theme = ThemeEngine.Current; int imgWidth = img_size.Width + 2 * theme.ToolBarImageGripWidth; int imgHeight = img_size.Height + 2 * theme.ToolBarImageGripWidth; if (text_alignment == ToolBarTextAlign.Right) { size.Width = imgWidth + size.Width; size.Height = (size.Height > imgHeight) ? size.Height : imgHeight; } else { size.Height = imgHeight + size.Height; size.Width = (size.Width > imgWidth) ? size.Width : imgWidth; } size.Width += theme.ToolBarImageGripWidth; size.Height += theme.ToolBarImageGripWidth; return size; } // Flat toolbars disregard specified sizes. Normal toolbars grow the // button size to be at least large enough to show the image. private Size AdjustedButtonSize { get { Size size; if (default_size.IsEmpty || Appearance == ToolBarAppearance.Normal) size = ButtonSize; else size = default_size; if (size_specified) { if (Appearance == ToolBarAppearance.Flat) size = CalcButtonSize (); else { int grip = ThemeEngine.Current.ToolBarImageGripWidth; if (size.Width < ImageSize.Width + 2 * grip ) size.Width = ImageSize.Width + 2 * grip; if (size.Height < ImageSize.Height + 2 * grip) size.Height = ImageSize.Height + 2 * grip; } } return size; } } private bool LayoutToolBar () { bool changed = false; Theme theme = ThemeEngine.Current; int x = theme.ToolBarGripWidth; int y = theme.ToolBarGripWidth; Size adjusted_size = AdjustedButtonSize; int calculated_size = (Vertical ? adjusted_size.Width : adjusted_size.Height) + theme.ToolBarGripWidth; int separator_index = -1; items = new ToolBarItem [buttons.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count; i++) { ToolBarButton button = buttons [i]; ToolBarItem item = new ToolBarItem (button); items [i] = item; if (!button.Visible) continue; if (size_specified && (button.Style != ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator)) changed = item.Layout (adjusted_size); else changed = item.Layout (Vertical, calculated_size); bool is_separator = button.Style == ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator; if (Vertical) { if (y + item.Rectangle.Height < Height || is_separator || !Wrappable) { if (item.Location.X != x || item.Location.Y != y) changed = true; item.Location = new Point (x, y); y += item.Rectangle.Height; if (is_separator) separator_index = i; } else if (separator_index > 0) { i = separator_index; separator_index = -1; y = theme.ToolBarGripWidth; x += calculated_size; } else { y = theme.ToolBarGripWidth; x += calculated_size; if (item.Location.X != x || item.Location.Y != y) changed = true; item.Location = new Point (x, y); y += item.Rectangle.Height; } } else { if (x + item.Rectangle.Width < Width || is_separator || !Wrappable) { if (item.Location.X != x || item.Location.Y != y) changed = true; item.Location = new Point (x, y); x += item.Rectangle.Width; if (is_separator) separator_index = i; } else if (separator_index > 0) { i = separator_index; separator_index = -1; x = theme.ToolBarGripWidth; y += calculated_size; } else { x = theme.ToolBarGripWidth; y += calculated_size; if (item.Location.X != x || item.Location.Y != y) changed = true; item.Location = new Point (x, y); x += item.Rectangle.Width; } } } if (Parent == null) return changed; if (Wrappable) calculated_size += Vertical ? x : y; if (IsHandleCreated) { if (Vertical) Width = calculated_size; else Height = calculated_size; } return changed; } #endregion Private Methods #region subclass public class ToolBarButtonCollection : IList, ICollection, IEnumerable { #region instance variables private ArrayList list; // ToolBarButton list private ToolBar owner; // ToolBar associated to Collection private bool redraw; // Flag if needs to redraw after add/remove operations #endregion #region UIA Framework Events static object UIACollectionChangedEvent = new object (); internal event CollectionChangeEventHandler UIACollectionChanged { add { owner.Events.AddHandler (UIACollectionChangedEvent, value); } remove { owner.Events.RemoveHandler (UIACollectionChangedEvent, value); } } internal void OnUIACollectionChanged (CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { CollectionChangeEventHandler eh = (CollectionChangeEventHandler) owner.Events [UIACollectionChangedEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (owner, e); } #endregion #region constructors public ToolBarButtonCollection (ToolBar owner) { this.list = new ArrayList (); this.owner = owner; this.redraw = true; } #endregion #region properties [Browsable (false)] public int Count { get { return list.Count; } } public bool IsReadOnly { get { return list.IsReadOnly; } } public virtual ToolBarButton this [int index] { get { return (ToolBarButton) list [index]; } set { // UIA Framework Event: Button Removed OnUIACollectionChanged (new CollectionChangeEventArgs (CollectionChangeAction.Remove, index)); value.SetParent (owner); list [index] = value; owner.Redraw (true); // UIA Framework Event: Button Added OnUIACollectionChanged (new CollectionChangeEventArgs (CollectionChangeAction.Add, index)); } } public virtual ToolBarButton this[string key] { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (key)) return null; foreach (ToolBarButton b in list) if (string.Compare (b.Name, key, true) == 0) return b; return null; } } bool ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { return list.IsSynchronized; } } object ICollection.SyncRoot { get { return list.SyncRoot; } } bool IList.IsFixedSize { get { return list.IsFixedSize; } } object IList.this [int index] { get { return this [index]; } set { if (! (value is ToolBarButton)) throw new ArgumentException("Not of type ToolBarButton", "value"); this [index] = (ToolBarButton) value; } } #endregion #region methods public int Add (string text) { ToolBarButton button = new ToolBarButton (text); return this.Add (button); } public int Add (ToolBarButton button) { int result; button.SetParent (owner); result = list.Add (button); if (redraw) owner.Redraw (true); // UIA Framework Event: Button Added OnUIACollectionChanged (new CollectionChangeEventArgs (CollectionChangeAction.Add, result)); return result; } public void AddRange (ToolBarButton [] buttons) { try { redraw = false; foreach (ToolBarButton button in buttons) Add (button); } finally { redraw = true; owner.Redraw (true); } } public void Clear () { list.Clear (); owner.Redraw (false); // UIA Framework Event: Button Cleared OnUIACollectionChanged (new CollectionChangeEventArgs (CollectionChangeAction.Refresh, -1)); } public bool Contains (ToolBarButton button) { return list.Contains (button); } public virtual bool ContainsKey (string key) { return !(this[key] == null); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () { return list.GetEnumerator (); } void ICollection.CopyTo (Array dest, int index) { list.CopyTo (dest, index); } int IList.Add (object button) { if (! (button is ToolBarButton)) { throw new ArgumentException("Not of type ToolBarButton", "button"); } return this.Add ((ToolBarButton) button); } bool IList.Contains (object button) { if (! (button is ToolBarButton)) { throw new ArgumentException("Not of type ToolBarButton", "button"); } return this.Contains ((ToolBarButton) button); } int IList.IndexOf (object button) { if (! (button is ToolBarButton)) { throw new ArgumentException("Not of type ToolBarButton", "button"); } return this.IndexOf ((ToolBarButton) button); } void IList.Insert (int index, object button) { if (! (button is ToolBarButton)) { throw new ArgumentException("Not of type ToolBarButton", "button"); } this.Insert (index, (ToolBarButton) button); } void IList.Remove (object button) { if (! (button is ToolBarButton)) { throw new ArgumentException("Not of type ToolBarButton", "button"); } this.Remove ((ToolBarButton) button); } public int IndexOf (ToolBarButton button) { return list.IndexOf (button); } public virtual int IndexOfKey (string key) { return IndexOf (this[key]); } public void Insert (int index, ToolBarButton button) { list.Insert (index, button); owner.Redraw (true); // UIA Framework Event: Button Added OnUIACollectionChanged (new CollectionChangeEventArgs (CollectionChangeAction.Add, index)); } public void Remove (ToolBarButton button) { list.Remove (button); owner.Redraw (true); } public void RemoveAt (int index) { list.RemoveAt (index); owner.Redraw (true); // UIA Framework Event: Button Removed OnUIACollectionChanged (new CollectionChangeEventArgs (CollectionChangeAction.Remove, index)); } public virtual void RemoveByKey (string key) { Remove (this[key]); } #endregion methods } #endregion subclass } // Because same button can be added to toolbar multiple times, we need to maintain // a list of button information for each positions. internal class ToolBarItem : Component { #region Instance variables private ToolBar toolbar; // Parent toolbar private ToolBarButton button; // Associated toolBar button private Rectangle bounds; // Toolbar button bounds private Rectangle image_rect; // Image button bounds private Rectangle text_rect; // Text button bounds private bool dd_pressed = false; // to check for a mouse down on dropdown rect private bool inside = false; // to handle the mouse move event with mouse pressed private bool hilight = false; // to hilight buttons in flat style private bool pressed = false; // this is to check for mouse down on a button #endregion #region Constructors public ToolBarItem (ToolBarButton button) { this.toolbar = button.Parent; this.button = button; } #endregion Constructors #region Properties public ToolBarButton Button { get { return this.button; } } public Rectangle Rectangle { get { if (!button.Visible || toolbar == null) return Rectangle.Empty; if (button.Style == ToolBarButtonStyle.DropDownButton && toolbar.DropDownArrows) { Rectangle result = bounds; result.Width += ThemeEngine.Current.ToolBarDropDownWidth; return result; } return bounds; } set { this.bounds = value; } } public Point Location { get { return bounds.Location; } set { bounds.Location = value; } } public Rectangle ImageRectangle { get { Rectangle result = image_rect; result.X += bounds.X; result.Y += bounds.Y; return result; } } public Rectangle TextRectangle { get { Rectangle result = text_rect; result.X += bounds.X; result.Y += bounds.Y; return result; } } private Size TextSize { get { StringFormat text_format = new StringFormat (); text_format.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Hide; SizeF sz = TextRenderer.MeasureString (button.Text, toolbar.Font, SizeF.Empty, text_format); if (sz == SizeF.Empty) return Size.Empty; return new Size ((int) Math.Ceiling (sz.Width) + 2 * ToolBar.text_padding, (int) Math.Ceiling (sz.Height)); } } public bool Pressed { get { return (pressed && inside); } set { pressed = value; } } public bool DDPressed { get { return dd_pressed; } set { dd_pressed = value; } } public bool Inside { get { return inside; } set { inside = value; } } public bool Hilight { get { return hilight; } set { if (hilight == value) return; hilight = value; Invalidate (); } } #endregion Properties #region Methods public Size CalculateSize () { Theme theme = ThemeEngine.Current; int ht = toolbar.ButtonSize.Height + 2 * theme.ToolBarGripWidth; if (button.Style == ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator) return new Size (theme.ToolBarSeparatorWidth, ht); Size size; if (TextSize.IsEmpty && (button.Image == null)) size = toolbar.default_size; else size = TextSize; Size image_size = (toolbar.ImageSize == Size.Empty) ? new Size (16, 16) : toolbar.ImageSize; int image_width = image_size.Width + 2 * theme.ToolBarImageGripWidth; int image_height = image_size.Height + 2 * theme.ToolBarImageGripWidth; if (toolbar.TextAlign == ToolBarTextAlign.Right) { size.Width = image_width + size.Width; size.Height = (size.Height > image_height) ? size.Height : image_height; } else { size.Height = image_height + size.Height; size.Width = (size.Width > image_width) ? size.Width : image_width; } size.Width += theme.ToolBarGripWidth; size.Height += theme.ToolBarGripWidth; return size; } public bool Layout (bool vertical, int calculated_size) { if (toolbar == null || !button.Visible) return false; Size psize = toolbar.ButtonSize; Size size = psize; if ((!toolbar.SizeSpecified) || (button.Style == ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator)) { size = CalculateSize (); if (size.Width == 0 || size.Height == 0) size = psize; if (vertical) size.Width = calculated_size; else size.Height = calculated_size; } return Layout (size); } public bool Layout (Size size) { if (toolbar == null || !button.Visible) return false; bounds.Size = size; Size image_size = (toolbar.ImageSize == Size.Empty) ? new Size (16, 16) : toolbar.ImageSize; int grip = ThemeEngine.Current.ToolBarImageGripWidth; Rectangle new_image_rect, new_text_rect; if (toolbar.TextAlign == ToolBarTextAlign.Underneath) { new_image_rect = new Rectangle ((bounds.Size.Width - image_size.Width) / 2 - grip, 0, image_size.Width + 2 + grip, image_size.Height + 2 * grip); new_text_rect = new Rectangle (0, new_image_rect.Height, bounds.Size.Width, bounds.Size.Height - new_image_rect.Height - 2 * grip); } else { new_image_rect = new Rectangle (0, 0, image_size.Width + 2 * grip, image_size.Height + 2 * grip); new_text_rect = new Rectangle (new_image_rect.Width, 0, bounds.Size.Width - new_image_rect.Width, bounds.Size.Height - 2 * grip); } bool changed = false; if (new_image_rect != image_rect || new_text_rect != text_rect) changed = true; image_rect = new_image_rect; text_rect = new_text_rect; return changed; } public void Invalidate () { if (toolbar != null) toolbar.Invalidate (Rectangle); } #endregion Methods } }