// // System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase // // Author: // stubbed out by Jackson Harper (jackson@latitudegeo.com) // Dennis Hayes (dennish@Raytek.com) // Aleksey Ryabchuk (ryabchuk@yahoo.com) // // (C) 2002/3 Ximian, Inc // using System.Drawing; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Collections.Specialized; namespace System.Windows.Forms { // // public class TextBoxBase : Control { BorderStyle borderStyle; int maxLength; int selectionStart; int selectionLength; BitVector32 flags; private static readonly int acceptsTab = BitVector32.CreateMask(); private static readonly int autoSize = BitVector32.CreateMask( acceptsTab ); private static readonly int hideSelection = BitVector32.CreateMask( autoSize ); private static readonly int modified = BitVector32.CreateMask( hideSelection ); private static readonly int multiline = BitVector32.CreateMask( modified ); private static readonly int readOnly = BitVector32.CreateMask( multiline ); private static readonly int wordWrap = BitVector32.CreateMask( readOnly ); private IntPtr backgrBrush; internal TextBoxBase ( ) { SubClassWndProc_ = true; flags = new BitVector32 ( ); flags[ autoSize ] = true; flags[ hideSelection ] = true; flags[ wordWrap ] = true; borderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; selectionStart = -1; base.foreColor = SystemColors.WindowText; base.backColor = SystemColors.Window; backgrBrush = IntPtr.Zero; SetStyle ( ControlStyles.FixedHeight, true ); } ~TextBoxBase ( ) { if ( backgrBrush != IntPtr.Zero ) Win32.DeleteObject ( backgrBrush ); } [MonoTODO] public bool AcceptsTab { get { return flags[ acceptsTab ]; } set { if ( flags[ acceptsTab ] != value ) { flags[ acceptsTab ] = value; OnAcceptsTabChanged ( EventArgs.Empty ); } } } [MonoTODO] public virtual bool AutoSize { get { return flags[ autoSize ]; } set { if ( flags[ autoSize ] != value ) { flags[ autoSize ] = value; OnAutoSizeChanged ( EventArgs.Empty ); } } } [MonoTODO] public override Color BackColor { get { return base.BackColor; } set { if ( base.BackColor != value ) { base.BackColor = value; createBackgroundBrush ( ); Refresh ( ); } } } [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override Image BackgroundImage { get { return base.BackgroundImage; } set { base.BackgroundImage = value;} } public BorderStyle BorderStyle { get { return borderStyle; } set { if ( !Enum.IsDefined ( typeof(BorderStyle), value ) ) throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException( "BorderStyle", (int)value, typeof(BorderStyle)); if ( borderStyle != value ) { borderStyle = value; OnBorderStyleChanged ( EventArgs.Empty ); RecreateHandle ( ); } } } public bool CanUndo { get { if ( IsHandleCreated ) return Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_CANUNDO, 0, 0 ) != 0; return false; } } [MonoTODO] public override Color ForeColor { get { return base.ForeColor; } set { if ( base.ForeColor == value ) return; base.ForeColor = value; createBackgroundBrush ( ); Refresh ( ); } } public bool HideSelection { get { return flags[ hideSelection ]; } set { if ( flags[ hideSelection ] != value ) { flags[ hideSelection ] = value; RecreateHandle ( ); OnHideSelectionChanged ( EventArgs.Empty ); } } } [MonoTODO] public string[] Lines { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { //FIXME: } } public virtual int MaxLength { get { if ( IsHandleCreated ) maxLength = Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_GETLIMITTEXT, 0, 0 ); return maxLength; } set { if ( value < 0 ) throw new ArgumentException ( string.Format ( "'{0}' is not a valid value for 'MaxLength'. 'MaxLength' must be greater than or equal to 0.", value ), "MaxLength" ); maxLength = value; if ( IsHandleCreated ) Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_LIMITTEXT, maxLength, 0 ); } } public bool Modified { get { if ( IsHandleCreated ) flags[ modified ] = Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_GETMODIFY, 0, 0 ) != 0; return flags[ modified ]; } set { if ( flags[ modified ] != value ) { flags[ modified ] = value; if ( IsHandleCreated ) Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_SETMODIFY, flags[ modified ] ? 1 : 0, 0 ); OnModifiedChanged ( EventArgs.Empty ); } } } public virtual bool Multiline { get { return flags[ multiline ]; } set { if ( flags[ multiline ] != value ) { flags[ multiline ] = value; SetStyle ( ControlStyles.FixedHeight, !value ); RecreateHandle ( ); OnMultilineChanged ( EventArgs.Empty ); } } } [MonoTODO] public int PreferredHeight { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public bool ReadOnly { get { return flags[ readOnly ]; } set { if ( flags[ readOnly ] != value ) { flags[ readOnly ] = value; if ( IsHandleCreated ) Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_SETREADONLY, flags[ readOnly ] ? 1 : 0, 0 ); OnReadOnlyChanged ( EventArgs.Empty ); } } } public virtual string SelectedText { get { if ( SelectionStart < 0 || SelectionStart >= TextLength || SelectionLength == 0 ) return String.Empty; return Text.Substring ( SelectionStart, SelectionStart + SelectionLength <= Text.Length ? SelectionLength : Text.Length - SelectionStart ); } set { if ( IsHandleCreated ) Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_REPLACESEL, -1, value ); else { if ( SelectionStart >= 0 && SelectionStart < TextLength && SelectionLength != 0 ) { Text = Text.Remove ( SelectionStart, SelectionStart + SelectionLength <= Text.Length ? SelectionLength : Text.Length - SelectionStart ) .Insert ( SelectionStart, value ); } } } } public virtual int SelectionLength { get { if ( IsHandleCreated ) { int selectionEnd = 0; Win32.SendMessage2ref ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_GETSEL, ref selectionStart, ref selectionEnd ); selectionLength = selectionEnd - selectionStart; } return selectionLength; } set { if ( value < 0 ) throw new ArgumentException ( String.Format ( "'{0}' is not a valid value for 'value'.", value ), "SelectionLength" ); selectionLength = value; selectImpl ( SelectionStart, selectionLength ); } } public int SelectionStart { get { if ( IsHandleCreated ) { int selectionEnd = 0; Win32.SendMessage2ref ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_GETSEL, ref selectionStart, ref selectionEnd ); } return selectionStart; } set { if ( value < 0 ) throw new ArgumentException ( String.Format ( "'{0}' is not a valid value for 'value'.", value ), "SelectionStart" ); selectionStart = value; selectImpl ( selectionStart, SelectionLength ); } } [MonoTODO] public override string Text { get { return base.Text; } set { //FIXME: base.Text = value; } } public virtual int TextLength { get { return Text.Length; } } public bool WordWrap { get { return flags[ wordWrap ]; } set { if ( flags[ wordWrap ] != value ) { flags[ wordWrap ] = value; RecreateHandle ( ); } } } // --- Public Methods [MonoTODO] public void AppendText(string text) { if ( !IsHandleCreated ) Text += text; else { selectImpl ( TextLength, 1 ); if ( IsHandleCreated ) Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_REPLACESEL, -1, text ); } } public void Clear() { Text = String.Empty; } public void ClearUndo() { if ( IsHandleCreated ) Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER, 0, 0 ); } [MonoTODO] public void Copy() { //FIXME: } [MonoTODO] public void Cut() { //FIXME: } [MonoTODO] public void Paste() { //FIXME: } [MonoTODO] public void ScrollToCaret() { //FIXME: } public void Select(int start, int length) { if ( start < 0 ) throw new ArgumentException ( String.Format ( " '{0}' is not a valid value for 'start'.", start ) ); if ( length < 0 ) throw new ArgumentException ( String.Format ( " '{0}' is not a valid value for 'length'.", length ) ); selectImpl ( start, length ); } public void SelectAll() { Select ( 0, TextLength ); } public override string ToString() { return GetType( ).FullName.ToString ( ) + ", Text: " + Text; } public void Undo() { if ( IsHandleCreated ) Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_UNDO, 0, 0 ); } // --- Public Events public event EventHandler AcceptsTabChanged; public event EventHandler AutoSizeChanged; public event EventHandler BorderStyleChanged; //[MonoTODO] //public event EventHandler Click; public event EventHandler HideSelectionChanged; public event EventHandler ModifiedChanged; public event EventHandler MultilineChanged; public event EventHandler ReadOnlyChanged; // --- Protected Properties [MonoTODO] protected override CreateParams CreateParams { get { CreateParams createParams = base.CreateParams; switch ( BorderStyle ) { case BorderStyle.Fixed3D: createParams.ExStyle |= (int)WindowExStyles.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; break; case BorderStyle.FixedSingle: createParams.Style |= (int) WindowStyles.WS_BORDER; break; }; if ( !HideSelection ) createParams.Style |= (int) EditControlStyles.ES_NOHIDESEL; if ( Multiline ) { createParams.Style |= (int) EditControlStyles.ES_MULTILINE; createParams.Style |= (int) EditControlStyles.ES_AUTOVSCROLL; } if ( !WordWrap ) createParams.Style |= (int) EditControlStyles.ES_AUTOHSCROLL; return createParams; } } protected override Size DefaultSize { get { return new Size(100,20); } } // --- Protected Methods [MonoTODO] protected override void CreateHandle() { //FIXME: base.CreateHandle(); } [MonoTODO] protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys keyData) { //FIXME: return base.IsInputKey(keyData); } protected virtual void OnAcceptsTabChanged(EventArgs e) { if ( AcceptsTabChanged != null ) AcceptsTabChanged ( this, e ); } protected virtual void OnAutoSizeChanged(EventArgs e) { if ( AutoSizeChanged != null ) AutoSizeChanged ( this, e ); } protected virtual void OnBorderStyleChanged(EventArgs e) { if ( BorderStyleChanged != null ) BorderStyleChanged ( this, e ); } [MonoTODO] protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e) { //FIXME: base.OnFontChanged(e); } [MonoTODO] protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) { //FIXME: base.OnHandleCreated(e); if ( maxLength != 0 ) Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_LIMITTEXT, maxLength, 0 ); if ( flags[ modified ] ) Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_SETMODIFY, flags[ modified ] ? 1 : 0, 0 ); if ( ReadOnly ) Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_SETREADONLY, ReadOnly ? 1 : 0, 0 ); selectImpl ( selectionStart, selectionLength ); } [MonoTODO] protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e) { //FIXME: base.OnHandleDestroyed(e); } protected virtual void OnHideSelectionChanged(EventArgs e) { if ( HideSelectionChanged != null ) HideSelectionChanged ( this, e ); } protected virtual void OnModifiedChanged(EventArgs e) { if ( ModifiedChanged != null ) ModifiedChanged ( this, e ); } protected virtual void OnMultilineChanged(EventArgs e) { if ( MultilineChanged != null ) MultilineChanged ( this, e ); } protected virtual void OnReadOnlyChanged(EventArgs e) { if ( ReadOnlyChanged != null ) ReadOnlyChanged ( this, e ); } [MonoTODO] protected override bool ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData) { //FIXME: return base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData); } [MonoTODO] protected override void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) { //FIXME: base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified); } [MonoTODO] protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { switch ( m.Msg ) { case Msg.WM_CTLCOLOREDIT: case Msg.WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: if ( backgrBrush != IntPtr.Zero ) { Win32.SetTextColor ( m.WParam, Win32.RGB ( ForeColor ) ); Win32.SetBkColor ( m.WParam, (uint)Win32.RGB ( BackColor ) ); m.Result = backgrBrush; } else CallControlWndProc ( ref m ); break; case Msg.WM_COMMAND: if ( m.HiWordWParam == (int) EditControlNotifications.EN_CHANGE ) OnTextChanged ( EventArgs.Empty ); CallControlWndProc ( ref m ); break; default: base.WndProc(ref m); break; } } private void selectImpl ( int start, int length ) { if ( IsHandleCreated ) Win32.SendMessage ( Handle, (int) EditControlMessages.EM_SETSEL, start, start + length ); else { selectionStart = start; selectionLength = length; } } private void createBackgroundBrush ( ) { if ( backgrBrush != IntPtr.Zero ) Win32.DeleteObject ( backgrBrush ); backgrBrush = Win32.CreateSolidBrush ( Win32.RGB ( BackColor ) ); } } }