// // System.Windows.Forms.PrintPreviewDialog // // Author: // stubbed out by Jaak Simm (jaaksimm@firm.ee) // Dennis Hayes (dennish@Raytek.com) // // (C) Ximian, Inc., 2002 // using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Printing; using System.ComponentModel; namespace System.Windows.Forms { /// /// Represents a dialog box form that contains a PrintPreviewControl. /// /// [MonoTODO] public class PrintPreviewDialog : Form { #region Fields IButtonControl acceptButton; string accessibleDescription; string accessibleName; AccessibleRole accessibleRole; bool autoScale; Size autoScrollMargin; Size autoScrollMinSize; bool causesValidation; bool controlBox; ControlBindingsCollection dataBindings; PrintDocument document; bool enabled; FormBorderStyle formBorderStyle; bool helpButton; Icon icon; ImeMode imeMode; bool isMdiContainer; bool keyPreview; Point location; bool maximizeBox; Size maximumSize; MainMenu menu; bool minimizeBox; Size minimumSize; PrintPreviewControl printPreviewControl; bool showInTaskbar; Size size; FormStartPosition startPosition; bool tabStop; object tag; bool topMost; Color transparencyKey; bool useAntiAlias; bool visible; FormWindowState windowState; #endregion #region Constructor [MonoTODO] public PrintPreviewDialog() { document=null; accessibleDescription=null; accessibleName=null; accessibleRole=AccessibleRole.Default; autoScale=true; controlBox=true; enabled=true; helpButton=false; imeMode=ImeMode.Inherit; isMdiContainer=false; keyPreview=false; maximizeBox=true; minimizeBox=true; showInTaskbar=true; tabStop=true; tag=null; topMost=false; visible=true; windowState=FormWindowState.Normal; } #endregion #region Properties public new IButtonControl AcceptButton { get { return acceptButton; } set { acceptButton=value; } } public new string AccessibleDescription { get { return accessibleDescription; } set { accessibleDescription=value; } } public new string AccessibleName { get { return accessibleName; } set { accessibleName=value; } } public new AccessibleRole AccessibleRole { get { return accessibleRole; } set { accessibleRole=value; } } [MonoTODO] public override bool AllowDrop { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } [MonoTODO] public override AnchorStyles Anchor { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public new bool AutoScale { get { return autoScale; } set { autoScale=value; } } [MonoTODO] public override Size AutoScaleBaseSize { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } [MonoTODO] public override bool AutoScroll { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public new Size AutoScrollMargin { get { return autoScrollMargin; } set { autoScrollMargin=value; } } public new Size AutoScrollMinSize { get { return autoScrollMinSize; } set { autoScrollMinSize=value; } } [MonoTODO] public override Color BackColor { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } [MonoTODO] public override Image BackgroundImage { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } /// This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. /// public new IButtonControl CancelButton {get; set;} public new bool CausesValidation { get { return causesValidation; } set { causesValidation=value; } } [MonoTODO] public override ContextMenu ContextMenu { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public new bool ControlBox { get { return controlBox; } set { controlBox=value; } } [MonoTODO] public override Cursor Cursor { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public new ControlBindingsCollection DataBindings { get { return dataBindings; } set { dataBindings=value; } } [MonoTODO] public override DockStyle Dock { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } /// This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. /// public new ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdges DockPadding {get;} public PrintDocument Document { get { return document; } set { document=value; } } public new bool Enabled { get { return enabled; } set { enabled=value; } } [MonoTODO] public override Font Font { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } [MonoTODO] public override Color ForeColor { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public new FormBorderStyle FormBorderStyle { get { return formBorderStyle; } set { formBorderStyle=value; } } public new bool HelpButton { get { return helpButton; } set { helpButton=value; } } public new Icon Icon { get { return icon; } set { icon=value; } } public new ImeMode ImeMode { get { return imeMode; } set { imeMode=value; } } public bool IsMdiContainer { get { return isMdiContainer; } set { isMdiContainer=value; } } public new bool KeyPreview { get { return keyPreview; } set { keyPreview=value; } } public new Point Location { get { return location; } set { location=value; } } public new bool MaximizeBox { get { return maximizeBox; } set { maximizeBox=value; } } public new Size MaximumSize { get { return maximumSize; } set { maximumSize=value; } } public new MainMenu Menu { get { return menu; } set { menu=value; } } public new bool MinimizeBox { get { return minimizeBox; } set { minimizeBox=value; } } public new Size MinimumSize { get { return minimumSize; } set { minimumSize=value; } } /// This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. /// public new double Opacity {get; set;} public PrintPreviewControl PrintPreviewControl { get { return printPreviewControl; } set { printPreviewControl=value; } } [MonoTODO] public override RightToLeft RightToLeft { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public new bool ShowInTaskbar { get { return showInTaskbar; } set { showInTaskbar=value; } } public new Size Size { get { return size; } set { size=value; } } /// This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. /// public new SizeGripStyle SizeGripStyle {get; set;} public new FormStartPosition StartPosition { get { return startPosition; } set { startPosition=value; } } public new bool TabStop { get { return tabStop; } set { tabStop=value; } } public new object Tag { get { return tag; } set { tag=value; } } [MonoTODO] public override string Text { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public new bool TopMost { get { return topMost; } set { topMost=value; } } public new Color TransparencyKey { get { return transparencyKey; } set { transparencyKey=value; } } public bool UseAntiAlias { get { return useAntiAlias; } set { useAntiAlias=value; } } public new bool Visible { get { return visible; } set { visible=value; } } public new FormWindowState WindowState { get { return windowState; } set { windowState=value; } } #endregion #region Methods [MonoTODO] protected override void CreateHandle() { base.CreateHandle(); } [MonoTODO] protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } #endregion } }