// // System.Windows.Forms.CommonDialog.cs // // Author: // stubbed out by Jaak Simm (jaaksimm@firm.ee) // Dennis Hayes (dennish@Raytek.com) // Aleksey Ryabchuk (ryabchuk@yahoo.com) // (C) Ximian, Inc., 2002 // using System.ComponentModel; namespace System.Windows.Forms { /// /// Specifies the base class used for displaying dialog boxes on the screen. /// [MonoTODO] public abstract class CommonDialog : Component { [MonoTODO] public CommonDialog() : base () { } [MonoTODO] protected virtual IntPtr HookProc(IntPtr hWnd,int msg,IntPtr wparam,IntPtr lparam) { // FIXME: center window in response to WM_INITDIALOG message return IntPtr.Zero; } protected virtual void OnHelpRequest(EventArgs e) { if ( HelpRequest != null ) HelpRequest ( this, e ); } [MonoTODO] protected virtual IntPtr OwnerWndProc(IntPtr hWnd,int msg,IntPtr wparam,IntPtr lparam) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public abstract void Reset(); protected abstract bool RunDialog(IntPtr hwndOwner); [MonoTODO] public DialogResult ShowDialog() { IntPtr handle; Control ctrl=Control.getOwnerWindow(null); if ((ctrl!=null) && (ctrl.Handle!=(IntPtr)0)) handle=ctrl.Handle; else handle = Win32.GetDesktopWindow(); bool res = RunDialog (handle); return res ? DialogResult.OK : DialogResult.Cancel; } public DialogResult ShowDialog(IWin32Window owner) { bool res = RunDialog ( owner.Handle ); return res ? DialogResult.OK : DialogResult.Cancel; } public event EventHandler HelpRequest; } }