System.Windows.Forms README by John Sohn ( and Miguel de Icaza ( The maintainers: Dennis Hayes ( Backup: Miguel de Icaza ( Mailing list: The address is: * Introduction Welcome to the System.Windows.Forms implementation for Mono. This is still an early version of the class library. The plans for this library have changed, the plans to use multiple backends is no longer being pursued. We are now implementing this using the Wine library (because Windows.Forms applications require the message handling to be compatible with Windows, look up the Control.Wndproc method for details). Currently it is possible to use the Visual Studio solution in this directory to build the class libraries, and test the sample programs against our implementation. To run and execute with the Mono runtime on linux, the story is more complicated as we need to use the "WineLib" support in Wine. * The Layout The layout in this directory has some historical files that you can safely ignore, the following are just historical directories: Gtk/ WINElib/ All of the real code is being done in the same was as it is being done in the rest of the Mono assemblies. * Building System.Windows.Forms for Unix using Wine. Since a WineLib application is a Windows application that is compiled under Unix/Linux as a shared library it needs to be started differently than other applications. The WineLib application is started as any other Windows application running under Wine using the wine command. You cannot simply link in libwine (gcc myapp.c -lwine) to use Win32 functions. In order to use WineLib/Win32 functions under Mono I have created a small "stub" application that embeds the Mono engine inside the WineLib application. This is basically a replacement for the "mono" command that can be used to call the Win32 API (using WineLib) within an application written for Mono. To get started I suggest installing Wine and Mono first if they are not already installed. I am usually using the latest Wine snapshots built from source and installed under /usr/local. Also be sure to build/use a version of Mono with garbage collection disabled as there is a problem using WineLib with garbage collection enabled (check the mono-list archives for this discussion). You can disable garbage collection when building mono by adding --with-gc=none to the configure command. In the mono directory I build mono as: ./configure --with-gc=none In the WINELib makefile you may have set these to the appropriate files and/or paths on your PC: X11R6_INCLUDE=/usr/X11R6/include WINE_INCLUDE=/usr/local/include/wine WINE_LIB=/usr/local/lib/wine If you type make from the mcs/class/System.Windows.Forms/WINELib directory it should build: System.Windows.Forms.dll - The current (if largely incomplete) Windows Forms package. FormTest.exe, NativeWindowTest.exe, Test.exe - Test applications which link to and tests the System.Windows.Forms.dll - The WineLib application that starts the Mono/WineLib application. This small WineLib application embeds the Mono JIT engine allowing any Mono application running in it access to WineLib/Win32 function calls. Before starting any of the applications set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the directory where the Wine libraries are located: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/wine (In this example can be found in /usr/local/lib/wine) To start any of the applications you type (from the WINELib directory): wine mono-winelibapp.exe You may also need to add some DLL mappings to the Mono config file (usually in etc/mono/config) if applications are unable to find the Wine libraries. Here are the DLL's in the current implementation (more are probably needed):