// // System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapMessage.cs // // Author: // Tim Coleman (tim@timcoleman.com) // Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@ximian.com) // // Copyright (C) Tim Coleman, 2002 // // TODO: // Need to set the stream variable from the outside, or the constructor. // using System.IO; using System.Web.Services; namespace System.Web.Services.Protocols { public abstract class SoapMessage { #region Fields string content_type = "text/xml"; SoapException exception = null; SoapHeaderCollection headers; SoapMessageStage stage; Stream stream; object[] inParameters; object[] outParameters; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors internal SoapMessage () { headers = new SoapHeaderCollection (); } internal SoapMessage (Stream stream) { this.stream = stream; } internal SoapMessage (Stream stream, SoapException exception) { this.exception = exception; this.stream = stream; headers = new SoapHeaderCollection (); } #endregion #region Properties internal object[] InParameters { get { return inParameters; } set { inParameters = value; } } internal object[] OutParameters { get { return outParameters; } set { outParameters = value; } } public abstract string Action { get; } public string ContentType { get { return content_type; } set { content_type = value; } } public SoapException Exception { get { return exception; } } public SoapHeaderCollection Headers { get { return headers; } } public abstract LogicalMethodInfo MethodInfo { get; } public abstract bool OneWay { get; } public SoapMessageStage Stage { get { return stage; } } internal void SetStage (SoapMessageStage stage) { this.stage = stage; } public Stream Stream { get { return stream; } } public abstract string Url { get; } #endregion Properties #region Methods protected abstract void EnsureInStage (); protected abstract void EnsureOutStage (); protected void EnsureStage (SoapMessageStage stage) { if ((((int) stage) & ((int) Stage)) == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException ("The current SoapMessageStage is not the asserted stage or stages."); } public object GetInParameterValue (int index) { return inParameters [index]; } public object GetOutParameterValue (int index) { if (MethodInfo.IsVoid) return outParameters [index]; else return outParameters [index + 1]; } public object GetReturnValue () { if (!MethodInfo.IsVoid && exception == null) return outParameters [0]; else return null; } internal void SetHeaders (SoapHeaderCollection headers) { this.headers = headers; } internal void SetException (SoapException ex) { exception = ex; } internal void CollectHeaders (object target, HeaderInfo[] headers, SoapHeaderDirection direction) { Headers.Clear (); foreach (HeaderInfo hi in headers) { if ((hi.Direction & direction) != 0) { SoapHeader headerVal = hi.GetHeaderValue (target) as SoapHeader; if (headerVal != null) Headers.Add (headerVal); } } } internal void UpdateHeaderValues (object target, HeaderInfo[] headersInfo) { foreach (SoapHeader header in Headers) { HeaderInfo hinfo = FindHeader (headersInfo, header.GetType ()); if (hinfo != null) hinfo.SetHeaderValue (target, header); else if (header.MustUnderstand) throw new SoapHeaderException ("Unknown header", SoapException.MustUnderstandFaultCode); header.DidUnderstand = false; } } HeaderInfo FindHeader (HeaderInfo[] headersInfo, Type headerType) { foreach (HeaderInfo headerInfo in headersInfo) if (headerInfo.HeaderType == headerType) return headerInfo; return null; } #endregion // Methods } }