Notes on the Soap Client ------------------------ * Preparing an invocation. To send a SOAP request to a remote server, applications will instantiate a class created by the WSDL compiler that derives from SoapHttpClientProtocol. The classes generated are fairly simple, they contain stubs for all of the methods generated just pass the name of the method and the arguments they receive to the protected Invoke() method on SoapHttpClientProtocol. To invoke a method on a SOAP server it is necessary to instantiate the generated class, and possibly configure the Url property of it (to point to the right server) and then invoking the stubs. SoapHttpClientProtocol will create a SoapClientMessage based on this information. The SoapClientMessage class is used to pass the information to hooks or extensions in the .NET Framework. These hooks are invoked at various phases to customize the SOAP message. For the first pass of our implementation, we will not invoke any of those hooks. They are required for things like WSS, but we do not need this now. A WebRequest object of type POST is created, and we will use this to send our Soap message. * Creating the SOAP request The SOAP request is fairly simple; For our initial implementation we will only support the schema encoding. For each stub method, we need to create an XmlSerializer for the parameter values, and another one for the return value. The encoding is fairly simple, see the post on mono-serialization-list for a sample program. * Processing the return value. Soon. * Metadata Methods.cs extracts class and method information: it basically pulls all the attributes that can be applied to the class and methods, and stores them into TypeStubInfo and MethodStubInfo. Also, serializers for input and output types are created and stored into the MethodStubInfo. There is a cache managed by TypeStubManager (it has to be threadsafe, as SoapHttpClientProtocol will call this and will require thread safe semantics). The cache tracks types, and types track their methods. This information needs to be computed ahead of time, due to the possible name-clash resolution that VisualStudio uses. * Current shortcomings and problems. * Need a cache that maps (type, method-name) to the precomputed MethodMetadata. The type has to be a derived class from SoapHttpClientProtocol. * We do not support SoapExtensions. * We do not support extracting the parameter information and pass the result attribute names to the XmlSerializer, as specified in `Customizing SOAP Messages/Customizing the SOAP Message with XML Serialization' * We do not pass the SoapClientMessage as we should to any extensions * Ignored elements in the MethodStubInfo: * ParameterStyle, have to understand what this does. * Binding * RoutingStyle. * Other notes. VisualStudio does not allow method overloaded in web services, it requires that: [WebMethod (MethodName="AlternateName")] public int Name () I tried this: [WebMethod] public string A () {} [WebMethod] public string A (int b) {} Had to change it to: [WebMethod] public string A () {} [WebMethod (MethodName="B")] public string A (int b) {} The generated stubs though for "Invoke" does not use the actual name of the web method in the call to "Invoke", it uses a sequential number: [System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute(MessageName="A1")] [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestElementName="B", RequestNamespace="", ResponseElementName="BResponse", ResponseNamespace="", Use=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)] [return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("BResult")] public string A(int a) { object[] results = this.Invoke("A1", new object[] { a}); return ((string)(results[0])); } /// public System.IAsyncResult BeginA1(int a, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { return this.BeginInvoke("A1", new object[] { a}, callback, asyncState); } /// public string EndA1(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult); return ((string)(results[0])); } The above is interesting, because it means that the method to invoke on the target should be pulled from `RequestElementName', if the value is not found, then we use the name of the method provided.