// // System.Web.Services.Description.ProtocolImporter.cs // // Author: // Tim Coleman (tim@timcoleman.com) // Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@ximian.com) // // Copyright (C) Tim Coleman, 2002 // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.CodeDom; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; namespace System.Web.Services.Description { public abstract class ProtocolImporter { #region Fields Binding binding; string className; CodeIdentifiers classNames; CodeNamespace codeNamespace; CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit; CodeTypeDeclaration codeTypeDeclaration; Message inputMessage; string methodName; Operation operation; OperationBinding operationBinding; Message outputMessage; Port port; PortType portType; string protocolName; Service service; ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings warnings = (ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings)0; ServiceDescriptionImporter descriptionImporter; ImportInfo iinfo; XmlSchemas xmlSchemas; XmlSchemas soapSchemas; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors protected ProtocolImporter () { } #endregion // Constructors #region Properties [MonoTODO] public XmlSchemas AbstractSchemas { get { return descriptionImporter.Schemas; } } public Binding Binding { get { return binding; } } public string ClassName { get { return className; } } public CodeIdentifiers ClassNames { get { return classNames; } } public CodeNamespace CodeNamespace { get { return codeNamespace; } } public CodeTypeDeclaration CodeTypeDeclaration { get { return codeTypeDeclaration; } } [MonoTODO] public XmlSchemas ConcreteSchemas { get { return descriptionImporter.Schemas; } } public Message InputMessage { get { return inputMessage; } } public string MethodName { get { return methodName; } } public Operation Operation { get { return operation; } } public OperationBinding OperationBinding { get { return operationBinding; } } public Message OutputMessage { get { return outputMessage; } } public Port Port { get { return port; } } public PortType PortType { get { return portType; } } public abstract string ProtocolName { get; } public XmlSchemas Schemas { get { return descriptionImporter.Schemas; } } public Service Service { get { return service; } } public ServiceDescriptionCollection ServiceDescriptions { get { return descriptionImporter.ServiceDescriptions; } } public ServiceDescriptionImportStyle Style { get { return descriptionImporter.Style; } } public ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings Warnings { get { return warnings; } set { warnings = value; } } internal ImportInfo ImportInfo { get { return iinfo; } } internal XmlSchemas LiteralSchemas { get { return xmlSchemas; } } internal XmlSchemas EncodedSchemas { get { return soapSchemas; } } #endregion // Properties #region Methods internal bool Import (ServiceDescriptionImporter descriptionImporter, CodeNamespace codeNamespace, CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit, ArrayList importInfo) { this.descriptionImporter = descriptionImporter; this.classNames = new CodeIdentifiers();; this.codeNamespace = codeNamespace; this.codeCompileUnit = codeCompileUnit; warnings = (ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings) 0; bool found = false; ClasifySchemas (importInfo); BeginNamespace (); foreach (ImportInfo info in importInfo) { foreach (Service service in info.ServiceDescription.Services) { this.service = service; int bindingCount = 0; foreach (Port port in service.Ports) { binding = ServiceDescriptions.GetBinding (port.Binding); if (IsBindingSupported ()) bindingCount ++; } foreach (Port port in service.Ports) { this.iinfo = info; this.port = port; binding = ServiceDescriptions.GetBinding (port.Binding); if (!IsBindingSupported ()) continue; found = true; ImportPortBinding (bindingCount > 1); } } } EndNamespace (); if (!found) warnings = ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings.NoCodeGenerated; return true; } void ImportPortBinding (bool multipleBindings) { if (multipleBindings) className = port.Name; else className = service.Name; className = classNames.AddUnique (CodeIdentifier.MakeValid (className), port); className = className.Replace ("_x0020_", ""); // MS.NET seems to do this try { portType = ServiceDescriptions.GetPortType (binding.Type); if (portType == null) throw new Exception ("Port type not found: " + binding.Type); CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass = BeginClass (); codeTypeDeclaration = codeClass; AddCodeType (codeClass, port.Documentation); codeClass.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; if (service.Documentation != null && service.Documentation != "") AddComments (codeClass, service.Documentation); CodeAttributeDeclaration att = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ("System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute"); AddCustomAttribute (codeClass, att, true); att = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ("System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute"); att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("code")); AddCustomAttribute (codeClass, att, true); if (binding.Operations.Count == 0) { warnings |= ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings.NoMethodsGenerated; return; } foreach (OperationBinding oper in binding.Operations) { operationBinding = oper; operation = FindPortOperation (); if (operation == null) throw new Exception ("Operation " + operationBinding.Name + " not found in portType " + PortType.Name); foreach (OperationMessage omsg in operation.Messages) { Message msg = ServiceDescriptions.GetMessage (omsg.Message); if (msg == null) throw new Exception ("Message not found: " + omsg.Message); if (omsg is OperationInput) inputMessage = msg; else outputMessage = msg; } CodeMemberMethod method = GenerateMethod (); if (method != null) { methodName = method.Name; if (operation.Documentation != null && operation.Documentation != "") AddComments (method, operation.Documentation); } } EndClass (); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { warnings |= ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings.NoCodeGenerated; UnsupportedBindingWarning (ex.Message); } } Operation FindPortOperation () { string inMessage = null; string outMessage = null; int numMsg = 1; if (operationBinding.Input == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Input operation binding not found"); inMessage = (operationBinding.Input.Name != null) ? operationBinding.Input.Name : operationBinding.Name; if (operationBinding.Output != null) { outMessage = (operationBinding.Output.Name != null) ? operationBinding.Output.Name : operationBinding.Name; numMsg++; } string operName = operationBinding.Name; Operation foundOper = null; foreach (Operation oper in PortType.Operations) { if (oper.Name == operName) { int hits = 0; foreach (OperationMessage omsg in oper.Messages) { if (omsg is OperationInput && GetOperMessageName (omsg, operName) == inMessage) hits++; if (omsg is OperationOutput && GetOperMessageName (omsg, operName) == outMessage) hits++; } if (hits == numMsg) return oper; foundOper = oper; } } return foundOper; } string GetOperMessageName (OperationMessage msg, string operName) { if (msg.Name == null) return operName; else return msg.Name; } internal string GetServiceUrl (string location) { if (ImportInfo.AppSettingUrlKey == null || ImportInfo.AppSettingUrlKey == string.Empty) return location; else { string url; if (Style == ServiceDescriptionImportStyle.Server) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot set appSettingUrlKey if Style is Server"); url = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings [ImportInfo.AppSettingUrlKey]; if (ImportInfo.AppSettingBaseUrl != null && ImportInfo.AppSettingBaseUrl != string.Empty) url += "/" + ImportInfo.AppSettingBaseUrl + "/" + location; return url; } } void ClasifySchemas (ArrayList importInfo) { // I don't like this, but I could not find any other way of clasifying // schemas between encoded and literal. xmlSchemas = new XmlSchemas (); soapSchemas = new XmlSchemas (); foreach (ImportInfo info in importInfo) { foreach (Service service in info.ServiceDescription.Services) { foreach (Port port in service.Ports) { this.iinfo = info; this.port = port; binding = ServiceDescriptions.GetBinding (port.Binding); if (binding == null) continue; portType = ServiceDescriptions.GetPortType (binding.Type); if (portType == null) continue; foreach (OperationBinding oper in binding.Operations) { operationBinding = oper; operation = FindPortOperation (); if (operation == null) continue; foreach (OperationMessage omsg in operation.Messages) { Message msg = ServiceDescriptions.GetMessage (omsg.Message); if (msg == null) continue; if (omsg is OperationInput) inputMessage = msg; else outputMessage = msg; } if (GetMessageEncoding (oper.Input) == SoapBindingUse.Encoded) AddMessageSchema (soapSchemas, oper.Input, inputMessage); else AddMessageSchema (xmlSchemas, oper.Input, inputMessage); if (oper.Output != null) { if (GetMessageEncoding (oper.Output) == SoapBindingUse.Encoded) AddMessageSchema (soapSchemas, oper.Output, outputMessage); else AddMessageSchema (xmlSchemas, oper.Output, outputMessage); } } } } } XmlSchemas defaultList = xmlSchemas; if (xmlSchemas.Count == 0 && soapSchemas.Count > 0) defaultList = soapSchemas; // Schemas not referenced by any message foreach (XmlSchema sc in Schemas) { if (!soapSchemas.Contains (sc) && !xmlSchemas.Contains (sc)) { if (ImportsEncodedNamespace (sc)) soapSchemas.Add (sc); else defaultList.Add (sc); } } } void AddMessageSchema (XmlSchemas schemas, MessageBinding mb, Message msg) { foreach (MessagePart part in msg.Parts) { if (part.Element != XmlQualifiedName.Empty) AddIncludingSchema (schemas, part.Element.Namespace); else if (part.Type != XmlQualifiedName.Empty) AddIncludingSchema (schemas, part.Type.Namespace); } SoapBodyBinding sbb = mb.Extensions.Find (typeof(SoapBodyBinding)) as SoapBodyBinding; if (sbb != null) AddIncludingSchema (schemas, sbb.Namespace); } void AddIncludingSchema (XmlSchemas list, string ns) { XmlSchema sc = Schemas [ns]; if (sc == null || list.Contains (sc)) return; list.Add (sc); foreach (XmlSchemaObject ob in sc.Includes) { XmlSchemaImport import = ob as XmlSchemaImport; if (import != null) AddIncludingSchema (list, import.Namespace); } } SoapBindingUse GetMessageEncoding (MessageBinding mb) { SoapBodyBinding sbb = mb.Extensions.Find (typeof(SoapBodyBinding)) as SoapBodyBinding; if (sbb == null) { if (mb is InputBinding) return SoapBindingUse.Encoded; else return SoapBindingUse.Literal; } else if (sbb.Use == SoapBindingUse.Encoded) return SoapBindingUse.Encoded; else return SoapBindingUse.Literal; } bool ImportsEncodedNamespace (XmlSchema sc) { foreach (XmlSchemaObject ob in sc.Includes) { XmlSchemaImport import = ob as XmlSchemaImport; if (import.Namespace == SoapProtocolReflector.EncodingNamespace) return true; } return false; } [MonoTODO] public void AddExtensionWarningComments (CodeCommentStatementCollection comments, ServiceDescriptionFormatExtensionCollection extensions) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } protected abstract CodeTypeDeclaration BeginClass (); protected virtual void BeginNamespace () { } protected virtual void EndClass () { } protected virtual void EndNamespace () { } protected abstract CodeMemberMethod GenerateMethod (); protected abstract bool IsBindingSupported (); protected abstract bool IsOperationFlowSupported (OperationFlow flow); [MonoTODO] public Exception OperationBindingSyntaxException (string text) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] public Exception OperationSyntaxException (string text) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public void UnsupportedBindingWarning (string text) { warnings |= ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings.UnsupportedBindingsIgnored; AddGlobalComments ("WARNING: Could not generate proxy for binding " + binding.Name + ". " + text); } public void UnsupportedOperationBindingWarning (string text) { warnings |= ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings.UnsupportedOperationsIgnored; AddGlobalComments ("WARNING: Could not generate operation " + OperationBinding.Name + ". " + text); } public void UnsupportedOperationWarning (string text) { warnings |= ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings.UnsupportedOperationsIgnored; AddGlobalComments ("WARNING: Could not generate operation " + OperationBinding.Name + ". " + text); } void AddGlobalComments (string comments) { codeNamespace.Comments.Add (new CodeCommentStatement (comments, false)); } void AddComments (CodeTypeMember member, string comments) { if (comments == null || comments == "") member.Comments.Add (new CodeCommentStatement ("", true)); else member.Comments.Add (new CodeCommentStatement ("\n" + comments + "\n", true)); } void AddCodeType (CodeTypeDeclaration type, string comments) { AddComments (type, comments); codeNamespace.Types.Add (type); } internal void AddCustomAttribute (CodeTypeMember ctm, CodeAttributeDeclaration att, bool addIfNoParams) { if (att.Arguments.Count == 0 && !addIfNoParams) return; if (ctm.CustomAttributes == null) ctm.CustomAttributes = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection (); ctm.CustomAttributes.Add (att); } internal void AddCustomAttribute (CodeTypeMember ctm, string name, params CodeAttributeArgument[] args) { if (ctm.CustomAttributes == null) ctm.CustomAttributes = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection (); ctm.CustomAttributes.Add (new CodeAttributeDeclaration (name, args)); } internal CodeAttributeArgument GetArg (string name, object value) { return new CodeAttributeArgument (name, new CodePrimitiveExpression(value)); } internal CodeAttributeArgument GetEnumArg (string name, string enumType, string enumValue) { return new CodeAttributeArgument (name, new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (new CodeTypeReferenceExpression(enumType), enumValue)); } internal CodeAttributeArgument GetArg (object value) { return new CodeAttributeArgument (new CodePrimitiveExpression(value)); } internal CodeAttributeArgument GetTypeArg (string name, string typeName) { return new CodeAttributeArgument (name, new CodeTypeOfExpression(typeName)); } #endregion } }