/** * Project : Mono * Namespace : System.Web.UI.MobileControls * Class : DeviceSpecificChoice * Author : Gaurav Vaish * * Copyright : 2003 with Gaurav Vaish, and with * Ximian Inc */ using System.ComponentModel; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Reflection; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.Mobile; namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls { public class DeviceSpecificChoice : IParserAccessor, IAttributeAccessor { private string argument; private IDictionary contents; private string filter; private DeviceSpecific owner; private IDictionary templates; private string xmlns; private static IComparer caseInsensitiveComparer = new CaseInsensitiveComparer(); public DeviceSpecificChoice() { } string IAttributeAccessor.GetAttribute(string key) { object val = Contents[key]; if(val != null && val is string) return (string)val; //FIXME throw new ArgumentException("DeviceSpecificChoice" + "_PropetyNotAnAttribute"); } void IAttributeAccessor.SetAttribute(string key, string value) { Contents[key] = value; } void IParserAccessor.AddParsedSubObject(object obj) { if(obj is DeviceSpecificChoiceTemplateContainer) { DeviceSpecificChoiceTemplateContainer ctr = (DeviceSpecificChoiceTemplateContainer)obj; Templates[ctr.Name] = ctr.Template; } } public string Argument { get { return this.argument; } set { this.argument = value; } } public IDictionary Contents { get { if(this.contents == null) { this.contents = new ListDictionary(caseInsensitiveComparer); } return this.contents; } } public string Filter { get { return this.filter; } set { this.filter = value; } } public DeviceSpecific Owner { get { return this.owner; } set { this.owner = value; } } public IDictionary Templates { get { if(this.templates == null) { this.templates = new ListDictionary(caseInsensitiveComparer); } return this.templates; } } internal void ApplyProperties() { IDictionaryEnumerator ide = Contents.GetEnumerator(); while(ide.MoveNext()) { object owner = Owner.Owner; string key = (string)ide.Key; string value = (string)ide.Value; if(key.ToLower() == "id") { //FIXME throw new ArgumentException("DeviceSpecificChoice" + "_InvalidPropertyOverride"); } if(value != null) { int dash = 0; while((dash = key.IndexOf('-')) != -1) { string first = key.Substring(0, dash); PropertyDescriptor pd = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(owner).Find(key, true); if(pd == null) { //FIXME throw new ArgumentException("DeviceSpecificChoice" + "_OverridingPropertyNotFound"); } owner = pd.GetValue(owner); key = key.Substring(dash + 1); } if(!FindAndApplyProperty(owner, key, value) && !FindAndApplyEvent(owner, key, value)) { if(owner is IAttributeAccessor) { ((IAttributeAccessor)owner).SetAttribute(key, value); } else { //FIXME throw new ArgumentException("DeviceSpecificChoice" + "_OverridingPropertyNotFound"); } } } } } /// /// Returns false if not found or not applied /// private bool FindAndApplyProperty(object parentObj, string key, string value) { bool retVal = false; PropertyDescriptor pd = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(parentObj).Find(key, true); if(pd != null) { if(pd.Attributes.Contains( DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute.Hidden)) { throw new ArgumentException("DeviceSpecificChoice" + "_OverridingPropertyNotDeclarable"); } throw new NotImplementedException(); } return retVal; } private bool FindAndApplyEvent(object parentObj, string key, string value) { bool retVal = false; if(key.Length > 0) { if(key.ToLower().StartsWith("on")) { string eventName = key.Substring(2); EventDescriptor ed = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(parentObj).Find(key, true); if(ed != null) { ed.AddEventHandler(parentObj, Delegate.CreateDelegate(ed.EventType, Owner.MobilePage, eventName)); } } } return retVal; } private bool CheckOnPageEvaluator(MobileCapabilities capabilities, out bool evaluatorResult) { bool retVal = false; evaluatorResult = false; TemplateControl tc = Owner.ClosestTemplateControl; // I have to get the method (MethodInfo?) and then invoke // the method and send back the results of the method! throw new NotImplementedException(); } public bool HasTemplates { get { return (templates != null && templates.Count > 0); } } } }