// // HttpBrowserCapabilitiesBase.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // Copyright (C) 2008 Novell Inc. http://novell.com // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Web.Caching; using System.Web.UI; namespace System.Web { [TypeForwardedFrom ("System.Web.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35")] [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public abstract class HttpBrowserCapabilitiesBase : IFilterResolutionService { void NotImplemented () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public virtual bool ActiveXControls { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual IDictionary Adapters { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual bool AOL { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool BackgroundSounds { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool Beta { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual string Browser { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual ArrayList Browsers { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual bool CanCombineFormsInDeck { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool CanInitiateVoiceCall { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool CanRenderAfterInputOrSelectElement { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool CanRenderEmptySelects { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool CanRenderInputAndSelectElementsTogether { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool CanRenderMixedSelects { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool CanRenderOneventAndPrevElementsTogether { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool CanRenderPostBackCards { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool CanRenderSetvarZeroWithMultiSelectionList { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool CanSendMail { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual IDictionary Capabilities { get; set; } public virtual bool CDF { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual Version ClrVersion { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual bool Cookies { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool Crawler { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual int DefaultSubmitButtonLimit { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual Version EcmaScriptVersion { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual bool Frames { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual int GatewayMajorVersion { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual double GatewayMinorVersion { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual string GatewayVersion { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual bool HasBackButton { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool HidesRightAlignedMultiselectScrollbars { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual string HtmlTextWriter { get; set; } public virtual string Id { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual string InputType { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual bool IsColor { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool IsMobileDevice { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual string this [string key] { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public virtual bool JavaApplets { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual Version JScriptVersion { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual int MajorVersion { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual int MaximumHrefLength { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual int MaximumRenderedPageSize { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual int MaximumSoftkeyLabelLength { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual double MinorVersion { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual string MinorVersionString { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual string MobileDeviceManufacturer { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual string MobileDeviceModel { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual Version MSDomVersion { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual int NumberOfSoftkeys { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual string Platform { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual string PreferredImageMime { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual string PreferredRenderingMime { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual string PreferredRenderingType { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual string PreferredRequestEncoding { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual string PreferredResponseEncoding { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual bool RendersBreakBeforeWmlSelectAndInput { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RendersBreaksAfterHtmlLists { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RendersBreaksAfterWmlAnchor { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RendersBreaksAfterWmlInput { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RendersWmlDoAcceptsInline { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RendersWmlSelectsAsMenuCards { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual string RequiredMetaTagNameValue { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual bool RequiresAttributeColonSubstitution { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresContentTypeMetaTag { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresControlStateInSession { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresDBCSCharacter { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresHtmlAdaptiveErrorReporting { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresLeadingPageBreak { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresNoBreakInFormatting { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresOutputOptimization { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresPhoneNumbersAsPlainText { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresSpecialViewStateEncoding { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresUniqueFilePathSuffix { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresUniqueHtmlCheckboxNames { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresUniqueHtmlInputNames { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool RequiresUrlEncodedPostfieldValues { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual int ScreenBitDepth { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual int ScreenCharactersHeight { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual int ScreenCharactersWidth { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual int ScreenPixelsHeight { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual int ScreenPixelsWidth { get { NotImplemented (); return 0; } } public virtual bool SupportsAccesskeyAttribute { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsBodyColor { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsBold { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsCacheControlMetaTag { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsCallback { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsCss { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsDivAlign { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsDivNoWrap { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsEmptyStringInCookieValue { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsFontColor { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsFontName { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsFontSize { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsImageSubmit { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsIModeSymbols { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsInputIStyle { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsInputMode { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsItalic { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsJPhoneMultiMediaAttributes { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsJPhoneSymbols { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsQueryStringInFormAction { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsRedirectWithCookie { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsSelectMultiple { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsUncheck { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool SupportsXmlHttp { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool Tables { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual Type TagWriter { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual string Type { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual bool UseOptimizedCacheKey { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool VBScript { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual string Version { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual Version W3CDomVersion { get { NotImplemented (); return null; } } public virtual bool Win16 { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual bool Win32 { get { NotImplemented (); return false; } } public virtual void AddBrowser (string browserName) { NotImplemented (); } public virtual int CompareFilters (string filter1, string filter2) { NotImplemented (); return 0; } public virtual HtmlTextWriter CreateHtmlTextWriter (TextWriter w) { NotImplemented (); return null; } public virtual void DisableOptimizedCacheKey () { NotImplemented (); } public virtual bool EvaluateFilter (string filterName) { NotImplemented (); return false; } public virtual Version [] GetClrVersions () { NotImplemented (); return null; } public virtual bool IsBrowser (string browserName) { NotImplemented (); return false; } } }