2008-03-23 Dean Brettle * NunitWebResources/adapters.browser, NunitWebResources/TestCapability.browser: modified to work and support tests of browser defs in etc/mono/2.0/Browsers/Compat.browser. 2008-03-09 Dean Brettle * add new resources: PageWithAdapter.aspx for PageTest and PageAdapterTest. TestCapability.browser for AppBrowsersTest. * NunitWebResources/adapters.browser, NunitWebResources/AppBrowsersTest.browser: modified to support testing reference nodes with captures, and adapters. * NunitWeb/NunitWeb/WebTest.cs: ensure that, during AppDomain unload, no new requests are sent to the app host and any pending requests are completed before the the unload occurs. Also added WebTest.AppUnloaded event that tests can use to wait for the app to unload (e.g. after touching Global.asax), and WebTest.CleanApp() which can be called to restart the app with the a skeleton directory structure. Tests which add files that could effect other tests (e.g. App_Browsers/*.browser files) should call WebTest.CleanApp() during TearDown to return the app to a pristine environment. 2008-01-08 Dean Brettle * NunitWeb/NunitWeb/WebTest.cs: copy .mdb or .pdb files with assemblies so we get line numbers in stack traces! 2007-03-09 Marek Habersack * NunitWeb/NunitWeb/WebTest.cs: make sure that files timestamp is updated when the target and the source are equal on resource copying. This unbreaks the Themes tests which failed to recompile themes whenever next test from the fixture was ran, since the cache in the test application failed to notice the change. 2006-11-27 Yoni Klain * add new resources : NoEventValidation.aspx for ImageButtonTest.cs 2006-11-22 Yoni Klain * add new resources : AsyncPage.aspx,PageCultureTest.aspx for PageTest.cs 2006-11-21 Yoni Klain * add new resources : adapters.browser; Theme2.skin for ControlTest.cs 2006-11-09 Yoni Klain * add new application for Web site administration * new dir Mainsoft.Web.Administration 2006-10-04 Yoni Klain * new resources : Test/mainsoft/NunitWebResources/PageLifecycleTest.aspx ; Test/mainsoft/NunitWebResources/PageValidationTest.aspx ; 2006-09-19 Yoni Klain * Web.config added NunitWeb assembly ; * WebTest.cs remove overriden set url ; * new resources : Test/mainsoft/NunitWebResources/CrossPagePosting1.aspx ; Test/mainsoft/NunitWebResources/CrossPagePosting2.aspx ; 2006-09-18 Yoni Klain * new resources : Test/mainsoft/NunitWebResources/Mapping.aspx ; Test/mainsoft/NunitWebResources/Mapping1.aspx ; Test/mainsoft/NunitWebResources/WebMapping.config 2006-09-17 Yoni Klain * new resources : EvalTest.aspx;TemplateUserControl.ascx 2006-08-10 Yoni Klain * new resources : CallbackTest1.aspx; CallbackTest2.aspx 2006-08-08 Yoni Klain * new: WebLogin.config; LoginViewTest1.aspx * WebTest.cs: Change CopyResources type to rewrite if exist 2006-08-03 Vladimir Krasnov * resources fixed XMLDataSourceTest1.aspx, XMLDataSourceTest2.aspx, XMLDataSourceTest3.aspx, XMLDataSourceTest4.aspx 2006-07-25 Yoni Klain * added : XMLDataSourceTest.xml;XMLDataSourceTest.xsl;XMLDataSourceTest1.aspx; * XMLDataSourceTest2.aspx;XMLDataSourceTest3.aspx;XMLDataSourceTest4.aspx * embedded resources for XmlDataSourceTest.cs 2006-07-16 Yoni Klain * added WizardTest.skin embedded resources for WizardStepBase test 2006-07-07 Yoni Klain * added PostBackMenuTest.aspx embedded resources for MenuPostBack test 2006-27-06 Yoni Klain * NunitWebTest.cs : Changes for embedded resources 2006-21-05 Vladimir Krasnov * run-test.bat: Added env var TEST_17 for testing 1.7 and 1.8 versions of GH 2006-21-05 Yoni Klain * MyPageWithMaster.aspx;My.master - Resources changed for MasterPageTest 2006-15-05 Vladimir Krasnov * run-test.bat: removed build console outputs 2006-03-07 Vladimir Krasnov * run-test.bat: fixed enviroment variables 2006-03-05 Vladimir Krasnov * run-test.bat: added running of mono test suite 2006-02-23 Vladimir Krasnov * run-test.bat: fixed references copying 2006-02-23 Vladimir Krasnov * added run-test.bat file for running in GH environment