// // Tests for System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormView.cs // // Author: // Merav Sudri (meravs@mainsoft.com) // // // Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if NET_2_0 using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Threading; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using MonoTests.SystemWeb.Framework; using MonoTests.stand_alone.WebHarness; namespace MonoTests.System.Web.UI.WebControls { public class ObjectDataSourcePoker : ObjectDataSource { public ObjectDataSourcePoker () // constructor { TrackViewState (); } public object SaveState () { return SaveViewState (); } public void LoadState (object o) { LoadViewState (o); } public StateBag StateBag { get { return base.ViewState; } } public string Render () { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); HtmlTextWriter tw = new HtmlTextWriter (sw); Render (tw); return sw.ToString (); } public void DoOnBubbleEvent (Object source, EventArgs e) { base.OnBubbleEvent (source, e); } public object DoSaveControlState () { return base.SaveControlState (); } public void DoLoadControlState (object savedState) { base.LoadControlState (savedState); } } [TestFixture] public class ObjectDataSourceTest { [TestFixtureSetUp] public void setup () { Thread.Sleep (100); } [TestFixtureTearDown] public void TearDown () { WebTest.Unload (); } public static void InitObjectDataSource (ObjectDataSourcePoker ds, string action) { Parameter p1, p2, p3; switch (action) { case "insert": p1 = new Parameter ("ID", TypeCode.String, "1004"); p2 = new Parameter ("FName", TypeCode.String, "David"); p3 = new Parameter ("LName", TypeCode.String, "Eli"); break; case "update": p1 = new Parameter ("ID", TypeCode.String, "1001"); p2 = new Parameter ("FName", TypeCode.String, "David"); p3 = new Parameter ("LName", TypeCode.String, "Eli"); break; case "DBNull": p1 = new Parameter ("ID"); p2 = new Parameter ("FName"); p3 = new Parameter ("LName"); break; default: p1 = new Parameter ("ID", TypeCode.String, "1001"); p2 = new Parameter ("FName", TypeCode.String, "Mahesh"); p3 = new Parameter ("LName", TypeCode.String, "chand"); break; } ds.SelectMethod = "GetMyData"; ds.DeleteMethod = "Delete"; ds.InsertMethod = "Insert"; ds.UpdateMethod = "Update"; ds.SelectCountMethod = "SelectCount"; ds.DeleteParameters.Add (p1); ds.DeleteParameters.Add (p2); ds.DeleteParameters.Add (p3); ds.InsertParameters.Add (p1); ds.InsertParameters.Add (p2); ds.InsertParameters.Add (p3); ds.UpdateParameters.Add (p1); ds.UpdateParameters.Add (p2); ds.UpdateParameters.Add (p3); ds.ID = "MyObject"; ds.TypeName = "MonoTests.System.Web.UI.WebControls.MyTableObject"; } //Default properties [Test] public void ObjectDataSource_DefaultProperties () { ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); Assert.AreEqual (ConflictOptions.OverwriteChanges, ods.ConflictDetection, "ConflictDetection"); Assert.AreEqual ("",ods.DataObjectTypeName ,"DataObjectTypeName "); Assert.AreEqual ("", ods.DeleteMethod, "DeleteMethod"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof(ParameterCollection),ods.DeleteParameters.GetType (),"DeleteParameters"); Assert.AreEqual (false, ods.EnablePaging, "EnablePaging "); Assert.AreEqual ("", ods.FilterExpression, "FilterExpression "); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ParameterCollection), ods.FilterParameters.GetType (), "FilterParameters"); Assert.AreEqual ("", ods.InsertMethod, "InsertMethod "); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ParameterCollection), ods.InsertParameters.GetType (), "InsertParameters "); Assert.AreEqual ("maximumRows", ods.MaximumRowsParameterName, "MaximumRowsParameterName"); Assert.AreEqual ("{0}", ods.OldValuesParameterFormatString, "OldValuesParameterFormatString"); Assert.AreEqual ("", ods.SelectCountMethod, "SelectCountMethod"); Assert.AreEqual ("", ods.SelectMethod, "SelectMethod "); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ParameterCollection), ods.SelectParameters.GetType (), "SelectParameters"); Assert.AreEqual ("", ods.SortParameterName, "SortParameterName"); Assert.AreEqual ("startRowIndex", ods.StartRowIndexParameterName, "StartRowIndexParameterName"); Assert.AreEqual ("", ods.TypeName, "TypeName"); Assert.AreEqual ("", ods.UpdateMethod, "UpdateMethod "); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ParameterCollection), ods.UpdateParameters.GetType (), "UpdateParameters"); } [Test] public void ObjectDataSource_NotWorkingDefaultProperties () { ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); Assert.AreEqual (0, ods.CacheDuration, "CacheDuration"); Assert.AreEqual (DataSourceCacheExpiry.Absolute, ods.CacheExpirationPolicy, "CacheExpirationPolicy"); Assert.AreEqual ("", ods.CacheKeyDependency, "CacheKeyDependency"); Assert.AreEqual (false, ods.ConvertNullToDBNull, "ConvertNullToDBNull "); Assert.AreEqual (false, ods.EnableCaching, "EnableCaching "); Assert.AreEqual ("", ods.SqlCacheDependency, "SqlCacheDependency"); } //Non default properties values [Test] public void ObjectDataSource_AssignToDefaultProperties () { ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); InitObjectDataSource (ods,""); ods.ConflictDetection = ConflictOptions.CompareAllValues; Assert.AreEqual (ConflictOptions.CompareAllValues, ods.ConflictDetection, "ConflictDetection"); ods.DataObjectTypeName = "MyData"; Assert.AreEqual ("MyData", ods.DataObjectTypeName, "DataObjectTypeName "); Assert.AreEqual ("Delete", ods.DeleteMethod, "DeleteMethod"); Assert.AreEqual (3, ods.DeleteParameters.Count, "DeleteParameters"); ods.EnablePaging = true; Assert.AreEqual (true, ods.EnablePaging, "EnablePaging "); ods.FilterExpression = "ID='{0}'"; Assert.AreEqual ("ID='{0}'", ods.FilterExpression, "FilterExpression "); TextBox TextBox1=new TextBox (); TextBox1.Text ="1001"; FormParameter p=new FormParameter ("ID","TextBox1"); p.DefaultValue = "1002"; ods.FilterParameters.Add (p); Assert.AreEqual ("ID", ods.FilterParameters[0].Name, "FilterParameters1"); Assert.AreEqual ("1002", ods.FilterParameters[0].DefaultValue , "FilterParameters2"); Assert.AreEqual ("TextBox1", ((FormParameter )ods.FilterParameters[0]).FormField, "FilterParameters3"); Assert.AreEqual ("Insert", ods.InsertMethod, "InsertMethod "); Assert.AreEqual ("ID", ods.InsertParameters[0].Name , "InsertParameters "); ods.MaximumRowsParameterName = "SelectCount"; Assert.AreEqual ("SelectCount", ods.MaximumRowsParameterName, "MaximumRowsParameterName"); ods.OldValuesParameterFormatString = "ID"; Assert.AreEqual ("ID", ods.OldValuesParameterFormatString, "OldValuesParameterFormatString"); Assert.AreEqual ("SelectCount", ods.SelectCountMethod, "SelectCountMethod"); Assert.AreEqual ("GetMyData", ods.SelectMethod, "SelectMethod "); Parameter dummy = new Parameter (); dummy.Name = "Test"; ods.SelectParameters.Add (dummy); Assert.AreEqual ("Test", ods.SelectParameters[0].Name , "SelectParameters"); ods.SortParameterName = "sortExpression"; Assert.AreEqual ("sortExpression", ods.SortParameterName, "SortParameterName"); ods.StartRowIndexParameterName = "ID"; Assert.AreEqual ("ID", ods.StartRowIndexParameterName, "StartRowIndexParameterName"); Assert.AreEqual ("MonoTests.System.Web.UI.WebControls.MyTableObject", ods.TypeName, "TypeName"); Assert.AreEqual ("Update", ods.UpdateMethod, "UpdateMethod "); Assert.AreEqual ("FName", ods.UpdateParameters[1].Name, "UpdateParameters"); } [Test] public void ObjectDataSource_NotWorkingAssignToDefaultProperties () { ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); ods.CacheDuration = 1000; Assert.AreEqual (1000, ods.CacheDuration, "CacheDuration"); ods.CacheExpirationPolicy = DataSourceCacheExpiry.Sliding; Assert.AreEqual (DataSourceCacheExpiry.Sliding, ods.CacheExpirationPolicy, "CacheExpirationPolicy"); ods.CacheKeyDependency = "ID"; Assert.AreEqual ("ID", ods.CacheKeyDependency, "CacheKeyDependency"); ods.ConvertNullToDBNull = true; Assert.AreEqual (true, ods.ConvertNullToDBNull, "ConvertNullToDBNull "); ods.EnableCaching = true; Assert.AreEqual (true, ods.EnableCaching, "EnableCaching "); ods.SqlCacheDependency = "Northwind:Employees"; Assert.AreEqual ("Northwind:Employees", ods.SqlCacheDependency, "SqlCacheDependency"); } //ViewState [Test] public void ObjectDataSource_ViewState () { ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); //InitObjectDataSource (ods,""); ObjectDataSourcePoker copy = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); FormParameter p = new FormParameter ("ID", "TextBox1"); p.DefaultValue = "1002"; ods.FilterParameters.Add (p); Parameter p1 = new Parameter ("ID", TypeCode.String, "1001"); Parameter p2 = new Parameter ("FName", TypeCode.String, "Mahesh"); ods.SelectParameters.Add (p1); ods.SelectParameters.Add (p2); object state = ods.SaveState (); copy.LoadState (state); Assert.AreEqual ("ID", copy.FilterParameters [0].Name, "ViewStateFilterParameters1"); Assert.AreEqual ("1002", copy.FilterParameters [0].DefaultValue, "ViewStateFilterParameters2"); Assert.AreEqual ("1001", copy.SelectParameters[0].DefaultValue, "ViewStateSelectParameters1"); Assert.AreEqual (2, copy.SelectParameters.Count , "ViewStateSelectParameters2"); } //Properties functionality public void ObjectDataSource_ConflictDetection () { //Not implemented } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] [Category("NotWorking")] public void ObjectDataSource_ConvertNullToDBNull () { // 7) MonoTests.System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSourceTest.ObjectDataSource_ConvertNullToDBNull : NUnit.Framework.AssertionException: ConvertNullToDBNull ^M // expected:^M // but was: // at NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail (System.String message, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] // at NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail (System.String message) [0x00000] // at NUnit.Framework.Assert.FailNotEquals (System.Object expected, System.Object actual, System.String message, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] // at NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual (System.Object expected, System.Object actual, System.String message, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] // at NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual (System.Object expected, System.Object actual, System.String message) [0x00000] // at MonoTests.System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSourceTest.ConvertNullToDBNull (System.Web.UI.Page p) [0x00000] // at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_Page (System.Web.UI.Page) // at MonoTests.SystemWeb.Framework.PageInvoker.Invoke (MonoTests.SystemWeb.Framework.PageDelegate callback) [0x00000] // ----> NUnit.Framework.AssertionException : ConvertNullToDBNull ^M // expected:^M // but was:^M // at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke (System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy rp, IMessage msg, System.Exception& exc, System.Object[]& out_args) [0x00188] in /home/cvs/mcs/class/corlib/System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies/RealProxy.cs:221 // --AssertionException // at MonoTests.System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSourceTest.ConvertNullToDBNull (System.Web.UI.Page p) [0x00000] // at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_Page (System.Web.UI.Page) // at MonoTests.SystemWeb.Framework.PageInvoker.Invoke (MonoTests.SystemWeb.Framework.PageDelegate callback) [0x00000] // string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (ConvertNullToDBNull))).Run (); } public static void ConvertNullToDBNull (Page p) { ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); InitObjectDataSource (ods,"DBNull"); bool dbnull = false; ods.ConvertNullToDBNull = true; try { ods.Delete (); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.AreEqual (true, ex.Message.Contains ("type 'System.DBNull' cannot be converted to type 'System.String'") || // dotnet ex.Message.Contains ("Value cannot be null."), "ConvertNullToDBNull"); // mono dbnull = true; } Assert.AreEqual (true, dbnull, "ConvertNullToDBNull2"); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ObjectDataSource_FilterExpression () { string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (FilterExpression))).Run (); string newHtml= HtmlDiff.GetControlFromPageHtml (html); string origHtml = @"
"; HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (origHtml, newHtml, "FilterExpression"); } public static void FilterExpression (Page p) { LiteralControl lcb = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.BEGIN_TAG); LiteralControl lce = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.END_TAG); DataGrid dg = new DataGrid (); ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); InitObjectDataSource (ods, ""); ods.FilterExpression = "ID='1002'"; p.Controls.Add (lcb); p.Controls.Add (dg); p.Controls.Add (ods); p.Controls.Add (lce); dg.DataSourceID = "MyObject"; dg.DataBind (); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ObjectDataSource_FilterParameter () { string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (FilterParameter))).Run (); string newHtml = HtmlDiff.GetControlFromPageHtml (html); string origHtml = @"
"; HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (origHtml, newHtml, "FilterExpression"); } public static void FilterParameter (Page p) { LiteralControl lcb = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.BEGIN_TAG); LiteralControl lce = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.END_TAG); DataGrid dg = new DataGrid (); ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); InitObjectDataSource (ods, ""); ods.FilterExpression = "{0}"; Parameter p1 = new Parameter ("ID", TypeCode.String, "ID=1003"); ods.FilterParameters.Add (p1); p.Controls.Add (lcb); p.Controls.Add (dg); p.Controls.Add (ods); p.Controls.Add (lce); dg.DataSourceID = "MyObject"; dg.DataBind (); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ObjectDataSource_EnablePaging () { string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (EnablePaging))).Run (); string newHtml = HtmlDiff.GetControlFromPageHtml (html); string origHtml = @"
"; HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (origHtml, newHtml, "EnablePaging"); } public static void EnablePaging (Page p) { LiteralControl lcb = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.BEGIN_TAG); LiteralControl lce = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.END_TAG); GridView gv = new GridView (); ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); ods.ID = "ObjectDataSource1"; ods.TypeName = "MonoTests.System.Web.UI.WebControls.MyTableObject"; ods.SelectMethod = "SelectForPaging"; ods.EnablePaging = true; ods.SelectCountMethod = "SelectCount"; ods.MaximumRowsParameterName = "maxRows"; ods.StartRowIndexParameterName = "startIndex"; gv.AllowPaging = true; gv.PageSize = 5; p.Controls.Add (lcb); p.Controls.Add (gv); p.Controls.Add (ods); p.Controls.Add (lce); gv.DataSourceID = "ObjectDataSource1"; gv.DataBind (); } //public methods [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ObjectDataSource_Delete () { string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (DeleteMethod))).Run (); string newHtml = HtmlDiff.GetControlFromPageHtml (html); string origHtml = @"
"; HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (origHtml, newHtml, "DeleteRender"); } public static void DeleteMethod (Page p) { LiteralControl lcb = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.BEGIN_TAG); LiteralControl lce = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.END_TAG); MyTableObject.ds = MyTableObject.CreateDataTable (); DetailsView dv = new DetailsView (); ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); ods.Deleted += new ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler (odc_Deleted); ods.Deleting += new ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler (odc_Deleting); InitObjectDataSource (ods,""); dv.Page = p; ods.Page = p; dv.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "ID" }; dv.DataSource = ods; p.Controls.Add (lcb); p.Controls.Add (ods); p.Controls.Add (dv); p.Controls.Add (lce); dv.DataBind (); Assert.AreEqual (3, dv.DataItemCount, "BeforeDelete1"); Assert.AreEqual (1001, dv.SelectedValue, "BeforeDelete2"); Assert.AreEqual (false, deleting, "BeforeDeletingEvent"); Assert.AreEqual (false, deleted, "BeforeDeletedEvent"); ods.Delete (); dv.DataBind (); Assert.AreEqual (true, deleting, "AfterDeletingEvent"); Assert.AreEqual (true, deleted, "AfterDeletedEvent"); Assert.AreEqual (2, dv.DataItemCount, "BeforeDelete1"); Assert.AreEqual (1002, dv.SelectedValue, "BeforeDelete2"); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ObjectDataSource_Select () { string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (SelectMethod))).Run (); } public static void SelectMethod (Page p) { MyTableObject.ds = MyTableObject.CreateDataTable (); ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); InitObjectDataSource (ods,""); ods.Selected += new ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler (odc_Selected); ods.Selecting += new ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventHandler (odc_Selecting); p.Controls.Add (ods); Assert.AreEqual (false, selecting, "BeforeSelectingEvent"); Assert.AreEqual (false, selected, "BeforeSelectedEvent"); IEnumerable table = (IEnumerable) ods.Select (); Assert.AreEqual (3,((DataView) table).Count, "ItemsCount"); Assert.AreEqual ("Mahesh", ((DataView) table)[0].Row.ItemArray[1], "FirstItemData"); Assert.AreEqual (1002, ((DataView) table)[1].Row.ItemArray[0], "SecondItemData"); Assert.AreEqual ("Bansal", ((DataView) table)[2].Row.ItemArray[2], "ThirdItemData"); Assert.AreEqual (true, selecting, "AfterSelectingEvent"); Assert.AreEqual (true, selected, "AfterSelectedEvent"); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ObjectDataSource_Select_Cached () { string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (SelectMethodCached))).Run (); } public static void SelectMethodCached (Page p) { MyTableObject.ds = MyTableObject.CreateDataTable (); ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); ods.EnableCaching = true; InitObjectDataSource (ods, ""); p.Controls.Add (ods); ods.Selecting += new ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventHandler (odc_Selecting); selecting = false; IEnumerable table = (IEnumerable) ods.Select (); Assert.AreEqual (true, selecting, "AfterSelectingEvent"); selecting = false; IEnumerable table2 = (IEnumerable) ods.Select (); Assert.AreEqual (false, selecting, "AfterSelectingEvent"); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ObjectDataSource_Insert () { string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (InsertMethod))).Run (); } public static void InsertMethod (Page p) { MyTableObject.ds = MyTableObject.CreateDataTable (); ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); InitObjectDataSource (ods,"insert"); ods.Inserted += new ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler (odc_Inserted); ods.Inserting += new ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler (odc_Inserting); p.Controls.Add (ods); Assert.AreEqual (3, ((DataView) ods.Select ()).Count, "BeforeInsert"); Assert.AreEqual (false, inserted , "BeforeInsertedEvent"); Assert.AreEqual (false, inserting , "BeforeInsertingEvent"); ods.Insert (); Assert.AreEqual (4, ((DataView) ods.Select ()).Count , "AfterInsert1"); Assert.AreEqual (1004,((DataView) ods.Select ())[3].Row.ItemArray[0], "AfterInsert2"); Assert.AreEqual ("David", ((DataView) ods.Select ())[3].Row.ItemArray[1], "AfterInsert3"); Assert.AreEqual (true, inserted, "AfterInsertedEvent"); Assert.AreEqual (true, inserting, "AfterInsertingEvent"); } [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ObjectDataSource_Update () { string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (UpdateMethod))).Run (); } public static void UpdateMethod (Page p) { MyTableObject.ds = MyTableObject.CreateDataTable (); ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); InitObjectDataSource (ods, "update"); ods.Updated += new ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler (odc_Updated); ods.Updating += new ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler (odc_Updating); p.Controls.Add (ods); Assert.AreEqual (3, ((DataView) ods.Select ()).Count, "BeforeUpdate1"); Assert.AreEqual (1001, ((DataView) ods.Select ())[0].Row.ItemArray[0], "BeforeUpdate2"); Assert.AreEqual ("Mahesh", ((DataView) ods.Select ())[0].Row.ItemArray[1], "BeforeUpdate3"); Assert.AreEqual ("Chand", ((DataView) ods.Select ())[0].Row.ItemArray[2], "BeforeUpdate4"); Assert.AreEqual (false, updated, "BeforeUpdateEvent"); Assert.AreEqual (false, updating, "BeforeUpdatingEvent"); ods.Update (); Assert.AreEqual (3, ((DataView) ods.Select ()).Count, "AfterUpdate1"); Assert.AreEqual (1001, ((DataView) ods.Select ())[0].Row.ItemArray[0], "AfterUpdate2"); Assert.AreEqual ("David", ((DataView) ods.Select ())[0].Row.ItemArray[1], "AfterUpdate3"); Assert.AreEqual ("Eli", ((DataView) ods.Select ())[0].Row.ItemArray[2], "AfterUpdate4"); Assert.AreEqual (true, updated, "AfterUpdateEvent"); Assert.AreEqual (true, updating, "AfterUpdatingEvent"); } //Events private static bool deleted = false; private static bool deleting = false; private static bool filtering = false; private static bool inserted = false; private static bool inserting = false; private static bool objectCreated = false; private static bool objectCreating = false; private static bool objectDisposing = false; private static bool selected = false; private static bool selecting = false; private static bool updated = false; private static bool updating = false; // Tests for events Select,Update,Delete and Insert include in Select,Update,Delete and Insert methods tests. [Test] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ObjectDataSource_Events () { string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (EventsTest))).Run (); } public static void EventsTest (Page p) { MyTableObject.ds = MyTableObject.CreateDataTable (); DetailsView dv = new DetailsView (); ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); ods.ObjectCreated += new ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler (odc_ObjectCreated); ods.ObjectCreating += new ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler (odc_ObjectCreating); InitObjectDataSource (ods,""); ods.FilterExpression = "ID='1001'"; dv.Page = p; ods.Page = p; dv.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "ID" }; dv.DataSource = ods; p.Controls.Add (ods); p.Controls.Add (dv); dv.DataBind (); ods.Filtering += new ObjectDataSourceFilteringEventHandler (odc_Filtering); Assert.AreEqual (false, filtering, "BeforeFilteringEvent"); ods.Select (); Assert.AreEqual (true, filtering, "AfterFilteringEvent"); ods.ObjectDisposing += new ObjectDataSourceDisposingEventHandler (odc_ObjectDisposing); //ToDo: Dispose, ObjectCreated and ObjectCreating should be tested. } static void odc_Updating (object sender, ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs e) { updating = true; } static void odc_Updated (object sender, ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { updated = true; } static void odc_Selecting (object sender, ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventArgs e) { selecting = true; } static void odc_Selected (object sender, ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { selected = true; } static void odc_ObjectDisposing (object sender, ObjectDataSourceDisposingEventArgs e) { objectDisposing = true; } static void odc_ObjectCreating (object sender, ObjectDataSourceEventArgs e) { objectCreating = true; } static void odc_ObjectCreated (object sender, ObjectDataSourceEventArgs e) { objectCreated = true; } static void odc_Inserting (object sender, ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs e) { inserting = true; } static void odc_Inserted (object sender, ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { inserted = true; } static void odc_Filtering (object sender, ObjectDataSourceFilteringEventArgs e) { filtering = true; } static void odc_Deleting (object sender, ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs e) { deleting = true; } static void odc_Deleted (object sender, ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { deleted = true; } //Excpetions [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (NotSupportedException))] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ObjectDataSource_EnableCachingException () { string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (EnableCachingException))).Run (); } public static void EnableCachingException (Page p) { MyTableObject.ds = MyTableObject.CreateDataTable (); ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); InitObjectDataSource (ods, ""); ods.SelectMethod = "SelectException"; ods.EnableCaching = true; p.Controls.Add (ods); IEnumerable table = (IEnumerable) ods.Select (); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (NotSupportedException))] [Category ("NunitWeb")] public void ObjectDataSource_FilterExpressionException () { string html = new WebTest (PageInvoker.CreateOnLoad ( new PageDelegate (FilterExpressionException))).Run (); } public static void FilterExpressionException (Page p) { MyTableObject.ds = MyTableObject.CreateDataTable (); ObjectDataSourcePoker ods = new ObjectDataSourcePoker (); InitObjectDataSource (ods, ""); ods.SelectMethod = "SelectException"; ods.FilterExpression = "ID='1001'"; p.Controls.Add (ods); IEnumerable table = (IEnumerable) ods.Select (); } } public class MyTableObject { public static DataTable ds = CreateDataTable (); public static DataTable GetMyData () { return ds; } public static DbDataReader SelectException () { return new DataTableReader (new DataTable ()); } public static int SelectCount () { return 20; } public static DataTable Delete (string ID, string FName, string LName) { DataRow dr = ds.Rows.Find (ID); ds.Rows.Remove (dr); return ds; } public static DataTable Update (string ID, string FName, string LName) { DataRow dr = ds.Rows.Find (ID); if (dr == null) { Label lbl = new Label (); lbl.Text = "ID doesn't exist. update only FName and LName"; return ds; } dr["FName"] = FName; dr["LName"] = LName; return ds; } public static DataTable Insert (string ID, string FName, string LName) { DataRow dr = ds.NewRow (); dr["ID"] = ID; dr["FName"] = FName; dr["LName"] = LName; ds.Rows.Add (dr); return ds; } public static DataTable CreateDataTable () { DataTable aTable = new DataTable ("A"); DataColumn dtCol; DataRow dtRow; // Create ID column and add to the DataTable. dtCol = new DataColumn (); dtCol.DataType = Type.GetType ("System.Int32"); dtCol.ColumnName = "ID"; dtCol.AutoIncrement = true; dtCol.Caption = "ID"; dtCol.ReadOnly = true; dtCol.Unique = true; // Add the column to the DataColumnCollection. aTable.Columns.Add (dtCol); // Create Name column and add to the table dtCol = new DataColumn (); dtCol.DataType = Type.GetType ("System.String"); dtCol.ColumnName = "FName"; dtCol.AutoIncrement = false; dtCol.Caption = "First Name"; dtCol.ReadOnly = false; dtCol.Unique = false; aTable.Columns.Add (dtCol); // Create Last Name column and add to the table. dtCol = new DataColumn (); dtCol.DataType = Type.GetType ("System.String"); dtCol.ColumnName = "LName"; dtCol.AutoIncrement = false; dtCol.Caption = "Last Name"; dtCol.ReadOnly = false; dtCol.Unique = false; aTable.Columns.Add (dtCol); // Create three rows to the table dtRow = aTable.NewRow (); dtRow["ID"] = 1001; dtRow["FName"] = "Mahesh"; dtRow["LName"] = "Chand"; aTable.Rows.Add (dtRow); dtRow = aTable.NewRow (); dtRow["ID"] = 1002; dtRow["FName"] = "Melanie"; dtRow["LName"] = "Talmadge"; aTable.Rows.Add (dtRow); dtRow = aTable.NewRow (); dtRow["ID"] = 1003; dtRow["FName"] = "Vinay"; dtRow["LName"] = "Bansal"; aTable.Rows.Add (dtRow); aTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { aTable.Columns["ID"] }; return aTable; } public static DataTable SelectForPaging (int startIndex, int maxRows) { DataTable table = new DataTable (); table.Columns.Add ("Name", typeof (string)); table.Columns.Add ("Number", typeof (int)); int current; for (int i = 0; i < maxRows; i++) { current = i + startIndex; table.Rows.Add (new object[] { "Number" + current.ToString (), current }); } return table; } } } #endif