// // System.Web.UI.WebControls.PasswordRecovery.cs // // Authors: // Vladimir Krasnov (vladimirk@mainsoft.com) // // (C) 2006 Mainsoft, Inc (http://www.mainsoft.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if NET_2_0 using System; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.Security; namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { [Bindable (false)] public class PasswordRecovery : CompositeControl { public static readonly string SubmitButtonCommandName = "Submit"; TableItemStyle _failureTextStyle; TableItemStyle _hyperLinkStyle; TableItemStyle _instructionTextStyle; TableItemStyle _labelStyle; Style _submitButtonStyle; TableItemStyle _successTextStyle; Style _textBoxStyle; TableItemStyle _titleTextStyle; Style _validatorTextStyle; MailDefinition _mailDefinition; MembershipProvider _provider = null; ITemplate _questionTemplate = null; ITemplate _successTemplate = null; ITemplate _userNameTemplate = null; QuestionContainer _questionTemplateContainer = null; SuccessContainer _successTemplateContainer = null; UserNameContainer _userNameTemplateContainer = null; PasswordReciveryStep _currentStep = PasswordReciveryStep.StepUserName; string _username = null; string _answer = null; public PasswordRecovery () { } [Themeable (false)] public virtual string Answer { get { return _answer != null ? _answer : string.Empty; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string AnswerLabelText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("AnswerLabelText", "Answer:"); } set { ViewState ["AnswerLabelText"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string AnswerRequiredErrorMessage { get { return ViewState.GetString ("AnswerRequiredErrorMessage", "Answer is required."); } set { ViewState ["AnswerRequiredErrorMessage"] = value; } } public virtual int BorderPadding { get { return ViewState.GetInt ("BorderPadding", 1); } set { if (value < -1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (); ViewState ["BorderPadding"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string GeneralFailureText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("GeneralFailureText", "Your attempt to retrieve your password was not successful. Please try again."); } set { ViewState ["GeneralFailureText"] = value; } } public virtual string HelpPageIconUrl { get { return ViewState.GetString ("HelpPageIconUrl", String.Empty); } set { ViewState ["HelpPageIconUrl"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string HelpPageText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("HelpPageText", String.Empty); } set { ViewState ["HelpPageText"] = value; } } public virtual string HelpPageUrl { get { return ViewState.GetString ("HelpPageUrl", String.Empty); } set { ViewState ["HelpPageUrl"] = value; } } [Themeable (false)] public MailDefinition MailDefinition { get { if (_mailDefinition == null) { _mailDefinition = new MailDefinition (); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager) _mailDefinition).TrackViewState (); } return _mailDefinition; } } [Themeable (false)] public virtual string MembershipProvider { get { return ViewState.GetString ("MembershipProvider", String.Empty); } set { ViewState ["MembershipProvider"] = value; } } [Themeable (false)] public virtual string Question { get { return ViewState.GetString ("Question", ""); } private set { ViewState ["Question"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string QuestionFailureText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("QuestionFailureText", "Your answer could not be verified. Please try again."); } set { ViewState ["QuestionFailureText"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string QuestionInstructionText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("QuestionInstructionText", "Answer the following question to receive your password."); } set { ViewState ["QuestionInstructionText"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string QuestionLabelText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("QuestionLabelText", "Question:"); } set { ViewState ["QuestionLabelText"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string QuestionTitleText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("QuestionTitleText", "Identity Confirmation"); } set { ViewState ["QuestionTitleText"] = value; } } public virtual string SubmitButtonImageUrl { get { return ViewState.GetString ("SubmitButtonImageUrl", String.Empty); } set { ViewState ["SubmitButtonImageUrl"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string SubmitButtonText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("SubmitButtonText", "Submit"); } set { ViewState ["SubmitButtonText"] = value; } } public virtual ButtonType SubmitButtonType { get { object o = ViewState ["SubmitButtonType"]; return (o == null) ? ButtonType.Button : (ButtonType) o; } set { if ((value < ButtonType.Button) || (value > ButtonType.Link)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("SubmitButtonType"); ViewState ["SubmitButtonType"] = (int) value; } } [Themeable (false)] public virtual string SuccessPageUrl { get { return ViewState.GetString ("SuccessPageUrl", String.Empty); } set { ViewState ["SuccessPageUrl"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string SuccessText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("SuccessText", "Your password has been sent to you."); } set { ViewState ["SuccessText"] = value; } } public virtual LoginTextLayout TextLayout { get { object o = ViewState ["TextLayout"]; return (o == null) ? LoginTextLayout.TextOnLeft : (LoginTextLayout) o; } set { if ((value < LoginTextLayout.TextOnLeft) || (value > LoginTextLayout.TextOnTop)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("TextLayout"); ViewState ["TextLayout"] = (int) value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string UserName { get { return _username != null ? _username : ""; } set { _username = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string UserNameFailureText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("UserNameFailureText", "We were unable to access your information. Please try again."); } set { ViewState ["UserNameFailureText"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string UserNameInstructionText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("UserNameInstructionText", "Enter your User Name to receive your password."); } set { ViewState ["UserNameInstructionText"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string UserNameLabelText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("UserNameLabelText", "User Name:"); } set { ViewState ["UserNameLabelText"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string UserNameRequiredErrorMessage { get { return ViewState.GetString ("UserNameRequiredErrorMessage", "User Name is required."); } set { ViewState ["UserNameRequiredErrorMessage"] = value; } } [Localizable (true)] public virtual string UserNameTitleText { get { return ViewState.GetString ("UserNameTitleText", "Forgot Your Password?"); } set { ViewState ["UserNameTitleText"] = value; } } [TemplateContainer (typeof (PasswordRecovery))] public virtual ITemplate QuestionTemplate { get { return _questionTemplate; } set { _questionTemplate = value; } } public Control QuestionTemplateContainer { get { if (_questionTemplateContainer == null) _questionTemplateContainer = new QuestionContainer (this); return _questionTemplateContainer; } } [TemplateContainer (typeof (PasswordRecovery))] public virtual ITemplate SuccessTemplate { get { return _successTemplate; } set { _successTemplate = value; } } public Control SuccessTemplateContainer { get { if (_successTemplateContainer == null) _successTemplateContainer = new SuccessContainer (this); return _successTemplateContainer; } } [TemplateContainer (typeof (PasswordRecovery))] public virtual ITemplate UserNameTemplate { get { return _userNameTemplate; } set { _userNameTemplate = value; } } public Control UserNameTemplateContainer { get { if (_userNameTemplateContainer == null) _userNameTemplateContainer = new UserNameContainer (this); return _userNameTemplateContainer; } } public TableItemStyle FailureTextStyle { get { if (_failureTextStyle == null) { _failureTextStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) _failureTextStyle.TrackViewState (); } return _failureTextStyle; } } public TableItemStyle HyperLinkStyle { get { if (_hyperLinkStyle == null) { _hyperLinkStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) _hyperLinkStyle.TrackViewState (); } return _hyperLinkStyle; } } public TableItemStyle InstructionTextStyle { get { if (_instructionTextStyle == null) { _instructionTextStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) _instructionTextStyle.TrackViewState (); } return _instructionTextStyle; } } public TableItemStyle LabelStyle { get { if (_labelStyle == null) { _labelStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) _labelStyle.TrackViewState (); } return _labelStyle; } } public Style SubmitButtonStyle { get { if (_submitButtonStyle == null) { _submitButtonStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) _submitButtonStyle.TrackViewState (); } return _submitButtonStyle; } } public TableItemStyle SuccessTextStyle { get { if (_successTextStyle == null) { _successTextStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) _successTextStyle.TrackViewState (); } return _successTextStyle; } } public Style TextBoxStyle { get { if (_textBoxStyle == null) { _textBoxStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) _textBoxStyle.TrackViewState (); } return _textBoxStyle; } } public TableItemStyle TitleTextStyle { get { if (_titleTextStyle == null) { _titleTextStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) _titleTextStyle.TrackViewState (); } return _titleTextStyle; } } public Style ValidatorTextStyle { get { if (_validatorTextStyle == null) { _validatorTextStyle = new TableItemStyle (); if (IsTrackingViewState) _validatorTextStyle.TrackViewState (); } return _validatorTextStyle; } } #region Protected Properties protected override HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey { get { return HtmlTextWriterTag.Table; } } internal virtual MembershipProvider MembershipProviderInternal { get { if (_provider == null) InitMemberShipProvider (); return _provider; } } #endregion #region Events public event EventHandler AnswerLookupError; public event MailMessageEventHandler SendingMail; public event SendMailErrorEventHandler SendMailError; public event EventHandler UserLookupError; public event LoginCancelEventHandler VerifyingAnswer; public event LoginCancelEventHandler VerifyingUser; #endregion protected internal override void CreateChildControls () { ITemplate userNameTemplate = UserNameTemplate; if (userNameTemplate == null) userNameTemplate = new UserNameDefaultTemplate (this); ((UserNameContainer) UserNameTemplateContainer).InstantiateTemplate (userNameTemplate); ITemplate questionTemplate = QuestionTemplate; if (questionTemplate == null) questionTemplate = new QuestionDefaultTemplate (this); ((QuestionContainer) QuestionTemplateContainer).InstantiateTemplate (questionTemplate); ITemplate successTemplate = SuccessTemplate; if (successTemplate == null) successTemplate = new SuccessDefaultTemplate (this); ((SuccessContainer) SuccessTemplateContainer).InstantiateTemplate (successTemplate); Controls.AddAt (0, UserNameTemplateContainer); Controls.AddAt (1, QuestionTemplateContainer); Controls.AddAt (2, SuccessTemplateContainer); IEditableTextControl editable; editable = ((UserNameContainer) UserNameTemplateContainer).UserNameTextBox; if (editable != null) editable.TextChanged += new EventHandler (UserName_TextChanged); editable = ((QuestionContainer) QuestionTemplateContainer).AnswerTextBox; if (editable != null) editable.TextChanged += new EventHandler (Answer_TextChanged); } #region Protected methods protected internal override void Render (HtmlTextWriter writer) { ((QuestionContainer) QuestionTemplateContainer).UpdateChildControls (); for (int i = 0; i < Controls.Count; i++) if (Controls [i].Visible) Controls [i].Render (writer); } protected internal override void LoadControlState (object savedState) { if (savedState == null) return; object [] state = (object []) savedState; base.LoadControlState (state [0]); _currentStep = (PasswordReciveryStep) state [1]; _username = (string) state [2]; } protected internal override object SaveControlState () { object state = base.SaveControlState (); return new object [] { state, _currentStep, _username }; } protected override void TrackViewState () { base.TrackViewState (); if (_failureTextStyle != null) _failureTextStyle.TrackViewState (); if (_hyperLinkStyle != null) _hyperLinkStyle.TrackViewState (); if (_instructionTextStyle != null) _instructionTextStyle.TrackViewState (); if (_labelStyle != null) _labelStyle.TrackViewState (); if (_submitButtonStyle != null) _submitButtonStyle.TrackViewState (); if (_successTextStyle != null) _successTextStyle.TrackViewState (); if (_textBoxStyle != null) _textBoxStyle.TrackViewState (); if (_titleTextStyle != null) _titleTextStyle.TrackViewState (); if (_validatorTextStyle != null) _validatorTextStyle.TrackViewState (); if (_mailDefinition != null) ((IStateManager) _mailDefinition).TrackViewState (); } protected override void LoadViewState (object savedState) { if (savedState == null) return; object [] states = (object []) savedState; base.LoadViewState (states [0]); if (states [1] != null) FailureTextStyle.LoadViewState (states [1]); if (states [2] != null) HyperLinkStyle.LoadViewState (states [2]); if (states [3] != null) InstructionTextStyle.LoadViewState (states [3]); if (states [4] != null) LabelStyle.LoadViewState (states [4]); if (states [5] != null) SubmitButtonStyle.LoadViewState (states [5]); if (states [6] != null) SuccessTextStyle.LoadViewState (states [6]); if (states [7] != null) TextBoxStyle.LoadViewState (states [7]); if (states [8] != null) TitleTextStyle.LoadViewState (states [8]); if (states [9] != null) ValidatorTextStyle.LoadViewState (states [9]); if (states [10] != null) ((IStateManager) MailDefinition).LoadViewState (states [10]); } protected override object SaveViewState () { object [] states = new object [11]; states [0] = base.SaveViewState (); if (_failureTextStyle != null) states [1] = _failureTextStyle.SaveViewState (); if (_hyperLinkStyle != null) states [2] = _hyperLinkStyle.SaveViewState (); if (_instructionTextStyle != null) states [3] = _instructionTextStyle.SaveViewState (); if (_labelStyle != null) states [4] = _labelStyle.SaveViewState (); if (_submitButtonStyle != null) states [5] = _submitButtonStyle.SaveViewState (); if (_successTextStyle != null) states [6] = _successTextStyle.SaveViewState (); if (_textBoxStyle != null) states [7] = _textBoxStyle.SaveViewState (); if (_titleTextStyle != null) states [8] = _titleTextStyle.SaveViewState (); if (_validatorTextStyle != null) states [9] = _validatorTextStyle.SaveViewState (); if (_mailDefinition != null) states [10] = ((IStateManager) _mailDefinition).SaveViewState (); for (int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++) { if (states [i] != null) return states; } return null; } #endregion void ProcessCommand (CommandEventArgs args) { if (!Page.IsValid) return; switch (_currentStep) { case PasswordReciveryStep.StepUserName: ProcessUserName (); break; case PasswordReciveryStep.StepAnswer: ProcessUserAnswer (); break; } } void ProcessUserName () { LoginCancelEventArgs args = new LoginCancelEventArgs (); OnVerifyingUser (args); if (args.Cancel) return; MembershipUser user = MembershipProviderInternal.GetUser (UserName, false); if (user == null) { OnUserLookupError (EventArgs.Empty); ((UserNameContainer) UserNameTemplateContainer).FailureTextLiteral.Text = UserNameFailureText; return; } Question = user.PasswordQuestion; _currentStep = PasswordReciveryStep.StepAnswer; return; } private void ProcessUserAnswer () { LoginCancelEventArgs args = new LoginCancelEventArgs (); OnVerifyingAnswer (args); if (args.Cancel) return; MembershipUser user = MembershipProviderInternal.GetUser (UserName, false); if (user == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty (user.Email)) { ((QuestionContainer) QuestionTemplateContainer).FailureTextLiteral.Text = GeneralFailureText; return; } string newPassword = ""; try { if (MembershipProviderInternal.EnablePasswordRetrieval) { newPassword = MembershipProviderInternal.GetPassword (UserName, Answer); } else if (MembershipProviderInternal.EnablePasswordReset) { newPassword = MembershipProviderInternal.ResetPassword (UserName, Answer); } else throw new HttpException ("Membership provider does not support password retrieval or reset."); } catch (MembershipPasswordException) { OnAnswerLookupError (EventArgs.Empty); ((QuestionContainer) QuestionTemplateContainer).FailureTextLiteral.Text = QuestionFailureText; return; } SendPasswordByMail (UserName, newPassword); _currentStep = PasswordReciveryStep.StepSuccess; return; } private void InitMemberShipProvider () { string mp = MembershipProvider; _provider = (mp.Length == 0) ? _provider = Membership.Provider : Membership.Providers [mp]; if (_provider == null) throw new HttpException (Locale.GetText ("No provider named '{0}' could be found.", mp)); } private void SendPasswordByMail (string username, string password) { MembershipUser user = MembershipProviderInternal.GetUser (UserName, false); if (user == null) return; string messageText = "Please return to the site and log in using the following information.\n" + "User Name: <%USERNAME%>\nPassword: <%PASSWORD%>"; ListDictionary dictionary = new ListDictionary (); dictionary.Add ("<%USERNAME%>", username); dictionary.Add ("<%PASSWORD%>", password); MailMessage message = null; if (MailDefinition.BodyFileName.Length == 0) message = MailDefinition.CreateMailMessage (user.Email, dictionary, messageText, this); else message = MailDefinition.CreateMailMessage (user.Email, dictionary, this); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (message.Subject)) message.Subject = "Password"; MailMessageEventArgs args = new MailMessageEventArgs (message); OnSendingMail (args); SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient (); try { smtpClient.Send (message); } catch (Exception e) { SendMailErrorEventArgs mailArgs = new SendMailErrorEventArgs (e); OnSendMailError (mailArgs); if (!mailArgs.Handled) throw e; } } #region Event handlers protected virtual void OnAnswerLookupError (EventArgs e) { } protected override bool OnBubbleEvent (object source, EventArgs e) { CommandEventArgs args = e as CommandEventArgs; if (e != null && args.CommandName == SubmitButtonCommandName) { ProcessCommand (args); return true; } return base.OnBubbleEvent (source, e); } protected internal override void OnInit (EventArgs e) { Page.RegisterRequiresControlState (this); base.OnInit (e); } protected internal override void OnPreRender (EventArgs e) { UserNameTemplateContainer.Visible = false; QuestionTemplateContainer.Visible = false; SuccessTemplateContainer.Visible = false; switch (_currentStep) { case PasswordReciveryStep.StepUserName: UserNameTemplateContainer.Visible = true; break; case PasswordReciveryStep.StepAnswer: QuestionTemplateContainer.Visible = true; break; case PasswordReciveryStep.StepSuccess: SuccessTemplateContainer.Visible = true; break; } base.OnPreRender (e); } protected virtual void OnSendingMail (MailMessageEventArgs e) { if (SendingMail != null) SendingMail (this, e); } protected virtual void OnSendMailError (SendMailErrorEventArgs e) { if (SendMailError != null) SendMailError (this, e); } protected virtual void OnUserLookupError (EventArgs e) { if (UserLookupError != null) UserLookupError (this, e); } protected virtual void OnVerifyingAnswer (LoginCancelEventArgs e) { if (VerifyingAnswer != null) VerifyingAnswer (this, e); } protected virtual void OnVerifyingUser (LoginCancelEventArgs e) { if (VerifyingUser != null) VerifyingUser (this, e); } #endregion #region Private Event Handlers private void UserName_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { UserName = ((ITextControl) sender).Text; } private void Answer_TextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { _answer = ((ITextControl) sender).Text; } #endregion [MonoTODO ("Not implemented")] protected override void SetDesignModeState (IDictionary data) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } abstract class BasePasswordRecoveryContainer : Table, INamingContainer { protected readonly PasswordRecovery _owner = null; TableCell _containerCell = null; public BasePasswordRecoveryContainer (PasswordRecovery owner) { _owner = owner; InitTable (); } public void InstantiateTemplate (ITemplate template) { template.InstantiateIn (_containerCell); } private void InitTable () { Attributes.Add ("ID", _owner.ID); CellSpacing = 0; CellPadding = _owner.BorderPadding; _containerCell = new TableCell (); TableRow row = new TableRow (); row.Cells.Add (_containerCell); Rows.Add (row); } protected internal override void OnPreRender (EventArgs e) { ApplyStyle (_owner.ControlStyle); base.OnPreRender (e); } public abstract void UpdateChildControls(); } sealed class QuestionContainer : BasePasswordRecoveryContainer { public QuestionContainer (PasswordRecovery owner) : base (owner) { } // Requried controls public IEditableTextControl AnswerTextBox { get { Control c = FindControl ("Answer"); if (c == null) throw new HttpException ("QuestionTemplate does not contain an IEditableTextControl with ID Answer for the username."); return c as IEditableTextControl; } } // Optional controls public Literal UserNameLiteral { get { return FindControl ("UserName") as Literal; } } public Literal QuestionLiteral { get { return FindControl ("Question") as Literal; } } public Literal FailureTextLiteral { get { return FindControl ("FailureText") as Literal; } } public override void UpdateChildControls () { if (UserNameLiteral != null) UserNameLiteral.Text = _owner.UserName; if (QuestionLiteral != null) QuestionLiteral.Text = _owner.Question; } } sealed class SuccessContainer : BasePasswordRecoveryContainer { public SuccessContainer (PasswordRecovery owner) : base (owner) { } public override void UpdateChildControls () { } } sealed class UserNameContainer : BasePasswordRecoveryContainer { public UserNameContainer (PasswordRecovery owner) : base (owner) { } // Requried controls public IEditableTextControl UserNameTextBox { get { Control c = FindControl ("UserName"); if (c == null) throw new HttpException ("UserNameTemplate does not contain an IEditableTextControl with ID UserName for the username."); return c as IEditableTextControl; } } // Optional controls public ITextControl FailureTextLiteral { get { return FindControl ("FailureText") as ITextControl; } } public override void UpdateChildControls () { } } class TemplateUtils { public static TableRow CreateRow(Control c1, Control c2, Style s1, Style s2, bool twoCells) { TableRow row = new TableRow (); TableCell cell1 = new TableCell (); cell1.Controls.Add (c1); if (s1 != null) cell1.ApplyStyle (s1); row.Cells.Add (cell1); if (c2 != null) { TableCell cell2 = new TableCell (); cell2.Controls.Add (c2); if (s2 != null) cell2.ApplyStyle (s2); row.Cells.Add (cell2); cell1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; cell2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; } else { cell1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; if (twoCells) cell1.ColumnSpan = 2; } return row; } public static TableRow CreateHelpRow (string pageUrl, string linkText, string linkIcon, Style linkStyle, bool twoCells) { TableRow row = new TableRow (); TableCell cell1 = new TableCell (); if (linkIcon.Length > 0) { Image img = new Image (); img.ImageUrl = linkIcon; cell1.Controls.Add (img); } if (linkText.Length > 0) { HyperLink link = new HyperLink (); link.NavigateUrl = pageUrl; link.Text = linkText; link.ControlStyle.CopyTextStylesFrom (linkStyle); cell1.Controls.Add (link); } if (twoCells) cell1.ColumnSpan = 2; row.ControlStyle.CopyFrom (linkStyle); row.Cells.Add (cell1); return row; } } sealed class UserNameDefaultTemplate : ITemplate { readonly PasswordRecovery _owner = null; public UserNameDefaultTemplate (PasswordRecovery _owner) { this._owner = _owner; } public void InstantiateIn (Control container) { Table table = new Table (); table.CellPadding = 0; bool twoCells = _owner.TextLayout == LoginTextLayout.TextOnLeft; // row 0 table.Rows.Add ( TemplateUtils.CreateRow (new LiteralControl (_owner.UserNameTitleText), null, _owner.TitleTextStyle, null, twoCells)); // row 1 table.Rows.Add ( TemplateUtils.CreateRow (new LiteralControl (_owner.UserNameInstructionText), null, _owner.InstructionTextStyle, null, twoCells)); // row 2 TextBox UserNameTextBox = new TextBox (); UserNameTextBox.ID = "UserName"; UserNameTextBox.Text = _owner.UserName; UserNameTextBox.ApplyStyle (_owner.TextBoxStyle); Label UserNameLabel = new Label (); UserNameLabel.ID = "UserNameLabel"; UserNameLabel.AssociatedControlID = "UserName"; UserNameLabel.Text = _owner.UserNameLabelText; UserNameLabel.ApplyStyle (_owner.LabelStyle); RequiredFieldValidator UserNameRequired = new RequiredFieldValidator (); UserNameRequired.ID = "UserNameRequired"; UserNameRequired.ControlToValidate = "UserName"; UserNameRequired.ErrorMessage = _owner.UserNameRequiredErrorMessage; UserNameRequired.ToolTip = _owner.UserNameRequiredErrorMessage; UserNameRequired.Text = "*"; UserNameRequired.ValidationGroup = _owner.ID; UserNameRequired.ApplyStyle (_owner.ValidatorTextStyle); if (twoCells) { TableRow row = TemplateUtils.CreateRow (UserNameLabel, UserNameTextBox, null, null, twoCells); row.Cells [1].Controls.Add (UserNameRequired); table.Rows.Add (row); } else { table.Rows.Add (TemplateUtils.CreateRow (UserNameLabel, null, null, null, twoCells)); TableRow row = TemplateUtils.CreateRow (UserNameTextBox, null, null, null, twoCells); row.Cells [0].Controls.Add (UserNameRequired); table.Rows.Add (row); } // row 3 Literal FailureText = new Literal (); FailureText.ID = "FailureText"; if (_owner.FailureTextStyle.ForeColor.IsEmpty) _owner.FailureTextStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; table.Rows.Add (TemplateUtils.CreateRow (FailureText, null, _owner.FailureTextStyle, null, twoCells)); // row 4 WebControl SubmitButton = null; switch (_owner.SubmitButtonType) { case ButtonType.Button: SubmitButton = new Button (); break; case ButtonType.Image: SubmitButton = new ImageButton (); break; case ButtonType.Link: SubmitButton = new LinkButton (); break; } SubmitButton.ID = "SubmitButton"; SubmitButton.ApplyStyle (_owner.SubmitButtonStyle); ((IButtonControl) SubmitButton).CommandName = PasswordRecovery.SubmitButtonCommandName; ((IButtonControl) SubmitButton).Text = _owner.SubmitButtonText; ((IButtonControl) SubmitButton).ValidationGroup = _owner.ID; TableRow buttonRow = TemplateUtils.CreateRow (SubmitButton, null, null, null, twoCells); buttonRow.Cells [0].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; table.Rows.Add (buttonRow); // row 5 table.Rows.Add ( TemplateUtils.CreateHelpRow ( _owner.HelpPageUrl, _owner.HelpPageText, _owner.HelpPageIconUrl, _owner.HyperLinkStyle, twoCells)); container.Controls.Add (table); } } sealed class QuestionDefaultTemplate : ITemplate { readonly PasswordRecovery _owner = null; public QuestionDefaultTemplate (PasswordRecovery _owner) { this._owner = _owner; } public void InstantiateIn (Control container) { Table table = new Table (); table.CellPadding = 0; bool twoCells = _owner.TextLayout == LoginTextLayout.TextOnLeft; // row 0 table.Rows.Add ( TemplateUtils.CreateRow (new LiteralControl (_owner.QuestionTitleText), null, _owner.TitleTextStyle, null, twoCells)); // row 1 table.Rows.Add ( TemplateUtils.CreateRow (new LiteralControl (_owner.QuestionInstructionText), null, _owner.InstructionTextStyle, null, twoCells)); // row 2 Literal UserNameLiteral = new Literal (); UserNameLiteral.ID = "UserName"; table.Rows.Add ( TemplateUtils.CreateRow (new LiteralControl (_owner.UserNameLabelText), UserNameLiteral, _owner.LabelStyle, _owner.LabelStyle, twoCells)); // row 3 Literal QuestionLiteral = new Literal (); QuestionLiteral.ID = "Question"; table.Rows.Add ( TemplateUtils.CreateRow (new LiteralControl (_owner.QuestionLabelText), QuestionLiteral, _owner.LabelStyle, _owner.LabelStyle, twoCells)); // row 5 TextBox AnswerTextBox = new TextBox (); AnswerTextBox.ID = "Answer"; AnswerTextBox.ApplyStyle (_owner.TextBoxStyle); Label AnswerLabel = new Label (); AnswerLabel.ID = "AnswerLabel"; AnswerLabel.AssociatedControlID = "Answer"; AnswerLabel.Text = _owner.AnswerLabelText; AnswerLabel.ApplyStyle (_owner.LabelStyle); RequiredFieldValidator AnswerRequired = new RequiredFieldValidator (); AnswerRequired.ID = "AnswerRequired"; AnswerRequired.ControlToValidate = "Answer"; AnswerRequired.ErrorMessage = _owner.AnswerRequiredErrorMessage; AnswerRequired.ToolTip = _owner.AnswerRequiredErrorMessage; AnswerRequired.Text = "*"; AnswerRequired.ValidationGroup = _owner.ID; AnswerRequired.ApplyStyle (_owner.ValidatorTextStyle); if (twoCells) { TableRow row = TemplateUtils.CreateRow (AnswerLabel, AnswerTextBox, null, null, twoCells); row.Cells [1].Controls.Add (AnswerRequired); table.Rows.Add (row); } else { table.Rows.Add (TemplateUtils.CreateRow (AnswerLabel, null, null, null, twoCells)); TableRow row = TemplateUtils.CreateRow (AnswerTextBox, null, null, null, twoCells); row.Cells [0].Controls.Add (AnswerRequired); table.Rows.Add (row); } // row 6 Literal FailureText = new Literal (); FailureText.ID = "FailureText"; if (_owner.FailureTextStyle.ForeColor.IsEmpty) _owner.FailureTextStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; table.Rows.Add (TemplateUtils.CreateRow (FailureText, null, _owner.FailureTextStyle, null, twoCells)); // row 7 WebControl SubmitButton = null; switch (_owner.SubmitButtonType) { case ButtonType.Button: SubmitButton = new Button (); break; case ButtonType.Image: SubmitButton = new ImageButton (); break; case ButtonType.Link: SubmitButton = new LinkButton (); break; } SubmitButton.ID = "SubmitButton"; SubmitButton.ApplyStyle (_owner.SubmitButtonStyle); ((IButtonControl) SubmitButton).CommandName = PasswordRecovery.SubmitButtonCommandName; ((IButtonControl) SubmitButton).Text = _owner.SubmitButtonText; ((IButtonControl) SubmitButton).ValidationGroup = _owner.ID; TableRow buttonRow = TemplateUtils.CreateRow (SubmitButton, null, null, null, twoCells); buttonRow.Cells [0].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; table.Rows.Add (buttonRow); // row 8 table.Rows.Add ( TemplateUtils.CreateHelpRow ( _owner.HelpPageUrl, _owner.HelpPageText, _owner.HelpPageIconUrl, _owner.HyperLinkStyle, twoCells)); container.Controls.Add (table); } } sealed class SuccessDefaultTemplate : ITemplate { readonly PasswordRecovery _owner = null; public SuccessDefaultTemplate (PasswordRecovery _owner) { this._owner = _owner; } public void InstantiateIn (Control container) { Table table = new Table (); table.CellPadding = 0; bool twoCells = _owner.TextLayout == LoginTextLayout.TextOnLeft; // row 0 table.Rows.Add ( TemplateUtils.CreateRow (new LiteralControl (_owner.SuccessText), null, _owner.SuccessTextStyle, null, twoCells)); container.Controls.Add (table); } } private enum PasswordReciveryStep { StepUserName, StepAnswer, StepSuccess, } } } #endif